121 research outputs found

    Neutron diffraction and Raman studies of the incorporation of sulfate in silicate glasses

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    The oxidation state, coordination and local environment of sulphur in alkali silicate (R2O-SiO2; R= Na, Li) and alkali-alkaline earth silicate (Na2O-MO-SiO2; M= Ca, Ba) glasses have been investigated using neutron diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. With analyses of both the individual total neutron correlation functions, and of suitable doped-undoped differences, the S-O bonds and (O-O)S correlations were clearly isolated from the other overlapping correlations due to Si-O and (O-O)Si distances in the SiO4 tetrahedra, and the modifier-oxygen (R-O and M-O) distances. Clear evidence was obtained that the sulphur is present as SO4 2- groups, confirmed by the observation in the Raman spectra of the symmetric S-O stretch mode of SO4 2- groups. The modifier-oxygen bond length distributions were deconvoluted from the neutron correlation functions by fitting. The Na-O and Li-O bond length distributions were clearly asymmetric, whereas no evidence was obtained for asymmetry of the Ca-O and Ba-O distributions. A consideration of the bonding shows that the oxygen atoms in the SO4 2- groups do not participate in the silicate network, and as such constitute a third type of oxygen, ‘non-network oxygen’, in addition to the bridging and non-bridging oxygens that are bonded to silicon atoms. Thus each individual sulphate group is surrounded by a shell of modifier, and is not connected directly to the silicate network. The addition of SO3 to the glass leads to a conversion of oxygen atoms within the silicate network from non-bridging to bridging, so that there is a repolymerisation of the silicate network. There is evidence that SO3 doping leads to changes in the form of the distribution of Na-O bond lengths, with a reduction in the fitted short bond coordination number, and an increase in the fitted long bond coordination number, and this is consistent with a repolymerisation of the silicate network. In contrast, there is no evidence that SO3 doping leads to a change in the distribution of Li-O bond lengths, with a total Li-O coordination number consistently in excess of four

    Structural disorder in (Bi,M)2(Fe,Mn,Bi)2O6+x (M = Na or K) pyrochlores seen from reverse Monte Carlo analysis of neutron total scattering

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    The average structures of the polycrystalline pyrochlores (Na0.60Bi1.40)(Fe1.06Mn0.17Bi0.77)O6.87 and (K0.24Bi1.51)(Fe1.07Mn0.15Bi0.78)O6.86 can be refined through Rietveld refinement against Bragg scattering data using cubic space group Fd3 ̅m, with off-centred 96h and 32e positions describing the A2Oʹ network. Investigation of their local structures through neutron total scattering confirms the extent of disorder within these materials, and furthermore shows significant deviation from the average structure, which is not accounted for through analysis of Bragg data alone. Reverse Monte Carlo (RMC) analysis with a 6 × 6 × 6 supercell was used to model accurately this local disorder, revealing ellipsoidal distributions for A-site potassium, distinctly different to the hollow torus-shaped distributions for the sodium and bismuth cations. It is shown through bond valence sum analysis that whilst these atomic displacements allow for the steric preferences of Bi3+, they are also necessary to satisfy the valence of both the bismuth and the alkali metals on the A sites. Analysis of the final RMC configuration showed the BO6 octahedra for the separate B site metals to be more regular (O–B–O ≈ 90°) than those in the Rietveld model (O–B–O ≈ 85/95°) which describes an average of the three different environments

    Rearrangement of the structure during nucleation of a cordierite glass doped with TiO2

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    Ordering of disordered materials occurs during the activated process of nucleation that requires the formation of critical clusters that have to surmount a thermodynamic barrier. The characterization of these clusters is experimentally challenging but mandatory to improve nucleation theory. In this paper, the nucleation of a magnesium aluminosilicate glass containing the nucleating oxide TiO2 is investigated using neutron scattering with Ti isotopic substitution and 27Al NMR. We identified the structural changes induced by the formation of crystals around Ti atoms and evidenced important structural reorganization of the glassy matrix

    Lattice dynamics and negative thermal expansion in the framework compound ZnNi(CN)4 with 2-D and 3-D local environments

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    ZnNi(CN)4 is a 3-D framework material consisting of two interpenetrating PtS-type networks in which tetrahedral [ZnN4] units are linked by square-planar [NiC4] units. Both the parent compounds, cubic Zn(CN)2 and layered Ni(CN)2, are known to exhibit 3-D and 2-D negative thermal expansion (NTE), respectively. Temperature-dependent inelastic neutron scattering (INS) measurements were performed on a powdered sample of ZnNi(CN)4 to probe phonon dynamics. The measurements were underpinned by ab-initio lattice dynamical calculations. Good agreement was found between the measured and calculated generalized phonon density-of-states, validating our theoretical model and indicating that it is a good representation of the dynamics of the structural units. The calculated linear thermal expansion coefficients are αa = -21.2 × 10-6 K-1 and αc = +14.6 × 10-6 K-1, leading to an overall volume expansion coefficient, αV of -26.95 × 10-6 K-1, pointing towards pronounced NTE behaviour. Analysis of the derived mode-Grüneisen parameters shows that the optic modes around 12 and 40 meV make a significant contribution to the NTE. These modes involve localised rotational motions of the [NiC4] and/or [ZnN4] rigid units, echoing what has previously been observed in Zn(CN)2 and Ni(CN)2. However, in ZnNi(CN)4, modes below 10 meV have the most negative Grüneisen parameters. Analysis of their eigenvectors reveals that a large transverse motion of the Ni atom in the direction perpendicular to its square-planar environment induces a distortion of the units. This mode is a consequence of the Ni atom being constrained only in two dimensions within a 3-D framework. Hence, although rigid-unit modes account for some of the NTE-driving phonons, the added degree of freedom compared with Zn(CN)2 results in modes with twisting motions, capable of inducing greater NTE

    The Structure of Sodium Silicate Glass from Neutron Diffraction and Modelling of Oxygen-Oxygen Correlations

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    It is shown that modelling the first oxygen-oxygen peak in the neutron correlation function of a glass enables structural information about other correlations to be obtained, and the method is illustrated by application to a sodium silicate glass. The first O-O coordination number can be calculated from network theory, and sodium silicate crystal structures show that the mean O-O distance can be calculated from the Si-O distance, despite the distortion of the SiO4 tetrahedra. Modelling the O-O peak for a sodium silicate glass allows the Na-O bond length distribution to be determined. For a binary glass with 42.5 mol% Na2O, it is found that the Na-O coordination number is 4.8(2) with an average bond length of 2.45 Å, and the Na-O bond lengths are more widely distributed than in sodium silicate crystal structures. Sodium ions are bonded mostly to non-bridging oxygens (NBOs), and the Na-NBO coordination number may be four as in crystals. Sodium ions are also bonded to a smaller number of bridging oxygens (BOs). Contrary to previous reports, it is not concluded that Na-NBO bonds are shorter than Na-BO bonds, but instead that the Na-BO distribution is relatively narrow, whilst the Na-NBO distribution extends to both shorter and longer distance. The broad distribution of Na-O bond lengths arises from a relatively broad distribution of Na-NBO bond valences, subject to the overall requirement of charge balance

    Cytoplasmic Compartmentalization of the Fetal piRNA Pathway in Mice

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    Derepression of transposable elements (TEs) in the course of epigenetic reprogramming of the mouse embryonic germline necessitates the existence of a robust defense that is comprised of PIWI/piRNA pathway and de novo DNA methylation machinery. To gain further insight into biogenesis and function of piRNAs, we studied the intracellular localization of piRNA pathway components and used the combination of genetic, molecular, and cell biological approaches to examine the performance of the piRNA pathway in germ cells of mice lacking Maelstrom (MAEL), an evolutionarily conserved protein implicated in transposon silencing in fruit flies and mice. Here we show that principal components of the fetal piRNA pathway, MILI and MIWI2 proteins, localize to two distinct types of germinal cytoplasmic granules and exhibit differential association with components of the mRNA degradation/translational repression machinery. The first type of granules, pi-bodies, contains the MILI-TDRD1 module of the piRNA pathway and is likely equivalent to the enigmatic “cementing material” first described in electron micrographs of rat gonocytes over 35 years ago. The second type of granules, piP-bodies, harbors the MIWI2-TDRD9-MAEL module of the piRNA pathway and signature components of P-bodies, GW182, DCP1a, DDX6/p54, and XRN1 proteins. piP-bodies are found predominantly in the proximity of pi-bodies and the two frequently share mouse VASA homolog (MVH) protein, an RNA helicase. In Mael-mutant gonocytes, MIWI2, TDRD9, and MVH are lost from piP-bodies, whereas no effects on pi-body composition are observed. Further analysis revealed that MAEL appears to specifically facilitate MIWI2-dependent aspects of the piRNA pathway including biogenesis of secondary piRNAs, de novo DNA methylation, and efficient downregulation of TEs. Cumulatively, our data reveal elaborate cytoplasmic compartmentalization of the fetal piRNA pathway that relies on MAEL function

    Alkali environments in tellurite glasses

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    Neutron diffraction measurements are reported for five binary alkali tellurite glasses, xM2O · (100 − x)TeO2 (containing 10 and 20 mol% K2O, 10 and 19 mol% Na2O, and 20 mol% 7Li2O), together with 23Na MAS NMR measurements for the sodium containing glasses. Differences between neutron correlation functions are used to extract information about the local environments of lithium and sodium. The Na–O bond length is 2.37(1) Å and the average Na–O coordination number, nNaO, decreases from 5.2(2) for x = 10 mol% Na2O to 4.6(1) for x = 19 mol% Na2O. The average Li–O coordination number, nLiO, is 3.9(1) for the glass with x = 20 mol% Li2O and the Li–O bond length is 2.078(2) Å. As x increases from 10 to 19 mol% Na2O, the 23Na MAS NMR peak moves downfield, confirming an earlier report of a correlation of peak position with sodium coordination number. The close agreement of the maximum in the Te–O bond distribution for sodium and potassium tellurite glasses of the same composition, coupled with the extraction of reasonable alkali coordination numbers using isostoichiometric differences, gives strong evidence that the tellurium environment in alkali tellurites is independent of the size of the modifier cation used

    Topological Ordering and Viscosity in the Glass-Forming Ge-Se System: The Search for a Structural or Dynamical Signature of the Intermediate Phase

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    The topological ordering of the network structure in vitreous GexSe1−x was investigated across most of the glass-forming region (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.4) by using high-resolution neutron diffraction to measure the Bhatia-Thornton number-number partial structure factor. This approach gives access to the composition dependence of the mean coordination number n¯ and correlation lengths associated with the network ordering. The thermal properties of the samples were also measured by using temperature-modulated differential scanning calorimetry. The results do not point to a structural origin of the so-called intermediate phase, which in our work is indicated for the composition range 0.175(8) ≤ x ≤ 0.235(8) by a vanishingly small non-reversing enthalpy near the glass transition. The midpoint of this range coincides with the mean-field expectation of a floppy-to-rigid transition at x = 0.20. The composition dependence of the liquid viscosity, as taken from the literature, was also investigated to look for a dynamical origin of the intermediate phase, using the Mauro-Yue-Ellison-Gupta-Allan (MYEGA) model to estimate the viscosity at the liquidus temperature. The evidence points to a maximum in the viscosity at the liquidus temperature, and a minimum in the fragility index, for the range 0.20 ≤ x ≤ 0.22. The utility of the intermediate phase as a predictor of the material properties in network glass-forming systems is discussed

    Structure and spectroscopy of CuH prepared via borohydride reduction

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    Copper(I) hydride (cuprous hydride, CuH) was the first binary metal hydride to be discovered (in 1844) and is singular in that it is synthesized in solution, at ambient temperature. There are several synthetic paths to CuH, one of which involves reduction of an aqueous solution of CuSO(4)·5H(2)O by borohydride ions. The product from this procedure has not been extensively characterized. Using a combination of diffraction methods (X-ray and neutron) and inelastic neutron scattering spectroscopy, we show that the CuH from the borohydride route has the same bulk structure as CuH produced by other routes. Our work shows that the product consists of a core of CuH with a shell of water and that this may be largely replaced by ethanol. This offers the possibility of modifying the properties of CuH produced by aqueous routes

    Structural origin of the weak germanate anomaly in lead germanate glass properties

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    Binary PbO–GeO2 glasses have been studied in detail from 5 to 75 mol% PbO using high-resolution neutron diffraction, high-energy X-ray diffraction, 207-Pb NMR, pycnometry, and thermal analysis. The Ge–O coordination number displays a broad maximum nGeO = 4.14(3) close to 27 mol% PbO. This is smaller than the maximum nGeO = 4.3 reported in CaO–GeO2 glasses but occurs at a similar composition. This structural behavior appears to explain the relatively weak germanate anomaly manifest in lead germanate glasses, for example as a maximum in the measured atom number density and a plateau in the glass transition temperatures. The structural role of Pb(II) is complex. On the one hand, short covalent Pb–O bonds and small Pb–O coordination numbers of ∼3 to 4 indicate glass network former character for Pb(II), associated with a stereochemically active electron lone pair. On the other hand, the presence of some GeO5 or GeO6 units, in addition to the majority GeO4 tetrahedral species, indicates some modifier character of Pb(II) at low PbO contents, giving rise to the observed weak germanate anomaly, as well as elongation and enhanced ionicity of the Pb–O bonds. Overall, the observed structural behavior of Pb(II) in lead germanate glasses appears as intermediate between that observed in lead silicate and lead borate glasses. Despite rapid quenching, at low PbO contents, the glasses studied exhibited nanoscale heterogeneity, evidenced by small-angle X-ray scattering consistent with the early stages of spinodal decomposition