
Emerging Techniques for Vicarious Calibration of Visible Through Short Wave Infrared Remote Sensing Systems


Autonomous Visible to SWIR ground-based vicarious Cal/Val will be an essential Cal/Val component with such a large number of systems. Radiometrically calibrated spectroradiometers can improve confidence in current ground truth data through validation of radiometric modeling and validation or replacement of traditional sun photometer measurement. They also should enable significant reduction in deployed equipment such as equipment used in traditional sun photometer approaches. Simple, field-portable, white-light LED calibration source shows promise for visible range (420-750 nm). Prototype demonstrated <0.5% drift over 10-40 C temperature range. Additional complexity (more LEDs) will be necessary for extending spectral range into the NIR and SWIR. LED long lifetimes should produce at least several hundreds of hours or more of stability, minimizing the need for expensive calibrations and supporting long-duration field campaigns

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