113 research outputs found

    Survival enhancing indications for coronary artery bypass graft surgery in California

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery is performed because of anticipated survival benefit, improvement in quality of life, or both. We performed this study to explore variations in clinical indications for CABG surgery among California hospitals and surgeons.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Using California CABG Outcomes Reporting Program data, we classified all isolated CABG cases in 2003–2004 as having "probable survival enhancing indications (SEIs)", "possible SEIs" or "non-SEIs." Patient and hospital characteristics associated with SEIs were examined.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>While 82.9% of CABG were performed for probable SEIs, the range extended from 68% to 96% among hospitals and 51% to 100% among surgeons. SEI rates were higher among patients aged ≥ 65 compared with those aged 18–64 (Adjusted Odds Ratio [AOR] > 1.29 for age groups 65–69, 70–74 and ≥ 75; all p < 0.001), among Asians and Native Americans compared with Caucasians (AOR 1.22 and 1.15, p < 0.001); and among patients with hypertension, peripheral vascular disease, diabetes, cerebrovascular disease and congestive heart failure compared to patients without these conditions (AOR > 1.09, all p < 0.001). Variations in indications for surgery were more strongly related to patient mix than to surgeon or hospital effects (intraclass correlation [ICC] = 0.04 for hospital; ICC = 0.01 for surgeon).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>California hospitals and surgeons vary in their distribution of indications for CABG surgery. Further research is required to identify the roles of market factors, referral patterns, patient preferences, and local clinical culture in producing the observed variations.</p

    Nutrient intakes related to osteoporotic fractures in men and women – The Brazilian Osteoporosis Study (BRAZOS)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Adequate nutrition plays an important role in bone mass accrual and maintenance and has been demonstrated as a significant tool for the prevention of fractures in individuals with osteoporosis.</p> <p>Objective</p> <p>The aim of the present study was to evaluate bone health-related nutrients intake and its association with osteoporotic fractures in a representative sample of 2344 individuals aged 40 years or older in Brazil.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In a transversal population-based study, a total of 2420 individuals over 40 years old were evaluated from March to April 2006. Participants were men and women from all socio-economic classes and education levels living around the Brazilian territory Individuals responded a questionnaire including self reported fractures as well a 24-hour food recall. Nutrient intakes were evaluated by Nutrition Data System for Research software (NDSR, University of Minnesota, 2007). Low trauma fracture was defined as that resulting of a fall from standing height or less. Nutrient intakes adequacies were performed by using the DRI's proposed values. Statistical analysis comprises Oneway ANCOVA adjusted by age and use of nutritional supplements and multiple logistic regression. SAS software was used for statistical analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Fractures was reported by 13% of men and 15% of women. Women with fractures presented significantly higher calcium, phosphorus and magnesium intakes. However, in all regions and socio-economical levels mean intakes of bone related nutrients were below the recommended levels. It was demonstrated that for every 100 mg/phosphorus increase the risk of fractures by 9% (OR 1.09; IC95% 1.05–1.13, p < 0.001).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results demonstrated inadequacies in bone related nutrients in our population as well that an increase in phosphorus intake is related to bone fractures.</p

    Reduced Proliferation in the Adult Mouse Subventricular Zone Increases Survival of Olfactory Bulb Interneurons

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    Neurogenesis in the adult brain is largely restricted to the subependymal zone (SVZ) of the lateral ventricle, olfactory bulb (OB) and the dentate subgranular zone, and survival of adult-born cells in the OB is influenced by factors including sensory experience. We examined, in mice, whether survival of adult-born cells is also regulated by the rate of precursor proliferation in the SVZ. Precursor proliferation was decreased by depleting the SVZ of dopamine after lesioning dopamine neurons in the substantia nigra compacta with 6-hydroxydopamine. Subsequently, we examined the effect of reduced SVZ proliferation on the generation, migration and survival of neuroblasts and mature adult-born cells in the SVZ, rostral migratory stream (RMS) and OB. Proliferating cells in the SVZ, measured by 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU) injected 2 hours prior to death or by immunoreactivity against Ki67, were reduced by 47% or 36%, respectively, 7 days after dopamine depletion, and by 29% or 31% 42 days after dopamine depletion, compared to sham-treated animals. Neuroblast generation in the SVZ and their migration along the RMS were not affected, neither 7 nor 42 days after the 6-hydroxydopamine injection, since the number of doublecortin-immunoreactive neuroblasts in the SVZ and RMS, as well as the number of neuronal nuclei-immunoreactive cells in the OB, were stable compared to control. However, survival analysis 15 days after 6-hydroxydopamine and 6 days after BrdU injections showed that the number of BrdU+ cells in the SVZ was 70% higher. Also, 42 days after 6-hydroxydopamine and 30 days after BrdU injections, we found an 82% increase in co-labeled BrdU+/γ-aminobutyric acid-immunoreactive cell bodies in the granular cell layer, while double-labeled BrdU+/tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive cell bodies in the glomerular layer increased by 148%. We conclude that the number of OB interneurons following reduced SVZ proliferation is maintained through an increased survival of adult-born precursor cells, neuroblasts and interneurons

    Autologous microsurgical breast reconstruction and coronary artery bypass grafting: an anatomical study and clinical implications

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    OBJECTIVE: To identify possible avenues of sparing the internal mammary artery (IMA) for coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) in women undergoing autologous breast reconstruction with deep inferior epigastric artery perforator (DIEP) flaps. BACKGROUND: Optimal autologous reconstruction of the breast and coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) are often mutually exclusive as they both require utilisation of the IMA as the preferred arterial conduit. Given the prevalence of both breast cancer and coronary artery disease, this is an important issue for women's health as women with DIEP flap reconstructions and women at increased risk of developing coronary artery disease are potentially restricted from receiving this reconstructive option should the other condition arise. METHODS: The largest clinical and cadaveric anatomical study (n=315) to date was performed, investigating four solutions to this predicament by correlating the precise requirements of breast reconstruction and CABG against the anatomical features of the in situ IMAs. This information was supplemented by a thorough literature review. RESULTS: Minimum lengths of the left and right IMA needed for grafting to the left-anterior descending artery are 160.08 and 177.80 mm, respectively. Based on anatomical findings, the suitable options for anastomosis to each intercostals space are offered. In addition, 87-91% of patients have IMA perforator vessels to which DIEP flaps can be anastomosed in the first- and second-intercostal spaces. CONCLUSION: We outline five methods of preserving the IMA for future CABG: (1) lowering the level of DIEP flaps to the fourth- and fifth-intercostals spaces, (2) using the DIEP pedicle as an intermediary for CABG, (3) using IMA perforators to spare the IMA proper, (4) using and end-to-side anastomosis between the DIEP pedicle and IMA and (5) anastomosis of DIEP flaps using retrograde flow from the distal IMA. With careful patient selection, we hypothesize using the IMA for autologous breast reconstruction need not be an absolute contraindication for future CABG

    From staff-mix to skill-mix and beyond: towards a systemic approach to health workforce management

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    Throughout the world, countries are experiencing shortages of health care workers. Policy-makers and system managers have developed a range of methods and initiatives to optimise the available workforce and achieve the right number and mix of personnel needed to provide high-quality care. Our literature review found that such initiatives often focus more on staff types than on staff members' skills and the effective use of those skills. Our review describes evidence about the benefits and pitfalls of current approaches to human resources optimisation in health care. We conclude that in order to use human resources most effectively, health care organisations must consider a more systemic approach - one that accounts for factors beyond narrowly defined human resources management practices and includes organisational and institutional conditions