2,016 research outputs found

    Correlation Between Voluntary Reading And Students’ Spelling Ability In EFL Contextof Fifth Semester English Department Students Of STAIN Palangka Raya

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    This final project primarily deals with correlation between voluntary reading and spelling ability. The purpose of the research is looking for the correlation between voluntary reading and students’ spelling ability in EFL context of fifth semester students STAIN Palangka Raya. The type of this study is correlational study. The population of the study was all of the fifth semester students at Islamic State College of Palangka Raya academic year 2013/2014. The sample was chosen by using cluster sampling. This research had two variables that are voluntary reading and spelling ability. The instrument in collecting the data was questionnaireandtest. The questionnaire was used to collect the data of voluntary reading while the test was used to collect the data of spelling ability. The collected data from questionnaire and test was analyzed by using serial correlation formula. Theresult of this study shows that between voluntary reading and spelling ability of fifth semester English department students of STAIN Palangka Rayahas very low correlation. It can be seen from the value of coefficient of “rch” = -0.135.It means that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. But if it was compared to r table at significant level 5 % based on the calculation degree of freedom,the r table value = 0.325.It means that “rch” = -0.135 is smaller than r table so it can be concluded that the correlation between voluntary reading and spelling ability of fifth semester English department students of STAIN Palangka Raya was very weak yet insignificant

    Proses Penyelesaian Perkara Waris Terhadap Pembagian Harta Warisan (Study Kasus di Pengadilan Negeri Klaten)

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    This study aims to determine the consideration of judges in determining the evidentiary heirs receive inheritance rights, the division of inheritance. To determine the consideration as well as the judge in determining the verdict of the rights in the can by the heir in the division of inheritance. The method I use is a normative juridical approach. In the preparation of this paper, the author uses descriptive research. Using this type of primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques used through library research and field research. Analysis that the authors use in this study is qualitative data analysis documentation, Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that the settlement of inheritance to the division of inheritance resolved through the courts, where the litigants domiciled in Klaten, the case resolved in District Court Klaten. As in the decision No. No. 71 / PDT.G / 2011 / PN.Klt mentioned that judges decide on the basis of the provisions of Section 852 Code of Civil Law that goods such as land disputes yard and house, originally a relics of the late Mr. Karto Wiredjo and then in inheritance by mBok Kartowiredjo called Poniyem should be divided by five (5) equally

    Accounting And Accountability In Islamic Religious Organizations: A Case Study Of Pesantren In The Province Of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam - Indonesia

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    Kajian ini meneliti persepsi Sarjana Muslim mengenai bagaimana sesebuah organisasi Islam mendemonstrasikan akauntabiliti kewangan mereka dan peranan laporan kewangan dalam meningkatkan akauntabiliti This study concerns the perceptions of Muslim scholars regarding how the Islamic religious organizations demonstrate their financial accountability and the role of financial reporting in enhancing such accountabilit


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    The land acquisition process for public interest in many case don’t work properly. It usually causedby the reluctance of land ownership right holders to release their land. Generally because theyfelt their rights were unprotected especially the right to get proper compensation. This researchaimed to find out and to understand about legal protection to the land ownership right holdersin land acquisition for public interest and its implementation by studied case of land acquisitionfor PLTU (steam power plant) development in west Lombok . This research used a normative–sociological research method which focus on the “realization and implementation†of normativelegal (in abstracto) in certain legal case (in concerto) or in other phrase methods of this researchmeant to see how legal works in the society. Research result shown that land ownership rightholders in land acquisition for PLTU development in west Lombok did not get optimum legalprotection which caused by unserious attention from the regulation of land acquisition for publicinterest to this matter. Beside that, the official of land acquisition for public interest did not gavetheir maximum effort to protect related rights and the reluctance of land ownership right holdersto registered their land also causing lack protection of their rights.Keywords: Legal Protection, Land Acquisitio

    Social condition of japanense geisha as reflectd in short story Madame Butterfly by John Luther Long

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    In this undergraduate thesis, the writer discusses short story Madam Butterfly written by John Luther Long. This study is aimed: (1) to describe the Geisha social life condition in Japanese society as reflected in Madame Butterfly (2) to describe the social class in Japanese society in 1903s as reflected in Madam Butterfly. In doing this research, the writer uses descriptive qualitative method which refers to description of things, characters, meaning and symbols. There are two types of data in this study.The findings of the research show that Geisha in Japan through Cho Cho San the main character in Madame Butterfly was a reflection of Geisha’s life condition in Japanese society. The writer conclude that Social condition of Geisha in Japan in 1930s are an entertainer because they are has been train for accompany all of the guests. Serve the drink, singing, dancing and playing music instrument were the Geisha’s job while accompany the guest. The guest also did some flirting to the Geisha. In 1930s American missionary and American Navy enter Japan for some mission, there are also American people who married Japanese girl. Beside the Geisha social life condition, there are two class in Japanese society that exist in 1903s Kazoku (Nobleman) and Heinin (Proletar). The social class in Japan in that time is very contrast between the Nobleman and Ploretar. Madam Butterfly include to high class people because of she married to a foreigner because according to Japanese, if they married a foreigner it can rise their social status.Â

    The Influence of Hypnoteaching Technique on Students Speaking Ability : An Experimental Study at X Grade of SMAN 26 Bandung

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    This study departed from interviews with several students of SMAN 26 Bandung, which shows that the majority of students still have the mindset that English subjects it is a complicated subject, so that the students' interest towards English subjects is low. This resulted in a mastery of the English language subjects is low. One alternative learning model that students can follow to make learning fun, comfortable, focus, concentration, and active in the material being studied, so that students can have good English language skills is to apply the technique hypnoteaching This study aims to determine: How is the students’ speaking ability taught by using the hypnoteaching technique? How is the students’ speaking ability taught without using hypnoteaching technique? How significant is the difference of students’ ability in speaking between the students’ which used the hypnoteaching and which is not used hypnoteaching?. The technique used in this research is an experimental technique. The population of this research all the X grade of SMAN 26 Bandung which consist of 766 students, while the simple consist of 2 classes, 36 learners from class X IPS 1 and 33 learners from class X IPS 2. The sample of this research was divided into two classes: experimental class (teaching speaking by using hypnoteaching technique) and control class (teaching speaking without using lecturing technique). The obtain data, the writer used test (pre-test and post-test), and observation. The data analyses was used to count the influence of teaching speaking using hypnoteaching technique and teaching speaking using lecturing technique on the students English speaking ability. The acountation technique used in this research was ttest. The statistical result shows that, t_count>t_table, it was obtained that t_count = 4,37 and ttable = 2,74 . so that H0 is rejected. In conclusion, there is significant influence between using hypnoteaching technique and lecturing method in teaching English speaking. Therefore, his technique is recommended for English educational institutions such as courses, schools, and universities in order that students speaking ability are improved

    Enhancing Learning Outcomes in Fiqh: Thaharah Topic via Demonstration Method

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    This research aims to improve student learning outcomes in learning Fiqh chapter Tharah using the demonstration method in class VII MTs Al Karomah Cibadak in the 2021-2022 academic year. This research uses the Classroom Action Research (PTK) method which consists of two cycles, each cycle includes planning, action implementation, observation and reflection stages. At the planning stage, learning strategies and teaching aids are prepared to support the demonstration. Implementation of the action involves demonstration by the teacher and direct practice by students, followed by observation to record student involvement and responses. The research results showed a significant increase in student learning outcomes after implementing the demonstration method. The average student score increased from 65 in the initial test to 85 in the second cycle final test. Apart from that, observations and questionnaires show that students are more active and motivated in participating in learning. Reflections from each cycle are used to evaluate and refine the learning approach, which contributes to increasing the effectiveness of the demonstration method. This research concludes that the demonstration method is an effective strategy for improving student learning outcomes in learning the Thaharah chapter of Fiqh. It is recommended that Fiqh teachers consider using this method for other materials that require practical understandin

    Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Biografi Kiai di Jawa Timur untuk Meningkatkan Kemempuan Eksplanasi Sejarah Siswa SMA Negeri 1 Situbondo

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    ABSTRAK HASAN BASRI. NIM S861408021. PENGEMBANGAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS BIOGRAFI KIAI UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN EKSPLANASI SEJARAH SISWA SMA NEGERI 1 SITUBONDO. Pembimbing I: Prof. Dr. Hermanu Joebagyo, M. Pd. Pembimbing II: Prof. Dr. Sariyatun, M.Pd, M.Hum. Tesis. Program Studi Magister Penddikan Sejarah. Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan. Universitas Sebelas Maret. Surakata. Penelitian pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk : (1) Mendeskripsikan model pembelajaran sejarah yang dipakai saat ini di SMA Negeri 1 Situbondo., (2) Mendeskripsikan pengembangan model pembelajaran sejarah berbasis biografi Kiai di JawaTimuruntukmeningkatkan kemampuan eksplanasisejarah., (3) Mendeskripsikan efektifitas model pembelajaran sejarah berbasis biografi Kiai di JawaTimuruntukmeningkatkan kemampuan eksplanasisejarah. Penelitian dan pengembangan ini disusun berdasarkan konsep yang telah dibuat oleh Borg dan Gall. Implementasi tahapan disesuaikan kebutuhan peneliti. Implementasi tahapannya meliputi studi pendahuluan, pengembangan model pembelajaran, dan uji efektifitas model. Analisis dan kelayakan model menggunakan skala Likert 1 – 5. Sedangkan uji efektifitas menggunakan uji t.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, guru lebih banyak menggunakan metode ceramah dengan paradigma berpusat pada guru (teacher centered). Kebanyakan siswa tertarik dengan biografi Kyai. Tingkat kemampuan eksplanasi sejarah siswa masih rendah. Sebagian besar siswa juga masih belum mengetahui bahwa kemampuan eksplanasi sejarah sangat penting dalam pembelajaran sejarah. Model pembelajaran yang dikembangkan meliputi langkah-langkah persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan penutup. Validasi oleh pakar dijadikan pertimbangan untuk menyempurnakan model yang akan dikembangkan pada tahap uji coba. Hasil uji validasi model diperoleh nilai 4,16 (baik), validasi RPP diperoleh nilai 3,93 (baik), validasi soal dengan nilai 4,00 (baik) dan validasi bahan ajar/materi diperoleh nilai 3,78 (baik). Pada Uji T diperoleh nilai 3,990 dengan signifikansi 0,000 < 0,025, artinya terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap model yang dikembangkan, sehingga rerata sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan kelas eksperimen tidak sama. Dengan demikian model pembelajaran sejarah yang dikembangkan efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan eksplanasi sejarah siswa. Kata Kunci: Pengembangan Model, Biografi Kiai, Kemampuan Eksplanasi Sejarah ABSTRACT Hasan Basri. S861408021. 2016. Model Teaching History Based On Biography of Kiai In East Java To Increase The Ability of Historical Eksplanation In Senior High School One Of Situbondo. Thesis. First Counselor: Prof. Dr. Hermanu Joebagio, M. Pd., Second Counselor: Prof. Dr. Sariyatun, M. Pd. M.Hum. Master of History Education Study Progam, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training. Sebelas March Surakarta University This development research aims to: (1) describe the historical learning model used currently in SMA Negeri 1 Situbondo., (2) Describe the development of intructuonal model based on biography of Kiai in East Java to enhance the ability of historical explanation., (3) Describe the effectiveness of intructional model based on biography of Kiai in East Java to enhance the ability of historical explanation This research and development is organized based on the concept that has been created by Borg and Gall. Implementation stages are accorded by the needs of researcher. Implementation stages include the study of introduction, development of intructional model, and test the effectiveness of the model. The feasibility and analysis use 1 – 5 Likert scale models. While testing the effectiveness of using t test. Based on research results, more teachers are using the method of lecture with paradigm centered on the teacher (teacher centered). Most students interested in biographies of Kyai. The level of ability of empirical research the history of the students is low. Most students also do not know the historical explanation that the ability is very important in learning history. The learning model developed includes the steps of preparation, execution, and closing. Validation by experts become a consideration to perfecting the model that will be developed in stages of trials. Model validation test results retrieved value 4.16 (good), the validation of the RPP retrieved value 3.93 (good), validation problem with the value of 4.00 (good) and validation of materials/material retrieved value 3.78 (good). The T-test values obtained at 3.990 with significance 0.000, meaning there were 0.025 < significant effects against the model developed, so the average before and after treatment of experimental classes are not the same. Thus the history learning model was developed to effectively enhance the ability of empirical research history students.. Key Words: Model Development, Biography Of Kiai, Historical Eksplanatio


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    Kosakata adalah elemen yang penting dalam penguasaan bahasa asing. Koleksi jumlah kosakata yang terbatas akan menghambat siswa untuk berkomunikasi dalam bahasa target, yakni bahasa Inggris. Untuk itu siswa harus memiliki strategi untuk mengusai kosakata. Jenis kosakata yang seringkali menjadi kesulita siswa adalah phrasal verb, idiom, slang, dan colloquial hal ini berdampak pada adanya penerapan strategi penguasaan kosakata berbeda dari masing-masing siswa. Strategi yang dipakai seperti memory strategies, cognitive strategies, metacognitive strategies dan compensation strategies.Strategi yang paling membantu untuk diterapkan adalah strategi gabungan dari berbagai jenis strategi tersebut di atas