78 research outputs found

    Choice of steel material for bridge bearings to avoid brittle fracture

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    Bridge bearings need verification against brittle failure at low temperatures. The design of bearings according to EN 1337 may lead to structural components with thicknesses no longer covered in the relevant technical construction regulations. Due to its specific geometry, the loading and stressing and the fabrication process the prerequisites for using the rules in EN 1993 1 10 lead to conservative restrictions or uneconomical choice of steel material. For an economical bearing design further modifications of the existing rules are necessary. This report adapts the fracture mechanical approach used in EN 1993 1 10 and gives information for a “safe-sided” choice of steel material for bearings. The main modifications refer to the hypothetical design crack scenario and the definition of the “nominal design stress” at the geometric “hot-spot”. An advanced methodology using Finite Elements and a simplified method using linear bending theory are evaluated.JRC.G.5-European laboratory for structural assessmen

    Bridge Design to Eurocodes – Worked examples

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    This document is a Technical Report with worked examples for a bridge structure designed following the Eurocodes. It summarizes important points of the Eurocodes for the design of concrete, steel and composite road bridges, including foundations and seismic design, utilizing a common bridge project as a basis. The geometry and materials of the example bridge as well as the main assumptions and the detailed structural calculations are presented in the first chapter of the report. Each of the subsequent chapters presents the main principles and rules of a specific Eurocode and their application on the example bridge, namely: • The key concepts of basis of design, i.e. design situations, limit states, the single source principle and the combinations of actions (EN 19990); • Permanent, wind, thermal, traffic and fatigue actions on the bridge deck and piers and their combinations (EN 1991); • Bridge deck modeling and structural analysis; • The design of the bridge deck and the piers for the ULS and the SLS, including the second-order effects (EN 1992-2); • The classification of the composite cross-sections, the ULS, SLS and fatigue verifications and the detailed design for creep and shrinkage (EN 1994-2); • The settlement and resistance calculations for the pier, three design approaches for the abutment and the verification of the foundation for the seismic design situation (EN 1997); • The conceptual design for earthquake resistance considering the alternative solutions of slender or squat piers; the latter case involves seismic isolation and design for ductile behavior (EN 1998-1, EN 1998-2). The bridge worked example analyzed in this report was prepared and presented at the workshop “Bridge Design to the Eurocodes” that was held on 4-6 October 2010 in Vienna, Austria. The workshop was organized by JRC with the support of DG ENTR and in collaboration with CEN/TC250/Horizontal Group Bridges, the Austrian Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology and the Austrian Standards Institute. The document is part of the Report Series “Support to the implementation, harmonization and further development of the Eurocodes”, prepared by JRC in collaboration with DG ENTR and CEN/TC250 “Structural Eurocodes”.JRC.G.5-European laboratory for structural assessmen

    Zur Rissbreitenbeschraenkung bei Verbundtraegern

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    SIGLETIB: RA 3043 (86-1) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Kurz- und mittelfristige Ergebnisse der arthroskopischen Meniskusrefixation

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    In der vorliegenden prospektiven Studie werden die Heilungsergebnisse der arthroskopischen Meniskusrefixation vorgestellt. In einem begrenzten Zeitraum wurden 170 arthroskopische Meniskusrefixationen mit resorbierbaren PLDLA-Pfeilen in Kombination mit einer zweizeitigen vorderen Kreuzbandplastik durchgeführt. Nach einem Zeitraum von ∅\varnothing 7,4 Wochen wurde in 100% der Fälle eine Second-Look-Operation durchgeführt. Ergebnisse:\textbf {Ergebnisse:} Die Heilungsrate betrug 99,3%. 79,3% erreichten den ursprünglichen Aktivitätsgrad. Im Lysholm Score wurden ∅\varnothing 96,2, im Cincinnati Score ∅\varnothing 93,2 und im Tegner Aktivity-Score ∅\varnothing 4,83 Punkte erreicht. Die Meniskusrefixation mit resorbierbaren PLDLA-Pfeilen der Firma Arthrex ist bei Meniskusläsionen bei gegebener Indikation in Kombination mit einem zweizeitigen ACL-Ersatz eine geeignete Methode, die zu exzellenten Heilungsergebnissen führt

    Origins of a monotheistic worldview among the ancient Israelites

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    honors thesisCollege of HumanitiesReligious StudiesBrandon PetersonThe early Israelites, like all of their closest Ancient Near Eastern neighbors, began their journey as a people with the worship of a pantheon full of gods. However, as the books of the Hebrew Bible progress chronologically, a shift in thinking occurs toward an alternate worldview. Proscriptions against worshipping other deities and statements of Yahweh's preeminence, both foundations of monolatry, shift into expressions of his sole divinity and universalism as the one god of the entire creation. In an effort to potentially explain this trajectory of thought, this study suggests that one of the main reasons monotheism evolved in Israel was the existence of pressure and eventual conquest by the Assyrian and Babylonian Empires. Not only did the new monotheistic religion of the Israelites differentiate them from their powerful oppressors, it also provided them with the solace that they were a chosen people who covenanted with the one true god. Monotheism therefore was the result of a centuries-long process among a people who strove to elevate themselves in the face of hard times. Therefore, the research suggests that two events ushered in the specific monotheism that has come to be associated with the Hebrew Bible: the Assyrian conquest of 722 B.C.E. and the Babylonian Captivity that began in 587 B.C.E

    Development of Euruopean design Codes for Composite Structures in Steel and Concrete

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    EN 1994-1- ist als Eurocode 4 für die Bemessung und Ausführung von Stahlverbundkonstruktionen in Deutschland als DIN EN 1994-1-1 seit 2012 bauaufsichtlich eingeführt. Im Rahmen des Europäischen Mandats M515 erfolgt aktuell eine Überarbeitung aller Eurocodes, mit dem Ziel, diese in die nächste Normungsgeneration zu überführen und die erforderlichen Anpassungen an den Stand der Technik sicherzustellen. Dieser Beitrag erläutert den derzeitigen Stand der Bearbeitung des Eurocode 4 und gibt einen Einblick in die damit verbundenen Diskussionen und die zu erwartenden Änderungen und Neuerungen
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