23 research outputs found

    Faktor Produksi Usaha Ternak Itik Petelur Semi Intensif Di Kabupaten Jember

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    The Research Was Aimed To Know Factors That Influence And Dominant To Egg Layer Duck Bussiness Of Semi-Intensive Poultry Farm In Jember. The Method Used Is Survey Method With 30 Respondents Semi-Intensive Duck Breeders. The Result Of Data Processing Using Multiple Linier Regression Can Be Acquired Aquation: From The Equation Means That For Every Unit Of Egg Production Will Be Affected By X1 (Age Of Ducks) Of -15,376, X2 (Feed) Of 0,001, X3 (Medication) Of 0,061, X4 (Employee) Of -0,013, X5 (Fuel) Of -0,022, X6 (Density Of Cage) Of -192,147, And X7 (Long Of Free-Range) Of -410,626. Can Be Concluded Employee Factor Have A Major Influence On The Production Of Duck Eggs. Result Of Calculation Of The Coefficient Of Determination Is 76,5% And The Remaining 23,5% Is Explained By Other Variables Not Included In This Research. Keywords : Ducks, Semi-Intensive, Production Factors, Multiple Linier Regression Analysi

    Analisis Kebijakan Pengelolaan Hutan Rakyat Untuk Mendorong Fungsi Lindung

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    Community forest that privately owned at Kuningan Regency, West Java Province, have showed forest cover improvement at average of 5.86% during 2003 –2009. The main factor which contributes to this improvement was economic motivation of owners as a response to growing market of timber originated from community forest. This forest potentially serves as protected area outside state forest in land use plan of Kuningan district. Due to its characteristic as common-pool resources in the context of its protection function, privately owned community forest requires certain institutional arrangement to enable sustainable forest management resulting sustainable benefit for public. The aim of this study is to assess policy framework and its implementation designed to promote sustainable community forest development. The framework for implementation analysis was applied in this research with emphasis on the policy variable. The result showed that existing policy framework is weak to support sustainable management of community forest. They were characterized by unclear formulation of concepts in policy documents, inappropriate causal theory, unbalance financial resource allocation, very much detail and almost rigid in technical guidelines thereby hindering the achievement of policy objectives


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    Ten years of direct experience in Meru Betiri National Park has shown that conservation and community’s attitude was closely related formed one action unit. This research tested whether pendarungs6) and managers understood the signals released by kedawung in its habitat and used those signals as stimulus for their attitudes and actions to conserve kedawung. In fact the conservation of kedawung had not happened yet. The maintained and sustainable use of the kedawung was reflection of the community’s attitudes that the crystallization stimulus with attitude components, as cognition, affection and overt action (tend to act). The strong stimulus of kedawung for its conservation attitudes are (1) natural stimulus, (2) useful stimulus and (3) religious stimulus. There were biases the experiences and knowledge of the pendarungs and the managers, which originated in the biases of kedawung’s stimulus comprehension. Manager of the national park has not much delved the experience of the old generation of the local community. This had caused lack of feedback to the community and the current conservation action did not comply with the stimulus happening in the national park. The strong stimulus has weakened in the pendarung, except the stimulus related to economical values. These problems happened have been caused by the discontinuity of the local knowledge, changing generations and lack of community’s acces to biodiversity resources of the national park. The implication of these results should be (1) to improve of the community’s cognition through the development and continuity of the local knowledge to the modern knowledge based on characteristics of the local’s resources, (2) to improve the policy for the national park management.Keywords: Stimulus, attitude, community, pendarung, kedawung and conservation


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    Private forest at Kuningan district, West Java province, has shown increasing coverage at average of 5,86% during 2003-2009. The forest has served as protection area beside state protection forest in Kuningan district. The forestland status is private property whereas forthe owner has served as production forest. The aim of this research was to assess performance of that private forest management, using set of criteria and indicators for sustainable community-based forest management developed by the Indonesian Ecolabelling Institute/LEI (2002). The result shows that management practiced fail to fulfill the standard. Nevertheless private property rights of the forest land enabled the owner to invest in forest development for economic benefit, which public perceived having a positive impact in the form of environmental services. Lack of technical and institutional capacity in forest management need to be improved to enable the owner gain economic benefit while provide environmental services for public. Key words: private forest, sustainable forest management, protection area, institutio


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    Community forest that privately owned at Kuningan Regency, West Java Province, have showed forest cover improvement at average of 5.86% during 2003 –2009. The main factor which contributes to this improvement was economic motivation of owners as a response to growing market of timber originated from community forest.  This forest potentially serves as protected area outside state forest in land use plan of Kuningan district. Due to its characteristic as common-pool resources in the context of its protection function, privately owned community forest requires certain institutional arrangement to enable sustainable forest management resulting sustainable benefit for public. The aim of this study is to assess policy framework and its implementation designed to promote sustainable community forest development. The framework for implementation analysis was applied in this research with emphasis on the policy variable. The result showed that existing policy framework is weak to support sustainable management of community forest. They were characterized by unclear formulation of concepts in policy documents, inappropriate causal theory, unbalance financial resource allocation, very much detail and almost rigid in technical guidelines thereby hindering the achievement of policy objectives. Keywords: community forest, sustainable forest management, policy variable, policy analysi

    Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan Perpustakaan Di UPT Perpustakaan Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

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    Penelitian dengan judul Analisis Kualitas Layanan Perpustakaan di UPT Perpustakaan Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis kepuasan pemustaka terhadap kualitas pelayanan perpustakaan ditinjau dari 6 dimensi yang di adopsi dari LibQual+™ yang dikembangkan oleh The Association of Research Libraries (ARL). Keenam dimensi tersebut adalah (1) kemampuan pustakawan; (2) sikap dan perlaku pustakawan: (3) jaminan kemudahan dan keamanan; (4) perpustakaan sebagai tempat; (5) petunjuk dan sarana akses; (6) akses informasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Dengan demikian peneliti hanyalah memaparkan situasi atau peristiwa, dengan sampel anggota perpustakaan di lingkungan Unsoed sebanyak 348 orang yang diambil dari populasi sebanyak 26.246 orang. Analisis dalam peneliltian ini merupakan analisis satu variabel, yang akan dilakukan dengan melihat nilai kecenderungan centralnya. Pengujian dalam penelitian ini akan menggunakan nilai rata-rata (mean). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa pengguna puas dengan layanan yang diberikan oleh perpustakaan, yaitu dengan skor 76,54 yang dihitung dari pengukuran pada seluruh dimensi. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut dapat dipahami, bahwa layanan perpustakaan di UPT Perpustakaan Universitas Jenderal Soedirman dalam kategori kualitas

    Perubahan Penggunaan dan Tutupan Lahan, Serta Faktor Penyebabnya di Pulau Bengkalis, Provinsi Riau (periode 1990-2019)

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    Indonesia adalah salah satu negara dengan perubahan tutupan lahan yang dinamis karena sumber perekonomian negara yang bersumber pada pengelolaan sumber daya berbasis lahan. Di sisi lain, pengelolaan tersebut berdampak negatif seperti konflik sosial dan kerusakan lingkungan. Penelitian ini mengamati pola perubahan tutupan lahan dan mengeksplorasi faktor pendorong penyebab perubahan tersebut pada periode 1990-2019 di Pulau Bengkalis, Indonesia untuk memantau dan menghasilkan informasi yang dapat digunakan sebagai dasar dalam meminimalkan perubahan tutupan lahan yang tidak terkendali. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mempelajari laporan dan penelitian sebelumnya, observasi, dan melaksanakan fokus grup diskusi dan wawancara mendalam. Penelitian ini menggunakan GIS dalam analisis perubahan tutupan dan penggunaan lahan multiwaktu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tutupan hutan alam menurun tajam sejak tahun 1990. Setelah tahun 2000, area kebun campuran lebih luas dibandingkan dengan tutupan hutan alam. Luas areal perkebunan kelapa sawit dan hutan tanaman juga mulai meningkat. Program transmigrasi telah memicu pembukaan lahan besar-besaran di Pulau Bengkalis. Pembukaan lahan oleh transmigran dan krisis ekonomi mendorong pembukaan lahan yang lebih besar oleh transmigran spontan.Indonesia is one of the countries with dynamic land cover changes because the country's economy is sourced from land-based resource management. On the other hand, it has negative impacts such as social conflict and environmental damage. This paper observed patterns of land change and explores its driving forces during 1900-2019 on Bengkalis Island, Indonesia to monitor and provide information that can be used as a base for reducing uncontrolled land-use changes in an area. We reviewed previous reports and research, observed land cover conditions in the field, carried out focus group discussions, and deep interviews. We implemented GIS to capture time-series land cover and land-use changes. The results showed that the forest cover has declined sharply since 1990. After 2000, the area of mixed garden was larger than the forest cover. The area of oil palm and forest plantations began to increase. The transmigration policy has triggered masive land clearing on Bengkalis Island. Land clearing by transmigrants and the economic crisis have led to greater land clearing by spontaneous transmigrants