444 research outputs found

    Searching for decaying axion-like dark matter from clusters of galaxies

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    We consider the possibility of constraining the lifetime of radiatively decaying dark matter particles in clusters of galaxies inspired from generic axions of the Kaluza-Klein type. Such axions have been invoked as a possible explanation for the coronal X-ray emission from the Sun. These axions, or similar particles, can be produced inside stars and some of them remain confined by the deep gravitational potential of clusters of galaxies. Specifically, we consider regions within merging galaxy clusters (Abell 520 and the "Bullet Cluster"), where gravitational lensing observations have identified massive, but baryon poor, structures. From an analysis of X-ray observations of these mass concentrations, and the expected photon spectrum of decaying solar KK-axions, we derive lower limits to the lifetime of such axions of tau approx. 10^23 sec. However, if KK-axions constitute less than a few percent of the dark matter mass, this lifetime constraint is similar to that derived from solar KK-axions.Comment: Submitted to PRL, 4 pages, 3 figure

    Gyrodactylus eyipayipi sp. n. (Monogenea: Gyrodactylidae) from Syngnathus acus (Syngnathidae) from South Africa

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    Gyrodactylus eyipayipi sp. n. is described from the skin, gills, flute and male brood pouch of captive specimens of the greater pipefish Syngnathus acus L., collected for and maintained at the Two Oceans Aquarium in Cape Town, South Africa. It is the first marine Gyrodactylus species reported from the African continent. The new species is compared to the three known Gyrodactylus species affecting syngnathiform hosts (G. pisculentus Williams, Kritsky, Dunnigan, Lash et Klein, 2008, G. shorti Holliman, 1963, and G. syngnathi Appleby, 1996). Although all four species have similar-sized and shaped attachment hooks with some overlap, separation of the species is possible using marginal hook morphology. The marginal hooks of G. eyipayipi measure (mean) 30 µm in total length and are larger than those of the three other species (mean, 24-28 µm). Gyrodactylus eyipayipi can also be discriminated based on differences in the shape of the marginal hook sickle notably by its long sickle point which extends far beyond the toe, its blunt rounded toe and, by the approximate rectangular shape to the base of the sickle. By comparison, the sloping toe regions of G. pisculentus and G. syngnathi give the sickle bases an approximately triangular shape, whilst the short sickle point and open aperture to the sickles of G. shorti allow for their discrimination from G. eyipayipi

    Probing the nature of dark matter with Cosmic X-rays: Constraints from "Dark blobs" and grating spectra of galaxy clusters

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    Gravitational lensing observations of galaxy clusters have identified dark matter ``blobs'' with remarkably low baryonic content. We use such a system to probe the particle nature of dark matter with X-ray observations. We also study high resolution X-ray grating spectra of a cluster of galaxies. From these grating spectra we improve the conservative constraints on a particular dark matter candidate, the sterile neutrino, by more than one order of magnitude. Based on these conservative constraints obtained from Cosmic X-ray observations alone, the low mass (m_s < 10keV) and low mixing angle (sin^2(2\theta) 10^{-6}) sterile neutrino is still a viable dark matter candidate.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    En studie av sammenhengen mellom budsjett og aktivitet i spesialisthelsetjenesten

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    Bakgrunnen for denne avhandlingen bygger på utfordringene i helsesektoren, som tar en stadig økende andel av bruttonasjonalproduktet. Innen økonomistyring er det svært mange ulike faktorer som kan analyseres for å bidra til å belyse denne problematikken. Vår avhandling fokuserer på forholdet mellom det som blir ansett som det viktigste styringsverktøyet i offentlig sektor, budsjettet, opp mot aktivitetsnivået. Ut fra forutsetningen om budsjett som styringsverktøy og aktivitet som et mål for resultat, har vi utarbeidet følgende problemstilling: Hvordan benyttes budsjettet til å styre aktivitetsnivået i et offentlig helseforetak? I denne avhandlingen har vi brukt Universitetssykehuset i Nord-Norge som case, med det formål å kunne si noe om forholdet mellom budsjett og aktivitet i et offentlig helseforetak. Avhandlingen fokuserer på tidligere litteraturgjennomgang og teorier for å forklare hvordan budsjett styrer aktivitet. Avhandlingen er en kvalitativ studie, med en hermeneutisk tilnærming til forskning. Informasjonsgrunnlaget er innhentet ved hjelp av sju dybdeintervju, der vi har sett på to klinikker og gått vertikalt gjennom ledelseskjeden og gjennomført intervjuer av de ledelsesnivå med budsjettansvar. Funnene i denne oppgaven tyder først og fremst på at det er løse koblinger mellom budsjettet og aktiviteten. På denne måten brukes ikke budsjettet som et styringsverktøy for å styre aktiviteten slik det i utgangspunktet er ment for, men i større grad som et kontrollvertøy for å holde seg innenfor de rammene budsjettet setter. Samtidig viser studien store forskjeller internt i organisasjonen, både hva angår selve budsjettbruken, men også på hvordan budsjettet tjener de formål det er tiltenkt. Noen av funnen gir budsjettkritikerne delvis rett i sine antakelser om at budsjettet har mistet mye av sin relevans

    Wrist-worn pervasive gaze interaction

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    This paper addresses gaze interaction for smart home control, conducted from a wrist-worn unit. First we asked ten people to enact the gaze movements they would propose for e.g. opening a door or adjusting the room temperature. On basis of their suggestions we built and tested different versions of a prototype applying off-screen stroke input. Command prompts were given to twenty participants by text or arrow displays. The success rate achieved by the end of their first encounter with the system was 46% in average; it took them 1.28 seconds to connect with the system and 1.29 seconds to make a correct selection. Their subjective evaluations were positive with regard to the speed of the interaction. We conclude that gaze gesture input seems feasible for fast and brief remote control of smart home technology provided that robustness of tracking is improved

    Detection of the myxosporean parasite Parvicapsula pseudobranchicola in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) using in situ hybridization (ISH)

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    -Parvicapsula pseudobranchicola is a marine myxosporean parasite infecting farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). A major site for the parasite is the pseudobranch, which may be destroyed in heavily infected fish. Parvicapsulosis may be associated with significant mortality, although the main effect of infections seems to be runting. In situ hybridization (ISH) is, in the absence of specific antibodies, the preferred method for the detection of cell- and tissue tropisms of myxozoans in the early phases of infection of the host, and provides information about the possible association between the pathogen and pathology. A positive diagnosis of parvicapsulosis is based on histopathology and PCR. The aim of the present work was to develop a specific, sensitive and robust ISH assay for the detection of P. pseudobranchicola in tissues

    Determinants of parasite distribution in Arctic charr populations: catchment structure versus dispersal potential

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    Parasite distribution patterns in lotic catchments are driven by the combined influences of unidirectional water flow and the mobility of the most mobile host. However, the importance of such drivers in catchments dominated by lentic habitats are poorly understood. We examined parasite populations of Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus from a series of linear-connected lakes in northern Norway to assess the generality of lotic-derived catchment-scale parasite assemblage patterns. Our results demonstrated that the abundance of most parasite taxa increased from the upper to lower catchment. Allogenic taxa (piscivorous birds as final host) were present throughout the entire catchment, whereas their autogenic counterparts (charr as final hosts) demonstrated restricted distributions, thus supporting the theory that the mobility of the most mobile host determines taxa-specific parasite distribution patterns. Overall, catchmentwide parasite abundance and distribution patterns in this lentic-dominated system were in accordance with those reported for lotic systems. Additionally, our study highlighted that upper catchment regions may be inadequate reservoirs to facilitate recolonization of parasite communities in the event of downstream environmental perturbations

    Determinants of parasite distribution in Arctic charr populations: catchment structure versus dispersal potential

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    Parasite distribution patterns in lotic catchments are driven by the combined influences of unidirectional water flow and the mobility of the most mobile host. However, the importance of such drivers in catchments dominated by lentic habitats are poorly understood. We examined parasite populations of Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus from a series of linear-connected lakes in northern Norway to assess the generality of lotic-derived catchment-scale parasite assemblage patterns. Our results demonstrated that the abundance of most parasite taxa increased from the upper to lower catchment. Allogenic taxa (piscivorous birds as final host) were present throughout the entire catchment, whereas their autogenic counterparts (charr as final hosts) demonstrated restricted distributions, thus supporting the theory that the mobility of the most mobile host determines taxa-specific parasite distribution patterns. Overall, catchmentwide parasite abundance and distribution patterns in this lentic-dominated system were in accordance with those reported for lotic systems. Additionally, our study highlighted that upper catchment regions may be inadequate reservoirs to facilitate recolonization of parasite communities in the event of downstream environmental perturbations