29 research outputs found

    The Influence of Industry Growth and Firm Market Share on Firm-Level IT Value

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    Market-dominant firms traditionally have an advantage in growing markets because they operate with larger average plant sizes and are better able to reap the rewards of economies of scale. We present evidence that with information technology (IT), the effect is precisely the opposite: firms with less market power enjoy the benefits in a growing market. The influence of firm-level attributes on the economic value of information technology (IT) to firms has been the predominant focus of much prior research in this field. While some studies have examined how IT value differs across industries, there has been little research on how industry and firm attributes jointly affect firms’ returns on their IT investments. To that end, we develop cross-level hypotheses to examine how the latter is influenced by industry growth and firm size. By using a hierarchical linear model to test the industry-to-firm interactions, we are able to control for violations of statistical assumptions that are likely to bias cross-level estimates obtained using conventional statistical methods. Results of the analysis reveal that 93.25% of the variance in firm-level IT value lies within firms, while 6.75% is attributable to industrylevel factors. The implications of these findings for research and practice are examined

    Harnessing genetic potential of wheat germplasm banks through impact-oriented-prebreeding for future food and nutritional security

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    The value of exotic wheat genetic resources for accelerating grain yield gains is largely unproven and unrealized. We used next-generation sequencing, together with multi-environment phenotyping, to study the contribution of exotic genomes to 984 three-way-cross-derived (exotic/elite1//elite2) pre-breeding lines (PBLs). Genomic characterization of these lines with haplotype map-based and SNP marker approaches revealed exotic specific imprints of 16.1 to 25.1%, which compares to theoretical expectation of 25%. A rare and favorable haplotype (GT) with 0.4% frequency in gene bank identified on chromosome 6D minimized grain yield (GY) loss under heat stress without GY penalty under irrigated conditions. More specifically, the ‘T’ allele of the haplotype GT originated in Aegilops tauschii and was absent in all elite lines used in study. In silico analysis of the SNP showed hits with a candidate gene coding for isoflavone reductase IRL-like protein in Ae. tauschii. Rare haplotypes were also identified on chromosomes 1A, 6A and 2B effective against abiotic/biotic stresses. Results demonstrate positive contributions of exotic germplasm to PBLs derived from crosses of exotics with CIMMYT’s best elite lines. This is a major impact-oriented pre-breeding effort at CIMMYT, resulting in large-scale development of PBLs for deployment in breeding programs addressing food security under climate change scenarios

    A Review on the taxonomy, ethnobotany, chemistry and pharmacology of Oroxylum indicum vent

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    Oroxylum indicum Vent. (O. indicum) is a tree commonly called Indian trumpet tree found in tropical countries, such as India, Japan, China, Sri Lanka, Malaysia. The chemical constituents obtained from different parts of plant include baicalein-7-O-diglucoside (Oroxylin B), baicalein-7-O-glucoside, chrysin, apegenin, prunetin, sitosterol, oroxindin, biochanin-A, ellagic acid, baicalein and its 6- and 7-glucuronides, scutellarein, tetuin, antraquinone and aloe-emodin. Various parts of the plant are used in Ayurveda and folk medicine for the treatment of different ailments such as cancer, diarrhea, fever, ulcer and jaundice. Recent in vivo and in vitro studies have indicated its antiinflammatory, antiulcer, hepatoprotective, anticancer, antioxidant, photocytotoxic, antiproliferative, antiarthritic, antimicrobial, antimutagenic and immunostimulant properties. Exhaustive literature survey reveals that there are some activities which are still not proven scientifically. This article is an attempt to compile an up-to-date and comprehensive review on O. indicum covering its traditional and folk medicinal uses, phytochemistry and pharmacology

    Bilateral neuro-retinitis following chick embryo cell anti-rabies vaccination – a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Optic nerve is rarely involved after sheep brain anti-rabies vaccination in the form of retrobulbar neuritis or papillitis. Bilateral neuroretinitis after chick embryo cell antirabies vaccination has not been reported.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report the case of a 56 year old male who developed bilateral neuro-retinitis following three injections of antirabies vaccine prepared from the chick embryo.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The chick embryo cell antirabies vaccine can cause bilateral neuroretinits which has not been reported previously.</p