2,457 research outputs found

    Rational invariant subspace approximations with applications

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    Includes bibliographical references.Subspace methods such as MUSIC, Minimum Norm, and ESPRIT have gained considerable attention due to their superior performance in sinusoidal and direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation, but they are also known to be of high computational cost. In this paper, new fast algorithms for approximating signal and noise subspaces and that do not require exact eigendecomposition are presented. These algorithms approximate the required subspace using rational and power-like methods applied to the direct data or the sample covariance matrix. Several ESPRIT- as well as MUSIC-type methods are developed based on these approximations. A substantial computational saving can be gained comparing with those associated with the eigendecomposition-based methods. These methods are demonstrated to have performance comparable to that of MUSIC yet will require fewer computation to obtain the signal subspace matrix

    Protective effect of Nigella sativa against paracetamol induced hepatic and renal damages

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    Background: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are very commonly used as an analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, and antiplatelet agent. They have significant adverse effect on liver and kidney besides damaging stomach. Their effect on liver and kidney are of serious concern. Hence, we have decided to study the preventive effect of Nigella sativa against paracetamol induced hepatic and renal damages.Methods: Ethanolic and aqueous extracts of N. sativa were prepared with the help of Soxhlet’s apparatus. Totally, 36 wistar albino rats (150-200 g) of either sex were divided into six groups of six each. Group I was administered with distilled water, Group II-VI were treated with paracetamol 750 mg/kg i.p. Group III-VI were test groups also treated with N. sativa aqueous extract (200 and 400 mg/kg p.o) and ethanolic extract (200 and 400 mg/kg p.o), respectively. The treatment was given daily for 7 days and on 8th all the rats were sacrificed and the blood was analyzed for hepatic and renal function tests and tissue was preserved for histopathological examination.Results: Paracetamol administration caused a marked hepatic and renal damage, which is evidenced by the increase in liver and renal function test parameters in the negative control group. N.sativa extracts prevented this damage. The protective was seen maximum in ethanolic extract followed by the aqueous extract in dose-dependent manner.Conclusion: Ethanolic extract showed significant protection against paracetamol-induced and renal damage

    Study the effect of metal cutting fluids in operating machines on operator health and the environment

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    Due to their function in reducing friction, reducing temperature in the cutting area and preventing corrosion, cutting fluids is an important part of many different materials operating processes. The main function of the liquid cutting is to control the temperature by cooling and lubrication, improving the workpiece quality by continuously removing the metal sculptor and the resulting limitation of the tool. Through this study, we will introduce method of automated coolant supply based on Arduino for CNC Machining, Coating the walls and ground of CNC workshop by making nano-coating to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. In addition, we will give as well overviews and suggestions to address the risks related to the health of the operator that results from its exposure to inhaling the smell or fog generated from fluids and includes respiratory diseases (asthma, chronic bronchitis, and hypersensitivity pneumonia), cancer, skin diseases, and the eye in addition to environmental risks during disposal later as waste. In addition, some of the techniques used to overcome and reduce the risks of the cutting fluids used will be reviewed

    HSO: A Hybrid Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Re-Ducing Energy Consumption in the Cloudlets

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    Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) is an emerging technology for the improvement of mobile service quality. MCC resources are dynamically allocated to the users who pay for the resources based on their needs. The drawback of this process is that it is prone to failure and demands a high energy input. Resource providers mainly focus on resource performance and utilization with more consideration on the constraints of service level agreement (SLA). Resource performance can be achieved through virtualization techniques which facilitates the sharing of resource providers’ information between different virtual machines. To address these issues, this study sets forth a novel algorithm (HSO) that optimized energy efficiency resource management in the cloud; the process of the proposed method involves the use of the developed cost and runtime-effective model to create a minimum energy configuration of the cloud compute nodes while guaranteeing the maintenance of all minimum performances. The cost functions will cover energy, performance and reliability concerns. With the proposed model, the performance of the Hybrid swarm algorithm was significantly increased, as observed by optimizing the number of tasks through simulation, (power consumption was reduced by 42%). The simulation studies also showed a reduction in the number of required calculations by about 20% by the inclusion of the presented algorithms compared to the traditional static approach. There was also a decrease in the node loss which allowed the optimization algorithm to achieve a minimal overhead on cloud compute resources while still saving energy significantly. Conclusively, an energy-aware optimization model which describes the required system constraints was presented in this study, and a further proposal for techniques to determine the best overall solution was also made

    Highly sensitive fiber-optic temperature sensor based on tapered no-core fiber for biomedical and biomechanical applications

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    A low-cost, easy to fabricate real-time temperature sensation device built on an In-Line Mach–Zehnder interferometer basis was manufactured by fusing a segment of no-core fiber amongst two fibers of single-mode. Two different structures, tapered no-core fiber, and untapered no-core fiber both retaining acrylate polymer coating were investigated. The 3 cm length tapered no-core fiber sensor showed the highest sensitivities of ∼ −1.943 nm ◦C−1 and ∼ −1.954 nm ◦C−1 for two different dips respectively. The sensor exhibited high linearity with a very good resolution of 0.0102 ◦C. making the most of the high coefficient of thermal expansion, thermo-optic properties of the acrylate polymer, and the tapering effect, the sensor could be utilized in many temperatures observing applications like biochemical labs, biomechanical studies, and bio-sensing analyses

    Degradation of crude oil and pure hydrocarbon fractions by some wild bacterial and fungal species

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    The use of biodegradation as a method for cleaning up soil that has been contaminated by spilt petroleum can be an effective strategy. So, this study investigated the existence of the wild microorganism in soil contaminated with oil and study their ability to degrade petroleum in vitro. Nineteen samples were collected from various locations near Taq Taq (TTOPCO) natural seeps in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Morphological, cultural, biochemical tests and molecular identification were used to identify the microbial communities, in addition, spore texture and the colour of the fungal isolates were investigated on the fungal isolates. Out of the19 samples, 17 indigenous bacterial strains and 5 fungal strains were successfully isolated. From the absorption spectrophotometry, Bacillus anthracis, Bacillus cereus, Achromobacter sp. and Pseudomonas aeruginosa for the bacterial isolates grew well on a minimal salt medium supplemented with 1% crude oil. Results showed that these isolates mentioned above had a strong ability to degrade crude oil by reducing the colour of 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol (DCPIP) from deep blue to colourless. However, for the fractions of hydrocarbon, the bacterial isolates failed and did not affect the colour of any of the fractions. The results for fungi showed that Aspergillus lentulus and Rhizopus arrhizus had a strong ability to degrade both crude oil and fraction F1 by reducing the colour of DCPIP. Each fungal isolates also had a great tolerance to different concentrations of crude oil when grown on solid MSM. This study showed these microorganisms have a strong ability to degrade crude oil and can be used to clean up soil and the environment

    Structural and Electrical Properties of "Cadmium Sulfide- Cobalt" Compound and Using it as a Gas Sensor

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    مراجعة : توجد أربع ذرات من الكادميوم متتالية ، متباعدة بشكل متساوٍ، محاطة بذرة S واحدة في الطور المكعب (مزيج الزنك) والسداسي (الورتزيت) من كبريتيد الكادميوم، مما يجعلها مادة شبه موصلة. يحتوي Cd-S على أطوال روابط مجاورة متطابقة تقريبًا في كل من الهياكل البلورية المكعبة والسداسية . المواد وطرائق العمل:  تم تحضير المركب كبريتيد الكادميوم بتركيز (1) مولاري من خلال اذابة نسبة وزنية كل من املاح الكادميوم(13.326غم) واملاح الكبريت(3.806غم) في 100 مل من الماء المقطر. وكذلك تم تحضير الكوبالت بتركيز (0.5) مولاري من خلال اذابة نسبة وزنية من املاح كوبالت (14.55غم) في (100مل) من الماء المقطر. تم تحضير الاغشية الرقيقة باستخدام الطريقة الكيميائية هي تقنية الرش الكيميائي الحراري والذي رسبت محلول كبريتيد الكادميوم والكوبالت على ارضية من الزجاج وكان سمك الاغشية المحضرة (100) نانومتر. النتائج: تم دراسة سطوح الاغشية المحضرة من خلال قياس المجهر الالكتروني النافذ وبينت النتائج ان الاغشية المحضرة متجانسة وذات حبيبات بلورية شكلها كروي وان اضافة املاح الكوبالت الى المركب كبريتيد الكادميوم ادى الى زيادة في قيم الحجم الحبيبي. الاستنتاجات: تم دراسة الخواص الكهربائية المتمثلة بقياس التيار الفولتية وبينت النتائج ان العلاقة بين التيار الفولتية هي علاقة خطية وهذا يشير الى ان الاغشية المحضرة تسلك سلوك اومي. وكذلك تم حساب التوصيلية الكهربائية المستمرة وبينت النتائج ان اضافة الكوبالت الى المركب كبرييتيد الكادميوم ادى الى زيادة في قيم التوصيلية الكهربائية. تم دراسة تحسس الغازات للأغشية المحضرة تجاه غاز كبريتيد الهيدروجين وبينت النتائج ان الاغشية المحضرة لها تحسسية جيدة وان اضافة الكوبالت الى المركب كبريتيد الكادميوم ادى الى نقصان في قيم التحسسية .Background: Both the cubic (zinc blend) and hexagonal (wurtzite) phases of cadmium sulphide are semiconductors due to the presence of a row of four equally spaced Cd atoms surrounded by one S atom. Both the cubic and hexagonal crystal forms of Cd-S have very similar nearest neighbor bond lengths. Material and Methods: The cadmium sulfide compound was prepared at a concentration of 1 M by dissolving the percentage by weight of each of cadmium(13.326g) and sulfur (3.806g) in 100 ml of distilled water. Cobalt was prepared at a concentration of 0.5M by dissolving a percentage by weight of Cobalt acetate (14.55g) in 100 ml of distilled water. Films CdS and CdS:Co were prepared using the chemical method, which is the thermal chemical spraying technique, which deposited a solution of cadmium sulfide mixture of cobalt solution with cadmium sulfide on a glass floor. Results: The thickness of the prepared films was 100 mm. The surfaces of the prepared films were studied by measuring transmission electron microscopy. The results showed that the prepared films are homogeneous and have crystalline granules of spherical shape, and the addition of cobalt to the cadmium sulfide compound led to an increase in the particle size values. The electrical properties represented by measuring the voltaic- current were studied, and the results showed that the relationship between the voltaic- current is linear, and this indicates that the prepared films behave as ohmic. Conclusion: The continuous electrical conductivity was also calculated, and the results showed that the addition of cobalt acetate to the cadmium sulfide compound led to an increase in the electrical conductivity values. The gas sensitivity of the prepared films towards hydrogen sulfide gas was studied, and the results showed that the prepared films had good sensitivity, and adding cobalt acetate to the cadmium sulfide compound led to a decrease in the sensitivity values

    Evaluation of treated wastewater irrigation on the productivity of wheat

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    The major objective of this research work is to propose the initial environmental impact assessment concerning the utilization of treated wastewater for two different varieties of wheat production. The study analyzed the soil chemical composition before and after irrigation at two different depths (0-30 cm & 30-60 cm). Water chemical composition is also analyzed for controlled water, treated water of Abu Dhabi and Al Ain. Wheat plant chemical composition present in the head, root, and shoot for both the varieties is analyzed. The levels of Ca, Mg, Na and CI in soil have increased after irrigation with controlled water. The presence of cations and anions in the soil are slightly higher in the treated water of Abu Dhabi. Ca, Na, CI and SO4 are found to be significantly higher after irrigation with treated wastewater of Al Ain.  The plant chemical composition of head, root and shoot ND fiber, AD fiber, Crude protein and Macro elements have shown no significant differences across the three types of water and two varieties of wheat production. The correlations between RBS limits and the three types of water considered in the study are negative. The results revealed that the differences in chemical composition between RBS limits, controlled, treated wastewater of Abu Dhabi and Al Ain are statistically significant with particular reference to trace and heavy metals. Concerning water chemical composition, the study concludes that the correlation between controlled water and treated wastewater of Al Ain is strong when compared to Abu Dhabi

    Experimental Investigations on Combustion Pollutant Emissions of Sunflower Biodiesel and Its Blends with Diesel and Kerosene for Furnace Application

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    وقود الديزل الحيوي هو أحد أنواع الوقود البديلة الواعدة التي تستخدم في السيارات وتوربينات الغاز والأفران. في هذه الدراسة، تم تجريبيا اختبار وقود الديزل الحيوي وخلائطه (الديزل الحيوي-الديزل (Bx) ووقود الديزل الحيوي-كيروسين (Bkx)) باستخدام منظومة الاحتراق (البيرنر) المصنع للبحث. حيث تمت التجارب باستخدام مرذذ وقود نوع (airblast atomizer) وذلك للتحقق من خواص عملية الاحتراق خلال التجارب. تم اجراء التجارب ولجميع انواع الوقود عند قدرة 12.2 كيلو واط عند نسبة ترذيذ ثابته ALR=1 ودرجة حرارة 301K ولقيم نسب تكافؤ (0.6 الى 1.4). تم قياس الانبعاثات الناتجة عن عملية الاحتراق مثل CO2 وCO وNOx وUbH باستخدام محلل الانبعاثات Gas analyzer، حيث اظهرت النتائج ان الملوثات الرئيسية مثل CO2 وCO وUbH تنخفض بزيادة نسبة الوقود الحيوي (biodiesel) لزهرة عباد الشمس (SME)، كما انخفضت اكاسيد النتروجين المنبعثة. لذلك وحسب النتائج والاستنتاجات فان وقود الديزل الحيوي يمكن ان يكون بديلا جيدا للوقود الاحفوري.Biodiesel is one of the promising substitution fuels that are used in cars, gas turbine and furnace. In this study, the experiments liquid fuels used during the tests are biodiesel and its blends (biodiesel-diesel (Bx) and biodiesel-kerosene (Bkx)) in a furnace have been studied experimentally. An airblast atomizer was used to investigate the combustion properties. During the experiments, the heat rate is (12.2kW), the atomization-air to liquid fuel ratio (ALR = 1) and the constant air temperature is (301K) were maintained. For the range of equivalence ratio from 0.6 to 1.4, the characteristics of emission factors such as carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and unburned hydrocarbons (UbH) were measured experimentally. The results observed that the main pollutants such as CO2, CO, UbH were decreased with an increase in SME, while NOx emissions also decreased .Biodiesel could be a promising fuel for furnaces instead of fossil fuels