168 research outputs found


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    To meet the global population needs, it is projected at least eighty billion dollars in investment per year to support the food security until 2050. Arguably, the agriculture financing growth has stalled due to many reasons, while Islamic finance has the potential to spur the growth of agriculture financing to promote global food security. Meanwhile, agriculture in Indonesia is still nowhere to its potential. It is hindered by an inefficient and underdeveloped downstream segment, low access to financial and technology. This is a huge opportunity for Islamic finance in helping to bridge the gap through value chain financing approach as one of the strategies to reduce risk and provide socio-economic spillover effect along the chain. Islamic finance could promote agricultures sustainability and a more efficient process with FinTech enabled platform. The multiple case studies propose a sharia compliant community-based financing model in agricultural value chain practice with FinTech enabled platform. The result is this model integrating all actors from different market segmentation, including landowners, suppliers, farmers, brokers, retailers, and investors into an Islamic value chain-financing platform. However, determining buying intention, partnership establishment, and technology infrastructure are pivotal for its future implementation

    Aku Penari dan Perempuan Langit

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    The Effect of Service Quality, Personal Selling, and Complaint Handling on Customer Retention of Sharia Bank Customers with Customer Satisfaction as Intervening Variable

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    Customer retention is an important element of any banking strategy in today's increasingly competitive environment. The purpose of this study is to examine and explain the effect of service quality, personal selling, and complaint handling on customer retention in Islamic bank customers in Indonesia with customer satisfaction as an intervening variable. The population of this study was Islamic bank customers in Indonesia with sampling using a purposive sampling technique, the number of samples used in this study was 107 respondents. The data analysis technique used is SEM-PLS using Warp PLS version 7.0 as a data processing tool. The results of this study indicate that service quality, personal selling, and complaint handling have a significant positive effect on customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction itself has a significant positive effect on customer retention, while the three independent variables have no significant effect directly on customer retention. Different results when service quality, personal selling, and complaint handling have a significant positive effect on customer retention after being mediated by customer satisfaction variables

    Does a Cryptocurrency Comply with Shariah? Empirical Evidence from ARCH-GARCH Economic Model

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    The objective of this paper is to analyze the debate about cryptocurrency as money from an Islamic point of view. Money in Islam that is based on urf of custom has also some requirements, such as its stability. Some fatwas in Indonesia regarding the legitimacy of cryptocurrency must be evidenced with an empirical-based. The study used 25 cryptocurrency prices and related information. By employing ARCH and GARCH, the study revealed that cryptocurrency is hugely volatile and, thus, does not fulfill such criterion as money from an Islamic perspective, and is normally used for speculation. Hence, this study suggests that cryptocurrency is still reluctant to be used for a transaction

    Efisiensi dan Dampak Transportasi Gojek Online Terhadap Kesempatan Kerja Dan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat (Studi Kasus Pengemudi Ojek Pangkalan Di Kecamatan Medan Marelan)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis serta menguji pengaruh efisinsi dan dampak transportasi gojek online terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linear berganda. Adapun penelitian ini menghasilkan koefisien determinan yang menunjukkan bahwa efisiensi dan dampak transportasi gojek online berpengaruh terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat. Penelitian ini secara uji simultan menunjukkan bahwa efisiensi dan dampak transprtasi gojek online berpengaruh positif terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat karena nilai Fhitung lebih besar dari nilai Ftabel (9,920 > 2,77) dari nilai sig 0,000 < 0,05. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa efisiensi dan dampak transportasi gojek online berpengaruh positif terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat


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    Since its emergence in the last decade, zakah has become a new hope for the low-level income society to improve their opportunity to break through the poverty line. However, the potential of zakah to eradicate the poverty is yet to be achieved, it happens due to three reasons, they are (1) the proportion of zakah fund that has been distributed into the economy sectors has not become a major program; (2) the regulation regarding zakat still hanging; (3) the consumptive behavior still become the driving factors in the society. This paper is attempted to measure mustahiqs’ satisfaction over zakah distribution, which is affecting they opportunities to improve their living standard. By presenting the data in form of field research and using regression found that the service quality mentoring is influencing the satisfaction of mustahiqs. =========================================== Perkembangan zakat dalam dekade terakhir ini menjadikannya sebagai sebuah harapan baru bagi masyarakat berpendapatan rendah untuk meningkatkan kesempatannya untuk keluar dari garis kemiskinan. Namun, potensi zakat dalam mengurangi kemiskinan masih belum dapat dicapai, hal ini terjadi karena tiga alasan, (1) proporsi dana zakat yang didistribusikan kepada sektor- sektor ekonomi bukanlah menjadi program utama; (2) Aturan yang berkaitan dengan zakat masih belum berjalan dengan baik; (3) Perilaku konsumtif masih menjadi faktor yang berpengaruh di dalam masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kepuasan mustahiq melalui distribusi zakat yang dapat mempengaruhi kesempatan guna meningkatkan standar hidup mereka. Dengan memaparkan data dalam bentuk riset lapangan dan menggunakan regresi maka ditemukan bahwa kualitas pelayanan, mentoring dapat mempengaruhi kepuasan mustahiq

    Supervisor’s Role as an Antecedent of Training Transfer and Motivation to Learn in Training Programs

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    Training and development program literature highlights two major characteristics ofsupervisor's role: support and communication. The ability of supervisors to provide adequate supportand practice good communication style in relation to training programs may lead to increased trainingtransfer and motivation to learn. Though the nature of this relationship is significant, little is knownabout the predictive properties of supervisor's roles in training program literatures. Therefore, thisstudy was conducted to measure the effect of supervisor's role on training transfer and motivation tolearn using 110 usable questionnaires gathered from employees who have attended training programs ina state public work agency in East Malaysia, Malaysia. The results of exploratory factor analysisconfirmed that the measurement scales used in this study satisfactorily met the acceptable standards ofvalidity and reliability analyses. Further, the outcomes of stepwise regression analysis showed fourimportant findings: first, support insignificantly correlated with motivation to learn. Second,communication significantly correlated with motivation to learn. Third, support significantly correlatedwith transfer of training. Finally, communication significantly correlated with transfer of learning.Statistically, this result confirms that support is an important antecedent of motivation to learn andcommunication is an important antecedent of motivation to learn. Conversely, support andcommunication are important antecedents of training transfer in the studied organization. In addition,discussion, implications and conclusion are elaborated


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    Memprediksi dan memonitoring suatu keadaan kolam udang adalah hal yang penting dilakukan oleh para peternak udang. Mengetahui keadaan yang akan datang dapat mempersiapkan tindakan apa saja yang perlu dilakukan agar mencegah terjadinya perubahan suhu dan pH pada tambak udang, peternak udang dapat meminimalisir terjadinya kegagalan panen jika ini diterapkan dalam cara budidaya mereka. Lokasi pembudidaya udang saat ini sudah hampir tersebar di seluruh Indonesia dan membuat pasar udang yang cukup besar sehingga menjdai salah satu dari 5 produsen udang terbesar di dunia. Dalam budidaya udang dirancang Sistem monitoring suhu dan pH air tambak yang diintegrasikan dengan platform Blynk. Sistem tersebut menampilkan grafik hasil monitoring suhu dan pH air tambak udang menggunakan metode LSTM. Penelitian lainnya oleh Megawati, et al, membuat sistem monitoring suhu dan pH air Akuaponik yang diintegrasikan dengan Firebase Database. Data monitoring akan di unggah ke Firebase yang kemudian diakses oleh aplikasi android yang dirancang menggunakan MIT App Inventor
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