17 research outputs found


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    Objective: Antibiotics are considered to be overprescribed in primary health care centers. This study aimed to investigate the defined daily dose (DDD) of antibiotics per 1000 patients visit in a year in primary health care centers, the prevalence of upper respiratory infections (URI) and diarrhea, the percentage of antibiotic prescription for URI and diarrhea in Surabaya. Methods: A surveillance study of antibiotic use was done from the reports and use of drug demand sheet, which called laporan pemakaian dan lembar permintaan obat (LPLPO), outpatient medication card, and health care information and management system of primary health care center, which called sistem informasi manajemen manajemen puskesmas (SIMPUS) in Surabaya. DDD/1000 patients were calculated for describing the antibiotics usage level in each primary health care centers. Three primary health care centers selected based on its antibiotic use or its population density to recognize its antibiotic prescribing percentage for non-pneumonia respiratory tract infection and nonspecific diarrhea. Results: The DDD antibiotic systemic per 1000 patients visit primary health care centers in Surabaya is relatively low. The results found higher prevalence URI does not correlate to the frequent antibiotic prescribed. The prevalence of URI at one primary healthcare center (25% cases) was less than at the other (44%), but the percentage of antibiotic prescription and the total antibiotic usage were higher (73%; 1006 DDD/1000 patients vs. 21%; 675 DDD/1000 patients). The prevalence of diarrhea at primary health care center 2 (2,84%) was less than at primary health care center 1 (4,95%), but the percentage antibiotic prescription and the total antibiotic usage were higher (43%; 1006 DDD/1000 patients vs 18%; 675 DDD/1000 patients). Conclusion: The antibiotic usage at primary healthcare centers in Surabaya was shown to vary widely. Eighty-seven percent (55/63) primary health care centers antibiotic usage was less than 4 DDD/1000 patients day, only two primary health care centers antibiotic usage 6 DDD/1000 patients day. Further research to investigate antibiotic usage and the differences in usage between primary health care centers in treating URI is require

    Pengembanan Laboratorium Geografi Berbasis Mobile Virtual Pada Materi Pembelajaran Praktikum Ilmu Ukur Tanah

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    Mobile lab virtual untuk praktikum ilmu ukur tanah merupakan suatu teknologi pembelajan berbasis  mobile untuk membantu mahasiswa dalam melakukan praktikum ilmu ukur tanah tanpa menggunakan alat lab. dalam penggunaanya sangat fleksibel karena tidak begitu memerlukan ruang dan waktu yang penting memiliki perangkat smartfon, laptop atau pc. Mobile lab virtual merupakan trobosan baru di dunia Pendidikan yang penuh dengan teknologi seperti saat ini. Pembelajaran yang tidak membutuhkan ruang lebih sangat diperlukan mengingat sudah tersedianya infrastruktur internet yang memadai. Pengembangan media pembelajaran yang mudah dan dapat digunakan ditempat manapun sangat dibutuhkan seperti halnya mobile lab virtual untuk praktikum ilmu ukur tanah. Desain dari produk teknologi media pembelajaran ini dari para ahli media dinyatakan layak untuk diterapkan sebagai media pembelajaran, begitu pula dengan ahli materi dan uji coba produk pada mahasiswa departemen geografi. Nilai persentase dari ahli media adalah 85% yang artinya produk tidak perlu revisi begitu pula dengan ahli materi dengan nilai 89% dan uji coba produk dengan persentase 88% yang artinya produk ini layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran

    Psychological Well-Being and The Sense of Community Among Displaced (Women) Natural Disaster Survivors

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    The present study investigates the psychological well-being and sense of community of women who were displaced by natural disasters. The study explored the interrelationship between the sense of community (SOC), psychological well-being (PWB), relocation status, and socio-demographic variables. One hundred and ninety women participated in the study (N = 190). Participants completed several self-report measurements (e.g., SCI, PWBS) and were categorized into two groups: those who still dwelled in temporary shelters (n = 96) and those who had permanently relocated (n = 94). There were no significant differences in overall SOC and PWB between the two groups; however, there was a significant difference in personal growth dimension —one out of six PWB dimensions— between those who had permanently relocated and those who still stayed in temporary shelters. The two groups also significantly differed on three SOC dimensions: influence, integration, and fulfillment of needs, and shared emotional connection. Three significant predictors for PWB were found: SOC, marital status, and educational attainment. Overall, SOC was a stronger predictor of PWB than displacement status, or any other socio-demographic variables. Keywords disaster; psychological well-being; internally displaced person; the sense of community; relocation; Indonesi


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    Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi potensi Teknologi 5G dalam mendorong inovasi pembelajaran. Dengan fokus pada kecepatan tinggi, responsivitas, dan integrasi teknologi canggih, penelitian ini memberikan wawasan mendalam tentang dampak Teknologi 5G pada pembelajaran. Melalui metode studi literatur, temuan utama mencakup peningkatan aksesibilitas dan responsivitas pembelajaran daring, pemanfaatan augmented reality (AR) dan virtual reality (VR) untuk pengalaman belajar yang lebih immersif, serta dukungan Internet of Things (IoT) untuk pembelajaran yang terpersonalisasi. Namun, tantangan keamanan data, isu etika, dan ketidaksetaraan akses menjadi fokus penting dalam implementasi Teknologi 5G di pendidikan. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa, dengan mitigasi risiko yang tepat, Teknologi 5G dapat menjadi pilar utama dalam membentuk masa depan pendidikan yang adaptif dan inklusif

    Case Study: First-Time Success ASIC Design Methodology Applied to a Multi-Processor System-on-Chip

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    Achieving first-time success is crucial in the ASIC design league considering the soaring cost, tight time-to-market window, and competitive business environment. One key factor in ensuring first-time success is a well-defined ASIC design methodology. Here we propose a novel ASIC design methodology that has been proven for the RUMPS401 (Rahman University Multi-Processor System 401) Multiprocessor System-on-Chip (MPSoC) project. The MPSoC project is initiated by Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) VLSI design center. The proposed methodology includes the use of Universal Verification Methodology (UVM). The use of electronic design automation (EDA) software during each step of the design methodology is also presented. The first-time success RUMPS401 demonstrates the use of the proposed ASIC design methodology and the good of using one. Especially this project is carried on in educational environment that is even more limited in budget, resources and know-how, compared to the business and industrial counterparts. Here a novel ASIC design methodology that is tailored to first-time success MPSoC is presented

    Pedoman Terapi Memakai Alat Elektronik Kardiovaskular Implan (Aleka) Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kardiovaskular Indonesia 2014

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    PEDOMAN TERAPI MEMAKAI ALAT ELEKTRONIK KARDIOVASKULAR IMPLAN (ALEKA) Perkembangan dan kemajuan pada diagnostik dan terapi dalam tata laksana pasien dengan kelainan irama jantung merupakan dasar disusunnya pedoman terapi memakai alat elektronik kardiovaskular implan (Aleka) ini. Pedoman ini disusun oleh Perhimpunan Aritmia Indonesia - Indonesian Heart Rhythm Society (lnaHRS), sebuah kelompok kerja dari Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kardiovaskular Indonesia (PERKI), berdasarkan pedoman terbaru yang dipublikasi oleh perhimpunan Eropa maupun Amerika Utara dan disesuaikan dengan keadaan lokal di Indonesia. Pedoman Aleka ini terdiri dari alat pacu jantung permanen (APJP), defibrilator kardiak implan (DKI) dan terapi resinkronisasi jantung (TRJ). Kumpulan rekomendasi ini memberi pedoman untuk penggunaan Aleka dengan tepat tetapi bukan sebagai pedoman untuk tata laksana aritmia secara umum. Bradikardia simtomatik menjadi indikasi implantasi APJP. Sebelum keputusan diambil untuk implantasi APJP, pertanyaan utama yang muncul adalah apakah simtom yang dialami pasien berhubungan dengan bradikardia, baik yang dicurigai maupun terdokumentasi. Ada kemungkinan bahwa kondisi yang terjadi bersifat sementara (akibat iskemia, efek samping obat, gangguan elektrolit, inflamasi, sepsis) dan dapat ditangani dengan pemacuan temporer serta dapat disembuhkan dengan mengobati penyebab yang mendasari. lndikasi implantasi APJP haruslah dievaluasi secara teliti dan dicari penyebab yang mendasari. lndikasi kelas I untuk implantasi APJP tidak dapat menyingkirkan pilihan tata laksana alternatif yang mungkin ada. Diagnosis banding termasuk penyebab kardiak maupun non-kardiak harus disingkirkan terlebih dahulu. Untuk terapi memakai Aleka, tidak hanya dibutuhkan pengetahuan gangguan irama jantung yang dalam namun juga pengetahuan teknik dasar. Pendekatan transvena telah mempermudah teknik bedah dan memudahkan tindakan implantasi sehingga dapat dilakukan oleh kardiolog. Hanya dengan memiliki pengertian yang mendalam mengenai keterkaitan antara fungsi dari pemacuan yan

    Remote Control and Monitoring System based on Zigbee

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    Conventionally, management of building components is done manually without some sort of management system. Implementation of building management system is really helpful for building administrator or household in monitoring and controlling building components, such as monitoring lamps status. The focus of this research is to build building control and monitoring system. The system uses a mobile remote device that equipped with LCD touch screen as the main control and monitoring terminal. Through this hand held device, building administrator or household can remotely turn on/off lamps, locked/unlocked door, and do other management task. Remote and building components are connected in a wireless mesh network formed by using zigBee. With this scheme, management process should be done instead the remote is separated away from the controlled building components, noted that it still connected with the mesh network

    Remote Control and Monitoring System based on Zigbee

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    Conventionally, management of building components is done manually without some sort of management system. Implementation of building management system is really helpful for building administrator or household in monitoring and controlling building components, such as monitoring lamps status. The focus of this research is to build building control and monitoring system. The system uses a mobile remote device that equipped with LCD touch screen as the main control and monitoring terminal. Through this hand held device, building administrator or household can remotely turn on/off lamps, locked/unlocked door, and do other management task. Remote and building components are connected in a wireless mesh network formed by using zigBee. With this scheme, management process should be done instead the remote is separated away from the controlled building components, noted that it still connected with the mesh network