348 research outputs found

    Explaining intention to use the Islamic credit card: an extension of the TRA model

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    Abstract Purpose – The Islamic credit card is a type of banking product offered by Islamic banks. Given the importance to the Islamic credit card to Islamic banks, the study is aimed at identifying the factors determining the Malaysian bank customers’ behavioral intention to use the Islamic credit card. Design/methodology/approach – Drawing upon the Theory of Reasoned Action (the TRA model), this study proposes a modified model to examine the acceptance factors of attitude, subjective norm and perceived financial cost within the Islamic credit card context. The study used multiple regression model in order to examine the impacts of these explanatory variables on the intention to use the Islamic credit card. The model is tested using survey data from 257 respondents. Findings – The results reveal that attitude, subjective norm and perceived financial cost significantly influence the Islamic credit card intention to use. Of these, attitude was first ranked factor explaining intention to use the Islamic credit card. Research limitations/implications – The research suffers from two limitations. The first limitation is related to the generalization of finding whilst the second limitation is related to the limited measures employed in the current work. Despite these limitations, this research is significantly contributed to the body of knowledge in the area of Islamic credit card, at least at exploratory level. Practical implications – Information gathered from the study will serve as a basis for more future works in the area of Islamic credit card. The theory developed in the current study’s model could also be generalized into other contexts of Islamic banking products and services. Practically, branch managers of Islamic banking institutions could of prime importance to extend the findings of the study for the better future planning of their Islamic credit card offerings. Originality/value – Importantly, the study extends the applicability of the TRA model into Islamic credit card context. Few studies have conducted over the years under this context in Malaysia.Islamic credit card, personal finance, Islamic bank, Malaysia

    Bacterial Leaf Blight Disease (Pseudomonas cichorii (Swingle 1925) (STAPP 1928) in Chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflora Tzvelev) and Its Control) in Indonesia

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    Bacterial leaf blight caused by Pseudomonas cichorii is a major disease in chrysanthemum plants almost all over the world. In Indonesia, this pathogen can cause damage to chrysanthemum 10- 60%. Bacteria spread from one plant to another through water droplets from modern irrigation networks as well as conventional irrigation. P. cichorii is a polyphagic pathogen, which infects succulents and others across continents with varying incidence. Symptoms of transmission of this pathogen in each type of plant are always different, and effective control methods have not been found. This article discusses the virulence of pathogens, the incidence of transmission, and recommendations for controlling bacterial leaf blight on chrysanthemums in Indonesia. A search of various references from within and outside the country shows that P. cichorii can be controlled by combining several methods, namely (a) the use of tolerant varieties (Puspita Nusantara, Puspa Kania, Dwina Kencana, Dwina Pelangi, Pasopati, Paras Ratu, and Wastu Kania), (b) technical culture (extracting infected leaves and watering in the morning), and (c) application of synthetic chemical bactericides with active ingredients of hydrogen peroxide and peroxyacetic acid, or biopesticides with active bacterial isolates of the antagonistic bacteria Bacillus subtilis MI600, and B. amyloliquefaciens IN937, and combination of P. fluorescens Pf Irana with Pf Slada-2.Keywords: Chrysanthemum, P. chicorii, bacterial leaf blight disease, epidemiology, control AbstrakPENYAKIT HAWAR DAUN BAKTERI (Pseudomonas cichorii (Swingle 1925) (STAPP 1928) PADA TANAMAN KRISAN (Dendranthema grandiflora Tzvelev) DAN UPAYA PENGENDALIANNYA DI INDONESIAHawar daun bakteri yang disebabkan oleh Pseudomonas cichorii merupakan penyakit utama pada tanaman krisan hampir di seluruh penjuru dunia. Di Indonesia, patogen ini dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada tanaman krisan 10-60%. Bakteri menyebar dari satu tanaman ke tanaman lain melalui tetesan air dari jaringan irigasi modern maupun penyiraman konvensional. P. cichorii merupakan patogen yang bersifat polifag, yang menginfeksi tanaman sukulen dan lainnya di seluruh benua dengan insidensi bervariasi. Gejala penularan patogen ini pada setiap jenis tanaman selalu berbeda, dan belum ditemukan metode pengendalian yang efektif. Artikel ini membahas virulenitas patogen, insidensi penularan, dan rekomendasi pengendalian hawar daun bakteri pada tanaman krisan di Indonesia. Penelusuran dari berbagai referensi dari dalam dan luar negeri menunjukkan P. cichorii dapat dikendalikan dengan memadukan beberapa metode, yaitu (a) penggunaan varietas toleran (Puspita Nusantara, Puspa Kania, Dwina Kencana, Dwina Pelangi, Pasopati, Paras Ratu, dan Wastu Kania), (b) kultur teknis (perompesan daun terinfeksi dan penyiraman pada pagi hari), serta (c) aplikasi bakterisida kimia sintetik berbahan aktif hydrogen peroxide dan peroxyacetic acid, atau biopestisida berbahan aktif isolat bakteri antagonis Bacillus subtilis MI600, dan B. amyloliquefaciens IN937, serta kombinasi P. fluorescens Pf Irana dengan Pf Slada-2.Kata kunci: Krisan, P. chicorii, bakteri hawar daun, epidemiologi, pengendalian

    Aplikasi dan efektivitas pupuk hayati dalam upaya perbaikan mutu produksi, produktivitas dan pengendalian serangan layu fusarium pada bawang merah

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    Bawang merah (Allium ascalonicum L.) merupakan salah satu komoditas sayuran unggulan nasional yang mempunyai nilai ekonomi tinggi. Untuk pencapai target produksi yang maksimal, umumnya petani menggunakan pupuk dan pestisida kimia sintetik yang tinggi. Penurunan daya dukung lahan pertanian akibat penggunaan bahan kimia agroinput berlebihan mendorong penggunaan pupuk hayati berbahan aktif mikroba pemicu pertumbuhan terutama untuk mengurangi penggunaan pupuk kimia sintetik pada bawang merah. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi beberapa pupuk hayati yang dikombinasikan dengan pupuk kimia sintetik untuk meningkatkan kualitas pertumbuhan dan produksi bawang merah, serta menekan penyakit layu fusarium. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan 3 ulangan. Perlakuan berupa tiga jenis pupuk hayati, yaitu Agrofit, Bio Pf dan Biotrico dikombinasikan dengan dosis pupuk kimia sintetik yaitu sebesar 0, 25, 50, 75, 100% dari dosis rekomendasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi kombinasi pupuk hayati Agrofit, Bio-Pf dan Biotrico dengan 50% dosis rekomendasi pupuk kimia sintetik dapat meningkatkan kualitas pertumbuhan dan bobot umbi kering sebesar 7.91 – 32.65% dari aplikasi pupuk kimia sintetik 100% dosis rekomendasi. Pada kombinasi Bio-Pf yang ditambah dengan 25% pupuk kimia sintetik dosis rekomendasi menunjukkan nilai efektifitas relatif agronomi dan nilai penekanan terhadap infeksi fusarium tertinggi. Kombinasi perlakuan ini juga memberikan total biomasa tidak berbeda pada dosis pupuk kimia sintetik 100%.                                                         ABSTRACT Shallot is one of important vegetables in Indonesia. Expecting high yield, farmers tend to apply high amount of chemical  fertilizer and shynthetic pesticide. The concern to the negative impacts of chemical agroinput in agriculture production has induced the application of biofertilizer containing beneficial microbes to reduce the use of synthetic fertilizers in shallot production. The research was conducted to evaluate several formulated biofertilizers combined with synthetic fertilizers on growth, yield and productivity improvement, and fusarium wilt control on shallot. The research was conducted at Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia from March to August 2017. The combination of bio-fertilizer types, i.e. Agrofit, Bio-Pf and Biotrico and synthetic fertilizers in different dosages, i.e 0, 25, 50, 75, 100 % from recommended dosages were arranged in completely randomized block design with three replications. The results showed the application of bio-fertilizers might reduce 50% of synthetic fertilizer usage. The combined application of each bio-fertilizer with 50% recommended dosage of synthetic fertilizers improved growth quality and total dry bulb weight of 7.91 – 32.65% from 100% recommended dosage of synthetic fertilizer. The combination of Bio-Pf and Agrofit with 25% recommended synthetic fertilizer gave highest relative agronomic effectiveness value and fusarium wilt suppression. Total biomass weight of these treatments also had negligible differences with 100% synthetic fertilizers dosages.

    Karakteristik Pseudomonas Viridiflava: Penyebab Penyakit Busuk Lunak Dan Evaluasi Virulensinya Pada Klon Anggrek Phalaenopsis

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    The objectives of this research were to determine the typical symptoms and isolates chararteristics of Pseudomonas viridiflava as the causal agent of soft rot bacterial disease and to find out orchid Phalaenopsis clones resistant to the disease. The scope of this study included exploration and isolation of the pathogens, pathogenicity, biochemical and LOPAT tests, also screening the Phalaenopsis F1 clones resistant to the pathogen. The results showed that isolates Vd-6, Ph-7 and Ph-18 obtained from Vanda (in Bandung Nursery) and Phalaenopsis orchids respectively, in glass house of Indonesian Ornamental Crops Research Institute, were identified as P. viridiflava and highly virulent on tested orchid plants. Typical symptoms were soft rots characterized by moist and watery decay of the whole leaves, which were initiated as small water-soaked lesions and enlarged rapidly to the entire leaves. Based on biochemical and LOPAT tests, the causal organisms were fluorescent green colonies in King\u27s B medium, not producing levan compound and arginine hydrolase reaction. Pectinolytic activities on potato and tobacco hypersensibility were also positive. According to evaluation test, 10 F1 accecions Phalaenopsis clones (VL 231, VL 232, VL 233, and VL 240; M22.213 and M22.223; 599.201, 599.205, 599.215 and 599.243) were resistant to that pathogen

    Prospek Penggunaan Mikroba Antagonis sebagai Agens Pengendali Hayati Penyakit Utama pada Tanaman Hias dan Sayuran

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    Cultivation of ornamental plants and vegetables faces various problems that inhibit efforts to increase plant production. One of the most important constraints is disease incidences, i.e. wilt disease (Fusarium spp.) on carnation, damping off (Rhizoctonia spp.) on chrysanthemum, bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum) on Solanaceae, and club root (Plasmodiophora brassicae) on Barssicaceae. One of environmentally-friendly control methods is application of antagonistic microorganisms. The purpose of this paper is to inform prospects of the use of microbial antagonists as biological control agents of major diseases on ornamental plants and vegetables. Antagonistic microbes are the bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes or virus that can suppress other microbes. Antagonistic bacteria (Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas fluorescens), antagonistic fungi (Trichoderma harzianum, Gliocladium sp., and non-pathogenic Fusarium), actinomycetes (Streptomyces spp.), and virus (Carna-5 vaccine) are known to be effective as biological control agents. Their use as a biological control agent is proven to be prospective since their isolation techniques, propagation and biopesticide formulation are well known by inventors in Indonesia. Nowdays, the microbes have been formulated by various research institutes as microbial pesticides and licenced to private company and commercialized widely to the domestic market. This indicates that prospect of application of antagonistic microbe is very bright to control major diseases of ornamental plants and vegetables


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    Consumer demands on safe agricultural products have made the shifting of the production system to be more environmental friendly. An attempt to reduce or totally substitute chemical fertilizers and pesticides on agricultural production process was through the utilization of potential microbes. The purpose of the study was to provide information on potential microbial species that can be used as active ingredients of biofertilizers and biopesticides. The mechanisms of action have been studied, both directly and indirectly, in protecting the plant from pest and disease attacks. Several of these microbes also functioned as decomposer that might improve soil characteristic and nutrient availability for the crops. The Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development for has released formulated biopesticides and bio fertilizers with the active ingredients isolated from agricultural production centers. The application of these biopesticides and biofertilizers have been effectively controlled important diseases in horticultural crops, i.e. Bio Nutri-V could suppress white rust disease (Puccinia horina Henn) 32.15% in chrysanthemum and increased 25% and 34% harvestable products in chrysanthemum and potato, respectively, compared with synthetic fungicide. The utilization of biopesticides and biofertilizers is expected to improve the competitiveness of national agricultural commodities by utilizing natural resources to support highly competitive and sustainable agricultural industries.Keywords: Microbes, biofertilizer, biopesticide, vegetable, ornamentals, horticulture. AbstrakTuntutan konsumen terhadap keamanan produk pertanian menuntut pula perlunya proses produksi dilakukan secara ramah lingkungan. Salah satu upaya untuk mengurangi atau mensubstitusi penggunaan pupuk dan pestisida kimia sintetik ialah memanfaatkan mikroba. Makalah ini membahas spesies mikroba yang berpotensi dan dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan aktif pupuk dan pestisida hayati. Berbagai spesies mikroba dari kelompok cendawan dan bakteri telah berhasil diisolasi dan dievaluasi keefektifannya sebagai bahan aktif pupuk dan pestisida hayati yang efektif. Mikroba pemacu pertumbuhan tanaman dengan mekanisme langsung maupun tidak langsung mampu menginduksi pertumbuhan tanaman dan beberapa mikroba juga berfungsi sebagai dekomposer, sehingga membantu penyediaan unsur hara bagi tanaman. Badan Litbang Pertanian telah menghasilkan beberapa formulasi pupuk hayati dan biopestisida dengan bahan aktif mikrobe yang diisolasi dari sentra produksi pertanian. Aplikasi pupuk dan pestisida hayati tersebut efektif mengendalikan penyakit penting tanaman hias, seperti Bio Nutri- V dapat menekan perkembangan penyakit karat putih (Puccinia horina Henn) pada krisan 32,2% dan mempertahankan hasil panen kentang dan krisan masing-masing 25% dan 34% dibandingkan dengan aplikasi fungisida kimia sintetik. Pengembangan pupuk dan pestisida hayati yang dihasilkan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan daya saing komoditas pertanian melalui sistem produksi ramah lingkungan dengan memanfaatkan sumber daya alam secara optimal guna mendukung industri pertanian berdaya saing dan berkelanjutan.Kata kunci: Mikroba, pupuk hayati, biopestisida, sayuran, tanaman hias, hortikultura

    Critical success factors for the receptiveness of Islamic home financing in Malaysia

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    Purpose – The purpose of this study is to examine the critical success factors (CSFs) for the receptiveness of Islamic home financing in Malaysia. Design/methodology/approach – A framework of the CSFs for the receptiveness of Islamic home financing is developed. The framework evaluates the effects of product type, competitive value proposition, Islamic debt collection policy, Islamic bankers’ knowledge and maqasid al-Shariah compliance on the receptiveness. Data from 744 usable questionnaires are analysed to confirm the applicability of the framework in Islamic home financing context. Findings – The results suggest that product type, competitive value proposition, Islamic debt collection policy, Islamic bankers’ knowledge and maqasid al-Shariah compliance are significantly related to the receptiveness of Islamic home financing. Research limitations/implications – Two limitations are available for future studies. Firstly, the respondents of this study are limited to Malaysians, signifying further testing of the proposed model across different geographies is required to determine the generalisability of the model. Secondly, the contributions of the proposed framework are confined to a specific area of Islamic banking products. Thus, extending the framework to other banking products or conducting a comparative study between Islamic home financing and its conventional peer can improve its generalisability. Practical implications – The results obtained offer a fresh direction on how to market Islamic home financing products successfully, where the new CSFs are brought into play. Originality/value – This study examines the new proposed CSFs for the receptiveness of Islamic home financing in Malaysia


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    Penelitian ini, akan mengkaji tentang “Hak dan Kewajiban Istri yang Berprofesi sebagai Wanita Karir dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam”, dengan masalah penelitian: 1) Peran Istri Wanita Karir Dalam Keharmonisan Keluarga di Desa Lapandewa Kaindea Buton Selatan; 2) Dampak  Isteri  Wanita Kareir dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini: 1) Untuk mengetahui Peran Istri Wanita Karir Terhadap Keharmonisan Keluarga di Desa Lapandewa Kaindea Buton Selatan; 2) Untuk mengetahui Dampak  Isteri  sebagai  Wanita Karir dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif-analitis yakni metode atau strategi penelitian untuk mengungkap prespektif Hukum Islam terhadap hak dan kewajiban istri yang berprofesi sebagai Perempuan Karir. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui studi kepustakaan, dengan membaca dan menelaah buku-buku yang berkaitan dengan masalah penelitian ini. Analisis data menggunakan model analisis isi (Content Analysis), yang mempunyai tiga syarat yaitu: objektifitas, sistematis dan generalisasi.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa; 1) peran istri wanita karir terhadap keharmonisan keluarga di Desa Lapandewa Kaindea Buton Selatan yaitu sebagai wanita karir yang paling utama tidak boleh melupakan peran tugas dan tanggung jawabnya sebagai isteri, 2) dampak  wanita karir dalam perspektif hukum Islam adalah memiliki dampak positif dan dampak negatifnya sepanjang isteri wanita karir tidak melanggar batas-batas pergaulan yang ditetapkan oleh Isla


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    Abstract Morphology and chemical structure of allophane which was found in soils developed from volcanicash soils or pumice, has been established. High resolution electron micrographs have shown that the allophane consists of hollow spheres or polyhedra 3.5-5.0 nm in diameter with a wall thickness estimated to be about 0.7 nm. The wall of the hollow sphere, nano-ball, has some holes (defects) with diameter of 0.3-0.5 nm. Chemicalstructure of allophane is characterized by short-range order and the predominance of 5i-0-AI bondings. Chemical composition of allophane variesranging in the 5ijAI atomic ratio from about 0.5 to 1. Allophane with 5ijAI ratio of 0.5 is a fundamental structure which is composed of gibbsite [AI(OH)31sheet with 5i04 tetrahedra attaching on it, and has hollow spherical morphology to locate the 5i04 tetrahedra inside of the sphere. Allophane with the 5ijAI ratio more than 0.5 has some condensed 5i04 tetrahedra weakly bonded to its structure
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