66 research outputs found

    Automated Home Appliances Control using Embedded Web Server

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    In modern construction in industrialized nations, most homes have been wired for TV, lights and fans etc...  Many household tasks were automated by the development of specialized automated appliances. In this project we are going to create the embedded web server so that we can control the electrical devices through online by using either computer or by using smart phone. The purpose of this project is to design a control system that able to control a system device remotely from distance and monitoring condition of the system in real-time as well. This project shows how to set up an Arduino with Ethernet shield as a web server. The web servers in this Project are used to serve up web pages that can be accessed from a web browser and allows our hardware to be controlled from web browser. Starting from basic, our example for this project is simple. We want to access our device by switching ON-OFF LED and monitor analog input data acquisition from web server, which are the computer and Arduino connected to the same network

    Automated Home Appliances Control Using Embedded Web Server

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    In modern construction in industrialized nations, most homes have been wired for TV, lights and fans etc... Many household tasks were automated by the development of specialized automated appliances. In this project we are going to create the embedded web server so that we can control the electrical devices through online by using either computer or by using smart phone. The purpose of this project is to design a control system that able to control a system device remotely from distance and monitoring condition of the system in real-time as well. This project shows how to set up an Arduino with Ethernet shield as a web server. The web servers in this Project are used to serve up web pages that can be accessed from a web browser and allows our hardware to be controlled from web browser. Starting from basic, our example for this project is simple. We want to access our device by switching ON-OFF LED and monitor analog input data acquisition from web server, which are the computer and Arduino connected to the same network

    Pneumothorax spontané et emphysème pulmonaire chez les consommateurs de cannabis

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    INTRODUCTION: If pulmonary complications of tobacco smoking are well documented, those associated with cannabis use are less known. OBJECTIVES: Systematic literature review of data on pneumothorax and lung emphysema in cannabis users. DOCUMENTARY SOURCES: Medline, on the period 1980-2018 with the following keywords cannabis or marijuana and pneumothorax or emphysema, limits "title/abstract". Among 97 articles, 42 abstracts have given use to a dual reading to select 20 studies. RESULTS: Eighteen case reports (8 with SP) showed bullae in the upper lobes in combined cannabis and tobacco smokers (CS) and in the 2 cannabis only smokers (COS). The risk of SP was increased in CS, but not in COS. In patients less than 35-years old presenting with SP, the incidence of bullae on thoracic computed tomography (CT) was higher in CS than in tobacco only smokers (TOS). CT in patients with SP showed no significant difference as regards of the prevalence, location and type of emphysema between CS and TOS. Proportion of low lung density areas was higher in CS than in non-smokers (NS), but was similar in TOS and NS. CONCLUSION: These results suggest a cumulative toxic effect of tobacco and cannabis on the risk of SP and lung emphysema

    Perspectives on flu vaccination advertisement messaging in the era of COVID-19: Thematic analysis centering adult Black voices

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    Influenza (flu) is an infectious, respiratory disease that causes substantial burden and mortality, and Non-Hispanic Black people experience profound disparities in flu disease burden in the United States. One contributor to flu disease disparities is lower flu vaccination rates among Black populations. This qualitative study was conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic and used the Public Health Critical Race Praxis framework to center and elicit Black adults’ perspectives of desired flu vaccine messaging. This work builds upon efforts to increase access to flu vaccinations and recommendations are provided to aid in tailoring flu vaccine messaging via a health equity lens. Recommendations for flu messaging include: 1) increased transparency in calling out racial disparities in flu disease burden through the use of local statistics, 2) being upfront with provision of flu vaccine information in easy-to-understand language when addressing concerns, and 3) providing desired education around what the vaccine is doing to one’s body, what the ingredients are, potential side effects and normalizing side effects, and the duration of protection elicited by vaccination. Recommendations also highlight the importance of incorporating the family/community/social context in flu vaccination messaging and for targeted messaging to address the most vulnerable while also providing reasons why persons who may consider themselves to not be vulnerable to the flu (i.e., healthy, no risk factors) should be vaccinated (e.g., get vaccinated in order to reduce exposure risk to your grandmother)

    Programmed Bending Reveals Dynamic Mechanochemical Coupling in Supported Lipid Bilayers

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    In living cells, mechanochemical coupling represents a dynamic means by which membrane components are spatially organized. An extra-ordinary example of such coupling involves curvature-dependent polar localization of chemically-distinct lipid domains at bacterial poles, which also undergo dramatic reequilibration upon subtle changes in their interfacial environment such as during sporulation. Here, we demonstrate that such interfacially-triggered mechanochemical coupling can be recapitulated in vitro by simultaneous, real-time introduction of mechanically-generated periodic curvatures and attendant strain-induced lateral forces in lipid bilayers supported on elastomeric substrates. In particular, we show that real-time wrinkling of the elastomeric substrate prompts a dynamic domain reorganization within the adhering bilayer, producing large, oriented liquid-ordered domains in regions of low curvature. Our results suggest a mechanism in which interfacial forces generated during surface wrinkling and the topographical deformation of the bilayer combine to facilitate dynamic reequilibration prompting the observed domain reorganization. We anticipate this curvature-generating model system will prove to be a simple and versatile tool for a broad range of studies of curvature-dependent dynamic reorganizations in membranes that are constrained by the interfacial elastic and dynamic frameworks such as the cell wall, glycocalyx, and cytoskeleton

    Reference values of whole-blood fatty acids by age and sex from European children aged 3-8 years

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    OBJECTIVES: To establish reference values for fatty acids (FA) especially for n-3 and n-6 long-chain polyunsaturated FAs (LC PUFA) in whole-blood samples from apparently healthy 3-8-year-old European children. The whole-blood FA composition was analysed and the age-and sex-specific distribution of FA was determined. DESIGN AND SUBJECTS: Blood samples for FA analysis were taken from 2661 children of the IDEFICS (identification and prevention of dietary-and lifestyle-induced health effects in children and infants) study cohort. Children with obesity (n = 454) and other diseases that are known to alter the FA composition (n = 450) were excluded leaving 1653 participants in the reference population. MEASUREMENTS: The FA composition of whole blood was analysed from blood drops by a rapid, validated gas chromatographic method. RESULTS: Pearson correlation coefficients showed an age-dependent increase of C18:2n-6 and a decrease of C18:1n-9 in a subsample of normal weight boys and girls. Other significant correlations with age were weak and only seen either in boys or in girls, whereas most of the FA did not show any age dependence. For age-dependent n-3 and n-6 PUFA as well as for other FA that are correlated with age (16:0, C18:0 and C18:1n-9) percentiles analysed with the general additive model for location scale and shape are presented. A higher median in boys than in girls was observed for C20:3n-6, C20:4n-6 and C22:4n-6. CONCLUSIONS: Given the reported associations between FA status and health-related outcome, the provision of FA reference ranges may be useful for the interpretation of the FA status of children in epidemiological and clinical studies

    Estimates of genomic heritability and genome-wide association study for fatty acids profile in Santa Inês sheep

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    Background: Despite the health concerns and nutritional importance of fatty acids, there is a relative paucity of studies in the literature that report genetic or genomic parameters, especially in the case of sheep populations. To investigate the genetic architecture of fatty acid composition of sheep, we conducted genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and estimated genomic heritabilities for fatty acid profile in Longissimus dorsi muscle of 216 male sheep. Results: Genomic heritability estimates for fatty acid content ranged from 0.25 to 0.46, indicating that substantial genetic variation exists for the evaluated traits. Therefore, it is possible to alter fatty acid profiles through selection. Twenty-seven genomic regions of 10 adjacent SNPs associated with fatty acids composition were identified on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18, each explaining ≥0.30% of the additive genetic variance. Twenty-three genes supporting the understanding of genetic mechanisms of fat composition in sheep were identified in these regions, such as DGAT2, TRHDE, TPH2, ME1, C6, C7, UBE3D, PARP14, and MRPS30. Conclusions: Estimates of genomic heritabilities and elucidating important genomic regions can contribute to a better understanding of the genetic control of fatty acid deposition and improve the selection strategies to enhance meat quality and health attributes

    Development and evaluation of introgression lines with yield enhancing genes of the Indian mega-variety of rice, MTU1010

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    MTU 1010 is an early maturing and high-yielding mega rice variety widely grown in an area of 3 Mha. It is characterised by limited grain number and panicle branching. To improve the grain number in MTU 1010, an IRRI breeding line, IR121055-2-10-5 was utilized as donor to transfer yield-enhancing genes Gn1a and OsSPL14 (associated with increased grain number and better panicle branching, respectively) into MTU1010 by Marker-Assisted Backcross Breeding (MABB). At each backcross generation, foreground selection was carried out with Gn1a and OsSPL14- specific molecular markers, whilst background selection was done with a set of SSR markers polymorphic between the IR121055-2-10-5 and MTU1010. With the use of a gene-specific marker, homozygous BC2 F2 plants carrying the yield-enhancing gene were identified and advanced through pedigree-method of selection till BC2 F6 and best performing ten lines were selected and evaluated in replicated station trials for yield contributing traits, where grain number and brancing per panicle exhibited high significant and positive correlation with single plant yield. Three promising lines namely RP6353-5-8-13-24, RP6353-26-13-39-5 and RP6353-32-12-8-16 with higher grain number and yield than MTU1010 were identified and nominated for evaluation in Initial Varietal Trial-Aerobic (IVT-Aerobic) of All India Crop Improvement Programme on Rice (AICRP), of which RP6353-26-13-39-5 (IET28674), was promoted for further testing

    The prevalence of insufficient iodine intake in pregnancy in Africa: Protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Insufficient iodine intake in pregnancy is associated with many adverse pregnancy outcomes. About 90% of African countries are at risk of iodine deficiency due to poor soils and dietary goitrogens. Pregnancy predisposes to insufficient iodine nutrition secondary to increased physiological demand and increased renal loss. Iodine deficiency is re-emerging in countries thought to be replete with pregnant women being the most affected. This review seeks to identify the degree of iodine nutrition in pregnancy on the entire African continent before and after the implementation of national iodization programmes. Methods: A systematic search of published literature will be conducted for observational studies that directly determined the prevalence of insufficient iodine intake among pregnant women in Africa. Electronic databases and grey literature will be searched for baseline data before the implementation of population-based iodine supplementation and for follow-up data up to December 2018. Screening of identified articles and data extraction will be conducted independently by two investigators. Risk of bias and methodological quality of the included studies will be assessed using a risk of bias tool. Appropriate meta-analytic techniques will be used to pool prevalence estimates from studies with similar features, overall and by major characteristics including the region of the study, time period (before and after implementation of iodization programmes), sample size and age. Heterogeneity of the estimates across studies will be quantified and publication bias investigated. This protocol is reported according to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analysis protocols (PRISMA-P) 2015 guidelines. Discussion This review will help ascertain the impact of national iodization programmes on the iodine nutrition status in pregnancy in Africa and advise policy on the necessity for monitoring and mitigating iodine deficiency in pregnancy in Africa. This review is part of a thesis that will be submitted to the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Cape Town, for the award of a PhD in Medicine whose protocol has been granted ethics approval (UCT HREC 135/2018). In addition, the results will be published in a peer-reviewed journal
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