2,799 research outputs found

    Parasite-Drag Measurements of Five Helicopter Rotor Hubs

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    An investigation has been conducted in the Langley full-scale tunnel to determine the parasite drag of five production-type helicopter rotor hubs. Some simple fairing arrangements were attempted in an effort to reduce the hub drag. The results indicate that, within the range of the tests, changes in angle of attack, hub rotational speed, and forward speed generally had only a small effect on the equivalent flat-plate area representing parasite drag. The drag coefficients of the basic hubs, based on projected hub frontal area, increased with hub area and varied from 0.5 to 0.76 for the hubs tested

    Feel the Noise: Mid-Air Ultrasound Haptics as a Novel Human-Vehicle Interaction Paradigm

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    Focussed ultrasound can be used to create the sensation of touch in mid-air. Combined with gestures, this can provide haptic feedback to guide users, thereby overcoming the lack of agency associated with pure gestural interfaces, and reducing the need for vision – it is therefore particularly apropos of the driving domain. In a counter-balanced 2×2 driving simulator study, a traditional in-vehicle touchscreen was compared with a virtual mid-air gestural interface, both with and without ultrasound haptics. Forty-eight experienced drivers (28 male, 20 female) undertook representative in-vehicle tasks – discrete target selections and continuous slider-bar manipulations – whilst driving. Results show that haptifying gestures with ultrasound was particularly effective in reducing visual demand (number of long glances and mean off-road glance time), and increasing performance (shortest interaction times, highest number of correct responses and least ‘overshoots’) associated with continuous tasks. In contrast, for discrete, target-selections, the touchscreen enabled the highest accuracy and quickest responses, particularly when combined with haptic feedback to guide interactions, although this also increased visual demand. Subjectively, the gesture interfaces invited higher ratings of arousal compared to the more familiar touch-surface technology, and participants indicated the lowest levels of workload (highest performance, lowest frustration) associated with the gesture-haptics interface. In addition, gestures were preferred by participants for continuous tasks. The study shows practical utility and clear potential for the use of haptified gestures in the automotive domain

    Novel Hyperspectral Sun Photometer for Satellite Remote Sensing Data Radiometric Calibration and Atmospheric Aerosol Studies

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    A simple and cost-effective, hyperspectral sun photometer for radiometric vicarious remote sensing system calibration, air quality monitoring, and potentially in-situ planetary climatological studies, was developed. The device was constructed solely from off the shelf components and was designed to be easily deployable for support of short-term verification and validation data collects. This sun photometer not only provides the same data products as existing multi-band sun photometers, this device requires a simpler setup, less data acquisition time and allows for a more direct calibration approach. Fielding this instrument has also enabled Stennis Space Center (SSC) Applied Sciences Directorate personnel to cross calibrate existing sun photometers. This innovative research will position SSC personnel to perform air quality assessments in support of the NASA Applied Sciences Program's National Applications program element as well as to develop techniques to evaluate aerosols in a Martian or other planetary atmosphere

    Bringing Racial Justice to the Courtroom and Community: Race Matters for Juvenile Justice and the Charlotte Model

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    This article describes regional institutional organizing efforts to bring racial justice to the Charlotte courts and community through a collaborative called Race Matters for Juvenile Justice (RMJJ). The authors explain community and institutional organizing in-depth using the example of minority overrepresentation in the juvenile justice system, but recognize the pervasiveness of racial and ethnic disparities. Moreover, as the Race Matters for Juvenile Justice-Charlotte Model has gained national prominence, many jurisdictions seek to replicate the collaborative and the authors, therefore, provide RMJJ’s history as well as strategies for changing the narrative through communication and education, workforce development, data and research, community collaboration, practice change, and legislation reform

    Delays in Leniency Application: Is There Really a Race to the Enforcer's Door?

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    This paper studies cartels’ strategic behavior in delaying leniency applications, a take-up decision that has been ignored in the previous literature. Using European Commission decisions issued over a 16-year span, we show, contrary to common beliefs and the existing literature, that conspirators often apply for leniency long after a cartel collapses. We estimate hazard and probit models to study the determinants of leniency-application delays. Statistical tests find that delays are symmetrically affected by antitrust policies and macroeconomic fluctuations. Our results shed light on the design of enforcement programs against cartels and other forms of conspiracy

    Emerging Techniques for Vicarious Calibration of Visible Through Short Wave Infrared Remote Sensing Systems

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    Autonomous Visible to SWIR ground-based vicarious Cal/Val will be an essential Cal/Val component with such a large number of systems. Radiometrically calibrated spectroradiometers can improve confidence in current ground truth data through validation of radiometric modeling and validation or replacement of traditional sun photometer measurement. They also should enable significant reduction in deployed equipment such as equipment used in traditional sun photometer approaches. Simple, field-portable, white-light LED calibration source shows promise for visible range (420-750 nm). Prototype demonstrated <0.5% drift over 10-40 C temperature range. Additional complexity (more LEDs) will be necessary for extending spectral range into the NIR and SWIR. LED long lifetimes should produce at least several hundreds of hours or more of stability, minimizing the need for expensive calibrations and supporting long-duration field campaigns

    The t(8;21) chromosomal translocation in acute myelogenous leukemia modifies intranuclear targeting of the AML1/CBFalpha2 transcription factor

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    Targeting of gene regulatory factors to specific intranuclear sites may be critical for the accurate control of gene expression. The acute myelogenous leukemia 8;21 (AML1/ETO) fusion protein is encoded by a rearranged gene created by the ETO chromosomal translocation. This protein lacks the nuclear matrix-targeting signal that directs the AML1 protein to appropriate gene regulatory sites within the nucleus. Here we report that substitution of the chromosome 8-derived ETO protein for the multifunctional C terminus of AML1 precludes targeting of the factor to AML1 subnuclear domains. Instead, the AML1/ETO fusion protein is redirected by the ETO component to alternate nuclear matrix-associated foci. Our results link the ETO chromosomal translocation in AML with modifications in the intranuclear trafficking of the key hematopoietic regulatory factor, AML1. We conclude that misrouting of gene regulatory factors as a consequence of chromosomal translocations is an important characteristic of acute leukemias

    B2 0902+34: A Collapsing Protogiant Elliptical Galaxy at z=3.4

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    We have used the visible integral-field replicable unit spectrograph prototype (VIRUS-P), a new integral field spectrograph, to study the spatially and spectrally resolved Lyman-alpha emission line structure in the radio galaxy B2 0902+34 at z=3.4. We observe a halo of Lyman-alpha emission with a velocity dispersion of 250 km/s extending to a radius of 50 kpc. A second feature is revealed in a spatially resolved region where the line profile shows blueshifted structure. This may be viewed as either HI absorption at -450 km/s or secondary emission at -900 km/s from the primary peak. Our new data, in combination with the 21 cm absorption, suggest two important and unexplained discrepancies. First, nowhere in the line profiles of the Lyman-alpha halo is the 21 cm absorber population evident. Second, the 21 cm absorption redshift is higher than the Lyman-alpha emission redshift. In an effort to explain these two traits, we have undertaken the first three dimensional Monte Carlo simulations of resonant scattering in radio galaxies. Though simple, the model produces the features in the Lyman-alpha data and predicts the 21 cm properties. To reach agreement between this model and the data, global infall of the HI is strictly necessary. The amount of gas necessary to match the model and data is surprisingly high, >= 10E12 solar masses, an order of magnitude larger than the stellar mass. The collapsing structure and large gas mass lead us to interpret B2 0902+34 as a protogiant elliptical galaxy.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables, accepted in Ap