406 research outputs found

    Preparing Social Work Practitioners to Work with and in Behalf of Older Adults

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    Practice in the field of social gerontology is one of the developing frontiers in social work. Now and in the foreseeable future, services with a population that is growing older will be a rapidly expanding field of practice. Many of the programs for older adults are multidisciplinary and demand collaboration among several professions and services. In some instances social work is and will be the central organizing force assuming administrative responsibility. In other instances social workers are collateral with several professions, and in still others social work services are an adjunct to another service profession, such as medicine nursing, urban planning, public administration, law or adult education. While specialized services for the aging are not new within social work, the rapid demographic changes in the population of middle aged and older people and the predictions for the future have necessitated some new approaches to services. The study of gerontology which emerged in the 60\u27s, and the translation of the findings of the research into programs of work with older adults, should have a considerable impact on social work practice

    Radiation effects on beta 10.6 of pure and europium doped KCl

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    Changes in the optical absorption coefficient as a result of X-ray and electron bombardment of pure KCl (monocrystalline and polycrystalline), and divalent europium doped polycrystalline KCl were determined. The optical absorption coefficients were measured by a constant heat flow calorimetric method. Both 300 KV X-irradiation and 2 MeV electron irradiation produced significant increases in beta 10.6, measured at room temperature. The X-irradiation of pure moncrystalline KCl increased beta 10.6 by 0.005/cm for a 113 MR dose. For an equivalent dose, 2 MeV electrons were found less efficient in changing beta 10.6. However, electron irradiation of pure and Eu-doped polycrystalline KCl produced marked increases in adsorption. Beta increased to over 0.25/cm in Eu-doped material for a 30 x 10 to the 14th power electrons/sq cm dose, a factor of 20 increase over unirradiated material. Moreover, bleaching the electron irradiated doped KCl with 649 m light produced and additional factor of 1.5 increase. These findings will be discussed in light of known defect-center properties in KCl

    Developments in the Law: Title Protection

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    Origin of the ϕ ∼ ±9° peaks in YBa2Cu3O7−δ films grown on cubic zirconia substrates

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    The c-axis oriented YBa2Cu3O7−δ films grown on (001) yttria-stabilized cubic zirconia (YSZ) substrates often contain domains whose in-plane alignment is rotated approximately 9° from the cube-on-cube epitaxial relationship, in addition to the more commonly observed 0° and 45° in-plane rotations. We have investigated the origin of this ∼9° orientation using in situ electron diffraction during growth and ex situ 4-circle x-ray diffraction. Our results indicate that the ∼9° orientation provides the most favorable lattice match between the interfacial (110)-oriented BaZrO3 epitaxial reaction layer, which forms between YBa2Cu3O7−δ and the YSZ substrate. If epitaxy occurs directly between YBa2Cu3O7−δ and the YSZ substrate, i.e., before the BaZrO3 epitaxial reaction layer is formed, the 0° and 45° domains have the most favorable lattice match. However, growth conditions that favor the formation of the BaZrO3 reaction layer prior to the nucleation of YBa2Cu3O7−δ lead to an increase in ∼9° domains. The observed phenomenon, which results from epitaxial alignment between the diagonal of a square surface net and the diagonal of a rectangular surface net, is a general method for producing in-plane misorientations, and has also been observed for the heteroepitaxial growth of other materials, including (Ba, K)BiO3/LaAlO3. The YBa2Cu3O7−δ/YSZ case involves epitaxial alignment between [111]BaZrO3 and [110]YSZ, resulting in an expected in-plane rotation of 11.3° to 9.7° for fully commensurate and for fully relaxed (110)BaZrO3 on (001)YSZ, respectivel


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    ABSTRACT The methodology presented in this paper is implemented through a tool that integrates the functionality needed to perform accurate CHP market analysis. This tool includes the selection of target market segments and representative buildings, hourly building loads and characteristics, alternative CHP configurations, control rules and equipment management strategies, as well as detailed utility rates, components-based economics and reliability data. Results obtained by using the full capability of this tool are compared with less rigorous screening methods that use average building loads, constant equipment characteristics, and average utility rates. The comparison of results demonstrates that the utilization of the latter methods allows faster market screenings, but generates results that may lead to loss of capital investment, equipment operation and designs that are far from optimal, and erroneous energy policies. INTRODUCTION Cooling, heating, and power (CHP) offers an alternative for efficient, economically sound, environmentally friendly, and secure distributed sources of energy for commercial buildings. The market acceptance of CHP systems relies mainly on their economical value to customers, and competitive reliability, operability, and maintainability. The economic benefits of CHP systems vary for different locations and building characteristics. Even when comparing two buildings with exactly the same energy loads, identical CHP systems may have different value proposition depending on the utility providers and the schedules applicable in each case

    Short-Range Ising Spin Glass: Multifractal Properties

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    The multifractal properties of the Edwards-Anderson order parameter of the short-range Ising spin glass model on d=3 diamond hierarchical lattices is studied via an exact recursion procedure. The profiles of the local order parameter are calculated and analysed within a range of temperatures close to the critical point with four symmetric distributions of the coupling constants (Gaussian, Bimodal, Uniform and Exponential). Unlike the pure case, the multifractal analysis of these profiles reveals that a large spectrum of the α\alpha -H\"older exponent is required to describe the singularities of the measure defined by the normalized local order parameter, at and below the critical point. Minor changes in these spectra are observed for distinct initial distributions of coupling constants, suggesting an universal spectra behavior. For temperatures slightly above T_{c}, a dramatic change in the F(α)F(\alpha) function is found, signalizing the transition.Comment: 8 pages, LaTex, PostScript-figures included but also available upon request. To be published in Physical Review E (01/March 97

    Comprehensive Survey of SNPs in the Affymetrix Exon Array Using the 1000 Genomes Dataset

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    Microarray gene expression data has been used in genome-wide association studies to allow researchers to study gene regulation as well as other complex phenotypes including disease risks and drug response. To reach scientifically sound conclusions from these studies, however, it is necessary to get reliable summarization of gene expression intensities. Among various factors that could affect expression profiling using a microarray platform, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in target mRNA may lead to reduced signal intensity measurements and result in spurious results. The recently released 1000 Genomes Project dataset provides an opportunity to evaluate the distribution of both known and novel SNPs in the International HapMap Project lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs). We mapped the 1000 Genomes Project genotypic data to the Affymetrix GeneChip Human Exon 1.0ST array (exon array), which had been used in our previous studies and for which gene expression data had been made publicly available. We also evaluated the potential impact of these SNPs on the differentially spliced probesets we had identified previously. Though the 1000 Genomes Project data allowed a comprehensive survey of the SNPs in this particular array, the same approach can certainly be applied to other microarray platforms. Furthermore, we present a detailed catalogue of SNP-containing probesets (exon-level) and transcript clusters (gene-level), which can be considered in evaluating findings using the exon array as well as benefit the design of follow-up experiments and data re-analysis

    Time From Symptom Onset to Treatment and Outcomes after Thrombolytic Therapy

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    OBJECTIVES: This study sought to examine the relations among patient characteristics, time to thrombolysis and outcomes in the international GUSTO-I trial. BACKGROUND: Studies have shown better left ventricular function and decreased infarct size as well as increased survival with earlier thrombolysis, but the relative benefits of various thrombolytic agents with earlier administration are uncertain. METHODS: We evaluated the relations of baseline characteristics to three prospectively defined time variables: symptom onset to treatment, symptom onset to hospital arrival (presentation delay) and hospital arrival to treatment (treatment delay). We also examined the relations of delays to clinical outcomes and to the relative 30-day mortality benefit with accelerated tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) versus streptokinase. RESULTS: Female, elderly, diabetic and hypertensive patients had longer delays at all stages. Previous infarction or bypass surgery was an additional risk factor for treatment delay. Early thrombolysis was associated with lower overall mortality rate ( 4 h, 9.0%), but no additional relative benefit resulted from earlier treatment with accelerated t-PA versus streptokinase (p = 0.38). Longer presentation and treatment delays were both associated with increased mortality rate (presentation delay 4 h, 8.6%; treatment delay 90 min, 8.1%). As time to treatment increased, the incidence of recurrent ischemia or reinfarction decreased, but the rates of shock, heart failure and stroke increased. CONCLUSIONS: Earlier treatment resulted in better outcomes, regardless of thrombolytic strategy. Elderly, female and diabetic patients were treated later, adding to their already substantial risk
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