17 research outputs found

    Türk Ceza Hukukunda ve Vergi Ceza Hukukunda tekerrür (Afyonkarahisar Örneği)

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    Tekerrür, bir kez ceza mahkûmiyetine uğradıktan sonra tekrar suç işleyen inatçı suçluların ıslah edilmesine yönelik bir suç politikası aracıdır. Bu çalışmada tekerrür kurumunun kavramsal incelemesi, tarihi gelişimi ve teorik temelleri açıklanmıştır. Türk Ceza Huku- ku’nda ve Vergi Ceza Hukuku’nda tekerrürün düzenleniş şekli, şartla¬rı, kapsamı ve sonuçları incelenmiştir. Afyon E Tipi Cezaevinde bulu¬nan tekerrüre düşen mahkûmlarla, bunların suç profilini tespit etmeye yönelik bir anket çalışması yapılmıştır. Yapılan araştırmada, tekerrüre düşmüş mahkûmların tekerrüre düşmesinde, işsizlik ve ekonomik ne¬denlerin, yaş küçüklüğünün, arkadaşlık ortamının, eğitim seviyesinin düşüklüğü gibi nedenlerin önemli rol oynadığı tespit edilmiştir. Ayrı¬ca, vergisel kabahatlerde tekerrüre düşen vergi mükelleflerini ve te¬kerrüre düşme nedenlerini tespit etmeye yönelik olarak Afyonkarahisar’daki vergi mükellefleri üzerinde bir anket çalışmas

    Türk Ceza Hukukunda ve Vergi Ceza Hukukunda Tekerrür (Afyonkarahisar Örneği)

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    Tekerrür, bir kez ceza mahkûmiyetine uğradıktan sonra tekrar suç işleyen inatçı suçluların ıslah edilmesine yönelik bir suç politikası aracıdır. Bu çalışmada tekerrür kurumunun kavramsal incelemesi, tarihi gelişimi ve teorik temelleri açıklanmıştır. Türk Ceza Huku- ku’nda ve Vergi Ceza Hukuku’nda tekerrürün düzenleniş şekli, şartla¬rı, kapsamı ve sonuçları incelenmiştir. Afyon E Tipi Cezaevinde bulu¬nan tekerrüre düşen mahkûmlarla, bunların suç profilini tespit etmeye yönelik bir anket çalışması yapılmıştır. Yapılan araştırmada, tekerrüre düşmüş mahkûmların tekerrüre düşmesinde, işsizlik ve ekonomik ne¬denlerin, yaş küçüklüğünün, arkadaşlık ortamının, eğitim seviyesinin düşüklüğü gibi nedenlerin önemli rol oynadığı tespit edilmiştir. Ayrı¬ca, vergisel kabahatlerde tekerrüre düşen vergi mükelleflerini ve te¬kerrüre düşme nedenlerini tespit etmeye yönelik olarak Afyonkarahisar’daki vergi mükellefleri üzerinde bir anket çalışmas

    A new mini-external fixator for treating hallux valgus: A preclinical, biomechanical study

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    WOS: 000367071200010PubMed ID: 26190777Proximal metatarsal osteotomy is the most effective technique for correcting hallux valgus deformities, especially in metatarsus primus varus. However, these surgeries are technically demanding and prone to complications, such as nonunion, implant failure, and unexpected extension of the osteotomy to the tarsometatarsal joint. In a preclinical study, we evaluated the biomechanical properties of the fixator and compared it with compression screws for treating hallux valgus with a proximal metatarsal osteotomy. Of 18 metatarsal composite bone models proximally osteotomized, 9 were fixed with a headless compression screw and 9 with the mini-external fixator. A dorsal angulation of 10 degrees and displacement of 10 mm were defined as the failure threshold values. Construct stiffness and the amount of interfragmentary angulation were calculated at various load cycles. All screw models failed before completing 1000 load cycles. In the fixator group, only 2 of 9 models (22.2%) failed before 1000 cycles, both between the 600th and 700th load cycles. The stability of fixation differed significantly between the groups (p < .001). The stability provided by the mini-external fixator was superior to that of compression screw fixation. Additional testing of the fixator is indicated.Bezmialem Vakif University, Scientific Research Projects Department [9.2012/8]The present study was funded by Bezmialem Vakif University, Scientific Research Projects Department (grant 9.2012/8)

    Root optimization using the geographical information system on the pedestrian ways

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    Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri (CBS) konumsal ve konumsal olmayan coğrafi verilerin amaca uygun olarak analizedilmesini sağlayan bir sistemdir. Son yıllarda özellikle yaya/araç navigasyon hizmetlerinde takip edilecekgüzergâhın belirlenmesine yönelik analizlerin yapılması ve sonuçların mekânsal referanslı olarak kullanıcıyasunulması aşamasında CBS kullanımı giderek popüler hale gelmiştir. CBS yaya/araç navigasyon hizmetlerindeyeterli geometrik ve semantik doğruluğa sahip haritaların sayısallaştırılması, araç ve yol durumuna ilişkinverilerin depolanıp modellenmesi ve ihtiyaç duyulan yöntem ve algoritmalar ile analizlerin gerçekleştirilmesinisağlayan bütünleşik çözümler sunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, CBS kullanılarak yaya yolları üzerinden rotaoptimizasyonunun önemi ve faydaları incelenmiştir. Pilot bölge olarak belirlenen Ankara ili Çankaya ve Mamakilçesindeki Çamlıtepe, Fakülteler, 50. Yıl, Ertuğrulgazi, Cebeci ve Abidinpaşa mahalleleri içinde Araç RotalamaProblemi algoritmalarını kullanarak dağıtıcının belirtilen talep noktalarına en optimal verimlilikte erişmesineyönelik sıra ve rotalama çalışması yapılmıştır. Oluşturulan rotasyon modeli yorumlanarak diğer dağıtım/toplamahizmet sektöründe olan kamu kuruluşları ve özel sektör firmalarına örnek teşkil etmesi amaçlanmıştır.Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a system that allows geospatial and non-spatial data to beappropriately analyzed. GIS is important in terms of managing complex business processes such asreconstruction, transportation and infrastructure where geographical data are heavily used and improving time,cost and workforce constraints. In recent years, vehicle / pedestrian navigation services, GIS usage area and userdiversity have become widespread especially in the logistics sector. The use of GIS has become increasinglypopular during the analysis of the pedestrian / car navigation services to determine the route to be followed andthe results are presented to the user with spatial reference. Digitization of maps with sufficient geometric andsemantic accuracy in GIS pedestrian / car navigation services, storage and modeling of data related to vehicleand road status Provides integrated solutions that enable analysis and analysis with the required methods andalgorithms. In this study, the advantages and benefits of route optimization through pedestrian paths wereexamined using Geographic Information System. Using the Vehicle Routing Problem algorithms in Çamlıtepe, Fakülteler, 50. Yıl, Ertuğrulgazi, Cebeci and Abidinpaşa neighborhoods in Çankaya and Mamak districts inAnkara province as the pilot region, sequencing and routing studies were performed to reach the specifieddemand points of the distributor at the most optimal efficiency. The created rotation model is interpreted andaimed to set an example for public institutions and private sector companies in other distribution / collectionservice sector

    Antimicrobial Susceptibilities and Distribution of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia Strains Isolated from Clinical Specimens

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    Objective: Stenotrophomonas maltophilia is an opportu­nistic pathogen of increasing importance. Since it is intrin­sically resistant to many antimicrobial agents, the treat­ment of S. maltophilia infections is quite difficult. The aim of this study was to investigate the distribution and anti­microbial susceptibility patterns of S. maltophilia strains isolated in four years’ time. Methods: In this study; a total of 53 S. maltophilia strains, isolated from various clinical specimens between 2011- 2015 years were investigated in terms of antibiotic resis­tance rates. The isolates were identified and antibiotic susceptibility tests performed by conventional methods and BD Phoenix 100 automated system (Becton Dickin­son Diagnostic Systems, Sparks, USA). Results: S. maltophilia infections were mostly encoun­tered in the intensive care units. The most effective anti­microbial agents against S. maltophilia strains were found as trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and levofloxacin. Conclusion: Antimicrobial susceptibility tests should be performed for nosocomial infections caused by S. malto­philia due to high antimicrobial resistance rates. If this is not possible, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and levo­floxacin could be good choices for empiric treatment

    Dexamethasone Addition Impairs the Therapeutic Effects of Nimodipine for Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: An Experimental Animal Study

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    Aim:Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is a devastating disease, resulting in imparting long-term cognitive and sensorimotor deficits. Nimodipine is the only drug that reduces the poor outcomes for SAH patients. Dexamethasone is widely employed for various purposes in SAH patients undergoing microsurgical clipping. For example, postcraniotomy cerebral edema and severe headaches have been attributed to meningeal inflammation. Furthermore, strong evidence suggests that inflammation contributes to the poor outcomes. Recently, interest in the role of inflammation in delayed cerebral ischemia (DCI) has been raised, and studies have demonstrated the beneficial effects of dexamethasone in SAH. In this direction, we aimed to understand the effects of the combination of dexamethasone and nimodipine in SAH.Material and Methods:In this study, 35 female adult Wistar Albino rats were randomly assigned to four groups: Sham (n=8), nontreatment+SAH (n=9), SAH with nimodipine (n=9, oral gavage, 12mg/kg, BID) treatment, and SAH with combined therapy with nimodipine and dexamethasone (n=9, intraperitoneally, 1mg/kg, BID). The cisterna magna double injection of autologous blood model was used. The animals were euthanized 5 days after the first injection.&nbsp;Results:Of the total, five rats died before euthanasia. The nontreatment+SAH group showed the worst score in neurological examinations, and the most severe histopathological findings were noted in terms of vasospasm. The SAH+nimodipine group showed the best neurological score and the closest histopathological results to those of the Sham group, whereas adding dexamethasone to nimodipine treatment (the SAH+nimodipine+dexamethasone group) worsened the neurological and histopathological outcomes.Conclusion:We thus concluded that the therapeutic effects of nimodipine were impaired when combined with dexamethasone. We thus hypothesized that dexamethasone possibly induces the CYP3A4-enzyme that metabolizes nimodipine. However, it should be noted that our results are based on laboratory findings obtained on a small sample, therefore further studies with drugdrug interaction on a larger sample size through CYP3A4-enzyme and clinical confirmation are warranted.</p