2,018 research outputs found

    Heart-Lung Interactions in Aerospace Medicine

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    Few of the heart-lung interactions that are discussed have been studied in any detail in the aerospace environment, but is seems that many such interactions must occur in the setting of altered accelerative loadings and pressure breathing. That few investigations are in progress suggests that clinical and academic laboratory investigators and aerospace organizations are further apart than during the pioneering work on pressure breathing and acceleration tolerance in the 1940s. The purpose is to reintroduce some of the perennial problems of aviation physiology as well as some newer aerospace concerns that may be of interest. Many possible heart-lung interactions are pondered, by necessity often drawing on data from within the aviation field, collected before the modern understanding of these interactions developed, or on recent laboratory data that may not be strictly applicable. In the field of zero-gravity effects, speculation inevitably outruns the sparse available data

    Notice of Claim Provisions an Equal Protection Perspective

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    Marital conflict and adolescent distress : a mediational model

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    The Preparation And Determination Of Some Of The Properties Of The Dicarboxylic Amino Acid Chelates Of Platinum(Ii) And Palladium(Ii)

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    It is surprising that no one has considered that coordination might have some effect on the strength of the acid group. It is the intent of this study to fill this gap in the knowledge of amino-acid chemistry. At about the time this study began on the effect of chelation on the strength of the uncomplexed acid group, the next two higher homologs of these dicarboxylic amino acids became commercially available. It was, therefore, decided that the problem of this research should be expanded to include all four of the acidic amino acids. The research problem was also defined to include the systematic synthesis of the platinum and palladium (II) complexes of the four available alpha amino dicarboxylic acids, [see PDF]. Platinum and palladium were chosen since in the +2 oxidation state they were known to form only square planar compounds

    Notice of Claim Provisions an Equal Protection Perspective

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    One Little Dream of Love : Song

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    Traffic Engineering Demonstration Project on U.S. 52 Bypass: Inventory, Analysis and Recommendations : Progress Report

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    The project reported here was designed to demonstrate the effectiveness of applied traffic engineering for attaining the ultimate operating potential of an arterial highway in a suburban area. Its seeds were in the work done by the U. S. Bureau of Public Roads on Wisconsin Avenue in Washington, D.C. The Wisconsin Avenue Study demonstrated that application of traffic engineering principles could yield significant results in the improvement of traffic operation on an urban arterial street. The present project proposed to demonstrate how these same techniques could yield similar improvements for a different situation, the suburban arterial highway. This type facility was chosen because of its similarity to several situations in Indiana, as well as other states, and the generalized applicability that could thereby be derived. It is felt that results obtained here will be helpful to the State Highway Commission in decisions relating to how to utilize limited available funds for improving existing facilities so as to obtain maximum benefit for each dollar spent. The results will also demonstrate means of obtaining temporary relief for areas badly in need thereof, but for which remedial major construction is currently financially infeasible

    Manipulation of fire ant density, Solenopsis spp., for short-term reduction of Diatraea saccharalis larval densities in Brazil

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    The sugarcane borer, Diatraea saccharalis (Fabr.) is the main sugarcane pest in Brazil. In the State of São Paulo, the main active population control of D. saccharalis is by inundative releases of the exotic parasitoid, Cotesia flavipes (Cam.). However, the production of C. flavipes in sugar mills entails costs and few studies have evaluated the effects of native predators on sugarcane borer populations. Using a simple colony translocation method, we evaluated the effect of fire ants (Solenopsis spp.) on population densities of D. saccharalis and concurrently upon rates of parasitism by classical biological control agents in the São João sugar mill in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. The translocation technique proved to be feasible and economically possible. Sugarcane borers were sampled in each of the 5 areas for each treatment in two 1.4 x 5.0 m (7 m²) points (sample size), by opening and visually examining all canes. The average numbers and its respective standard deviations (SD) for D. saccharalis population densities before and after colony translocations considering 0, 5, 10 and 15 colonies added per 0.5 ha were, 9.2 ± 5.9, 8.4 ± 3.4, 9.0 ± 6.9, 9.4 ± 8.1 and 3.2 ± 1.8, 2.8 ± 2.7, 2.6 ± 1.5, 3.8 ± 2.8, respectively. However, we detected no significant changes in sugarcane borer densities with respect to ant colony densities over a two-week period, none of which were greater than for no colony additions. No effects of colony translocations on parasitism rates of braconid and tachinid parasitoids on D. saccharalis were detected. Thus, although the translocation technique was economically feasible, no reductions of D. saccharalis densities were produced by colony additions, and may not be a viable alternative for D. saccharalis population reduction, especially at the low population levels which prevail in Brazil.A broca da cana-de-açúcar, Diatraea saccharalis (Fabr.) é a principal praga da cana-de-açúcar no Brasil. No Estado de São Paulo, o principal meio de controle desta praga é por meio de liberações constantes do parasitóide exótico Cotesia flavipes (Cam.). De qualquer forma, a produção de tais parasitóides nas usinas de cana-de-açúcar acarreta custos e poucos estudos tem avaliado os efeitos de predadores nativos nas populações da broca da cana-de-açúcar. Usando-se um método simples de coleta e liberação de colônias, avaliou-se o efeito de formigas Solenopsis spp. nas densidades das populações de D. saccharalis, bem como seu efeito na taxa de parasitismo imposta por agentes de controle biológico clássico. O estudo foi conduzido nos canaviais da Usina São João, município de Araras-SP. Esta metodologia mostrou ser apropriada e economicamente viável. Lagartas de D. saccharalis foram amostradas em cada uma das cinco áreas de cada tratamento em dois pontos de 1.4 x 5.0 m (7 m²) (tamanho amostral), através da abertura e observação de todas as plantas ali existentes. Os números médios e os respectivos desvios padrão para as densidades populacionais de D. saccharalis, antes e após a adição de 0, 5, 10 e 15 colônias por 0.5 ha, foram, 9,2 ± 5,9; 8,4 ± 3,4; 9,0 ± 6,9; 9,4 ± 8,1 e 3,2 ± 1,8; 2,8 ± 2,7; 2,6 ± 1,5; 3,8 ± 2,8; respectivamente. De qualquer forma, durante um período de duas semanas, nenhuma mudança significativa nas densidades de D. saccharalis foi detectada, as quais não diferiram das áreas onde não houve liberação de colônias. Nenhum efeito, devido à adição das colônias, nas taxas de parasitismo impostas pelos braconídeos e taquinídeos foi detectada. Portanto, embora esta metodologia foi economicamente viável, nenhuma redução nas densidades de D. saccharalis foi evidenciada devido à adição das colônias, não sendo uma alternativa viável para a redução das densidades populacionais de D. saccharalis

    Senior Recital: Gordon Warren, Percussion; Harold Gray, Piano; November 1, 1970

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    CE121November 1, 19703:00 p.m