28 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan Desa Rantau Tenang Kecamatan Tebing Tinggi Kabupaten Empat Lawang Propinsi Sumatera Selatan.  Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan fisik dan media semai terhadap pertumbuhan bibit Trembesi (Samanea saman) pada fase perkecambahan I.  Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan metode Eksperimen dengan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK), disusun secara faktorial terdiri dari 2 faktor perlakuan dengan 3 kali ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah perlakuan fisik benih, P1  = Perendaman air biasa selama 24 jam,P2  =  Perendaman dengan air hangat (30-40°C)  selama 5 menit  diteruskan  dengan perendaman air dingin selama 24 jam, dan P3  =  Perendaman air hangat (30-40°C) selama 5 menit diteruskan dengan perendaman air dingin selama 24 jam yang selanjutnya benih tersebut diangkat dan ditiriskan di tempat yang teduh dan dilakukan penyiraman secara kontinyu selama 5 hari berturut-turut. Faktor kedua adalah perlakuan media semai terdiri dari M1  = Top Soil, M2   = Top Soil + Pasir ( 1 : 1 ), M3  = Top Soil + Sekam Padi (1 : 1).  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Perlakuan fisik benih P3 memberikan hasil terbaik pada jumlah bibit yang tumbuh, jumlah tangkai daun, tinggi bibit dan kecepatan tumbuh. Perlakuan media semai top soil + pasir dengan komposisi 1 :1 (P3) memberikan hasil terbaik pada semua peubah yang diamati, dan Interaksi perlakuan fisik dan media semai (P3M3) memberikan hasil terbaik pada persentase bibit tumbuh, jumlah tangkai daun, tinggi bibit dan kecepatan tumbuh


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempermudah pengelolaan surat masuk dan keluar, serta untuk meningkatkan kualitas pengelolaan dalam pengelolaan surat masuk dan keluar supaya mengikuti perkembangan zaman sekarang, yang serba digital. Di Sekretariat Kantor Dinas Koperasi,  UKM  Dan  Penanaman  Modal  Provinsi  Sumatera  Selatan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang menggunakan metode pengumpulan data dengan cara observasi, interview dan pustaka. Dari hasil penelitian ini diharapkan mampu membantu pengelolaan surat masuk dan keluar di Kantor Dinas Koperasi,  UKM  Dan  Penanaman  Modal  Provinsi  Sumatera  Selatan. Karena pengelolaan surat masih secara manual. Dengan adanya aplikasi pengelolaan surat masuk dan keluar bisa lebih ringkas dan praktis serta mempermudah dalam penyimpanan data surat-surat


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    Sistem akademik berperan sebagai penyedia layanan informasi dan fasilitasi yang mana tugas dan peranannya telah terangkum dalam Permendikbud Nomor 45 tahun 2015 tentang sistem akademik di Sekolah. Secara umum penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kepuasa kualitas layanan yang ada pada sistem akademik di setiap Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri Palembang. Untuk mengamati, mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis mengenai sistem akademik di SMK Negeri Kota Palembang yang mana dalam melaksanakan program layanan informasi dan fasilitasi sistem akademik. Kata Kunci : Kepuasan, Sistem akademik, Serqua

    Pengembangan User Interface Pada Website Geopark Belitong

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    The more advanced the times, the more new things are found and one of them is world heritage. This world heritage can be in the form of geological heritage, cultural heritage, heritage, biological heritage, etc. This arises from the human initiative to find new things which then this heritage will be preserved and maintained. Then the various heritages are processed and preserved through Geoparks. An Earth Park (Geopark) is a single or combined geographic area, which has a Geological Heritage Site (Geosite) and valuable landscapes, related to aspects of Geological Heritage (Geoheritage), Geological Diversity (Geodiversity), Biodiversity (Biodiversity), and Cultural Diversity (Cultural Diversity), and managed for conventional purposes, education, and sustainable community economic development with the active involvement of the community and local government, so that it can be used to foster public understanding and concern for the earth and the surrounding environment. throughout the world without exception, and all under the auspices of UNESCO. UNESCO is an abbreviation of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) or the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization which was founded in 1945. The purpose of the organization is to support peace and security by promoting cooperation between countries through education, science and culture in order to increase mutual respect based on justice, the rule of law, human rights, and essential freedoms. To Improve the Belitong Geopark Information Center Has a Website to provide information to the public globally. From the analysis of the Geopark Website, there are several layouts and color choices that do not fit well. Therefore, through this research, a User Interface was developed on the Geopark Website so that it is easy to use by users, has a good User Experience and has a good user interface quality. Keywords: Geopark, Unesco, PBB, User Interface, User Experienc


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    Dalam perkembangan teknologi yang pesat di zaman era digital saat ini keperluan untuk mengakses suatu informasi ataupun bertukar informasi sangat penting hal itupun saat ini biasa disebut sebagai aktifitas internet. Tentunya dengan dapat mengakses internet akan dapat banyak keuntungan bahkan milyaran keuntungan. Ruang  LAB komputer di SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muara Padang belum mendukung adanya akses internet. Untuk itu penulis melakukan perancangan pembangunan jaringan di LAB Komputer SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muara Padang agar dapat mengakses internet. Jenis jaringan yang sesuai untuk ruang LAB adalah jaringan LAN (Local Area Network

    Analisis Performance Progressive Web Apps Pada Aplikasi Shopee

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    Progressive web App is a web-based application development that includes the application of the latest technology from a browser that can be accessed quickly into one application without having to install. Progressive web applications can run like mobile applications in general, and the user interface is like using native applications. Progressive web app was invented in 1990. Progressive web App uses the latest Technology to produce web apps that provide a better User Experience and User Interface than mobile native. Progressive web app that is supported by a system called Service Worker, where the technology provides Offline Functionality, Notifications, Content Updates, Connectivity Changes and others. So that in a slow connection or an unstable connection you can access websites quickly and have the same appearance as the last time you opened the application via a Web Browser. This progressive web app can optimize web app performance to allow users to have an accessible experience with quickly and easily through browsers such as notebooks, personal computers or through mobile devices. This progressive web app is a service worker that allows a web app that can be run through all existing browsers and has a fairly simple and transparent process. So that the page that is opened, on the service worker site which is a proxy client that can be written in javascript, as well as being able to cache the assets needed for offline support which can determine certain events to activate the service worker such as push notifications, camera, and background sync. Keywords : Progressive Web Apps, Web, User Interface, Native Apps, User Experienc

    Pengaruh Interaksi Corporate Social Responsibility dan likuiditas Saham Terhadap Earnings Response Coefficient Studi pada Perusahaan Pertambangan di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    This study aims to prove that interaction between CSR and stock’s liquidity will affect earnings response coeficient. Earnings response coefficient is a measure of the magnitude of market reaction to information about the company as reflected by the release of financial statements, especially profit information. So it can be said ERC can reflect the quality of profit information. Reputation of a company becomes a factor that supports the quality of profit information. Corporated social responsibility is a form of corporate concern to the environment that can show the added value of the company in the eyes of investors. Meanwhile, stock liquidity is the amount of stock trading volume in the stock exchange that can give an idea of how big the market or investors have interest in these shares. This study uses a sample of mining companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and data analysis using Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA). The result of the research proves that alternative hypothesis is accepted. So it can be concluded that the interaction of corporated social responsibility with stock trading liquidity affects the quality of earnings information


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    This research aims to know the influence of the liqudity, growth, profitability and efficiency to dividend policy. The population of this research are companies listed on the Indonesia stock exchange and the sample frame use the list of the 50 leading companies in market capitalization in 2012. The sampling methode is purposive sampling technique with two criteria and final sample are 36 listed company. Data was collected from the Indonesian Capital Market in 2012 with research period 2008-2010. This research use multiple regression to analysis data. There are one dependent variables and four independent variables. The results showed that at the level of 95%, ROE, DER, and OPM influence dividend policy while net income growth does not affect the dividend policy. But with 90% confidence, results showed that net income growth (GROW) affect dividend policy. So it can be concluded that corporate financial factors influence the dividend policy

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pendataan Korban Bencana Alam Dan Bencana Sosial Di Dinas Sosial Kota Palembang Berbasis Website

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    Handling events that occur, by evacuating, meeting needs, protection are things that must be done by the government and local governments and emergency response. The Palembang City Social Service is a government institution that has many fields, one of which is PJS (Social Protection and Security) which has a Head of Social Protection for Natural and Social Disaster Victims (PSKBA / BS). In collecting data on victims of Natural and Social Disasters, the Social Service of Palembang City has used a computer in its data collection, but the data collection is still using MS Excel where the data can be lost at any time. Therefore, this study aims to design a web-based system that helps in collecting data on victims of natural and social disasters that can minimize data loss. In building information system software, the author uses an object-oriented method with a waterfall approach which consists of several stages, namely Requirements Analysis (requirements), System Design (design), System Implementation (implementation), System Testing (testing), and System Maintenance (maintenance). . The design of the Information System for Data Collection of Victims of Natural Disasters and Social Disasters at the Social Service of Palembang City is a system design process that can later be implemented in programming language which aims to make it easier for officers or admins to collect data and also recap reports quickly and accurately. The design of this system is based on the problems that exist at this time where the data collection process is still using Ms Excel which is considered to be still ineffective. The currently designed system is equipped with a menu of disaster data, command posts, victim data, officers, assistance, and a recap menu. Where these menus can support the system to be maximized and in accordance with user needs.Keywords : Information System, Waterfall, Web

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Berbasis Web pada Puskesmas Sirah Pulau Padang

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    The Community Health Center is one of the health service organizations that always strives to achieve efficiency and effectiveness of services to the community, so it takes a supporting facility for processing website-based information system data that can provide information quickly and accurately, but the Sirah Pulau Padang Public Health Center is in the process of processing information systems that provide accurate information. in Sirah Pulau Padang Health Center, they still use the manual method by using paper as a processing tool so that various problems eventually emerge. Such as the difficulty of controlling user data information, poly data, patient data and patient visit data, inventory of information caused by human error, the process of finding patient data becomes long and less accurate due to the accumulation of paper containing data, and due to the nature of paper that is easily damaged, it is very possible for data loss to occur. The formulation of the problem in this study is the risk of inaccurate data caused by human error in the data recording process, the risk of data loss caused by the nature of paper that is easily damaged, and the slow data search process. This study used qualitative research methods. So the author made a website to support the performance of the Padang Island Sirah Health Center, based on the results of research conducted at the Sirah Pulau Padang Health Center with the title Web-Based Information System Design at the Padang Island Sirah Health Center, it can be concluded that this study succeeded in creating an information system using the website method.Puskesmas merupakan salah satu organisasi pelayanan kesehatan yang selalu berupaya untuk mencapai efisiensi dan efektifitas pelayanan kepada masyarakat, sehingga dibutuhkan suatu sarana penunjang untuk pengolahan data sistem informasi berbasis website yang dapat memberikan informasi secara cepat dan akurat, namun Puskesmas Pulau Padang sedang dalam proses pengolahan sistem informasi yang memberikan informasi yang akurat. di Puskesmas Sirah Pulau Padang masih menggunakan cara manual dengan menggunakan kertas sebagai alat pengolah sehingga pada akhirnya muncul berbagai permasalahan. Seperti sulitnya pengendalian informasi data pengguna, poli data, data pasien dan data kunjungan pasien, inventarisasi informasi yang disebabkan oleh human error, proses pencarian data pasien menjadi lama dan kurang akurat karena penumpukan kertas yang berisi data, dan karena dengan sifat kertas yang mudah rusak, sangat memungkinkan terjadi kehilangan data. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah risiko ketidakakuratan data yang disebabkan oleh human error dalam proses perekaman data, risiko kehilangan data yang disebabkan oleh sifat kertas yang mudah rusak, dan proses pencarian data yang lambat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Maka penulis membuat website untuk mendukung kinerja Puskesmas Sirah Pulau Padang, berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan di Puskesmas Sirah Pulau Padang dengan judul Perancangan Sistem Informasi Berbasis Web Pada Puskesmas Sirah Pulau Padang dapat disimpulkan bahwa penelitian ini berhasil membuat sistem informasi dengan menggunakan metode website