85 research outputs found

    For quantitative criteria in alien species assessment

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    Impact or risk assessments of alien species can use qualitative criteria (such as verbally described categories) or quantitative criteria (numerically defined threshold values of empirically measurable quantities). According to a common misconception, the use of qualitative criteria in invasion biology is justified by uncertainty in the available data. Yet qualitative criteria have the effect of increasing uncertainty. In contrast, assessments using quantitative criteria are testable, transparent, highly repeatable and comparable. Most of these characteristics do not even depend on the availability of numerical data. Although quantitative criteria do not necessarily make assessments correct, they do make them correctable, which is the benchmark of science.publishedVersio

    Anthropocentricisms in cladograms

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    Both written and graphic accounts of history can be biased by the perspective of the historian. O’Hara (Biol Philos 7:135–160, 1992) has demonstrated that this also applies to evolutionary history and its historians, and identified four narrative devices that introduce anthropocentricisms into accounts of phylogeny. In the current paper, I identify a fifth such narrative device, viz. the left–right ordering of the taxa at the tips of cladograms. I define two measures that make it possible to quantify the degree of anthropocentricism of cladograms, the human attention score and human rightness score. I then carry out an analysis of the presence of the different distorting mechanisms in phylogenetic textbooks. I deliberately chose two textbooks that adopted a cladistic perspective, since their authors can be assumed to be more conscious about the aim of avoiding anthropocentricisms. Three of the narrative devices are thus absent from cladistic works. However, there is a weak tendency that the resolution of cladogram branches is biased in favour of Homo sapiens. Furthermore, the human perspective is clear and highly significant in the positioning of taxa along the left–right axis of cladograms. I discuss the reasons for and implications of these biased presentations

    For quantitative criteria in alien species assessment

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    Impact or risk assessments of alien species can use qualitative criteria (such as verbally described categories) or quantitative criteria (numerically defined threshold values of empirically measurable quantities). According to a common misconception, the use of qualitative criteria in invasion biology is justified by uncertainty in the available data. Yet qualitative criteria have the effect of increasing uncertainty. In contrast, assessments using quantitative criteria are testable, transparent, highly repeatable and comparable. Most of these characteristics do not even depend on the availability of numerical data. Although quantitative criteria do not necessarily make assessments correct, they do make them correctable, which is the benchmark of science

    Metrics for quantifying how much different threats contribute to red lists of species and ecosystems

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    Red lists are a crucial tool for the management of threatened species and ecosystems. Among the information red lists provide, the threats affecting the listed species or ecosystem, such as pollution or hunting, are of special relevance. This information can be used to quantify the relative contribution of different threat factors to biodiversity loss by disaggregating the cumulative extinction risk across species into components that can be attributed to certain threats. We devised and compared 3 metrics that accomplish this and may be used as indicators. The first metric calculates the portion of the temporal change in red list index (RLI) values that is caused by each threat. The second metric attributes the deviation of an RLI value from its reference value to different threats. The third metric uses extinction probabilities that are inferred from red list categories to estimate the contribution of a threat to the expected loss of species or ecosystems within 50 years. We used data from Norwegian Red Lists to test and evaluate these metrics. The first metric captured only a minor portion of the biodiversity loss caused by threats because it ignores species whose red list category does not change. Management authorities will often be interested in the contribution of a given threat to the total deviation from the optimal state. This was measured by the remaining metrics. The second metric was best suited for comparisons across countries or taxonomic groups. The third metric conveyed the same information but uses numbers of species or ecosystem as its unit, which is likely more intuitive to lay people and may be preferred when communicating with stakeholders or the general public.publishedVersio

    Toponyms of Tyrol – how to apply the endonymic principle in a highly diverse namescape

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    Toponyms of Tyrol – how to apply the endonymic principle in a highly diverse namescapeToponyms of Tyrol – how to apply the endonymic principle in ahighly diverse namescapeTyrol has an extraordinary diversity of toponyms, which is due tothe various languages that have been and are spoken in this moun -tainous area. After presenting the «namescape» of Tyrol (NorthTyrol, East Tyrol, South Tyrol and Trentino), the article addressesthe challenges that the toponymy of Tyrol poses for the official Nor-wegian spelling norm and identifies two problems. First, the spel-ling of the landscape itself («Tyrol») is incompatible with the en-donymic principle (which demands «Tirol»). Second, mosttoponyms of South Tyrol are currently normalised in their Italianforms. However, the endonymic principle suggests that the normshould allow all forms that are locally well-established. A coherentalternative to the current Norwegian spelling norm is suggested.Further recommendations are given regarding the Norwegian spel-ling of Tyrolean toponyms that are not covered by the official norm.publishedVersio

    Pathways of introduction of alien species in Norway: analyses of an exhaustive dataset to prioritise management efforts

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    1. Alien species constitute one of the major threats to global biodiversity. Stopping alien species at an early stage, preferably before establishment, is crucial for the effectiveness of management actions. To enable early detection and prevent future introductions, knowledge of pathways of introduction and their absolute and relative importance is crucial. 2. Based on an exhaustive impact assessment of alien species in Norway (all multicellular neobiota), the relations of taxonomy, lifestyle and ecological impact of alien species to their pathways of introduction are investigated. This taxonomically and ecologically unbiased dataset contains 2267 unique pathways of 1180 alien species. 3. Ecological and taxonomic patterns indicate that terrestrial organisms were predominantly introduced by means of escape (mainly perennial plants escaped from gardens), parasites as contaminants (mainly fungi and insects parasitising plants), freshwater organisms by release (mainly vertebrates) and marine organisms as stowaways (mainly invertebrates and algae). Unaided introductions were most common among insects and marine organisms. 4. Alien species with high ecological impact were mainly introduced along the same pathways as other alien species. In relative terms, high-impact species were overrepresented among released species, even though this pathway was subordinate in absolute terms. The number of pathways and the overall introduction pressure were important predictors of ecological impact, especially of the species' invasion potential, and area of occupancy. 5. Introduction rates of novel alien species have seen recent increases in all taxa and along almost all pathways. This acceleration was especially pronounced for insects and fungi introduced as contaminants and for marine organisms introduced as stowaways. In absolute terms, introduction rates were highest for plant escapes, reaching more than five novel species per year. 6. Synthesis and applications. Introductions of new alien species cannot be prevented by closing one or two introduction pathways, since none can be singled out as the main pathway of high-impact alien species. Yet each pathways closedmakes a difference, as this reduces the overall introduction pressure. The highest priorities for management are the pathways that are easiest to address, such as release, and those with the highest volumes, such as plant trade. ecological impact, escape, introduction pathway, invasive species, spread, stowawaypublishedVersio

    Naturregnskap og økologisk tilstand. Samsvar mellom fagsystemet for økologisk tilstand, vannforskriften, FNs rammeverk og EUs forslag til naturregnskap

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    Framstad, E., Czúcz, B, Schartau, A.K., Simensen, T., Nybø, S. & Sandvik, H. 2023. Naturregnskap og økologisk tilstand: Samsvar mellom fagsystemet for økologisk tilstand, vannforskriften, FNs rammeverk og EUs forslag til naturregnskap. NINA Rapport 2327. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. Et naturregnskap er et statistisk rammeverk for å systematisere, beskrive og kvantifisere data om status og endringer i naturens goder samt økosystemenes tilstand og romlige fordeling. FN har i 2021 vedtatt en standard for naturregnskap (SEEA EA). Et økologisk tilstandsregnskap er en vesentlig del av et slikt naturregnskap. Eurostat har i etterkant utviklet en metodikk som bruker FN-standarden som et rammeverk for å sammenstille ulike vurderinger av økologisk tilstand knyttet til EU-lovverk og tilhørende datarapportering. Klima- og miljødepartementet ønsker å få på plass et naturregnskap med god forvaltningsnytte og i tråd med internasjonale standarder innen 2026. Denne rapporten utreder i hvilken grad eksisterende datagrunnlag, variabler og systemer for vurdering av økologisk tilstand i terrestriske, limniske og kystnære marine økosystemer kan videreutvikles slik at dette kan utgjøre et grunnlag for tilstandsregnskap på regionalt nivå i Norge. Rapporten presenterer innledningsvis de relevante nasjonale og internasjonale rammeverkene: fagsystemet for økologisk tilstand, vannforskriften, naturindeks, SEEA EA, JRCs EU-metodikk og Eurostats tilnærming. Deretter gjøres en del konseptuelle avklaringer som inngår i grunnlaget for selve problembesvarelsen, nemlig kriterier for gode tilstandsvariabler, måter å tilordne variabelverdier til økosystemforekomster på, måter å fastsette referanseverdier på, en avklaring av økosystemtypologien som legges til grunn, muligheten for å gjennomføre et tilstandsregnskap på finere romlig skala enn regioner og viktige aspekter ved skalering og romlig aggregering. Selve problembesvarelsen består av fire deler: 1) En vurdering av om og hvordan fagsystemet for økologisk tilstand kan brukes i et tilstandsregnskap etter FN-standarden. Rammeverkene har overensstemmelser på de fleste punkt, men vi påpeker også flere tilpasningsbehov, som bl.a. omfatter en utvidelse til sterkt menneskepåvirkete økosystemer og endringer i økosysteminndelingen. Flere sider ved geografisk aggregering og tematisk sammenstilling av tilstandsvariabler bør undersøkes nærmere. 2) En vurdering av om og hvordan tilstandsvurderinger etter vannforskriftens klassifiseringssystem kan brukes i et tilstandsregnskap etter FN-standarden. Rammeverkene er nokså sammenfallende på de fleste områder, men vi påpeker flere tilpasningsbehov, som bl.a. omfatter avgrensningen i vannforekomster og geografisk aggregering av indikatorverdier. 3) En vurdering av hvilke økosystemtyper som kan ha tilstrekkelig datagrunnlag for relevante variabler til å kunne tilstandsvurderes for 2024. Dette gjøres ved først å vurdere for hver variabel om den har god sammenheng med økosystemets tilstand, henger sammen med påvirkningsfaktorer, har et tilstrekkelig datagrunnlag, har en tilgjengelig referanseverdi og har tilfredsstillende matematiske egenskaper. Deretter gjøres det en samlet vurdering for hver økosystemtype om variabelsettet er dekkende for økosystemenes ulike egenskaper. 4) En illustrasjon av hvordan et tilstandsregnskap kan struktureres og visualiseres. Dette inkluderer eksempler på hvordan et tilstandsregnskap kan se ut i praksis

    Alien marine species in Norway - Mapping, monitoring and assessment of vectors for introductions

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    Norway has the second longest coastline in the world, and it is challenging to monitor non-indigenous marine species (NIMS) along the entire shore including the Norwegian areas in the Barents Sea and along Svalbard. There is currently no national program for such monitoring, however some activity is taking place on specific species and organism groups which is presented here. Historically transport of NIMS is ballast water have been the main pathway into the Norwegian coast, but with the implementation of the Ballast Water Convention this risk is minimized. Biofouling on vessels coming into the Norwegian coast is thus considered to be the most important vector for marine introduction of new species. An analysis of the frequency and origin (last port call) for 158 000 vessel arrivals into Norwegian ports in the period 2020-2021 is presented. The results show that the Oslofjord area and the west coast is the areas with highest risk for marine introductions by vessels. Other vectors for such introductions into Norway are evaluated like the increasing amount of floating debris which can carry fouling organisms, larvae and eggs to new areas. An analysis of historical data for the established NIMS in Norway show that the southern area of Norway is most susceptible to new species. This pattern is not only dependent on the vector pressure but also reflects the temperature gradient northwards along the coast. Measures for prevention of new species to arrive and management of problematic species is also discussed.publishedVersio

    Tree thinking cannot taken for granted: challenges for teaching phylogenetics

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    Tree thinking is an integral part of modern evolutionary biology, and a necessary precondition for phylogenetics and comparative analyses. Tree thinking has during the 20th century largely replaced group thinking, developmental thinking and anthropocentricism in biology. Unfortunately, however, this does not imply that tree thinking can be taken for granted. The findings reported here indicate that tree thinking is very much an acquired ability which needs extensive training. I tested a sample of undergraduate and graduate students of biology by means of questionnaires. Not a single student was able to correctly interpret a simple tree drawing. Several other findings demonstrate that tree thinking is virtually absent in students unless they are explicitly taught how to read evolutionary trees. Possible causes and implications of this mental bias are discussed. It seems that biological textbooks can be an important source of confusion for students. While group and developmental thinking have disappeared from most textual representations of evolution, they have survived in the evolutionary tree drawings of many textbooks. It is quite common for students to encounter anthropocentric trees and even trees containing stem groups and paraphyla. While these biases originate from the unconscious philosophical assumptions made by authors, the findings suggest that presenting unbiased evolutionary trees in biological publications is not merely a philosophical virtue but has also clear practical implications