233 research outputs found
Mathematics Learning Within Culture And Nation Character: Using Traditional Dance In Learning The Concept Of Symmetry At Grade IV Primary School
This paper introduces a new approach in mathematics learning within culture and nation character. Indonesian traditional dances are used as a context in learning the concept of symmetry. Using context as a starting point in learning processes is the major concern in Realistic Mathematics Education (RME), one of the innovations in mathematics teaching developed in the Netherlands. Adapted to Indonesian culture, this approach is called Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Indonesia (PMRI). This approach is used to combine the so-called math traditional dances with mathematics learning. This can be seen as building nation character in appreciating Indonesian traditional culture. Design research is used in research methodology. This research was conducted to 22 students in grade IV at MIN 2 Palembang. The result shows that within the use of culture and nation character in learning mathematic can improve students’ understanding of the concept of symmetry. Besides, students can optimize cultural values which indirectly showed in learning process such as accuracy, perseverance, hard work, curiosity, and unyielding attitude.
Key Words: PMRI, design research, math traditional dance, symmetry, nation character
Tinjauan Molekuler dan Epidemiologi Mutasi pada Virus SARS-CoV-2
Abstract. The SARS-CoV-2 virus which is the cause of the COVID-19 pandemic since the end of 2019 has undergone many mutations that gave rise to several variants of concern (VOC) with higher transmission, virulence, and ability to evade the immune system than the initial variant (wild-type). Until now, there are four variants included in the VOC of the virus, namely alpha, beta, gamma and delta variants. The increased transmission and virulence of these VOCs were associated with mutational changes in the spike protein, which is the structure of the virus that plays a role in binding to host cells. In this article, we conduct a literature review on VOCs from the SARS-CoV-2 virus related to mutations that occur and their impact on the viral binding process. To gain an understanding of the impact of mutations in these variants, we also reviewed the structure of the spike protein and the process of viral entry into host cells. Keywords: viral mutation, variants of concern (VOC), COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2
Designing Reflection and Symmetry Learning by Using Math Traditional Dance in Primary School
The innovation of education is an important point of Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Indonesia (PMRI), one of them through traditional dance as a context of national cultural. Dance that collaborated with concept of mathematics, it is called Math Traditional Dance. This research aims to produce learning line (specific) the material of reflection and symmetry. The research method used is design research that consisted of preparing for the experiments, teaching experiments, and retrospective analysis. Data collected through observation, interviews, documentation and field notes. This research was conducted with 22 students in MIN 2 Palembang. From the try out that is obtained from the formal to the informal learning described in the learning process, so that support learning process of mirroring and symmetry for the students in grade four in elementary school
AGEFIS:Applied General Equilibrium for FIScal Policy Analysis
AGEFIS (Applied General Equilibrium model for FIScal Policy Analysis) is a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model designed specifically, but not limited, to analyze various aspects of fiscal policies in Indonesia. It is yet, the first Indonesian fully-SAM-based CGE model solved by Gempack. This paper describes the structure of the model and illustrates its application.AGEFIS, CGE, Fiscal Policy, Indonesia
Sindroma Laurence-Moon-Bardet-Biedl
A 10-year old Javanese boy suffering from Laurence-Moon-Bardet-Biedl Syndrome characterized by retinitis pigmentosa, myopia, polydactily, obesity, hypogenitalism and mental retardation has been reported.
Family history showed that one of his brothers had also the same abnormalities, while his two other brothers as well as his parents were perfectly normal. The possibility of the transmission of this disease was X -linked recessive.
For this patient, a comprehensive management by ophthalmologists, paediatricians, psychiatrists and surgeons was necessary. Special education was needed to handle his mental retardation and his visual disturbances, and genetic counseling was necessary for the patient and his family.
Key Words: Laurence-Moon-Bardet-Biedl Syndrome - X-linked recessive gene - genetic counseling - retinitis pigmentosa - myopi
The Effect of Situational Leadership on Employee Performance Through the Corporate and Organizational Working Citizenship Behavior as Intervening Variables (Case Study on Office of PT Nindya Karya Branch Makassar)
The role of leadership will be important and necessary to harmonize the various needs and also to create a conducive working situation. This study aims to determine to know the influence of leadership on employee performance mediated by job satisfaction and OCB at PT Nindya Karya Makassar Branch. The type of research used in this study is quantitative approach. The quantitative approach bases the study of empirical rational principles. The quantitative approach bases the study of empirical rational principles. Therefore, before doing research the researcher must find the problem and hypothesis to be tested based on the criteria specified and the path analysis tool that is Smart PLS 2.0 to know the relation of the variable. The result of this research shows that situational leadership has a significant positive effect on employee job satisfaction, situational leadership has positive and significant effect on Organizational Citizenship Behavior of employees, while situational leadership has positive and insignificant effect on employee performance. As the mediation variable of job satisfaction has negative and insignificant effect on employee performance while Organization Citizenship Behavior has positive and significant effect on employee performance. For situational leadership mediation perspectives have no significant positive effect on employee performance mediated by job satisfaction while situational leadership has a positive and significant effect on employee performance mediated by organizational citizenship behavior.
Keywords: Situational Leadership, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Employee Performanc
Teknologi Pengembangan Vaksin Berbasis Vektor Adenovirus
Teknologi pembuatan vaksin telah berkembang pesat terutama dalam hal metode penghantaran antigen ke dalam tubuh manusia atau pun hewan yang divaksinasi. Salah satunya adalah penggunaan vektor virus. Keunggulan vaksin yang menggunakan teknologi ini adalah tidak memerlukan tambahan adjuvant dalam administrasinya seperti halnya vaksin sub-unit protein. Selain itu juga memiliki kemampuan menginduksi respon imun seluler di samping respon imun humoral. Salah satu vektor virus yang telah banyak digunakan adalah adenovirus. Dalam sebuah studi kami menggunakan vektor human adenovirus serotipe 5 (Ad5) untuk membawa materi genetik parasit malaria yang berasal dari protein yang terletak di permukaan stadium sporozoite (sirkumsporozoit). Antigen yang dimasukkan ke dalam vektor virus adalah chimera dari dua strain Plasmodium vivax, yaitu VK210 dan VK247. Hasil pemeriksaan immunostaining menunjukkan bahwa adenovirus yang membawa antigen chimera tersebut dapat menginduksi ekspresi kedua protein pada kultur sel HEK 293A. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa vaksin malaria vivax berbasis vektor Ad5 dalam studi tersebut memiliki kemampuan dalam transduksi sel mamalia, yang merupakan syarat penting untuk uji coba lanjutan pada hewan coba. Adenovirus telah digunakan dalam uji coba vaksin malaria falciparum pada manusia dan juga dalam beberapa kandidat vaksin untuk COVID-19 yang dikembangkan di China dan Inggris
Desain Pembelajaran Peluang dengan Pendekatan PMRI Menggunakan Kupon Undian untuk Siswa Kelas VII
This research aims to determine the role of lottery coupons can help students find the concept of probability for class VII. Design Research had chose as a kind of research to achieve the goal. In this reseacrh, a series of learning activities designed and developed based on the hypothesis of the learning process of students. Learning approach used,that is, PMRI approach by involving 32 students of class VII MTs Campang Tiga. This research result Learning trajectory (LT), which contains a series of learning processes in the two activities, that is, understand the concept of sample space, sample point and the event occurrence. Results of the experiments show that with the approach of learning PMRI can define the concept of sample space and sample points and probabilities of an event by taking the lottery tickets. With the line of learning from taking lottery tickets, determine the sample space and sample point and determine the probability of occurrence can improve comprehension, reasoning students on the matters of probability
Designing Reflection and Symmetry Learning by Using Math Traditional Dance in Primary School
The innovation of education is an important point of Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Indonesia (PMRI), one of them through traditional dance as a context of national cultural. Dance that collaborated with concept of mathematics, it is called Math Traditional Dance. This research aims to produce learning line (specific) the material of reflection and symmetry. The research method used is design research that consisted of preparing for the experiments, teaching experiments, and retrospective analysis. Data collected through observation, interviews, documentation and field notes. This research was conducted with 22 students in MIN 2 Palembang. From the try out that is obtained from the formal to the informal learning described in the learning process, so that support learning process of mirroring and symmetry for the students in grade four in elementary school
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