1,982 research outputs found


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    Tujuan dari kajian ini adalah untuk mengetahui motivasi, kompetensi, kreativitas, jeniskegiatan dan kendala pustakawan Universitas Diponegoro dalam melakukan kegiatanpengembangan profesi tahun 2021. Permasalahannya diduga belum semua pustakawanterbiasa melakukan kegiatan pengembangan profesi seperti membuat tulisan,menterjemahkan atau menyadur dan menyusun buku pedoman. Kajian ini menggunakanmetode kuantitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakankuesioner berupa goggle form yang dikirimkan ke group WhatsApp Pustakawan dan melaluichat pribadi. Hasil dari kajian ini yang dilihat dari motivasi pustakawan menyatakanpustakawan Undip setuju bahwa motivasi melakukan kegiatan pengembangan profesi antaralain adalah untuk memenuhi persyaratan dalam kenaikan pangkat/jabatan, berbagipengetahuan dengan orang lain, menyalurkan hobbi menulis. Namun belum semua pustakawan Undip setuju bahwa motivasi melakukan kegiatan pengembangan profesi adalah untuk mengisi waktu luang, hal tersebut ditunjukkan dengan indek sebesar 59.05%yang berada pada interval penilaian ragu-ragu. Kompetensi pustakawan Undip yang dilihatdari pemahaman pustakawan tentang pengetahuan, ketrampilan dan sikap menunjukkan hasilyang baik. Adapun apabila dilihat dari sikap kerja pustakawan juga menunjukkan hasil yangbaik. Kreativitas pustakawan Undip juga menunjukkan hasil yang baik. Kendala/hambatanyang dialami pustakawan dalam melakukan kegiatan pengembangan profesi adalah: kurangmenguasai teknik penulisan, badmood, kurang percaya diri, kegiatan rutin pustakawan yangmenyita waktu, kurang bisa mengembangkan ide/gagasan dan kurang referensi.Kata Kunci: Kegiatan Pengembangan Profesi, Kompetensi Pustakawan, KreativitasPustakawan, Motivasi Pustakawan

    Penyetaraan Horisontal Perangkat Tes Ujicoba Ujian Nasional Matematika SMA Program IPA Di Sman Kota YOGYAKARTA Tahun Pelajaran 2009/2010

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan kesetaraan tes ujicoba Ujian Nasional matematika SMA program IPA d SMAN Kota Yogyakarta tahun ajaran 2009/2010. Sumber data berasal dari lembar jawaban siswa kelas XII IPA di SMAN kota Yogyakarta yang mengikuti ujicoba Ujian Nasional Matematika IPA tahun pelajaran 2009/2010 putaran 1, 2, dan 3 dengan jumlah sampel 1396. Karaketeristik tes dilakukan Bilog MG, Analisis untuk kesetaraan meliputi: analisis varians untuk menguji kesamaan rata-rata, uji Tukey untuk uji pasangan, dan uji Levene untuk menguji homogenitas varians. Proses penyetaraan menggunan kurva karakteristik dari Haebera dengan bantuan program Excel 2007. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara bersama-sama tes putaran 1, 2, dan 3 tidak paralel. Tes putaran 1 dan putaran 2 tidak paralel dengan persamaan kesetaran tes putaran satu (X) ke putaran dua (Y) adalah = , demikian juga dengan tes putaran 1 dan putaran 3 juga tidak paralel dengan persamaan kesetaraan soal putaran satu (X) ke putaran tiga (Z) adalah =


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    The objective of this research was to identify and to analyze the errors made by grade XI students of SMA Negeri 5 Palu in locating stress (stress placement) in English pronunciation and also to find out why the errors occurred. The research subject was XI IPA III which consisted of 29 students selected by using purposive sampling technique. The techniques of data collection were test, questionnaire and interview. In analyzing the data, the researcher used Simple Statistics Analysis. From the result of test, the researcher found that the students made an overgeneralization error which categorized as inter-lingual (mother tongue factors) and intra-lingual (target/native language) errors. The error occurred because of the effect of the students’ mother tongue language and their understanding about target language was poor. The total percentage of errors both from oral test and written test are 74.75% which categorized as high error. It means that the ability of the eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 5 Palu in locating stress in English words specifically in nouns and verbs was poor. Keywords: Error Analysis, Stress Placement, English Pronunciatio

    The Use of Computer-Based Assessment (CBA) in Measuring Students’ Achievement Test

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    This paper is intended to discuss the result and the performance of KPN student’s achievement through Computer Based Assessment (CBA) as the media in doing the summative test. This test refers to as assessment of learning, and aims to measure the student’s performance at the end of their course and based on the syllabus or the course textbook given by the teacher. Since the English teacher is having a burden in correcting the student’s paper examination manually in giving the feedback of the test, so this CBA model is one kind of the best solution. The method used in collecting the data is by qualitative approach. The students are given 100 multiple choice questions and the time allotment in answering the questions is about 60 minutes. There are 140 students who do the test by CBA model. From the result of the test, it can be found that there are 29% students who get score in length of 85-100, 26% get score in length of 70 – 84, 21% get score in length of 60-69, 11% get score in length of 50-59, and 13% get score in length of 31– 49. By having known this test result instantly, the teacher can decide to do the remedial test in order to increase the students’ English achievement and master the English knowledge given during one semester. This remedial test by using CBA model is very helpful for teacher in knowing the student’s achievement without spending much time in doing correction

    Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menyusun Rencana Pelaksanaan Layanan Bimbingan Klasikal (Rpl Bk) melalui Supervisi Akademik Bagi Guru Bimbingan Konseling di Kalimantan Selatan

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    Berdasarkan Kenyataan yang ada di lapangan ada beberapa guru Bimbingan Konseling (BK) yang belum melaksanakan sepenuhnya dan kurang mampu menyusun Rencana Pelaksanaan Layanan Bimbingan Klasikal (RPL-BK) sesuai deskripsi kebutuhan berdasarkan hasil assesmen, Ketidak mampuan ini dapat dilihat pada waktu pelaksanaan tugas kepengawasan di sekolah binaan. Tujuan penelitian tindakan sekolah ini mengupayakan agar guru BK di satuan pendidikan binaan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan menyusun rencana pelaksanaan layanan bimbingan klasikal (RPL-BK) yang sesuai deskripsi kebutuhan berdasarkan hasil assesmen untuk pencapaian tujuan layanan, Populasi penelitian adalah guru bimbingan konseling, berjumlah 3 orang pada 3 sekolah swasta binaan. Ketidak mampuan menyusun perencanaan layanan Bimbingan klasikal (RPL-BK) sesuai deskripsi kebutuhan berdasarkan hasil assesmen ini sendiri karena alasan kurangnya pengetahuan (2 orang/66,7%) dan kurangnya waktu (1 orang/33,3%). Penelitian tindakan sekolah ini dilaksanakanan dua siklus, hasil penelitian observasi individu kegiatan supervisi berdasarkan hasil persentasi dari orang pertama yaitu siklus I 76,5% menjadi 87,6% pada siklus II, orang kedua dari siklus I 76,6% menjadi 87,5% pada siklus II, orang ketiga dari siklus I 74,6% menjadi 87,8%, sedangkan pada siklus II, hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya keberhasilan yang signifikan dan sangat bermanfaat dalam meningkatkan kemampuan guru bimbingan konseling dalam menyusun Rencana Pelaksanaan Layanan Bimbingan Klasikal (RPL-BK) sesuai deskripsi kebutuhan berdasarkan hasil assesmen, dengan menggunakan model supervisi akademik.________________________________________________________________ Based on the fact that there are some teachers of Counseling Guidance (BK) who have not fully implemented and less able to arrange Plan of Implementation of Classical Guidance Service (RPL-BK) according to requirement description based on assessment result, This incapacity can be seen during the implementation of supervisory duty in the target schools. The objective of this school action research is to ensure that BK teachers in educational units can improve the ability to formulate the implementation plan of classical guidance services (RPL-BK) according to the needs description based on the assessment result for the achievement of service objectives, the research population is the guidance counseling teachers, amounting to 3 people in 3 schools private guidance. The inability to plan classical guidance services (RPL-BK) according to the needs description is based on the assessment result itself due to lack of knowledge (2 persons/66,7%) and lack of time (1 person/33,3%). This school action research is conducted by two cycles, the result of observation research of individual supervision activity based on the result of the first person percentage is 76.5% to 87,6% in cycle II, second person from cycle I 76,6% to 87,5% in cycle II, third person from cycle I 74,6% to 87,8%, whereas in cycle II, the result of research showed significant success and very beneficial in improving the ability of counseling guidance counselor in formulating Implementation Plan of Classical Guidance Service (RPL- BK) according to descriptions of needs based on assessment results, using the model of academic supervision

    Assessment of Beach Abration Vulnerability Levels and Directions for Space Utilization in Central Pariaman District Pariaman City

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    Haryani (2012, 2018) in the coastal area of ​​West Sumatra Province from 2003-2016 there has been a disaster of coastal abrasion and accretion at 32 points. During the 13 years, there was beach abrasion covering an area of ​​732.69 ha and coastal accretion covering an area of ​​55.4 ha. Coastal abrasion disaster causes a significant reduction in coastal land, namely an average of 56.3 ha / year, while the addition of coastal / coastal land is only 4.26 ha / year.This study aims to find the level of vulnerability of coastal abrasion in Central Pariaman District, Pariaman City. Physical, social, economic, and environmental parameters were analyzed using the scoring method according to Perka BNPB No. 2 of 2012. The results showed that the index of coastal abrasion vulnerability in Karan Aur, Lohong and Pasir villages had a moderate index, while Pauh Barat village had a high vulnerability index. Coastal abrasion mitigation is carried out by means of active mitigation and passive mitigation. Passive mitigation includes directional use of space where in the zone of 100 - 150 m from the highest tide and the growing beach is directed as a conservation area by planting mangroves and Pinago trees and agro-tourism (limited tourism). The cultivation zone is a zone that is located> 150 m from the highest tide inland, which is a safe zone for coastal abrasion for settlements and trade

    A Collaboration Between Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), Audiolingual, and Community Language Learning (CLL) Approach in Teaching and Learning English at SMA 1 Singorojo Kendal

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    This research aimed to investigate and analyze the collaboration of communicative language teaching approach, audiolingual method, and cooperative language learning method which were applied during teaching - learning process in twelve grade of science 2 students in SMA 1 Singorojo Kendal.  This research employed descriptive qualitative research design. The instruments of this study were interview and observation which took approximately fifty minutes. In order to motivate and improve students’ speaking ability, so the teacher taught them in simple way first, then followed by synthesizing both of essentials methods and techniques. The result showed that teacher designed the classroom activity by implementing curriculum 2013 in which emphasized on communicative language teaching (CLT) approach. The researchers found that the teacher organized some methods in delivering material. He also provided fun and interesting games to encourage students’ motivation in learning English.The researchers infer that there are collaboration between CLT approach, audiolingual method, and CLL method as an alternative strategy in learning English
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