1,185 research outputs found
A public dialogue on child sexual abuse: Hope for healing and prevention
This paper describes the problem of child sexual abuse (CSA), including the prevalence, associated outcomes for survivors, and the importance of prevention in addition to treatment. The author reviews the current literature on three types of child sexual abuse prevention programs: criminal justice initiatives, educational programs for children, and community-based programs. The author examines a public dialogue approach that aims to engage adults in the prevention of child sexual abuse. An analysis of one dialogue project is provided, including the history of the panel and evaluation information. The author discusses the value of the project in terms of both prevention and healing, drawing on qualitative feedback from the panel members. Finally, theoretical and clinical implications for counselors are discussed, including recommendations for integrating CSA prevention into practice and professional identity
Investigating The Relationship Between Data Displays, Rhetoric, And Reader Response In Technical Writing
This study is meant to deepen the discussion Dragga and Voss began in Cruel Piesâ by exploring the connection between data displays and their ability to evoke or suppress emotional reactions in readers. It begins with a literature review of relevant discussions in ethics and technical writing, and then describes how readers responded to a series of news excerptsâsome of which were paired with data displays or photographsâboth by answering Likert scale questions and by thinking aloud and responding to written, open-ended questions. Though the quantitative data collected from the Likert scales is not robust enough to make any generalizations, the verbal responses indicated that readers\u27 emotional reactions were typically caused by specific interpretive lenses through which they viewed the excerpts. Data were not related to interpretative lenses that typically seemed to cause stronger emotional responses, but sometimes affected emotional intensity by helping or hindering readers\u27 understanding
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Examination of the link between primary drug of choice and ethnic origin in male military veterans
Key factors to a living countryside
Denna uppsats behandlar frÄgan om levande landsbygd, dÀr mÀnniskor bor och trivs i hela landet, samt vilka förutsÀttningar gjort att sÄ idag inte Àr fallet i Sverige. UpptÀckten av fossila energislag har förÀndrat den mÀnskliga civilisationen pÄ mÄnga sÀtt, inte minst genom förÀndrade produktionssÀtt inom framstÀllningen av livsmedel och skogsrÄvara samt fabriksproduktionen av varor. Marknadsproduktionen som möjliggjorts av mekanisering, industrialisering och billiga transporter, med minskat behov av mÀnsklig arbetskraft har, som exempel pÄ följd, bland annat lett till stora folkomflyttningar och urbanisering. Urbaniseringen i Sverige Àr en process som startade för 200 Är sedan och fortgÄr Àn idag i vÄrt samtida samhÀlle.
Att bibehĂ„lla en levande landsbygd visar sig svĂ„rt nĂ€r arbetstillfĂ€llen koncentreras till stĂ€der och service, som Ă€r viktig för sĂ„vĂ€l livet sjĂ€lvt som vardagen, centraliseras och blir allt mer otillgĂ€nglig för landsbygdsbor. Landskapet har pĂ„ mĂ„nga sĂ€tt formats av den förda politiken, som frĂ€mjar storskalig och rationaliserad produktion samt sĂ„ gott som försummar den lokala pĂ„verkan vid utomstĂ„ende Ă€gandeskap och uttag av naturresurser. Ambitionen med uppsatsen Ă€r bidragande till diskussionen om hur uttaget av naturresurser, och anvĂ€ndningen av mark, pĂ„verkar olika sociala förhĂ„llanden nu och i ett lĂ€ngre perspektiv. Uppsatsen baserar sig pĂ„ litteraturstudier av primĂ€rt vetenskapliga texter, rapporter, statistik och utlĂ„tanden utgivna av svenska myndigheter och intresseorganisationer. Dessa kompletteras med nyhetsartiklar för tankevĂ€ckande exempel. Texten Ă€r uppbyggd i fyra delar dĂ€r de tvĂ„ första Ă€r bakgrundsgivande. Den första delen behandlar vad som föranlett urbaniseringen, varför sĂ„ mĂ„nga lĂ€mnat landsbygden, hur behovet av mĂ€nsklig arbetskraft inom produktionen minskat och varför ungdomar flyttar idag. Del tvĂ„ presenterar nĂ„gra skĂ€l till varför en levande landsbygd skulle vara gynnsamt â den nutida globala civilisationen orsakar klimat- och miljöförĂ€ndringar som gör den globala civilisationen svĂ„r att upprĂ€tthĂ„lla, och med en levande landsbygd sprids risker samtidigt som tillgĂ„ngen till livsmedel över tid tryggas. Del tre bemöter dagens landsbygdsutveckling dĂ€r tvĂ„ exempel pĂ„ âlevandeâ landsbygdsorter ges och dessa jĂ€mförs. Dessa exempel pekar pĂ„, att kĂ€nsla av stark bygemenskap och nĂ€rhet till service Ă€r fördelaktigt. Avslutningsvis, i del fyra, diskuteras den historiska bakgrunden i relation till de givna exemplen. Slutsatser och tankar som jag kunnat komma fram till Ă€r att samspelet mellan var det gĂ„r att arbeta för sin försörjning, och var folk bor nĂ„gonstans, Ă€r stort. OcksĂ„ tycks en levande landsbygd utgöra en förutsĂ€ttning för att de globala mĂ„len samt Sveriges miljömĂ„l ska kunna uppnĂ„s.This essay discusses the importance of a thriving countryside in regard to human wellbeing, unbound by living location. Possible causes of the overall non-thriving countryside in Sweden are also considered herein. The discovery of fossil energy has radically changed the human civilization in many ways, not least through new ways of production within agriculture systems, forestry and factory produced goods. Production for the global market made possible by mechanization, industrialization and cheap transports, with a decreased requirement of human labor, has led to urbanization. The process of urbanization in Sweden began about 200 years ago and is still proceeding.
To maintain a living countryside proves to be difficult when job opportunities as well as service are centralized to the cities, getting more inaccessible to the rural population. The landscape has in many ways been formed by the politics pursued, which promotes rationalized, large scale production. Meanwhile, the local impact of outsider ownership and the extraction of natural recourses are neglected. The ambition of this essay is to contribute to the contemporary discussion regarding how the extraction of natural recourses and the modern use of land affect social relationships today and in a long-term perspective.
The essay is based on literature studies primarily of scientific work, reports, statistics and statements from the Swedish authorities and organizations. News articles used as thoughtful examples have been complementary used. The essay is divided into four parts. The first part shows the processes that have led to urbanization historically and today. The second part presents a few reasons why a living countryside would be advantageous â the contemporary human way of life, including the urbanization at the expense of rural life, is causing climate- and environmental changes, that makes the global civilization difficult to maintain. A living countryside could among other things increase food security. Part three treats the contemporary development of the Swedish countryside where two seemingly successful examples of rural villages are given and compared to each other. The examples indicate that a strong community and a proximity to services are advantageous. Lastly, in the fourth part, the historical background is discussed in relation to the given examples. The essay concludes that work opportunities have a strong impact regarding where people live. At the same time, a living countryside seems to be a precondition for the global goals and the Swedish environmental goals to be achieved
Felles behandlingsansvar mellom helseforetak ved samarbeid etter pasientjournalloven § 9
Oppgaven tar sikte pÄ Ä redegjÞre for reglene om felles behandlingsansvar nÄr virksomheter samarbeider om behandling av pasientopplysninger i forbindelse med helsehjelp. HovedmÄlet er Ä redegjÞre for vilkÄrene for at felles behandlingsansvar skal foreligge, med sÊrlig fokus pÄ Ä belyse anvendelsen av vilkÄrene i en kontekst der to eller flere virksomheter samarbeider om behandling av opplysninger med helsehjelp som formÄl. Oppgaven redegjÞr derfor inngÄende for vilkÄrene for felles behandlingsansvar slik disse fÞlger av personvernforordningen. Deretter sammenholdes redegjÞrelsen for de generelle vilkÄrene med § 9 i den norske pasientjournalloven, for Ä klarlegge rettstilstanden for virksomheter som samarbeider etter denne bestemmelsen. Endelig belyses anvendelsen av vilkÄrene for felles behandlingsansvar for opplysninger som skal brukes i helsehjelp gjennom noen eksempler
The Future of Human-Carnivore Coexistence in Europe - Pathways to Coexistence Between Wolves and Rural Communities in Spain
Large carnivore populations are expanding across Europe, while popular support for the process continues to grow. This development has been hailed as a hopeful sign for wildlife recovery, aligning with the ambition of the UN 2030 Framework to be âliving in harmony with natureâŻby 2050â. However, reintegrating carnivores in multi-use landscapes is challenging, especially where there are disagreements about their belonging, and where costs and benefits of their presence are incurred at different spatial scales. Despite these challenges, few have studied what fosters and perpetuates durable coexistence, or how to work proactively with communities facing the return carnivores. This thesis addresses this gap through a cross-case synthesis of communities at different states of wolf expansion in Spain: one known for long-established coexistence, one where wolves have returned in recent decades and one where they are expected to return imminently. Adopting a qualitative research design and using a diverse methodological toolkit, the thesis explores the social and ecological conditions which help or hinder adaptation to wolves within each community. Each of its empirical chapters focuses on a specific element of coexistence: the underpinnings of established coexistence; the lessons about adaptive needs and capacities from each state of wolf presence; and the assumptions and priorities which influence how coexistence is understood and governed.
The thesis demonstrates that functional and neutral relationships have been overlooked by a policy-reality that has remained focussed on addressing conflicts. It also finds that governing institutions in Spain have a retroactive approach to wolf expansion: intervening once wolves have already caused damage and/or social disagreement. It identifies a range of socio-economic vulnerabilities which undermine the willingness and capacity of communities to adapt to wolves, including economic precarity, scrub encroachment and loss of social services. Finally, it identifies power-knowledge hierarchies within Spanish and European conservation institutions which inhibit inclusive governance approaches. These issues perpetuate an institutional focus on disciplining conduct and mitigating wolf impacts, rather than addressing the underlying drivers of conflicts or building on successful initiatives and practices. Through these findings, the thesis advances knowledge on the elements of legitimate and dynamic governance of wildlife recovery in the Anthropocene, and the barriers which prevent just transformation to positive and durable coexistence
Evaluating polyphenolic antioxidant protection of mitochondrial DNA in a variety of human skin models
PhD ThesisCompromised skin barrier function negatively impacts up to 50% of our global population.
Skin areas with compromised barrier integrity are affected more by environmental triggers
such as sun exposure and environmental pollution which induce cellular oxidative stress,
damage skin integrity and promote skin aging. At a sub-cellular level there are accumulative
strand breaks to mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Limited repair mechanisms and proximity to
the site of superoxide generation, make mtDNA a biomarker of oxidative damage in multiple
human cell and tissue types.
This project optimised a long-range qPCR method to compare relative mtDNA damage
between samples. An application of this methodology tested commercial antioxidants (AOXs)
tetrahydrocurcumin (THC) and pterostilbene (PTERO) for their capacity to protect skin
mtDNA from sun exposure in a wide range of human skin models; primary monocultures, skin
equivalents, and whole skin ex-plants. The assay was also used to detect mtDNA damage
between donor-matched basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and non-BCC facial skin.
In skin monolayer experiments, the mtDNA of foreskin-derived adult keratinocytes or
differentiated keratinocytes was not protected by THC or PTERO. However the mtDNA of
foreskin-derived adult reticular fibroblasts was protected by THC (but not PTERO), with
greatest protection provided by a THC + PTERO combination.
Various technical protocols were developed in this thesis, including an in-house full thickness
human skin equivalent using CELLnTEC medium. Skin equivalents have donor-matched
layers and no scaffold material, so fibroblasts secrete and maintain their own dermal
extracellular matrix. A majority of the skin equivalents were formed with foreskin-derived
adult keratinocytes and reticular fibroblasts, but some trials were performed using the same
cell types derived from adult facial skin. In-house (CELLnTEC) and commercial (Labskinâą)
skin equivalents, foreskin and facial ex-plant skin were also tested for mtDNA protection by
THC/PTERO/combination within topically applied Physiogelâą base formulations. As the
epidermis can be manually removed from Labskinâą, the qPCR assay detected a high 64-fold
range of mtDNA damage in this epidermis and in-house (CELLnTEC) skin equivalents.
However, the qPCR assay sensitivity was reduced in thicker skin models such as whole
Labskinâą, foreskin and facial ex-plant skin. As such it was difficult to determine conclusive
results from formulation testing in these models using the mtDNA qPCR assay.
It is anticipated that the mtDNA assay and human skin equivalent arising from this thesis will
have wide-ranging applications. The data pertaining to THC/PTERO is indicative that these
AOXs could enhance the GSK commercial Physiogelâą skin range designed for skin that is
particularly reactive to environmental stressors such as sunlight.BBSRC and
GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcar
Very unusual case of a primary sinonasal germ cell tumour
Sinonasal malignancies are a very rare diagnosis. We present a unique case of a 32-year-old man who presented with symptoms of worsening sinusitis and periorbital cellulitis. Investigation found a sinonasal malignancy and pathology confirmed this to be a primary germ cell tumour. The patient was managed with chemotherapy, surgery and consolidation radiotherapy and has remained well to date. This case report outlines an unusual presentation and diagnostic challenge for the primary care physician, ear, nose and throat surgeon, pathologist and oncologist with review of the surrounding literature
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