24 research outputs found

    Uji Toksisitas Ekstrak methanol Beberapa Bagian Jaringan Tumbuhan Bayur (Pterospermum subpeltatum C.B. Rob)

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    Abstrak: Tumbuhan bayur (Pterospermum subpeltatum C.B. Rob) adalah salah satu spesies dari genus Pterospermum yang selama ini belum pernah diteliti kandungan metabolit sekundernya. Namun beberapa spesies lain dari genus ini secara turun-temurun digunakan sebagai obat tradisional, seperti Pterospermum javanicum dapat mengobati penyakit disentri, sakit gigi dan bisul, dan Pterospermum acerifolium di Sulawesi Tengah sering digunakan sebagai obat gatal. Dari hasil uji toksisitas dengan metode Brine shrimp lethality test (BLST) terhadap beberapa bagian jaringan Pterospermum, diperoleh data bahwa ekstrak metanol kayu akar mempunyai aktivitas yang paling tinggi dibanding dengan bagian yang lain dengan nilai LC50 adalah 220 pp

    Uji Bioaktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Kayu Akar Bayur ( Pterospermum subpeltatum C.B.Rob )

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    Pterospermum subpeltatum C.B. Rob or bayur is traditionally and widely used as medicine for infection diseases caused by bacteria. Four extract from root stem of this plant were evaluated for their antibacterial activity properties against Escherichia coli, Shigella boydii, staphylococcus aureus dan Streptococcus mutan. All the extract were able to inhibited the bacterial strain except Staphylococcus aureus. Chloroform extract exhibited effect for   Shigella boydii and Streptococcus mutan. Hexana extract for Escherichia coli, while methanol extract for Shigella boydii. All extract showed an effect at the same extend (MIC; 50 mg/ml)


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    Preliminary studies on Terong Belanda (C. betacea ) have been carried out in this investigation with an aim to examine the presence of an alkaloid in the fruit of Terong Belanda. Several protocols had been done including maceration, extraction, evaporation, separation under column chromatography, crystallization and recrystallization, and testing with series of alkaloid reagent test. Finally one fraction, fraction D, obtaining in white sharp crystals, 96 mg, m.p 117.5 ÂșC gave positive results to an alkaloid especially from the group of atropine.   Keywords: terong belanda, qualitative analysis, alkaloi


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    Heavy metal Cu is an essential metal required by living organisms but a pollutant in water environment when existed in a level above the treshold level. The capability of sponge Clathria reinwardtii in accumulating heavy metals was analyzed according to modified MĂŒller et al. (1998) method, and the sediment was analyzed according to Loring and Rantala in Rochyatun et al., (2006). Cu concentrations were measured by ICP-OES. The results indicate that Clathria reinwardtii was capable of accumulating the highest Cu level compared to other sponges. The highest Cu level analyzed in Clathria reinwardtii was 161.3 mg/kg


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    Heavy metal Cu is an essential metal required by living organisms but a pollutant in water environment when existed in a level above the treshold level. The capability of sponge Clathria reinwardtii in accumulating heavy metals was analyzed according to modified MĂŒller et al. (1998) method, and the sediment was analyzed according to Loring and Rantala in Rochyatun et al., (2006). Cu concentrations were measured by ICP-OES. The results indicate that Clathria reinwardtii was capable of accumulating the highest Cu level compared to other sponges. The highest Cu level analyzed in Clathria reinwardtii was 161.3 mg/kg

    6,6\u27-DIMETHOXY-4,4\u27-DIHYDROXY-3\u27,2\u27-FURANO-ISOFLAVANE, A NEW COMPOUND FROM Melochia umbel/ata (Houtt.) Stapf var. Degrabrata K. (Paliasa)

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    ABSTRACT Using data from UV, IR, IH-NMR, 13C_NMR,dan NMR-2D analysis, a compound of 6,6\u27-dimethoxy-4,4\u27- dihydroxy-3\u27,2\u27-furano-isoflavane (1) was successful/y isolated from chloroform fraction of heartwood in Me/ochia umbel/ata (Houff.) Stapf var. Degrabarata K (Paliasa). Hitherto no report of such compound found in literature. The compound however has not shown a significant bioactivity according to either brine shrimp lethality test or evaluation of anti tumor activity against leukemia murine cel/ (P-388). Keywords: isoflavane, heartwood, chloroform and Me/ochia umbel/at

    Aktivitas Antibakteri Senyawa turunan Oleanan dari Kayu Akar Pterospermum Subpeltatum

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    Abstract: A triterpenoid derivative compound, oleane-12-en-2,3,23-triol-28-oat, from chloroform fraction of root wood of pterospermum subpeltatum C.B. Rob (sterculiaceae) was identified using IR, H dan C NMR data. The compound has shown toxicity against Artemia salina, LC of 46.06 ug/mL, and antibacteriall potential upon Shigella boydii and staphylococcus aureus with inhibition zones of 8.3 and 9.8 mm respectively

    The Antibacterial Properties of Bayur Tissues’ Extract (Pterospermum subpeltatum C.B. Rob)

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    Abstract: Pterospermum is of plant genus in the Sterculiaceae family, which has never been studied for its secondary metabolite compound. The others species from this genus have long been used in generations of traditional medicine. For example, P. Javanicum has been used to treat dysentery, toothaches and ulcers. From the antibacterial testing carried out on some tissues of Pterospermum subpeltatum by GNA diffusion method, this plant showed antibacterial potential, especially toward Shigella boydii and Staphylococcus aureus

    Uji Bioaktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Kayu Akar Bayur (Pterospermum subpeltatum C.B.Rob) (Bioactivity Test of Antibacterals of Wood Root Extract Bayur (Pterospermum subpeltatum C.B.Rob))

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    Abstract: Pterospermum subpeltatum C.B. Rob or bayur is traditionally and widely used as medicine for infection diseases caused 6y bacteria. Four extract from root stem of this plant were evaluated for their antibacterial activity properties against Escherichia coli, Shigella boydii, staphylococcus aureus darr Streptococcus mutan. All the extact were able to inhibited the bacterial strain except Staphylococcus oureus- Chloroform extract exhibited effect for Shigella boydii and Streptococcus mutqn. Hexana exhact for Escherichia coli,while methanol extract for Shigelta boydii. All extract showed an effect at the same extend (MC; 50 mg/ml)


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    A research on essential metal distribution of copper in Spermonde waters has been carried out. Sponge species of Melophlus sarassinorum, Callyspongia aerizusa, dan Clathria reinwardtii were identified and analyzed accordingly. Copper level were measured using Inductrively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES) and the results showed that highest concentration was found in Clathria reinwartii  48.3 ppm. Copper distribution in sponge skeleton is higher than in its tissue and seemingly in terms of species the highest concentration is Clathria reinwartii taken from Barrang Lompo waters. In the meantime, Samalona waters contain highest concentration in its sedimen (3.96 ppm). Apparently Spermonde waters is beginning being interferred by metal pollution