721 research outputs found

    Continuous Generation of Spinmotive Force in a Patterned Ferromagnetic Film

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    We study, both experimentally and theoretically, the generation of a dc spinmotive force. By exciting a ferromagnetic resonance of a comb-shaped ferromagnetic thin film, a continuous spinmotive force is generated. Experimental results are well reproduced by theoretical calculations, offering a quantitative and microscopic understanding of this spinmotive force.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted to Physical Review Letter

    Pengaruh Stres Kerja , Kepuasan Kerja, dan Ketidakamanan Kerja terhadap Turnover Intention ( studi pada PT. HM Sampoerna tbk di Purwokerto)

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    Judul penelitian ini adalah "Pengaruh stress kerja, kepuasan kerja dan ketidakamanan kerja terhadap turnover intention (Studi Pada PT. HM Sampoema Tok di Purwokerto). Subjek penelitian ini adalah karyawan tetap PT. HM Sampoema Tok di Purwokerto dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 90 orang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus, yaitu penelitian dengan melakukan observasi yang• mendalam mengenai subjek tertentu untuk memberikan gambaran yang jelas mengenai subjek tertentu. Alat analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah regresi linier berganda yang mana berfungsi untuk melihat pengaruh antar variabel. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa pengaruh dari variable stress kerja, kepuasan kerja danjob insecurity terhadap turn over intention dan untuk mengetahui variable yang mempunyai pengaruh paling dominan terhadap turn over intention pada karyawan PT HM SAMPOERNA PURWOKERTO. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah I) Sebagai upaya untuk meminimalisir tingkat turnover intention para karyawannya, pihak manajemen PT. HM Sampoema Purwokerto perlu menerapkan berbagai kebijakan secara tepat khususnya yang terkait dengan pengelolaan stres kerja karyawan, peningkatan kepuasan kerja dan mengurangi job insecurity. Cara-cara yang dapat dilakukan diantaranya adalah dengan memberikan bimbingan dan konseling kepada para karyawan yang bermasalah, selalu berusaha untuk memahami kebutuhan dan keinginan karyawan terkait dengan pengembangan kemampuan, keahlian dan jenjang -karier dengan memberikan semangat dan dorongan yang kuat kepada mereka. 2) Perusahaan sebaiknya memberikan pengarahan dan motivasi sehingga para karyawan memiliki rasa puas terhadap pekerjaan yang telah mereka lakukan. Selain itu perusahaan melalui pemimpin sebaiknya selalu mengapresiasi hasil kinerja dari karyawan apabila bekerja dengan baik. Dan sebaliknya memberikan teguran kepada karyawan yang belum atau tidak menyelesaikan pekerjaannya tepat waktu dan tidak sesuai dengan tujuan. 3)Pihak manajemen sebaiknya memberikan kepastian kepada para karyawan terkait dengan keamanan dan kontinyuitas pekerjaan mereka berdasarkan prestasi kerja dan penilaian yang/air, objektifdan tranparan. Di samping itu, pihak manajemen perlu memberikan kesempatan yang Iuas dan adil kepada para karyawan untuk meraih jenjang karier yang baik sesuai dengan kemampuan dan skill yang mereka miliki, • membangun kerja sama tim yang kuat dan menciptakan iklim organisasi yang mampu mendorong para karyawan untuk sating mendukung (supportive) dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaan demi mewujudkan tujuan perusshaan.

    Comment on “Chemically Mediated Behavior of Recruiting Corals and Fishes: A Tipping Point That May Limit Reef Recovery”

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    Dixson et al. (2014) report that coral larvae navigate towards chemical cues associated with healthy reefs and avoid cues from degraded reefs. However, the swimming capabilities of coral larvae and well-established patterns of recruitment and reef hydrodynamics indicate that coral larvae will not be able to use these cues to recruit to healthy reefs. Perfuming degraded reefs, as suggested by Dixson et al (2014), will not enhance recovery rather it will distract from the difficult task of reducing fishing effort and improving water quality

    Worldwide Analysis of Sedimentary DNA Reveals Major Gaps in Taxonomic Knowledge of Deep-Sea Benthos

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    International audienceDeep-sea sediments represent the largest but least known ecosystem on earth. With increasing anthropogenic pressure, it is now a matter of urgency to improve our understanding of deep-sea biodiversity. Traditional morpho-taxonomic studies suggest that the ocean floor hosts extraordinarily diverse benthic communities. However, due to both its remoteness and a lack of expert taxonomists, assessing deep-sea diversity is a very challenging task. Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding offers a powerful tool to complement morpho-taxonomic studies. Here we use eDNA to assess benthic metazoan diversity in 39 deep-sea sediment samples from bathyal and abyssal depths worldwide. The eDNA dataset was dominated by meiobenthic taxa and we identified all animal phyla commonly found in the deep-sea benthos; yet, the diversity within these phyla remains largely unknown. The large numbers of taxonomically unassigned molecular operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were not equally distributed among phyla, with nematodes and platyhelminthes being the most poorly characterized from a taxonomic perspective. While the data obtained here reveal pronounced heterogeneity and vast amounts of unknown biodiversity in the deep sea, they also expose the difficulties in exploiting metabarcoding datasets resulting from the lack of taxonomic knowledge and appropriate reference databases. Overall, our study demonstrates the promising potential of eDNA metabarcoding to accelerate the assessment of deep-sea biodiversity for pure and applied deep-sea environmental research but also emphasizes the necessity to integrate such new approaches with traditional morphology-based examination of deep-sea organisms

    Energy allocation trade-offs as a function of age in fungiid corals

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    To compete effectively, living organisms must adjust the allocation of available energy resources for growth, survival, maintenance, and reproduction throughout their life histories. Energy demands and allocations change throughout the life history of an organism, and understanding their energy allocation strategies requires determination of the relative age of individuals. As most scleractinian corals are colonial, the relationship between age and mass/size is complicated by colony fragmentation, partial mortality, and asexual reproduction. To overcome these limitations, solitary mushroom corals, Herpolitha limax from Okinawa, Japan and Fungia fungites from Okinawa and the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Australia, were used to investigate how energy allocation between these fundamental processes varies as a function of age. Measurements of the relative growth, biochemical profiles, fecundity of individuals of different sizes, and the settlement success of their progeny have revealed physiological trade-offs between growth and reproduction, with increasing body mass ultimately leading to senescence. The importance of energy allocation for reproduction led us to examine the reproductive strategies and sex allocation in the two studied species. In the present study, the smallest individuals of both species studied were found to invest most of their energy in relative growth, showing higher lipid and carbohydrate content than the later stages. In medium-sized corals, this pattern was overturned in favour of reproduction, manifesting in terms of both the highest fecundity and settlement success of the resulting brooded larvae. Finally, a phase of apparent senescence was observed in the largest individuals, characterized by a decrease in most of the parameters measured. In addition, complex reproductive plasticity has been revealed in F. fungites in the GBR, with individual females releasing eggs, embryos, planulae, or a combination of these. These data provide the most direct estimates currently available for physiological, age-related trade-offs during the life history of a coral. The unusual reproductive characteristics of the GBR F. fungites indicate previously unknown layers of complexity in the reproductive biology of corals and have implications for their adaptive potential across a wide geographical scale

    Variability in thermal stress thresholds of corals across depths

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    Mesophotic habitats are potential refugia for corals in the context of climate change. The seawater temperature in a mesophotic habitat is generally lower than in a shallow habitat. However, the susceptibility and threshold temperatures of mesophotic corals are not well understood. We compared 11 mesophotic and shallow species to understand their thermal stress thresholds using physiological parameters. Coral fragments were exposed to two thermal stress treatments, with temperatures set at ~30°C and ~31°C, and a low-temperature treatment set at ~28°C as the “no stress” condition for 14 days. We found that the threshold temperature of coral species at mesophotic depths is slightly lower or equal to that of corals in shallow depths. The results suggest that species in the mesophotic coral ecosystems can survive low (<4 degree heating weeks) thermal stress. However, mass bleaching and high mortality can be expected when temperatures rise above 4 degree heating weeks