55 research outputs found

    A systematic review of the use of commercial wearable activity trackers for monitoring recovery in individuals undergoing total hip replacement surgery

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    The innovation of wearable devices is advancing rapidly. Activity monitors can be used to improve the total hip replacement (THR) patients' recovery process and reduce costs. This systematic review assessed the body-worn accelerometers used in studies to enhance the rehabilitation process and monitor THR patients. Electronic databases such as Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews library, CINAHL CompleteVR, Science Citation Index, and MedlineVR from January 2000 to January 2022 were searched. Due to inclusion criteria, fourteen eligible studies that utilised commercial wearable technology to monitor physical activity both before and after THR were identified. Their evidence quality was assessed with RoB 2.0 and ROBINS-I. This study demonstrates that wearable device technology might be feasible to predict, monitor, and detect physical activity following THR. They could be used as a motivational tool to increase patients' mobility and enhance the recovery process. Also, wearable activity monitors could provide a better insight into the individual's activity level in contrast to subjective self-reported questionnaires. However, they have some limitations, and further evidence is needed to establish this technology as the primary device in THR rehabilitation

    Les enjeux du végétal dans une ville du « Sud » Le cas de la ville de Marrakech et la fin d'un modèle de « cité-jardin »

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    Marrakesh was developed based on the classic model of the garden-city imbedded in an oasis. In the iconography and descriptions of writers and travellers, Marrakesh is indissociable from its palm groves and plants which confer a strong identity to a landscape the city has promoted for tourism. This image has increasingly become disconnected from reality, the garden-city and oasis image is fading away in the face of the extension and densification of the city. The palm groves and rows of trees have been retreating with encroaching urbanisation, golf courses, tourist complexes and villas, ever since the colonial period and increasingly in recent decades. The composition of this plant heritage is a reflection of various cultural influences which have shaped the current identity of the city. The palette of plant species reveals a qualitative change in landscapes correlated to changes in the tastes and choices of a social class and a population which questions this identity, historically based on a balance between plant and mineral elements. Gentrification has led to food production being abandoned to the benefit of recreational and aesthetic landscape functions

    Real-Time ASR from Meetings

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    The AMI(DA) system is a meeting room speech recognition system that has been developed and evaluated in the context of the NIST Rich Text (RT) evaluations. Recently, the ``Distant Access'' requirements of the AMIDA project have necessitated that the system operate in real-time. Another more difficult requirement is that the system fit into a live meeting transcription scenario. We describe an infrastructure that has allowed the AMI(DA) system to evolve into one that fulfils these extra requirements. We emphasise the components that address the live and real-time aspects

    Assessment of staff performance in cssd unit by 360 degree evaluation method

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    BACKGROUND: 360-degree evaluation is a method that an employee is evaluated by the others and given feedback to him/her. Considering the proper implementation of the sterilization process is important in the prevention of nosocomial infections and has a direct impact on the quality of performance of the surgical team in the operating room. This study was conducted to the Evaluation of CSSD Unit Personnel Performance in Sterilization Process using the 360 Degree technique. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted in the educational hospitals of Gillan Province in IRAN, between 2018 and 2019. Assessment of staff performance in CSSD Unit was done by 360 Degree evaluation method in five different stages. The evaluators included the infection control nurses, Supervisors of the sterilization unit, the researcher and the staff of these units as self-assessors. Finally, the collected data were analyzed using SPSS version 20. RESULTS: The evaluation mean scores were as following: The researcher, 75.97 ± 18.9; infection control nurse, 87.62 ± 7.2; unit supervisor, 87.61 ± 7.8 and staff self-assessment, 88.01 ± 8.1; at different stages of the sterilization process. From all assessors view, the highest and lowest scores were related to the cleaning and Health dimensions. CONCLUSION: According to assessor's agreement in scoring of different stages of the sterilization process, the 360-degree evaluation method is a valuable tool in assessment of the staff performance in important tasks. By applying this method, it can be ethically prevented evaluators' individual judgments. © 2020 Australasian College of Health Service Management. All rights reserved

    The AMIDA 2009 Meeting Transcription System

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    We present the AMIDA 2009 system for participation in the NIST RT’2009 STT evaluations. Systems for close-talking, far field and speaker attributed STT conditions are described. Im- provements to our previous systems are: segmentation and diar- isation; stacked bottle-neck posterior feature extraction; fMPE training of acoustic models; adaptation on complete meetings; improvements to WFST decoding; automatic optimisation of decoders and system graphs. Overall these changes gave a 6- 13% relative reduction in word error rate while at the same time reducing the real-time factor by a factor of five and using con- siderably less data for acoustic model training

    Non-canonical Hedgehog signaling mediates profibrotic hematopoiesis-stroma crosstalk in myeloproliferative neoplasms.

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    The role of hematopoietic Hedgehog signaling in myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) remains incompletely understood despite data suggesting that Hedgehog (Hh) pathway inhibitors have therapeutic activity in patients. We aim to systematically interrogate the role of canonical vs. non-canonical Hh signaling in MPNs. We show that Gli1 protein levels in patient peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) mark fibrotic progression and that, in murine MPN models, absence of hematopoietic Gli1, but not Gli2 or Smo, significantly reduces MPN phenotype and fibrosis, indicating that GLI1 in the MPN clone can be activated in a non-canonical fashion. Additionally, we establish that hematopoietic Gli1 has a significant effect on stromal cells, mediated through a druggable MIF-CD74 axis. These data highlight the complex interplay between alterations in the MPN clone and activation of stromal cells and indicate that Gli1 represents a promising therapeutic target in MPNs, particularly that Hh signaling is dispensable for normal hematopoiesis

    Non-canonical Hedgehog Signaling Mediates Profibrotic Hematopoiesis-Stroma Crosstalk in Myeloproliferative Neoplasms

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    The role of hematopoietic Hedgehog signaling in myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) remains incompletely understood despite data suggesting that Hedgehog (Hh) pathway inhibitors have therapeutic activity in patients. We aim to systematically interrogate the role of canonical vs. non-canonical Hh signaling in MPNs. We show that Gli1 protein levels in patient peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) mark fibrotic progression and that, in murine MPN models, absence of hematopoietic Gli1, but not Gli2 or Smo, significantly reduces MPN phenotype and fibrosis, indicating that GLI1 in the MPN clone can be activated in a non-canonical fashion. Additionally, we establish that hematopoietic Gli1 has a significant effect on stromal cells, mediated through a druggable MIF-CD74 axis. These data highlight the complex interplay between alterations in the MPN clone and activation of stromal cells and indicate that Gli1 represents a promising therapeutic target in MPNs, particularly that Hh signaling is dispensable for normal hematopoiesis

    Real-time ASR from meetings

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    The AMI(DA) system is a meeting room speech recognition system that has been developed and evaluated in the context of the NIST Rich Text (RT) evaluations. Recently, the “Distant Access ” requirements of the AMIDA project have necessitated that the system operate in real-time. Another more difficult requirement is that the system fit into a live meeting transcription scenario. We describe an infrastructure that has allowed the AMI(DA) system to evolve into one that fulfils these extra requirements. We emphasise the components that address the live and real-time aspects. Index Terms: real-time speech recognition, meeting ASR, beam-forming, speech meta-data. 1

    Les parcs agroforestiers du Pays Dogon, des paysages entre héritage et mutation rapide.

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    Les paysages de savane du Pays dogon au Mali, comme tous ceux des régions soudano-sahéliennes, sont fortement anthropisés et sont le fruit des relations entre les hommes, avec leur culture, leur vécu, leurs savoir-faire, leurs pratiques, leurs technologies, d’une part, et les formes, les potentialités et les contraintes de leur environnement, d’autre part. Mais, loin d’être de simples héritages fossiles ou des reliques, ces paysages, fruit de l’histoire, sont vivants et conservent un rôle social actif dans la société contemporaine, étant étroitement associés au mode de vie dit traditionnel et dans lequel le processus évolutif continue. Ces paysages végétaux soumis à de fortes pressions ces dernières décennies, sous l’impact de sécheresses récurrentes et de profondes mutations socio-économiques, se transforment rapidement. On observe ainsi la mutation des parcs arborés avec le développement des parcs à Faidherbia albida au détriment des parcs anciens composites à karité ou à Prosopis qui connaissent un recul assez important. Fréquemment qualifiés de dégradation (ou désertification) dans ces régions, les processus d’évolution actuels de ces paysages nous semblent plutôt relever de la création de nouveaux équilibres dynamiques complexes entre milieux et sociétés dans le cadre de stratégies d’adaptation et de résilience.Taïbi Aude Nuscia, Ballouche Aziz, Dolfo Benjamin, Plassais Adrien, El Hamdani Mustapha. Les parcs agroforestiers du Pays dogon, des paysages entre héritage et mutation rapide. In: Le paysage d’aujourd’hui à hier, d’hier à aujourd’hui. Actes du 135e Congrès national des sociétés historiques et scientifiques, « Paysages », Neuchâtel, 2010. Paris : Editions du CTHS, 2011. pp. 97-109. (Actes des congrès nationaux des sociétés historiques et scientifiques, 135-1