696 research outputs found

    Bent silicon crystals for the LHC collimation: Studies with an ultrarelativistic proton beam

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    LHC is a source of new challenges in every HEP field; among these, the beam collimation requires an innovative approach. The H8RD22 collaboration is undertaking an intense study of bent crystal properties with the goal of using crystals as primary collimators. The thesis gives an introduction to the theory of channeling and its related phenomena in bent crystals explaining how these can be used to perform an efficient beam collimation. The pre-thesis experiments are described to introduce the scientific context in which the H8RD22 collaboration is working. The thesis core is the description of two beam tests held in Sept. 2006 and May 2007 on the CERN SPS H8 beamline with 400 GeV/c protons: the experimental setups and procedures are shown together with the analysis of the collected data. With the observation of the volume reflection for the first time at these energies and the use of multi crystal systems, these experiments are a clear indication that crystal collimation is a real possibility for the second phase of LHC

    Experimental techniques for deflection and radiation studies with bent crystals

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    What happens when a high energy charged particle crosses an amorphous material? It loses energy by ionization and its trajectory is affected by the multiple Coulomb scattering, being these phenomena originated by uncorrelated collisions with the atoms. If the atoms of the target were distributed according to an ordered scheme, the uncorrelated collisions would turn into a coherent interaction with the whole atomic structure. This is the case of an aligned crystal that, depending on the orientation, is seen as a set of atomic planes or strings by the impinging particles. Planes and strings produce potential wells able to confine the charged particles in a transversal region of the crystal, in the so called channeling condition, so that, bending the crystal, particles are forced to follow the curvature, being deflected. This simple and powerful idea, dating 1979, is at the basis of many theoretical and experimental studies that have proven its effectiveness, described the possible applications and optimized the deflection performances. The contribution of this thesis locates itself in this field as an attempt to provide a picture of the experimental techniques and the analysis procedures developed to investigate bent crystals in the last years. In this period, bent crystal physics has witnessed a tremendous progress characterized by the increase of performances and the discovery of new phenomena. The driving forces of this process have been essentially three: bent crystals have been identified as a possible solution of the LHC collimation problem, bringing considerable resources to their research field; new bending techniques exploiting secondary deformations have been implemented and, finally, the single particle track reconstruction has become the core of the crystal testing procedures, making the measurements faster and more precise. This thesis is a bridge across two complementary fields, that is the experimental techniques applied in the crystal study and the description of the observed phenomena from the phenomenological point of view as well as from the microscopic theoretical one, resulting in a complete overview on the bent crystal physics. The bent crystals features are presented in the very beginning of the thesis, with the key elements of the research field described in the first chapter before going to an overview on the most important applications to show how bent crystals can be exploited in accelerator physics. The last section of the chapter focuses on the microscopic bent crystal behaviour to describe the physics behind the effects induced by the crystal on the charged particles crossing it. The second chapter describes the state of the art of the bent crystals characterization and test. The first section presents the experimental setup, from the inspiring concepts to the description of the single components and procedures. The setup basic idea is that the combination of a silicon microstrip tracking system with a multi-stage goniometer allows to measure the relative alignment between the beam and the crystal as well as the crystal deflection angle. The second section is dedicated to the analysis methods used to characterize the single crystal behaviour in terms of the channeling and the volume reflection phenomena. The described procedures are applied in a wide range of beam conditions from 13 GeV to 400 GeV of energy with positive and negative particles; all the data have been acquired at CERN on different beamlines during the past three years. The third chapter explores a different bent crystal aspect, that is the radiation emission. Coherent interaction with atoms, in fact, does not only mean deflection capabilities but also quasi-periodic trajectories that, in turn, produce an enhancement of the emitted electromagnetic radiation. The description of the theoretical bases of this phenomenon both in channeling and volume reflection is presented in the first section of the chapter, while the second one is dedicated to the setup and the results obtained with a 120 GeV/c positron beam. The last chapter goes back to the bent crystals deflection issue; going beyond channelling and volume reflection, it shows innovative bent crystals deflection schemes, developed in the last years in order to enhance the efficiency and the angular acceptance provided by channeling. This result can be achieved creating a sequence of aligned crystals to increase the deflection angle induced by volume reflection as shown in the first section or exploiting the interaction with a crystalline axis that, as described in the second section, originates new phenomena such as the multi volume reflection in one crystal (MVROC) and the axial channeling able to deflect both positive and negative particles with high efficiency

    Literary Translation from a Stylistic Perspective

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    This paper is intended to lay some grounds for aspects of literary translation both in theory and in practice. It provides definitions for basic terms and concepts of the major topics and issues pertaining to literary translation. Among the terms and concepts essential to the readers/students’ background knowledge in this connection are: Literature, literary language vs. non-literary language; the literariness of literature, literary translation vs. non-literary translation, the literary translator and methods of literary translation. The paper ends with setting forth a creative literary stylistic method of translating literature. These points are scrupulously elaborated and updated to reflect the latest in the field.The ultimate objective of this paper is to provide a view of a number of means and requirements of a good literary translation today, and finally set forth a relatively creative approach to literary translation based on a literary stylistic method


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    Based on the writer’s preliminary study, it was found that the students could not comprehend the meaning of texts in their text book at the school. This problem was caused by some factors. For example, some students could not understand about the content of reading text and identify the detailed information of the text. So, the writer was interested in carrying out the research about this problem. The research was administered at SMPN 2 Tambang of Kampar Regency. The subject of the research was the first year students of SMPN 2 Tambang of Kampar Regency, and the object of this research was the effect of using Do You Hear What I Hear? (DYHWIH?). The design of this research was quasiexperimental design. The population of this research was all of the first year students. The total number of population was 88 students. Because the number of population was not large, the researcher used quota sampling by taking two classes only as sample; class VIII A, consisted of 30 students as experimental group, and class VIII B, consisted of 30 students as control group, so the numbers of sample from two classes were 60 students. To analyze the data, the researcher adopted Independent sample T-test formula by using SPSS. After analyzing the data, the researcher found that there is significant Effect of Using Do You Hear What I Hear? (DYHWIH?) strategy on Reading Comprehension at the Second Year students of SMPN 2 Tambang of Kampar Regency, where tobserved shows 3.330 at significant level of 5%, ttable shows 2.00, and at level of 1%, ttable shows 2.65. Thus, Null Hypothesis (Ho) is Rejected, and Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is Accepted, which shows 2.002.6


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    Abstract This research aimed to examine the correlation between religiosity and the academic procastination. This study also intended to reveal the difference of college student’s religosity and the academic procastination observed from gender, etnics, and programs of study. Purposive sampling was used in this study. The subjects of this study were college students in faculty of Dakwah dan Komunikasi. They were male and female which at least 2011 to 2013 of entering years. There were 185 colleges students involved in this research, 67 males and 118 females. The results of the Pearson Correlation Analysis indicated that there were a significant and negative correlation between religiosity and the the academic procastination. With ”r” scores was 0.410, and“p”< 0.01 was 0.000. The results of independent-sample t test also indicated that there were difference between religiosity and academic procastination observed from studies program. The religiosity of PMI program was the higher than others (KPI, BKI, MD and IKS). And the higher of academic procastination was the IKS program study. Key words: Religosity, Academic Procastination


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi risiko mahasiswa untuk mendapatkan kecenderungan Internet Addicted Disorder. Hal itu dikarenakan status mahasiswa di perguruan tinggi untuk mendapatkan semua informasi. Di sisi lain, mahasiswa mudah terpengaruh oleh internet karena tidak memiliki pengendalian diri yang lemah. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji hubungan antara religiositas dengan kecenderungan Internet Addiction Disorder. Selain itu, sejauh mana perbedaan religiositas dan kecenderungan tersebut ditinjau dari jenis kelamin antara laki-laki dan perempuan. Metode yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah Purposive sampling, sedangkan subyek penelitian ialah mahasiswa di Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi yaitu mahasiswa laki-laki dan perempuan angkatan 2009-2011.Ada 148 mahasiswa yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini, 70 laki-laki dan 78 perempuan. Hasil Korelasi Pearson dengan menggunakan analisis product moment menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan dan negatif antara religiositas dan kecenderungan Internet Addiction Disorder, dengan nilai (r) = 0,444 korelasi, dan p <0,01, itu adalah 0,000. Hasil analisis regresi dengan (R Square) adalah 0,468 yang menjelaskan religiositas memberi efek terhaadap kecenderungan Internet Addiction Disorder sebanyak 4,68%. Perbandingan hipotesa dengan menggunakan uji t juga menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan antara religiositas dan kecenderungan Internet Addiction Disorder dilihat dari jenis kelamin. Perbandingan tingkat riligiositas pada mahasiswa perempuan lebih tinggi daripada laki-laki dengan skor 70,04 untuk pria dan 71.04 untuk perempuan. Hasil derajat perbandingan kecenderungan Internet Addiction Disorder menunjukkan bahwa laki-laki 63,76 dan 66,09 untuk wanita


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    Era globalisasi yang berkembang pesat saat ini, yang ditandai dengan majunya ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi telah membawa perubahan di berbagai segi kehidupan manusia, mulai dari ekonomi, politik, sosial dan budaya serta pendidikan. Salah satu kemajuan yang sangat bermanfaat adalah kemajuan di bidang teknologi informasi yang menawarkan berbagai kemudahan dalam komunikasi dan interaksi sosial manusia di belahan bumi manapun berada. Hal ini membuat planet bumi yang dihuni manusia ini, layaknya sebuah miniatur mungil yang dapat dijelajahi dengan mudahnya, melalui salah satu media komunikasi yang canggih seperti internet.Komunikasi dan interaksi dalam rangka membangun hubungan sosial antar manusia ini juga merupakan kebutuhan pokok yang setiap saat perlu dan harus selalu dilakukan manusia. Bahkan dalam kondisi diampun komunikasi sering juga dilakukan, baik melalui bahasa tubuh, ekspresi wajah, maupun atribut yang dikenakan manusia. Semuanya dapat memberikan suatu informasi tertentu bagi manusia lainnya. Komunikasi sebagai sebuah kebutuhan, juga mencakup segala bidang kehidupan manusia termasuk dalam bidang pendidikan yang di dalamnya juga mengandung adanya bidang kajian bimbingan dan konseling

    On the investigation of the energy efficiency using PID and fuzzy logic controllers in a marble machine

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    Energy consumption is the main cost item in the cutting machines with diamond segmented circular sawblade. Therefore, there are many benefits of taking measures for reducing the energy consumption. The aim of presented experimental study is to develop control methods to reduce energy consumption in marble cutting process. In the study, cutting experiments were performed with a fully computer controlled test rig for three natural rocks (Burdur beige and Usak green marbles and Afyon travertine). The experiments were carried out on two modes (manual and automatic). While travel speed is kept fixed in manual mode as usual in industry, it is controlled by a controller embedded closed control loop during the cutting process in automatic mode. Other machine parameters, such as sawblade rotation speed, cutting depth and flowing speed of cooling water, are kept fixed in all experiments. In designed closed control loop, PID and FL controllers widely used in industry were used to control travel speed. Obtained results show that if the travel speed is controlled during cutting process, energy saving can be ensured by of controllers for the three rocks

    Etnopedagogy Approach To Science Learning In Sdn 50 City Of Ternate Based On The Local Wisdom Of Rempah North Maluku

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    Local wisdom-oriented learning in elementary schools in the city of Ternate has not been implemented optimally. In general, schools have implemented thematic learning that should contain local wisdom. Ethnopedagogy is the actualization of learning oriented to the cultivation of local wisdom values. Ethnopedagogic aproach in elementary schools need to be implemented through strategies and innovative learning media that are able to attract students' attention to understand and apply local wisdom. This study aims to integrate Cloves as an identity flora in North Maluku in the implementation of an ethnopedagogic aproach at elementary schools in Ternate. This study uses a qualitative approach with a mixed method of research instruments consisting of observation sheets and questionnaires. Data analysis technique with concurrent triangulation strategy. The results showed that the ethnopedagogical approach implemented through learning activities using cloves as a spice study object in North Maluku was an effective alternative to local wisdom-based learning applied in elementary schools in Ternate city. Through the integration of cloves in an ethnopedagogical approach, it can improve scientific literacy skills and students' learning motivation. This study recommends that the ethnopedagogical approach can be implemented with innovative learning activities based on local wisdom
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