430 research outputs found

    Violencia de género en precedentes judiciales penales en el distrito judicial de Lima Norte, 2021

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    La realización de la presente investigación se ha basado en estudiar la Violencia de Género en los precedentes Judiciales Penales de la Corte Superior de Justicia de Lima Norte, teniendo como enfoque – Investigación CUALITATIVA, con un tipo de investigación básica; y, con la finalidad de recabar toda la información necesaria relacionado al tema, se ha recurrido a la entrevista con los operadores de justicia, advirtiéndose que la Violencia de Género afecta a la mujer por su condición de tal, sucesos que se vienen dando a nivel Nacional, sin discriminar los diversos niveles sociales, culturales, siendo una constante, la carencia de recursos económicos, falta de oportunidades laborales a las mujeres, el Machismo imperante en la Sociedad y sobre todo la discriminación hacia la mujer. Aunado a ello, se tiene la poca participación del Estado en dotar a los operadores de justicia encargados de sancionar a los agresores, material logístico, así como la capacitación constante en temas de violencia de género e internalizar y sensibilizar, respecto de frenar todo tipo de violencia hacia la mujer y evitar lo que actualmente se está lamentando – el Feminicidio

    Synthesis and characterization of silver vanadates thin films for photocatalytic applications

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    Silver vanadates thin films were deposited by a hybrid deposition system combining laser ablation and thermal evaporation. A high purity vanadium target was ablated using the third harmonic of a Nd:YAG laser whereas high purity silver pellets were evaporated. The as-deposited thin films were subjected to thermal treatments at 400 °C to obtain crystalline films. For films without Ag amorphous V2O5 thin films were deposited and as the Ag is incorporated in the material different silver vanadates were obtained. The effect of the silver load on the composition, structure, optical properties, surface morphology and photocatalytic response of the deposited films was studied. The film composition, determined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, reveals Ag contents from 5.5 to 18.9 at.%. The crystalline phases formed were identified by micro-Raman Spectroscopy; the results indicate the formation of three silver vanadates depending on the silver content. The morphology was observed using scanning electron microscopy, the filmś surface changes from a smooth surface to belts covering the surface and finally Ag nanoparticles are observed at the higher Ag contens. Optical properties determined from UV–vis reveal the presence of the surface plasmon signal in films containing silver. The films were tested in the photocatalytic degradation of Malachite Green dye reaching maximum degradations degrees close to 53% under solar irradiation. Reactive species trapping experiments suggest that O2 − produced by the O2 reduction via the photogenerated electrons drives the photodegradation mechanismCB-168827 CB-240998 F. Gonzalez-Zavala thanks to CONACyT for the PhD and Beca Mixta grants, and also to the SIEA-UAEM for the beca movilidad para estudios avanzados 2016. E. Rodríguez-Castellón thanks to project CTQ2015-68951-C3-3-R of Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spain) and FEDER funds

    Radiowave Propagation Prediction in a Wind Farm Enviroment and Wind Turbine Scattering Model

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    One of the environmental effects of wind farms is the electromagnetic interference due to the scattering produced by the wind turbines on the electromagnetic waves of different radio communication services propagating through them. A previous work [4] is updated here and the scattering models for the nacelle and the wind turbine are shown and validated. Radio wave propagation losses are estimated more precisely through a parabolic equation approach. Finally, a comparison between theoretical and measured values for the Power Delay Profile (PDP) of the multipath channel through a wind farm is showed

    Modeling of the interferences cost by wind farms of the tv broadcast service

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    One of the environmental effects of wind farms is that wind turbines act as scattering devices of the electromagnetic RF waves and thus, may cause interferences to different telecommunication services around them. To carry on with a previous work [4], the model of the nacelle and the wind turbine is shown and validated. Finally, a wideband terrain-sensitive channel response model has been developed from narrow-band model. The complex wideband channel transfer function is transformed here to the time domain through the use of a fast Fourier transform (FFT), so that calculating the power delay profile (PDP)

    Interferencias de los parques eólicos en el servicio de TV

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    This paper analyzes the problematic of the interferences created by wind farms. Wind turbines may cause interferences to television and microwave signals due to reflections and diffractions of those signals from both the tower (stationary) and the blades (non-stationary). The ITU Radiocommunication Assembly, on the BT 805 [1], specifies a simplified model of impairment caused to television reception by a single wind turbine considering only free space propagation. This paper shows the extensions to a multiple turbine case, the inclusion of other propagation models (plain earth and ITU-R P.1546) and presents more accurate models to obtain the scattering produced by a wind turbine, as well as their implementation on friendly-use softwar

    Differents Aspects of the Interferences Caused By Wind Farms Over Tv Signals

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    One of the environmental effects of wind farms is that wind turbines act as scattering devices of the electromagnetic RF waves and thus, may cause interferences to different telecommunication services around them. To carry on with a previous work [4], the model of the nacelle and the wind turbine is shown and validated. Finally, a wideband terrain-sensitive channel response model has been developed from narrow-band model. The complex wideband channel transfer function is transformed here to the time domain through the use of a fast Fourier transform (FFT), so that calculating the power delay profile (PDP

    Características Morfofuncionales del Hombre de Altura

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    This narrative review summarizes the effects of acute and chronic changes that hypobaric hypoxia has on the human body at high altitudes. It is mentioned that native residents at high altitudes have elevated levels of testosterone and hemoglobin, which allow them to adapt to altitude, and that placental pathophysiological failures can cause congenital malformations in fetuses. Newborns at altitude have low oxygen saturation, which can cause cardiovascular and respiratory problems. Hypobaric hypoxia produces changes in the musculoskeletal, nervous, endocrine, digestive, and renal systems, such as changes in thorax morphology, decreased linear bone growth, dolichomegacolon, cerebral arterial vasodilation, increased respiratory volume, among others. Important changes are also mentioned in the acid-base balance and cellular metabolism.La presente revisión narrativa resume los efectos de los cambios agudos y crónicos que la hipoxia hipobárica tiene en grandes altitudes en el cuerpo humano. Se menciona que los nativos residentes en altitudes elevadas tienen valores elevados de testosterona y hemoglobina, lo que les permite adaptarse a la altura, y que los fallos fisiopatológicos placentarios pueden causar malformaciones congénitas en fetos. Los recién nacidos en altitud tienen baja saturación de oxígeno, lo que puede causar problemas cardiovasculares y respiratorios. La hipoxia hipobárica produce cambios en el sistema musculoesquelético, nervioso, endocrino, digestivo, renal como: cambio en la morfología del tórax, disminución del crecimiento óseo lineal, dolicomegacolon, vasodilatación arterial cerebral, aumento del volumen respiratorio entre otros. También se menciona cambios importantes en el equilibrio acido básico y metabolismo celular

    Ag-modified vanadium oxide photocatalytic thin films deposited by a two parallel ablation plasmas configuration

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    Articulo de colaboracionThe application of a two ablation plasmas configuration to deposit vanadium oxide thin films modified with different amounts of silver is reported. In this configuration, two parallel plasmas are produced ablating simultaneously two different targets, V and Ag, to form the Ag-modified vanadium oxide thin films. The ablation of the vanadium target is performed under constant conditions in all deposits, while the silver produced plasma is varied. The effect of the amount of Ag incorporated in the films on their compositional, morphological, structural, and photocatalytic properties is studied. The results reveal that films with variable Ag content from 0.6 to 17.2 at. % are obtained. Depending on the silver content, the samples show very different surface morphologies from smooth surfaces to acicular structures in films containing Ag. Raman spectra reveal that as the silver content is increased different vanadium oxides coexist and at the highest Ag content a silver vanadate is formed. The photocatalytic activity for the degradation of the Malachite Green dye under simulated solar light is determined. It is found that in general terms, films containing silver show a higher photocatalytic response than V2O5 films aloneCONACYT project CB-24099

    More on correlators and contact terms in {\cal N}=4 SYM at order g^4

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    We compute two-point functions of chiral operators Tr(\Phi^k) for any k, in {\cal N}=4 supersymmetric SU(N) Yang-Mills theory. We find that up to the order g^4 the perturbative corrections to the correlators vanish for all N. The cancellation occurs in a highly non trivial way, due to a complicated interplay between planar and non planar diagrams. In complete generality we show that this same result is valid for any simple gauge group. Contact term contributions signal the presence of ultraviolet divergences. They are arbitrary at the tree level, but the absence of perturbative renormalization in the non singular part of the correlators allows to compute them unambiguously at higher orders. In the spirit of the AdS/CFT correspondence we comment on their relation to infrared singularities in the supergravity sector.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    Thermoluminescent response of C-modified Al2O3 thin films deposited by parallel laser ablation plasmas

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    Aluminium oxide thin films modified with different amounts of carbon were prepared using a parallel laser ablation plasmas configuration. The effect of the amount of carbon incorporated in the films on their compositional, morphological, structural, and thermoluminescent properties was studied. The results showed that films with different C content, from 11 to 33 at. %, were obtained. The structural characterization revealed the growth of an amorphous material. Surface morphology of the obtained thin films showed smooth surfaces. The films were exposed to UV and gamma radiation (Co-60) in order to study their thermoluminescence response. The results tend to indicate that carbon incorporation into the alumina favours the increase of a high temperature TL peak.CONACyT CB 24099