5,311 research outputs found

    A Survey to Select Area Headings to be Included in a Handbook for School Administrators to Administer Departments of Vocational Agriculture in South Dakota

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    In this study the writer is attempting to find a few of the problems that confront the teacher of agriculture and the superintendent. It is believed that the constant moving and shifting of vocational agricultural instructors from our smaller high schools can be somewhat relieved through a study of this particular type. In a study by Clarke, a former vocational agricultural in South Dakota, it appears that, although salary was the primary problem, there were also other problems that caused vocational agricultural instructors to leave the profession. One of these problems was the lack of cooperation on the part of the administration. Most of the problems that arise stem from misunderstandings. Therefore, an attempt at eliminating these misunderstandings should be made. This study was prompted by the fact that the writer’s first two years of teaching experience were under a superintendent who for the first time experienced having a vocational agricultural department in his school system. It was further prompted by other agricultural instructors who expressed their feelings about working in systems where misunderstandings existed. The writer immediately asked, “Why can’t we clear up these unfortunate misunderstandings? Why can’t we show the vocational agricultural instructor the superintendent’s problems, and the superintendent how the vocational agricultural instructor operates?” However, the main purpose of this paper is an introduction to a handbook to be written at some later date when sufficient material has become accumulated and other studies have been initiated that will make it feasible

    Syntheses and Properties of Salts of Chromophores with Ferrocenyl Electron Donor Groups and Quaternary Nitrogen Acceptors

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    A series of five new dipolar cations has been synthesized with ferrocenyl (Fc) electron donor groups connected to N-arylpyridinium, N-methylquinolinium, N-methylbenzothiazolium, or N-methylacridinium acceptors. Together with their known N-methylpyridinium analogue, these chromophores have been characterized as their PF_6^− salts by using various techniques including electronic absorption spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry. Nine single-crystal X-ray structures have been determined, including two polymorphs of one salt obtained from a single crystallization experiment, and two of these are polar materials. A highly favorable degree of dipolar alignment for bulk NLO effects is observed in one case. Molecular quadratic nonlinear optical (NLO) responses have been determined by using femtosecond hyper-Rayleigh scattering (HRS) at 1300 nm and also via Stark (electroabsorption) spectroscopic studies on the intense π → π^* intraligand and d → π^* metal-to-ligand charge-transfer bands. A broad correlation between the electron acceptor strength and the HRS-derived first hyperpolarizabilities β and the static first hyperpolarizabilities β0 estimated from the Stark data is evident. This is the first time that meaningful (albeit indirectly determined) β_0 data have been reported for Fc compounds, allowing quantitative comparisons with the chromophore in the technologically important material (E)-4′-(dimethylamino)-N-methyl-4-stilbazolium (DAS) tosylate. The observed β_0 values are in several cases similar to that of [DAS]PF_6, and possibly even larger in one instance

    Performance of High Flow Rate Samplers for Respirable Particle Collection

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    The American Conference of Governmental Industrial hygienists (ACGIH) lowered the threshold limit value (TLV) for respirable crystalline silica (RCS) exposure from 0.05 to 0.025 mg m−3 in 2006. For a working environment with an airborne dust concentration near this lowered TLV, the sample collected with current standard respirable aerosol samplers might not provide enough RCS for quantitative analysis. Adopting high flow rate sampling devices for respirable dust containing silica may provide a sufficient amount of RCS to be above the limit of quantification even for samples collected for less than full shift. The performances of three high flow rate respirable samplers (CIP10-R, GK2.69, and FSP10) have been evaluated in this study. Eleven different sizes of monodisperse aerosols of ammonium fluorescein were generated with a vibrating orifice aerosol generator in a calm air chamber in order to determine the sampling efficiency of each sampler. Aluminum oxide particles generated by a fluidized bed aerosol generator were used to test (i) the uniformity of a modified calm air chamber, (ii) the effect of loading on the sampling efficiency, and (iii) the performance of dust collection compared to lower flow rate cyclones in common use in the USA (10-mm nylon and Higgins–Dewell cyclones). The coefficient of variation for eight simultaneous samples in the modified calm air chamber ranged from 1.9 to 6.1% for triplicate measures of three different aerosols. The 50% cutoff size (50dae) of the high flow rate samplers operated at the flow rates recommended by manufacturers were determined as 4.7, 4.1, and 4.8 μm for CIP10-R, GK2.69, and FSP10, respectively. The mass concentration ratio of the high flow rate samplers to the low flow rate cyclones decreased with decreasing mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD) and high flow rate samplers collected more dust than low flow rate samplers by a range of 2–11 times based on gravimetric analysis. Dust loading inside the high flow rate samplers does not appear to affect the particle separation in either FSP10 or GK2.69. The high flow rate samplers overestimated compared to the International Standards Organization/Comité Européen de Normalisation/ACGIH respirable convention [up to 40% at large MMAD (27.5 μm)] and could provide overestimated exposure data with the current flow rates. However, both cyclones appeared to be able to provide relatively unbiased assessments of RCS when their flow rates were adjusted

    Structure prediction of stable sodium germanides at 0 and 10 GPa

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    In this work we used ab-initio random structure searching (AIRSS) to carry out a systematic search for crystalline Na-Ge materials at both 0 and 10 GPa. The high-throughput structural relaxations were accelerated using a machine-learned interatomic potential (MLIP) fit to density-functional theory (DFT) reference data, allowing ∼1.5 million structures to be relaxed. At ambient conditions we predict three new Zintl phases, Na3Ge2, Na2Ge and Na9Ge4, to be stable and a number of Ge-rich layered structures to lie in close proximity to the convex hull. The known NaδGe34 clathrate and Na4Ge13 host-guest structures are found to be relatively stabilized at higher temperature by vibrational contributions to the free energy. Overall, the low energy phases exhibit exceptional structural diversity, with the expected mixture of covalent and ionic bonding confirmed using the electron-localisation function (ELF). The local Ge structural motifs present at each composition were determined using Smooth Overlap of Atomic Positions (SOAP) descriptors and the Ge-K edge was simulated for representatives of each motif, providing a direct link to experimental x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). Two Ge-rich phases are predicted to be stable at 10 GPa; NaGe3 and NaGe2 have simple kagome and simple hexagonal Ge lattices respectively with Na contained in the pores. NaGe3 is isostructural with the MgB3 and MgSi3 family of kagome superconductors and remains dynamically stable at 0 GPa. Removing the Na from NaGe2 results in the hexagonal lonsdalite Ge allotrope, which has a direct band gap

    Increased SK3 expression in DM1 lens cells leads to impaired growth through a greater calcium-induced fragility

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    Although cataract is a characteristic feature of myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1), little is known of the underlying mechanisms. We generated four lens epithelial cell lines derived from DM1 cataracts and two from age-matched, non-DM cataracts. Small-pool PCR revealed typical large triplet repeat expansions in the DM1 cells. Furthermore, real-time PCR analysis showed reduced SIX5 expression and increased expression of the Ca2+-activated K+ channel SK3 in the DM1 cells. These cells also exhibited longer population doubling times which did not arise through reduced proliferation, but rather increased cell death as shown by increased release of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). Using 86Rb+ as a tracer for K+, we found no difference in the resting K+ influx or efflux kinetics. In all cases, the ouabain sensitive component of the influx contributed ~50% of the total. However, stimulating internal Ca2+ by exposure to ionomycin not only caused greater stimulation of K+ (86Rb) efflux in the DM1 cells but also induced a higher rate of cell death (LDH assay). Since both the hyper-stimulation of K+ efflux and cell death were reduced by the highly specific SK inhibitor apamin, we suggest that increased expression of SK3 has a critical role in the increased Ca2+-induced fragility in DM1 cells. The present data, therefore, both help explain the lower epithelial cell density previously observed in DM1 cataracts and provide general insights into mechanisms underlying the fragility of other DM1-affected tissues

    A dependent nominal type theory

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    Nominal abstract syntax is an approach to representing names and binding pioneered by Gabbay and Pitts. So far nominal techniques have mostly been studied using classical logic or model theory, not type theory. Nominal extensions to simple, dependent and ML-like polymorphic languages have been studied, but decidability and normalization results have only been established for simple nominal type theories. We present a LF-style dependent type theory extended with name-abstraction types, prove soundness and decidability of beta-eta-equivalence checking, discuss adequacy and canonical forms via an example, and discuss extensions such as dependently-typed recursion and induction principles

    Comparison of Tissue Injury from Focused Ultrasonic Propulsion of Kidney Stones Versus Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy

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    Purpose Focused ultrasonic propulsion is a new non-invasive technique designed to move kidney stones and stone fragments out of the urinary collecting system. However, the extent of tissue injury associated with this technique is not known. As such, we quantitated the amount of tissue injury produced by focused ultrasonic propulsion under simulated clinical treatment conditions, and under conditions of higher power or continuous duty cycles, and compared those results to SWL injury. Materials and Methods A human calcium oxalate monohydrate stone and/or nickel beads were implanted (with ureteroscopy) into 3 kidneys of live pigs (45–55 kg) and repositioned using focused ultrasonic propulsion. Additional pig kidneys were exposed to SWL level pulse intensities or continuous ultrasound exposure of 10 minutes duration (ultrasound probe either transcutaneous or on the kidney). These kidneys were compared to 6 kidneys treated with an unmodified Dornier HM3 Lithotripter (2400 shocks, 120 SWs/min and 24 kV). Histological analysis was performed to assess the volume of hemorrhagic tissue injury created by each technique (% functional renal volume, FRV). Results SWL produced a lesion of 1.56±0.45% FRV. Ultrasonic propulsion produced no detectable lesion with the simulated clinical treatment. A lesion of 0.46±0.37% FRV or 1.15±0.49% FRV could be produced if excessive treatment parameters were used while the ultrasound probe was placed on the kidney. Conclusions Focused ultrasonic propulsion produced no detectable morphological injury to the renal parenchyma when using clinical treatment parameters and produced injury comparable in size to SWL when using excessive treatment parameters

    The prevalence of badnaviruses in West African yams (Dioscorea cayenensis-rotundata) and evidence of endogenous pararetrovirus sequences in their genomes

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    Yam (Dioscorea spp.) is an important vegetatively-propagated staple crop in West Africa. Viruses are pervasive in yam worldwide, decreasing growth and yield, as well as hindering the international movement of germplasm. Badnaviruses have been reported to be the most prevalent in yam, and genomes of some other badnaviruses are known to be integrated in their host plant species. However, it was not clear if a similar scenario occurs in Dioscorea yam. This study was conducted to verify the prevalence of badnaviruses, and determine if badnavirus genomes are integrated in the yam genome

    The Emission and Distribution of Dust of the Torus of NGC 1068

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    We present observations of NGC 1068 covering the 19.7–53.0 μm wavelength range using FORCAST and HAWC+ on board SOFIA. Using these observations, high-angular-resolution infrared (IR) and submillimeter observations, we find an observational turnover of the torus emission in the 30–40 μm wavelength range with a characteristic temperature of 70–100 K. This component is clearly different from the diffuse extended emission in the narrow line and star formation regions at 10–100 μm within the central 700 pc. We compute 2.2–432 μm 2D images using the best inferred CLUMPY torus model based on several nuclear spectral energy distribution (SED) coverages. We find that when 1–20 μm SED is used, the inferred result gives a small torus size (<4 pc radius) and a steep radial dust distribution. The computed torus using the 1–432 μm SED provides comparable torus sizes, 5.1^(+0.4)_(-0.4) pc radius, and morphology to the recently resolved 432 μm Atacama Large Millimeter Array observations. This result indicates that the 1–20 μm wavelength range is not able to probe the full extent of the torus. The characterization of the turnover emission of the torus using the 30–60 μm wavelength range is sensitive to the detection of cold dust in the torus. The morphology of the dust emission in our 2D image at 432 μm is spatially coincident with the cloud distribution, while the morphology of the emission in the 1–20 μm wavelength range shows an elongated morphology perpendicular to the cloud distribution. We find that our 2D CLUMPY torus image at 12 μm can produce comparable results to those observed using IR interferometry