245 research outputs found

    Fluvial-aeolian sedimentary facies, Sossusvlei, Namib Desert

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    Sedimentary facies exert a primary control on sandstone diagenesis and reservoir quality. The Namib Sand Sea with its Sossusvlei playa-lake is often considered as a modern analogue for sandstone reservoirs. Remote sensing in combination with ground observations allowed us to map the facies distribution pattern of associated fluvial and aeolian sediments. Laboratory spectral signature measurements were used to further improve the separability of six major facies: modern aeolian sand, bypass surface, mud pool/mud drapes, heavy mineral lag, aeolian reworked and fossil dune remnant. Using a supervised classification algorithm trained by field observations, a combination of Principal Component Analysis, band ratios, texture and geomorphologic indices has shown the best result. This made it possible to create a map outlining the facies distribution pattern of the Sossusvlei area at a scale of 1:10 000. We propose this as a possible workflow to efficiently map and monitor desert environments and to investigate the interplay of aeolian and fluvial sediments, including their linked implications on diagenesis. This could improve paleoclimate modelling and even allow facies mapping on other planets

    Late to post-Variscan basement segmentation and differential exhumation along the SW Bohemian Massif, central Europe

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    The exposed Variscan basement in central Europe is well-known for its complex structural and lithological architecture resulting from multiple deformation phases. We studied the southwestern margin of the Bohemian Massif, which is characterized by major and long-lived shear zones, such as the Pfahl and Danube shear zones, extending over > 100 km and initiated during Variscan tectonics. We integrated Bouguer gravity anomaly and lidar topographic data analyses and combined our results with available data and observations from low-temperature thermochronology, metamorphic grades, and the exposed granite inventory to detect patterns of basement block segmentation and differential exhumation. Three NW–SE-striking basement blocks are bordered by the Runding, Pfahl, and Danube shear zones from the northeast to the southwest. Basement block boundaries are indicated by abrupt changes in measured gravity patterns and metamorphic grades. By applying high-pass filters to gravity data in combination with lineament analysis, we identified a new NNW–SSE-striking tectonic structure (Cham Fault), which further segments known basement blocks. Basement blocks that are segmented by the Cham Fault differ in the abundance and spatial distribution of exposed late Variscan granites and are further characterized by variations in apparent thermochronological age data. Based on our observations and analyses, a differential exhumation and tectonic tilt model is proposed to explain the juxtaposition of different crustal levels. Block segmentation along the NW–SE-striking Pfahl and Runding shear zones most likely occurred prior, during, and after late orogenic granite emplacement at ca. 320 ± 10 Ma, as some of the granites are cross-cut by the shear zones, while others utilized these structures during magma ascent and emplacement. In contrast, activity and block segmentation along the Cham Fault occurred after granite emplacement as the fault sharply truncates the granite inventory. Our study provides evidence of intense and continuous fault activities during late and post-orogenic times and highlights the importance of tectonic structures in the exhumation and juxtaposition of different crustal levels and the creation of complex lithological patterns in orogenic terrains

    Телекоммуникационные системы для мониторинга и охраны лесных ресурсов России

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    Излагаются результаты разработки и полномасштабного внедрения телекоммуникационных систем семейства "Ясень" для мониторинга и охраны лесных ресурсов России, составляющих более четверти ресурсов мира. Описаны модификации систем семейства "Ясень" для федерального, регионального уровней и для подразделений, в которых предусмотрена интеграция каналов связи (наземных, радио, сотовых, спутниковых), документированная связь, геоинформационный мониторинг и сопровождение подвижных объектов

    Строительство воздушной линии 10 кВ ПС «Новокормиловка» – ПС «Восход»

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    Цель дипломной работы – проектирование ВЛ 10кВ для повышения надежности электроснабжения ПС Восход.В процессе работы выполнены электрические расчёты для выбора провода воздушной линии электропередачи. Выполнен расчет токов короткого замыкания и на его основе произведен выбор отключающих аппаратов, установленных на опорах ВЛ в начале и в конце линии электропередачи.The purpose of the thesis is designing a 10 kV overhead line to improve the reliability of power supply to the Voskhod substation.In the process of work, electrical calculations have been made to select the wire of the overhead power transmission lineThe calculation of short-circuit currents is made and on its basis a selection of switching devices installed on the OHL supports at the beginning and at the end of the transmission line was made

    The contexts and early Acheulean archaeology of the EF-HR paleo-landscape (Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania).

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    Renewed fieldwork at the early Acheulean site of EF-HR (Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania) has included detailed stratigraphic studies of the sequence, extended excavations in the main site, and has placed eleven additional trenches within an area of nearly 1 km2, to sample the same stratigraphic interval as in the main trench across the broader paleo-landscape. Our new stratigraphic work suggests that EF-HR is positioned higher in the Bed II sequence than previously proposed, which has implications for the age of the site and its stratigraphic correlation to other Olduvai Middle Bed II sites. Geological research shows that the main EF-HR site was situated at the deepest part of an incised valley formed through river erosion. Archaeological excavations at the main site and nearby trenches have unearthed a large new assemblage, with more than 3000 fossils and artefacts, including a hundred handaxes in stratigraphic position. In addition, our test-trenching approach has detected conspicuous differences in the density of artefacts across the landscape, with a large cluster of archaeological material in and around the main trench, and less intense human activity at the same level in the more distant satellite trenches. All of these aspects are discussed in this paper in the light of site formation processes, behavioral contexts, and their implications for our understanding of the early Acheulean at Olduvai Gorge

    Petrophysical characterization, BIB-SEM imaging, and permeability models of tight carbonates from the Upper Jurassic (Malm ß), SE Germany

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    Tight carbonate rocks are important hydrocarbon and potential geothermal reservoirs, for example, in CO2-Enhanced Geothermal Systems. We report a study of outcrop samples of tectonically undeformed tight carbonates from the upper Jurassic “Malm ß” formation in Southern Germany near the town of Simmelsdorf (38 km NE of Nuremberg) to understand bulk petrophysical properties in relation to microstructure and to compare models for permeability prediction in these samples. We applied Archimedes isopropanol immersion, Helium pycnometry, mercury injection, gamma density core logging, and gas permeability measurements, combined with microstructural investigations and liquid metal injection (LMI-BIB-SEM). In addition, ultrasonic velocity was measured to allow geomechanical comparison of stratigraphically equivalent rocks in the South German Molasse Basin (SGMB). Results show only small variations, showing that the formation is rather homogeneous with bulk porosities below 5% and argon permeabilities around 1.4E−17 m2. The presence of stylolites in some of the samples has neither a significant effect on porosity nor permeability. Pores are of submicron size with pore throats around 10 nm and connected as shown by Mercury injection and Liquid Metal injection. Samples have high dynamic Young’s Modulus of 73 ± 5 GPa as expected for lithified and diagenetically overmature limestones. Moreover, no trends in properties were observable toward the faults at meter scale, suggesting that faulting was post-diagenetic and that the matrix permeabilities were too low for intensive post-diagenetic fluid–rock interaction. Petrophysical properties are very close to those measured in the SGMB, illustrating the widespread homogeneity of these rocks and justifying the quarry as a reasonable reservoir analog. Permeability prediction models, such as the percolation theory-based Katz-Thompson Model, Poiseuille-based models, like the Winland, the Dastidar, the capillary tube, and the Kozeny-Carman Models, as well as several empirical models, namely, the Bohnsack, the Saki, and the GPPT Models, were applied. It is shown that the capillary tube Model and the Saki Model are best suited for permeability predictions from BIB-SEM and mercury injection capillary pressure results, respectively, providing a method to estimate permeability in the subsurface from drill cuttings. Matrix permeability is primarily controlled by the pore (throat) diameters rather than by the effective porosity

    New excavations at the HWK EE site: Archaeology, paleoenvironment and site formation processes during late Oldowan times at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania

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    This paper reports the results of renewed fieldwork at the HWK EEsite(Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania). HWK EEis positioned across the boundary between Lower andMiddle Bed II, a crucialinterval for studyingthe emergence of the Acheulean at Olduvai Gorge. Our excavations at HWK EEhave produced one of the largest collections of fossils and artefacts from any Oldowan site, distributed across several archaeological units and a large excavation surface in four separate trenches thatcan be stratigraphically correlated. Here we present the main stratigraphic and archaeological units and discuss site formation processes.Results show a great density of fossils and stone tools vertically through two stratigraphic intervals (Lemuta and Lower Augitic Sandstone)and laterally across an area of around 300 m2, and highlight the confluence of biotic and abiotic agents in the formation of the assemblage. The large size and diversityof the assemblage, as well as its good preservation, qualify HWK EEas a reference sitefor the study of the late Oldowan at Olduvai Gorge and elsewhere in Africa. In addition, thedescriptionof the stratigraphic and archaeological sequenceof HWK EE presented in this paper constitutesthe foundation for further studies on hominin behaviour and palaeoecologyin Lower and Middle Bed II