26 research outputs found

    Pendampingan Senam Lansia Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Tidur

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    Increasing the number of elderly population is one indicator of development success as well as a challenge in development, but it can be a problem if it is not anticipated from now on, one of the problems is the morbidity of the elderly and degenerative diseases such as sleep disorders, this community service aims to assist the government in implementing government programs by reducing morbidity rates and increasing the health degree of the elderly, namely the elderly exercise activities to reduce sleep disorders in the elderly. The method used is to provide assistance to the elderly, beginning with measuring sleep patterns and then periodically given exercises. These results can be felt by the elderly after the elderly sleep quality is better than before the exercise

    Hubungan Pengetahuan dan Sikap Anak Kelas V terhadap terjadinya Karies Gigi di SD Negeri 131 Palembang

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    Health is the most important thing in people life, physically and mentally. Besides body’s health in general teeth and mouth health also must get special attention, because teeth and mouth health affects body’s health. Dental caries is a pathological process that occurs because of the interaction of factors inside and outside factors such as behavioral factors, knowledge and attitudes toward maintenance of teeth and mouth. The research aimed to understand the relationship between knowledge and attitude of grade V students of 131 elementary school Palembang toward the teeth caries. The method used in this research is analitical method by using cross sectional design, taking samples technique by using total population way and the samples are 167 student of grade V. From The result of this study it was know that, 33.5% of children who have a low knowledge, 43.1% of children have negative attitudes and 59.3% of children experienced dental caries. From Chi square test results showed no relationship between knowledge of children with dental caries with p value of 0.036; there is a correlation between the attitudes of children with dental ceries with p value, 0.000. In order to decrease the number of teeth caries among students, it is hoped that school make a school teeth health unit (UKGS) and some mediators and teachers need to make a teeth health socialization so that the students can get more knowledge about teeth and mout health

    The Effect of Leaflet on Reproductive Health Media Accessing Behavior Among Students in Medan North Sumatera

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    Background: Psychological changes in adolescents can be influenced due to hormonal changes in the body and the desire to express sexual appetite so that it can result in increased sexual problems such as increased premarital sexual behavior or free sex. Therefore, it is necessary to do an intervention step to be able to increase information and knowledge for adolescents about reproductive health. This study aimed to determine the effect of information through leaflets on the habit of accessing media related to reproductive health and premarital sexual attitudes on students at Vocational School (VS) Parulian I Medan. Subjects and Method: This was quasi experimental with One Group Pretest-Posttest Design without a control group. The study was conducted from May to July 2019. A total of 133 students of class X and XI of Medan Parulian I Vocational School was selected for this study. The data were collected using a questionnaire. The data was analyzed by Wilcoxon. Results: The habit of accessing media after being given information through leaflets (Mean=1.59; SD= 0.49) was higher compared to before getting information through leaflets (Mean= 1.26; SD= 0.44), and statistically significant (p<0.001). Pre-sexual behavior marriage after got the information through leaflets (Mean= 42.38; SD= 11.11) was higher than before got the information through leaflets (Mean= 38.92; SD= 11.97), and statistically significant (p<0.001). Conclusion: Information in the leaflet improved the habit of accessing media related to reproductive health and positive premarital sexual attitudes

    Hubungan Insomnia Terhadap Tekanan Darah Pada Lansia

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    The increasing number of elderly people will have an impact on all arrangements in the community or family. Problems that often occur in the elderly will be a burden on the elderly, one of the problems that occur is insomnia. So this study aims to find out the relationship between insomnia and blood pressure in the elderly. Research method with quantitative survey analysis design, crossectional. The research was conducted in a nursing home with a sample size of 30 active elderly respondents with insomnia disorders. The results showed that there was no relationship between the level of insomnia and blood pressure with a significance value of 0.757&gt; p value 0.05. These results indicate that statistically there is no relationship between the elderly with insomnia and blood pressure. Suggestions for home managers to provide interventions for elderly people who experience insomnia disorders with light therapy that is fun and has a positive impact on the elderly.

    Hubungan Lama Merawat dan Tingkat Pendidikan dengan Beban Keluarga Sebagai Caregiver dalam Merawat Pasien Penyakit Ginjal Kronik yang Menjalani Hemodialisis

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    This study aims to analyze the relationship between length of care and level of education with the family burden as caregivers in caring for chronic kidney disease patients undergoing hemodialysis. This type of research uses an analytical survey with a cross sectional study approach. The sample in the study was 70 people using a simple random sampling method. Data were analyzed using the Spearman's Rank statistical test. The research results show that there is no relationship between the length of time caring for a patient and the burden on the family as a caregiver with a significance value of 0.428 &gt; p value 0.05. There is no relationship between education level and family burden as a caregiver with a significance value of 0.793 &gt; p value 0.05. In conclusion, the research results show that there is no significant relationship between length of stay and education on the family's burden as a caregiver. This shows that there are other factors that cause caregivers to experience a heavy burden when providing care to families undergoing hemodialysis. &nbsp; Keywords: Caregiver, Hemodialysis, Chronic Kidne


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    Abstrak: Peningkatan jumlah penduduk lansia menjadi salah satu indikator keberhasilan pembangunan sekaligus sebagai tantangan dalam pembangunan, namun bisa menjadi masalah jika tidak di antisipasi dari sekarang, salah satu masalah adalah angka kesakitan lansia dan penyakit degeneratif seperti gangguan tidur, kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk membantu pemerintah dalam menerapkan program pemerintah dengan mengurangi angka kesakitan dan meningkatkan derajad kesehatan lansia yaitu dengan kegiatan senam lansia untuk mengurangi gangguan tidur pada lansia. Metode yang gunakan dengan melakukan pendampingan kepada lansia, diawali dengan mengukur pola tidur kemudian di berikan senam secara berkala. Hasil tersebut dapat dirasakan lansia setelah dilakukan senam kualitas tidur lansia lebih baik dari pada sebelum dilakukan senam.Abstract: Increasing the number of elderly population is one indicator of development success as well as a challenge in development, but it can be a problem if it is not anticipated from now on, one of the problems is the morbidity of the elderly and degenerative diseases such as sleep disorders, this community service aims to assist the government in implementing government programs by reducing morbidity rates and increasing the health degree of the elderly, namely the elderly exercise activities to reduce sleep disorders in the elderly. The method used is to provide assistance to the elderly, beginning with measuring sleep patterns and then periodically given exercises. These results can be felt by the elderly after the elderly sleep quality is better than before the exercise

    Penyuluhan dan Pemeriksaan Eschericia Coli Dalam Air Sumur Warga Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Kesehatan

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    Eschericia Coli adalah salah satu bakteri patogen yang dapat menyebabkan banyak penyakit. Banyak kasus masyarakat yang keracunan oleh jenis bakteri ini, terutama di daerah yang padat penduduk dan bangunan serta di lingkungan kumuh. Hal ini karena tata ruang perumahan yang tidak baik, misalnya jarak jamban dan sumur yang kurang dari 10 meter dan lingkungan yang tidak bersih, karena penyebaran bakteri E.Coli setelah keluar dari tubuh manusia bersama kotoran dan tertampung di jamban, maka kotoran ini akan terurai bersama oleh air tanah. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini difokuskan dalam pemeriksaan kualitas bakteriologis berupa E coli dan penyuluhan tentang penggunaan air bersih dan akibat yang ditimbulkan apabila ditemukan kasus tingginya kadar E Coli dalam air yang digunakan. Hasil Pengabdian menunjukkan 12 sampel air sumur yang ditemukan di RT 38 semuanya Tidak Memenuhi Syarat (TMS) secara bateriologis karena mengandung bakteri E.Coli. Diharapkan warga RT 38 tidak mengkonsumsi langsung air sumur tersebut atau dilakukan pengolahan sebelum dikonsumsi untuk menghindari penyakit diare

    Studi Fenomenologi: Pengalaman Remaja dalam Menggunakan Narkoba

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    This study aims to explore and explore in-depth the experiences of adolescents in using drugs. This research method uses qualitative research methods with a phenomenological approach. The results of the study obtained twelve themes, namely: 1) The age of adolescents using drugs, 2) The initial causes of adolescents using drugs, 3) The frequency of drug use in adolescents, 4) The types of drugs used by adolescents, 5) How adolescents get drugs, 6) Adolescent's efforts to stop using drugs, 7) Adolescent's feelings after using drugs, 8) The expectations of adolescents who use drugs, 9) The impact of adolescents using drugs, 10) The effects of adolescents if they do not use drugs, 11) Youth perceptions of drugs, 12) Adolescent response when using drugs. In conclusion, the impact of using drugs on adolescents was that some adolescents said they were thin, lost their parents, and quit school. &nbsp; Keywords: Colaizzi, Phenomenology, Drugs, Teenager

    Penurunan Berat Badan pada Remaja Obesitas Menggunakan Hipnoterapi

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    This study aims to determine the effect of hypnotherapy on weight loss in obese adolescents. The research design used is a quasi-experiment. The results showed that 15 respondents (68.2%) experienced weight loss, and seven respondents (31.8%) did not experience weight loss from the statistical test results obtained p-value 0.001 with a correlation coefficient value of 0.682. Also, the p-value of the chi-square test results is 0.004. In conclusion, there is a significant relationship between hypnotherapy and weight loss. &nbsp; Keywords: Weight Loss, Hypnotherapy, Yout

    The Effect of Leaflet on Reproductive Health Media Accessing Behavior among Students in Medan North Sumatera

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    Background: Psychological changes in ado­les­­­­­­cents can be influenced due to hormonal changes in the body and the desire to express sexual appetite so that it can result in increased sexual problems such as increased premarital sexual behavior or free sex. Therefore, it is ne­ces­­­­sary to do an in­ter­ven­tion step to be able to increase information and knowledge for ado­les­­cents about reproductive health. This study aim­ed to determine the effect of information through leaflets on the habit of ac­ces­sing media re­­­la­ted to reproductive health and premarital sexual attitudes on students at Vo­ca­tio­nal Sc­hool (VS) Parulian I Medan.Subjects and Method: This was quasi expe­ri­­mental with One Group Pretest-Postest De­sign with­out a control group. The study was con­­­­­duc­­ted from May to July 2019. A total of 133 studentsof class X and XI of Medan Parulian I Vocational School was selected for this study. The data were col­­lected using a questionnaire. The data was analyzed by Wilcoxon.Results: The habit of accessing media after be­ing given information through leaflets (Mean= 1.59; SD= 0.49) was higher compared to before getting information through leaflets (Mean= 1.26; SD= 0.44), and statistically significant (p<0.001). Pre-sexual behavior marriage after got the in­for­­ma­tion through leaflets (Mean= 42.38; SD= 11.11) was higher than before got the infor­­­­mation through leaflets (Mean= 38.92; SD=11.97), ­and statistically significant (p<0.001).Conclusion: Information in the leaflet im­proved the habit of accessing media related to re­pro­duc­ti­ve health and positive premarital sexual attitudes.Keywords: leaflets, media access, premarital sexual attitudeCorrespondence: Veronica Anggreni Damanik. Nursing Study Program, Faculty of Pharmacy and Health, Hel­vetia He­­alth Institute Medan. Jl. Kapten Su­mar­­­sono 107, Medan, North Sumatera. Email: ve­­ro­­ni­ca.­da­ma­nik­88­@gmail.com. Mobile: 0813675­79723Journal of Health Promotion and Behavior (2020), 5(1): 18-25https://doi.org/10.26911/thejhpb.2020.05.01.0