1,143 research outputs found

    Valg: en velsignelse eller forbannelse?: effekten av fondsguide på salg av investeringsfond

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    I takt med et stadig økende spekter av mulige produkt- og tjenestevarianter vokser også vår frihet til å velge blant de ulike alternativer. Denne eksplosjonen av nye produkter er ment å gi oss muligheten til å velge akkurat det alternativet som passer våre preferanser best. Men klarer vi faktisk å velge når alternativene blir mange? Målet med denne oppgaven er todelt. Først å undersøke hvilke innvirkninger bruk av et valgforenklingsverktøy, som reduserer alternativer basert på kundepreferanser, har på salg og kundetilfredshet. Sekundert å undersøke om bruk av et valgforenklingsverktøy påvirker eventuelle effekter kognitiv utmattelse har i en valgprosess. Som svar på vårt første mål fant vi at bruk av et valgforenklingsverktøy fører til at kunden i større grad opplever å ha gjort et rett valg. Denne effekten ser vi i kombinasjon med økt salg. Som svar på vårt andre mål har vi gjort et spennende funn. Vi fant at kognitiv utmattelse reduserer kundens tilfredshet ved valg, men at bruk av et valgforenklingsverktøy utligner den negative effekten. Til slutt fant vi at personlighetstrekket selvkontroll modererer effekten kognitiv utmattelse har på kundetilfredshet ved valg. Vi er overbeviste om at våre funn, i kombinasjon med videre forskning, vil være nyttig for virksomheter som selger varer og/eller tjenester i tiden fremover.nhhma

    A Passively Mode-locked Nanosecond Laser with an Ultra-narrow Spectral Width

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    Many different mode-locking techniques have been realized in the past [1, 2], but mainly focused on increasing the spectral bandwidth to achieve ultra-short coherent light pulses with well below picosecond duration. In contrast, no mode-locked laser scheme has managed to generate Fourier-limited nanosecond long pulses, which feature narrow spectral bandwidths (~MHz regime) instrumental to applications in spectroscopy, efficient excitation of molecules, sensing, and quantum optics. The related limitations are mainly caused by the adverse operation timescales of saturable absorbers, as well as by the low strength of the nonlinear effects typically reachable through nanosecond pulses with manageable energies

    Ownership and use of wireless telephones: a population-based study of Swedish children aged 7–14 years

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Recent years have seen a rapid increase in the use of mobile phones and other sources of microwave radiation, raising concerns about possible adverse health effects. As children have longer expected lifetime exposures to microwaves from these devices than adults, who started to use them later in life, they are a group of special interest.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We performed a population-based study to assess ownership and use of mobile phones and cordless phones among children aged 7–14 years. A questionnaire comprising 24 questions was sent to 2000 persons selected from the Swedish population registry using a stratified sampling scheme.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The response rate was 71.2%. Overall, 79.1% of the respondents reported mobile phone access, and 26.7% of them talked for 2 minutes or more per day. Of those who reported mobile phone access, only 5.9% reported use of hands-free equipment. Use of cordless phones was reported by 83.8% of the respondents and 38.5% of them talked for 5 minutes or more per day. Girls generally reported more frequent use than boys.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study showed that most children had access to and used mobile and cordless phones early in life and that there was a rapid increase in use with age. It also showed very low use of hands-free equipment among children with mobile phone access, and finally that girls talked significantly more minutes per day using mobile and cordless phones than boys did.</p

    Moduli-Space Dynamics of Noncommutative Abelian Sigma-Model Solitons

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    In the noncommutative (Moyal) plane, we relate exact U(1) sigma-model solitons to generic scalar-field solitons for an infinitely stiff potential. The static k-lump moduli space C^k/S_k features a natural K"ahler metric induced from an embedding Grassmannian. The moduli-space dynamics is blind against adding a WZW-like term to the sigma-model action and thus also applies to the integrable U(1) Ward model. For the latter's two-soliton motion we compare the exact field configurations with their supposed moduli-space approximations. Surprisingly, the two do not match, which questions the adiabatic method for noncommutative solitons.Comment: 1+15 pages, 2 figures; v2: reference added, to appear in JHE

    Intermolecular interactions between the SH3 domain and the proline-rich TH region of Bruton’s tyrosine kinase

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    AbstractThe SH3 domain of Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (Btk) is preceded by the Tec homology (TH) region containing proline-rich sequences. We have studied a protein fragment containing both the Btk SH3 domain and the proline-rich sequences of the TH region (PRR-SH3). Intermolecular NMR cross-relaxation measurements, gel permeation chromatography profiles, titrations with proline-rich peptides, and 15N NMR relaxation measurements are all consistent with a monomer–dimer equilibrium with a dissociation constant on the order of 60 μM. The intermolecular interactions do, at least in part, involve proline-rich sequences in the TH region. This behavior of Btk PRR-SH3 may have implications for the functional action of Btk

    Задача синтеза антенн с вращающейся поляризацией

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    Тез. докл. VIII Междунар. науч.-техн. конф. (науч. чтения, посвящ. П. О. Сухому), Гомель, 28–29 окт. 2010 г