116 research outputs found

    Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome in IgA vasculitis: Neuroimaging of a 14-year-old child

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    IgA vasculitis (IgAV) is a leukocytoclastic vasculitis and characterized by involvement of small vessels in skin, gastrointestinal system, joints, kidneys, and less frequently other organs. It is the commonest vasculitis in childhood and etiology is not completely known. Neurological manifestations of IgAV are very rare and usually seen in patients with severe hypertension or as an uncommon feature such as peripheral neuropathy. Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) is a clinic-radiologic entity characterized with temporary vasogenic edema developing typically in posterior circulation of the brain and has been reported as a rare manifestation of IgAV. In this paper, a PRES case of 14-year-old male with IgAV is reported and etiopathogenesis was discussed with literature. Diagnosis was made by magnetic resonance imaging because of the existence of neurological symptoms (headache and visual loss) during the course of disease. His radiological findings have resolved with therapy. Although neurological involvement is a rare manifestation in IgAV, we recommend magnetic resonance imaging in such patients for diagnosis and evaluation of complications

    Expression profile of intraovarian genes in ovary tissues at follicular and luteal phases in holstein cattle

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, Holştayn sığırlarına ait preovülatör folikül ve korpus luteum dokularında BMP15, TGFB1, TGFB2 ve GDF9 genlerinin ekspresyon seviyelerini karşılaştırılmalı olarak belirlemektir. Bu amaç için, öncelikle dokular immunohistokimyasal boyama ile incelendi. Daha sonra foliküler sıvılar ELISA testiyle incelenerek östradiol ve progesteron seviyeleri belirlendi. Son olarak qRT-PCR ile gruplar arasında ilgili genlere ait ekspresyon seviyeleri tespit edildi. İmmunohistokimyasal boyama sonucunda preovülatör foliküllerde yoğun miktarda östrojen reseptör alfa ve progesteron reseptör immunpozitifliklerine, korpus luteum da çok hafif düzeyde östrogen alfa reseptör immunpozitifliğine, progesteron reseptörlerinin ise preovülatör foliküllerdeki pozitiflik düzeyine yakın olduğu belirlendi. Östradiol seviyesi, preovulatör foliküllerde yüksek, progesteron seviyesi ise korpus luteumda yüksek olarak bulundu. Preovülatör foliküllerdeki TGFB1 ve TGFB2 genlerine ait mRNA transkript seviyesi korpus luteuma göre istatistiksel olarak daha yüksek bulundu (p0.05). Sonuç olarak intraovarian genlerin farklı ekspresyonunun, ovaryum dokusunu oluşturan hücre popülasyonu içinde folikül dinamikleri ve gen ekspresyon seviyelerinin farklılıklarıyla ilişkili olabileceğini ve bu durumun da foliküler ve luteal dönemin sonucu olarak ortaya çıkabileceği düşünülmektedir.The aim of the present study is to determine comparatively expression levels of the BMP15, TGFB1, TGFB2 and GDF9 genes in the preovulatory follicle and corpus luteum tissue of Holstein cattle. For this purpose, primarily the tissues were examined by immunohistochemical staining. Later on, follicular fluid was analyzed by ELISA test and estradiol and progesterone levels were determined. Finally, expression levels of the related genes were determined between the groups by qRT-PCR. Immunohistochemical staining revealed that estrogen receptor alpha and progesterone receptor immunoreactivities were intensely present in preovulatory follicles, estrogen alpha receptor immunoreactivity was very slight and progesterone receptors were similar to positivity in preovulatory follicles in corpus luteum. Furthermore, estradiol level was high in preovulatory follicles and progesterone level was high in corpus luteum. The levels of mRNA transcripts of the TGFB1 and TGFB2 genes in the preovulatory follicles were statistically higher than the corpus luteum (p0.05). As a result, it is thought that differential expression of intraovarian genes may be associated with differences in follicular dynamics and gene expression levels within the cell population of ovarian tissue, so this situation may result in follicular and luteal phase

    The relationship between serum paraoxonase levels and carotid atherosclerotic plaque formation in Alzheimer's patients

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    Low paraoxonase 1 (PON1) activity and carotid atherosclerosis have been suggested to be important risk factors for dementia. However, the studies to date could not fully clarify the relationship between PON1, carotid atherosclerosis and dementia. The present study aimed to measure carotid atherosclerosis and PON1 activity in Alzheimer's Disease and to evaluate the relationship between them. The study included 25 Alzheimer's patients and 25 control subjects, for a total of 50 individuals. The study measured the serum PON1 activity and other biochemical parameters and carotid atherosclerotic plaque values of the participants. The mean paraoxonase activity (31.06±2.31U/L) was significantly lower in the Alzheimer's group compared to the control group (59.05±7.05U/L) (P<0.001). Nonetheless, the carotid plaque values were significantly higher in the patient group (3.02±0.52mm) compared to the control group (1.84±0.45mm) (P<0.001). Furthermore, there was a negative correlation (81.0%) between PON1 activity and carotid plaque in the overall study group (P<0.05). Also serum homocystein level was higher in the patient group (22.15±7.05) compared to the control group (13.30±3.32). In conclusion, our findings show inverse association between PON1 activity and carotid atherosclerosis in Alzheimer patients: the lower the PON1 activity the more progressed the atherosclerotic process in AD

    Estimated genetic diversity between Atak-S and isa brown chickens with SSR markers

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    Ankara Tavukçuluk Araştırma Enstitüsü tarafından geliştirilen Atak-S yumurtacı hibriti yerli hibritler içinde yumurta verimi en yüksek olan hibrittir. Ancak bu hibritin yumurta verimi Isa Brown gibi yabancı kaynaklı hibritlere göre daha düşüktür. Atak-S hibritinin yabancı kaynaklı hibritlerle yarışabilmesi için verim ile ilgili moleküler ıslah çalışmaları gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı Atak-S ve Isa Brown tavuk hibritlerindeki genetik çeşitliliği belirlemek ve bu hibritler arasındaki genetik çeşitliliği karşılaştırmaktır. Bu amaç için, iki alt popülasyondan 200 tavukta 6 mikrosatelit lokusu ayrı ayrı genotiplendirildi. Bu çalışmada kullanılan 6 farklı SSR markörü için toplam da 85 polimorfik fragment bulundu. Ayrıca He değeri 0.61±0.05 olarak bulundu. İki hibrit arasında He ise; Atak-S’de 0.35±0.76, Isa Brown’da 0.26±0.68 olarak bulundu. Bu sonuç, Atak-S hibritindeki genetik çeşitliliğin Isa Brown hibritine göre daha yüksek olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Ek olarak iki hibrite ait genetik farklılıklar ve popülasyon yapısı dendogram analizi yapılarak ortaya konmuş ve farklıllıklar belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak Atak-S ve Isa Brown hibritleri içindeki ve arasında genetik çeşitliliklerin iyi korunmuş olduğu ileri sürülebilir. Mikrosatellit analizi ile tahmin edilen Atak-S ve Isa Brown hibrtileri hakkındaki bilgiler, gelecekteki genetik varyasyon araştırmalarını tasarlamak ve koruma stratejileri geliştirmek için hedeflerin belirlenmesinde rehber olarak yararlı olabilir.Atak-S layered hybrid, developed by the "Ankara Poultry Research Institute", is the hybrid with the highest egg productivity among local hybrids. However, egg yield are lower compared to foreign-origin hybrids such as Isa brown. Molecular development studies as to productivity are required for Atak-S hybrid to be able to compete with foreign-origin hybrids. The objective of this study was to detect genetic diversity within the breeds and to compare the Atak-S and Isa Brown breeds. To achieve this goal, we individually genotyped 6 SSR loci in 200 chickens from two populations. 85 polymorphic fragments were found in total for 6 different SSR markers employed in this study. For all loci, high He was observed, and means He was 0.61±0.05 among loci. Among breeds, the mean He was 0.35±0.76 in Atak-S and 0.26±0.68 in Isa Brown. This result indicated that genetic diversity in the Atak-S breed is higher than in the Isa Brown breed. Furthermore, genetic differences and population structure of two hybrids were shown by virtue of dendogram analysis and differences were detected. As a result, we could be suggested that genetic diversity is well preserved within and between Atak-S and Isa Brown hybrids. Based on the Atak-S and Isa Brown breeds estimated by microsatellite analysis may be useful as a guide in setting goals for designing future genetic variation studies and for improving conservation strategies

    Determination of the embryotoxic effect of Metronidazole using an in ovo model

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    Metronidazole is an imidazole group bactericidal antibiotic used against anaerobic bacteria and some protozoa. There is no detailed information about the embryotoxic effect of Metronidazole. This study aims to determine the embryotoxic activity of Metronidazole using an in ovo method. A total of 210 fertile chicken eggs were placed in an incubator, divided into seven equal groups of 30. The first group was considered as the control group. On the seventh day of the study, Metronidazole was administered to the other six groups within 50 µL saline solution at doses of 250, 125, 62.5, 31.25, and 15.62 µg·egg-1 (5; 2.5; 1.25; 0.625; 0.312 mg·kg-1). At the end of the incubation period, the eggs hatched, and the number of live and dead embryos was determined. There were no significant differences in deaths between the groups (P>0.05 in all cases). No anomaly was detected in the macroscopic morphology of the embryos. As a result, it can be stated that Metronidazole may be safe for use during pregnancy. However, it is necessary to conduct molecular and histopathological studies to investigate the effects of this drug on organogenesis, especially in mammalian embryos


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    Background: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a global health concern with major risks for opportunistic infections and predisposition to malignancies including Kaposi sarcoma associated with Human Herpes Virus-8 (HHV-8) and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) commonly associated with Epstein Barr Virus (EBV). Although the exact mechanisms of predisposition to certain malignancies are unclear, HIV (+) cancer patients typically have poorer prognosis. Materials and Methods: We included all five HIV positive NHL patients receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) and chemotherapy in our clinic and aim to determine their follow-up outcomes associated with ART. Results: The use of ART in conjunction with chemotherapy regimens lead to better therapeutic outcome in our cases with no mortality over three years of follow-up despite high rates of poor prognostic factors and studies demonstrating 1-year survival rates of approximately 30% in HIV-associated lymphoma. No significant adverse effect has been recorded. Conclusion: We recommend use of ART along with chemotherapy regimens in HIV positive lymphoma patients for better treatment response

    Idiopathic Thoracic Spontaneous Spinal Epidural Hematoma

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    A 33-year-old male patient experienced temporary sensory loss and weakness in the right lower extremity one month prior to admission. The patient was admitted to a private clinic with a three-day history of acute onset of sensory loss and weakness in both lower extremities and was treated and followed up with a prediagnosis of transverse myelitis and the Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS). The patient was subsequently transferred to our clinic and the neurologic examination revealed paraplegia in both lower extremities, positive bilateral Babinski signs, and hypesthesia below the T10 dermatome with saddle anesthesia. The patient had urinary incontinence and thoracic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed an image of a mass compressing the medulla

    Cognitive Security of Wireless Communication Systems in the Physical Layer

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    While the wireless communication systems provide the means of connectivity nearly everywhere and all the time, communication security requires more attention. Even though current efforts provide solutions to specific problems under given circumstances, these methods are neither adaptive nor flexible enough to provide security under the dynamic conditions which make the security breaches an important concern. In this paper, a cognitive security (CS) concept for wireless communication systems in the physical layer is proposed with the aim of providing a comprehensive solution to wireless security problems. The proposed method will enable the comprehensive security to ensure a robust and reliable communication in the existence of adversaries by providing adaptive security solutions in the communication systems by exploiting the physical layer security from different perspective. The adaptiveness relies on the fact that radio adapts its propagation characteristics to satisfy secure communication based on specific conditions which are given as user density, application specific adaptation, and location within CS concept. Thus, instead of providing any type of new security mechanism, it is proposed that radio can take the necessary precautions based on these conditions before the attacks occur. Various access scenarios are investigated to enable the CS while considering these conditions

    Investigation of the external and internal training loads in soccer players

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    Amaç: Antrenman yükü kavramı son dönemlerde yaygın şekilde kullanılan kavramların başında gelmektedir. Bu kavram sporcuların maruz kaldığı dış yüklerin (kat edilen mesafe, şut ya da atış sayısı v.b) sporcularda yarattığı iç yükler (fizyolojik cevaplar) olarak bilinmektedir. Bu çalışma, Antrenmanda elde edilen algılanan zorluk derecesi (AAZD) değerleri ile farklı hızlarda kat edilen mesafe değerleri arasındaki ilişkilerin belirlenmesi amacı ile yapılmıştır. Yöntem: Bu çalışmaya Türkiye Birinci liginde oynayan 11 (yaş = 22,7 ± 2,3; boy= 177,6±7,1; 65± 8 ) profesyonel futbolcu gönüllü olarak katılmıştır. Sporcuların kuvvet antrenmanı dışında tüm saha antrenmanlarında GPsport (Cambera) cihazı ile yük takipleri yapılmıştır. Sezon başında gerçekleştirilen iki ayrı kamp sürecinde toplam 16 antrenmandan veri alınmıştır. Çalışmada kalecilere yer verilmezken, dört savunma, 5 orta saha ve 2 hücum oyuncusu dahil edilmiştir. Bu takipte sporcuların değişik hızarda kat ettikleri mesafeler ile onluk algılanan zorluk derecesi ve antrenman süresinin çarpımından elde edilen antrenmanın algılanan zorluk derecesi (AAZD) belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen değerler arasındaki ilişkilere Pearson korelasyon testi ile her bir sporcu için tek tek bakılmıştır. Bulgular: Sonuçlar incelendiğinde AAZD değerleri ile kat edilen mesafe değerleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki tespit edilmemiştir (p> .05). Sonuç: Bu sonuçlar göz önünde bulundurulduğunda futbolcuların antrenmanda algıladıkları zorluk derecesi ile kat edilen mesafeler arasında ilişki olmadığı ve algılanan zorluk derecesi farklı faktörlerin etkilemiş olabileceği söylenebilir. Bu neden ile antrenörlerin, spor bilimcilerin ve sağlık heyetlerinin bu değerlerin her birini kendi içinde değerlendirmesi gerektiği düşünülmektedir.The concept of training load is one of the most widely used concepts in recent years. This concept is known as the internal loads (physiological responses) created by the athletes during the external loads (distance covered, number of shots per shot, etc.) exposed by the athletes. This study was aimed to determine the relationships between the external and internal training loads in soccer players. Method: Eleven male soccer players (age = 22,7 ± 2,3 years; height = 177,6±7,1 cm) from an professional football club participated voluntarily in this study. In exception the strength training of the athletes, the GPsport (Cambera) device was used for 16 trainings in camp duration in all field workouts. Covered distance at various speeds and Rating of Perceived Exertion responses of soccer players (SRPE) were determined. The correlations between the values obtained were examined individually for each athlete by Pearson correlation test. Results: When the results were examined, and there is no relation between the external loads and internal loads