548 research outputs found

    Narrative Review: Kesehatan Mental dan Peran Resiliensi pada Mahasiswa Selama Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    Pandemi Covid-19 melanda berbagai negara di penjuru dunia. Cepatnya pergerakanvirus dan banyaknya kasus kematian membuat banyak negara-negara di duniamenerapkan kebijakan yang menimbulkan ketidaknyamanan pada mahasiswa.Salah satunya adalah menimbulkan dampak negatif pada kesehatan mental paramahasiswa. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahuibagaimana kondisi kesehatan mental dan peran resiliensi pada mahasiswa selamamasa pandemi Covid-19 secara lebih luas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodenarrative review dengan berpedoman pada PRISMA. Sumber literatur diambil darigoogle scholar, pubmed dan sciencedirect dengan menggunakan kata kunci ā€œstudentmental health AND resilience pandemic covid-19ā€. Proses analisis yang telahdilakukan mengungkapkan bahwa kondisi kesehatan mental mahasiswa di berbagainegara mengalami gangguan selama masa pandemi Covid-19, seperti stres, cemas ,depresi dan kelelahan akibat lockdown. Ditemukan pula bahwa mahasiswa yangberjenis kelamin perempuan, mahasiswa perantau yang tidak dapat pulang kedaerah asalnya memiliki potensi untuk mengalami gangguan. Selain itu, resiliensimemiliki peran dalam mengatasi atau mengurangi efek dari gangguan kesehatanmental yang dialami oleh mahasiswa selama pandemi Covid-19.Kata Kunci: Kesehatan Mental, Resiliensi, Mahasiswa, Pandemi, Covid-19, Narrative Revie

    Gli Assiri di Tehran: un profilo sociolinguistico

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    The Neo-Aramaic dialect of the Assyrian Christians of Urmi is drastically losing its speakers who abandoned their villages of origin as a consequence of the tragic events of the last century. This article is a result of the fieldwork conducted by the author in 2012 in Tehran, with the purpose of examining the vitality of this endangered Neo-Aramaic variety in Iran, more specifically in the capital city, where since the 4th decades of the 20th century a large community of Assyrians is found. The author sketches the sociolinguistic situation of the Assyrians of Tehran, using interviews, self-declarations and materials collected on the field

    The factors influencing municipal solid waste generation in bauchi town, Nigeria

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    This study investigated the factors influencing municipal solid waste generation (MSWG) in Bauchi town, the administrative headquarters of Bauchi state, Nigeria. The study used quantitative method, while experiments and questionnaire surveys, were used as the major instruments for data collection. Data on solid waste generation and the socioeconomic attributes of residents from 400 households were collected from residential zones within Bauchi town, the study area. Descriptive statistics, Correlations and Standard Multiple Regressions (SMR) were computed for data analysis using SPSS 2.2 software. Twelve (12) socioeconomic factors were computed in SMR to determine the significant factors of MSWG in the study. The results showed that five factors, namely: household size, income, education, house head age and occupation have exerted significant influence on MSWG in the study area. The results also showed that F (5:362) = 84.058 at p ā‰¤ 0.01 and adjusted RĀ² = 0.531; which indicated that the factors in the SMR model have sufficiently explained the variance in MSWG in Bauchi town. The study concluded that the five significant predictor factors have adequately explained the variance of MSWG in the study area. Therefore, the factors have implications for planning of effective waste management system in Bauchi town, Nigeria

    Integrated waste recycling framework for municipal solid waste generated (MSWG) in Bauchi Metropolis, Nigeria

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    An audit survey of quantities and compositions of municipal solid waste generated (MSWG) is important to plan an effective waste management in any locality. Resource recycling of solid waste materials is more preferable than waste disposal in landfills, which is the last choice consideration. In Bauchi metropolis, the resource recycling possibilities from MSWG are rarely explored as evident in the observed mixed waste disposed-off in the final dump sites in the study area. In Bauchi as in most Nigerian cities mixed waste is disposed without segregation into open dump sites as a typical method for waste management. This study has investigated the MSWG in Bauchi metropolis and explored the possibilities of integrated waste recycling (IWR) due mainly to lack of waste characterisation studies. An IWR system combines recycling with composting methods as a strategy to achieve optimum recovery of inorganic and organic wastes respectively from the MSWG. This study is a quantitative analysis of MSWG in the three residential zones within Bauchi metropolis. Stratified random method was used to select 400 household units as sample size for data collection and 368 of the screened data was found valid for detail analysis. The result revealed waste composition that supported IWR method and can recover up to 76.55% of MSWG in Bauchi the study area. This study concludes that IWR possibilities are large from the compositions of MSWG in Bauchi metropolis. Therefore, IWR framework is proposed to implement these possibilities as a prelude to effective management for MSWG in Bauchi metropolis, Nigeria

    Tinjauan Hukum Islam terhadap Upah Pembajak Sawah di Desa Klesem Pacitan

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    This paper discusses the review of Islamic law regarding the contract of renting a tractor to plow the fields in Klesem Village, Kebon Agung Subdistrict, Pacitan Regency. The aim is to find out whether the practice is in accordance with Islamic law or not. In general, the wage contract in Klesem Village can be classified into the ijarah contract in Islamic law. The main principle in the ijarah contract is mutual benefit and prohibited from judging. Determination of wages must be clear which includes the amount of wages and the procedure for payment. This study finds out that, plow machine service providers often do not keep the time and ask for additional from the wages previously promised. Determination of wage changes and cancellation or termination of contracts unilaterally is certainly detrimental to the farmers. Thus, although in general the practice of renting tractors in the village of Klesem is legal according to Islamic law, there are still practices violating the principles of Islamic law


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    This paper aims to describe the worth noting that the Samanids had prominent civil and political roles. During their reign, writing appeared in the Persian language and the Arabic language. The Samanid era witnessed an industrial renaissance manifested in ceramics, paper, carpets, and textiles. From a political point of view, the Samanids defended the eastern border region and extended Islamic influence to the countries of the Turks. They never departed from the subordination of the Abbasid Caliphate in Baghdad. We conducted a literature study to discuss the development of the Samanid dynasty, starting from its power, administration, and distinction in science and the race that developed in this Sunni dynasty. He also endeavoured to bring scholars to the presence of his kingdom and honoured them, benefited and rewarded them. During the years of his rule, which exceeded thirty years, this prince was just, benevolent, and wise. The cities of his state flourished, namely: Nishapur, Merv, Balkh, Bukhara, Samarkand, and others. But after the death of Prince Ismail al-Samani, a conflict erupted between members of the Samanid house in greed for power. The influence of politicians increased, and the weakness of the state began to appear and gradually increas

    Energija osnovnog stanja u proŔirenom 2D Hubbardovom modelu za konačan sustav s egzaktnom dijagonalizacijom

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    Using an exact analytical diagonalization for an extended Hubbard model, we study the first nearest-neighbour repulsion effect on the behaviour of a two-dimensional system of finite size at low density of electrons. The obtained results show that the introduction of the nearest-neighbour off-site interaction allows the correlation effects to become more remarkable and to play an essential role in the electron dynamics, and this off-site interaction encourages the formation of double occupancies.Primjenom egzaktne analitičke dijagonalizacije za proÅ”iren Hubbardov model proučavamo učinak odbojne sile među prvim susjedima na svojstva konačnog dvodimenzijskog sustava pri niskim gustoćama elektrona. Postignuti ishodi pokazuju da uvođenje prvo-susjedskog međudjelovanja izvan sustava omogućuje pojačanje korelacijskih učinaka, igra bitnu ulogu u dinamici elektrona, te to međudjelovanje izvan sustava podstiče stvaranje dvostrukih popunjenja
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