250 research outputs found

    Vasallenherrscher und Klientelkönige zwischen Rom und Parthien

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    In diesem Beitrag werden Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede zwischen den parthischen Vasallenkönigreichen und den römischen Klientelstaaten analysiert. Aus der Perspektive der imperialen Peripherie werden sodann die Handlungsspielräume der Klientel- und Vasallenherrscher zwischen den beiden Großreichen und ihre politischen Strategien und Ziele untersucht: Trotz einer grundsätzlichen Unterordnung unter Rom oder Parthien verfolgten die Herrscher zwischen Syrien und Iran durchaus auch eigenständige politische Ziele, die den Interessen des jeweiligen Oberherrn widersprechen konnten. Durch freundschatliche Kontakte mit dem jeweils anderen Imperium sicherten sie sich weitere Handlungsoptionen und konnten flexibel auf Krisen der Machtposition ihres Oberherrn reagieren. Dabei ging es den Herrschern vor allem um den Ausbau ihrer Machtstellung sowohl in der Hierarchie ihres Imperiums als auch in der lokalen Konkurrenzsituation zwischen den Monarchen des Nahen Ostens über die imperialen Grenzen hinweg.In this paper, similarities and differences between Parthian vassal kingdoms and Roman client states are analyzed. From the perspective of the imperial periphery, the room for manoeuvre of the client kings and the vassal rulers between the two great empires and their political strategies and goals are analysed: Despite their subordination to Rome or Parthia, the petty rulers between Syria and Iran also pursued independent political goals that could conflict with the interests of their imperial superiors. By friendly relations with the other empire they secured themselves more options for action and were able to react flexibly to a crisis when the power of their overlord was threatened. The petty ruler’s first aim was the strengthening of their political position both within the hierarchy of their own empire and in the local rivalry between the monarchs of the Middle East across the imperial border

    Decoherence and Measurement of Charge Qubits in Double Quantum Dots

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    In this thesis, theoretical studies of decoherence properties and the measurement process of a charge qubit defined in a double quantum dot structure are summarized. There have been three experimental realizations of charge qubits in double quantum dots already, where the quality factors have been quite small. Therefore, the theoretical analysis of possible decoherence mechanisms and how measurements can ideally be performed could be beneficial for the further development in new experiments

    Strong coupling of a qubit to shot noise

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    We perform a nonperturbative analysis of a charge qubit in a double quantum dot structure coupled to its detector. We show that strong detector-dot interaction tends to slow down and halt coherent oscillations. The transitions to a classical and a low-temperature quantum overdamping (Zeno) regime are studied. In the latter, the physics of the dissipative phase transition competes with the effective shot noise.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Integration of Productmodel Databases into Multi-Agent Systems

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    This paper deals with two different agent-based approaches aimed at the incorporation of complex design information into multi-agent planning systems. The first system facilitates collaborative structural design processes, the second one supports fire engineering in buildings. Both approaches are part of two different research projects that belong to the DFG1 priority program 1103 entitled “Network-based Co-operative Planning Processes in Structural Engineering“ (DFG 2000). The two approaches provide similar database wrapper agents to integrate relevant design information into two multi-agent systems: Database wrapper agents make the relevant product model data usable for further agents in the multi-agent system, independent on their physical location. Thus, database wrapper agents act as an interface between multi-agent system and heterogeneous database systems. The communication between the database wrapper agents and other requesting agents presumes a common vocabulary: a specific database ontology that maps database related message contents into database objects. Hereby, the software-wrapping technology enables the various design experts to plug in existing database systems and data resources into a specific multi-agent system easily. As a consequence, dynamic changes in the design information of large collaborative engineering projects are adequately supported. The flexible architecture of the database wrapper agent concept is demonstrated by the integration of an XML and a relational database system

    Über das Glück

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    Die Schrift Über das Glück: Das Leben des Proklos, verfasst von dem neuplatonischen Philosophen Marinos, ist ein bemerkenswerter Text des späten 5. Jh. n. Chr., der traditionelle biographische, hagiographische und philosophische Themen und Motive mit aktuellen zeitgenössischen Diskursen der Spätantike amalgamiert. Das langjährige Oberhaupt der Neuplatoniker in Athen, der Philosoph Proklos, wird als Leitfigur und paganer Heiliger in einer zunehmend christianisierten Gesellschaft inszeniert. Marinos illustriert anhand seiner Proklos-Figur die Tugenden und Ideale der neuplatonischen Philosophen und schildert dabei programmatisch die (neu-)platonische Ethik und Glückskonzeption. In der Einleitung sowie in den sieben Essays dieses Bandes werden literarische, philosophische, religionsphilosophische, astronomische wie althistorische und sozialgeschichtliche Themen dieses Textes - der hier zum ersten Mal ins Deutsche übersetzt wird - beleuchtet

    Nonequilibrium stabilization of charge states in double quantum dots

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    We analyze the decoherence of charge states in double quantum dots due to cotunneling. The system is treated using the Bloch-Redfield generalized master equation for the Schrieffer-Wolff transformed Hamiltonian. We show that the decoherence, characterized through a relaxation τr\tau_{r} and a dephasing time τϕ\tau_{\phi}, can be controlled through the external voltage and that the optimum point, where these times are maximum, is not necessarily in equilibrium. We outline the mechanism of this nonequilibrium-induced enhancement of lifetime and coherence. We discuss the relevance of our results for recent charge qubit experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Resuspendable Powders of Lyophilized Chalcogen Particles with Activity against Microorganisms

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    Many organic sulfur, selenium and tellurium compounds show considerable activity against microorganisms, including bacteria and fungi. This pronounced activity is often due to the specific, oxidizing redox behavior of the chalcogen-chalcogen bond present in such molecules. Interestingly, similar chalcogen-chalcogen motifs are also found in the elemental forms of these elements, and while those materials are insoluble in aqueous media, it has recently been possible to unlock their biological activities using naturally produced or homogenized suspensions of respective chalcogen nanoparticles. Those suspensions can be employed readily and often effectively against common pathogenic microorganisms, still their practical uses are limited as such suspensions are difficult to transport, store and apply. Using mannitol as stabilizer, it is now possible to lyophilize such suspensions to produce solid forms of the nanoparticles, which upon resuspension in water essentially retain their initial size and exhibit considerable biological activity. The sequence of Nanosizing, Lyophilization and Resuspension (NaLyRe) eventually provides access to a range of lyophilized materials which may be considered as easy-to-handle, ready-to-use and at the same time as bioavailable, active forms of otherwise insoluble or sparingly substances. In the case of elemental sulfur, selenium and tellurium, this approach promises wider practical applications, for instance in the medical or agricultural arena