11 research outputs found


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    Pengukuran kecepatan arus di sungai – saluran biasanya menggunakan alat current meter, jika keadaan darurat maka dapat digunakan pelampung dimana besarnya kecepatan arus dikalikan dengan faktor koreksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya kecepatan aliran, faktor koreksi pelampung, dan korelasi kecepatan aliran dengan meggunakan alat current  meter dan pelampung dalam bentuk persamaan empiris. Kecepatan rata – rata aliran maksimum metode current meter kondisi pasang sebesar 0.066 m/det dan kecepatan rata-rata minimum sebesar 0.001 m/det, sedangkan saat kondisi surut kecepatan rata-rata aliran maksimum sebesar 0.063 m/det dan kecepatan rata-rata aliran minimum sebesar 0.019 m/det. Kecepatan rata – rata aliran maksimum pelampung kondisi pasang sebesar 0.130 m/det dan kecepatan rata-rata minimum sebesar 0.020 m/det, sedangkan saat kondisi surut kecepatan rata-rata aliran maksimum sebesar 0.155 m/det dan kecepatan rata-rata aliran minimum sebesar 0.083 m/det. Faktor koreksi alat ukur pelampung sebesar 0.91. Korelasi maksimum persamaan regresi linier pengukuran aliran dengan current meter dan pelampung y = 2.0763x + 0.0174 nilai R2 sebesar 0.8677 dan R sebesar 0.931 menunjukkan korelasi yang sangat kuat, sedangkan korelasi minimum dalam bentuk regresi power yaitu y = 0.0313e24.597x  nilai R2 sebesar 0.4232 dan R sebesar 0.651 menunjukkan korelasi kuat.Kata kunci: Current meter, Pelampung, Kecepatan Arus, Faktor Koreksi Pelampung, Korelasi Kecepatan Aliran Menggunakan Current meter dan Pelampung.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

    Kebijakan Pembelajaran Daring Ditengah Pandemi Covid-19 Di Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 11 di Kabupaten Bone

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    Referring to the Circular of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 3 of 2020 concerning Prevention of COVID-19 in Education Units, and Number 36962/MPK.A/HK/2020, teaching and learning activities are also carried out online in order to prevent the spread of Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19). . A number of local governments have also closed schools to anticipate the spread of COVID-19. As part of the solution, learning in schools is replaced with learning in the network (online), or familiarly called online. Online learning is a learning system that is not carried out face to face, but uses a platform that can help the teaching and learning process that is carried out even though it is distanced. The purpose of online learning is to provide quality learning services in a massive and open network in order to reach more and wider study space enthusiasts. The implementation of online learning policies in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic at 11 state high schools  in Bone Regency was carried out based on  central government regulations and then continued with circulars from the Bone Regency regional government which remained based on policies that had been set by the central government, the implementation of learning Online learning at SMAN 11 Bone Regency is carried out by utilizing several online-based learning platforms or applications, namely Zoom and WhatsAap. Evaluation of Online Learning Policies Amid the Covid-19 Pandemic At State High School 11 In Bone Regency, the school carried out an evaluation so that it could find out the obstacles found during the online learning process and look for solutions related to the obstacles found so that online learning could be carried out properl

    Problem-based learning to develop students’ character in biology classroom

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    Development of students’ character in learning processes is important as weel as the effort to improve students’ cognitive and skills. In biology learning, development of students’ character can be conducted by applying the appropriate teaching strategy. Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is one of the teaching strategies which is potential to develop students’ character. This research was a quasi-experimental design to uncover difference of character development by applying PBL compared with direct instruction (traditional learning). The research samples were 72 first year students in Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia. Students’ character development was measured by using questionnaire at the beginning and at the end of study. The students’ character was also measured by observation sheet of character during lab session. Research finding indicated that there was no effect of teaching strategy on the students’ character development measured by questionnaire. Different finding was indicated by result of observation, the students taught by PBL showed more increase of character compared with traditional strategy. Based on the fact, lecturers should use PBL to develop students’ character. Others, the future research can consider usage of more accurate measuring instrument of character like behavioral observation sheet by paying attention on its limitation


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    Based on the previous research, it’s needed a research on the development of solar distillation model. The development of a concrete absorbed plate with fin has been conducted and resulted on improving productivity and efficiency of solar still. The development is continued by making a model using the glass covered model with roof shape and V. Experimental method is used in this work. Absorbent plate from concrete with fins models and some gravel are used in this solar still research. The concrete composition is determined by two parts of iron sand and one part of PCC cement. The cover glass design is determined by roof model, V model and conventional model (flat model). Water volume is designed as varied variables. The results show that V model can increase the productivity of freshwater and efficiency of the solar still compared with roof model and conventional model under different water volume. The absorber plate temperature, water temperature and cover glass temperature satisfy the solar radiation pattern. Keywords: solar distillation, cover glass shape, water volum

    Development of Social Science Textbooks Integrated with Islamic and Local Culture Values

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    Social Science textbooks tend to be less dynamic and integrative with Islamic values and local culture. This research is aimed to compose an integrated social science learning textbook which is valid, practical, and effective in improving students’ nationalism character. Type of research and development (R&D) with 4D model procedures (define, design, develop and disseminate) to fulfill the procedure of development. The developed textbook that fulfills scientists’ validity result and its practical use as the participants’ valuation and the implementation of learning. It can enhance students’ nationalism characters and contribute to learning on the character education program, preventive action, enhance the understanding of social, religious, and cultural life values and it should be widely recognized by educators

    Development of Social Science Textbooks Integrated with Islamic and Local Culture Values

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    Abstract Social Science textbooks tend to be less dynamic and integrative with Islamic values and local culture. This research is aimed to compose an integrated social science learning textbook which is valid, practical, and effective in improving students’ nationalism character. Type of research and development (R&D) with 4D model procedures (define, design, develop and disseminate) to fulfill the procedure of development. The developed textbook that fulfills scientists’ validity result and its practical use as the participants’ valuation and the implementation of learning. It can enhance students’ nationalism characters and contribute to learning on the character education program, preventive action, enhance the understanding of social, religious, and cultural life values and it should be widely recognized by educators

    Perilaku Memilih Masyarakat Kabupaten Rokan Hulu Pada Pemilukada Tahun 2011

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    Negara Republik Indonesia sebagai Negara Kesatuan menganut asas desentralisasi dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan di daerah, dengan memberikan kesempatan dana keleluasaan kepada daerah untuk menyelenggarakan otonomi. Pelaksanaan Desentralisasi yang menghasilkan otonomi teersebut dijalankan dan dikembangkan dalam dua nilai dasar, yaitu nilai dasar teritorial. Artinya kedaulatan yang melekat pada rakyat, bangsa dan Negara tidak akan terbagi dalam penyelengaraan pemerintahan di daerah. Pembelajaran desentralisasi ini, terwujud dalam pelaksanaan pemilu yang mengakomodir adanya kedaulatan dari rakyat. Rakyat menjadi pihak yang menentukan dalam proses politik dengan memberikan suara mereka secara langsung. Melalui pemilu yang langsung, umum, bebas, rahasia, jujur dan adil secara tidak langsung rakyat dapat melakukan pertukaran pemerintahan dengan jalan damai bardasarkan peraturan yang telah disepakati.1 Indonesia yang merupakan sebagai suatu negara yang menganut sistem demokrasi, menyatakan dalam Undang-Undang bahwa pemilihan umum (pemilu) adalah sarana pelaksanaan kedaulatan rakyat dalam Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia yang berdasarkan Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945.

    Problem Based Learning To Developed Student Character in Biology Classrom

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    Development of students’ character in learning processes is important as weel as the effort to improve students’ cognitive and skills. In biology learning, development of students’ character can be conducted by applying the appropriate teaching strategy. Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is one of the teaching strategies which is potential to develop students’ character. This research was a quasi-experimental design to uncover difference of character development by applying PBL compared with direct instruction (traditional learning). The research samples were 72 first year students in Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia. Students’ character development was measured by using questionnaire at the beginning and at the end of study. The students’ character was also measured by observation sheet of character during lab session. Research finding indicated that there was no effect of teaching strategy on the students’ character development measured by questionnaire. Different finding was indicated by result of observation, the students taught by PBL showed more increase of character compared with traditional strategy. Based on the fact, lecturers should use PBL to develop students’ character. Others, the future research can consider usage of more accurate measuring instrument of character like behavioral observation sheet by paying attention on its limitation

    PentaHelix Synergy on Tourism Development in Batu, East Java

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    Tourism in Batu, a city in East Java, has developed rapidly and requires involvement from various stakeholders. This research related to the actual implementation of tourism development, using exploratory studies of the ‘Penta Helix’ concept, defined below, which was carried out to compile a complete picture of the idea. A qualitative approach deepened archival understanding and developed observations and interviews with field actors. PentaHelix involves synergies, in this case to develop the tourism sector. There is a ‘PentaHelix’ or collaboration of five elements; namely government, academia, private, media and environmental institutions. However, several weaknesses were found in this synergy, namely the role of academics and environmental institutions. They are called weak points due to a lack of synergy in maximising their roles. The realization of the desired tourism development is a model of synergising tourism development with ‘inter-helix’ cooperation. Academics and environmental institutions need to increase their performance, to synergise tourism development with a PentaHelix perspective in Batu. Moreover, they can build symbiosis between tourism and a PentaHelix perspective in general, to develop tourism itself through the synergy of various elements in the helix. This research provides a new course, to preserve cultural heritage through a PentaHelix collaboration to develop tourism