93 research outputs found

    Descriptive of Nutritional Anemia Incidence in Pregnant Women in the Working Area of Perumnas Health Center in District of Lahat

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    Background : Nutritional anemia is one of the four nutritional problems in Indonesia. Nutritional anemia often suffered by people, both children, adolescent of productive age, pregnant women or old people. Nutritional anemia in pregnancy is not only found in developing countries but also in developed countries. The reasons vary, from bleeding, iron deficiency, folic acid, vitamin B12, to hemolytic disorders. This study aims to determine nutritional anemia picture of events in pregnant women in the working area of Perumnas Health Center in District of Lahat 2009. Method : Descriptive survey using a cross-sectional research design. Population in this study was all pregnant women in the working area of Perumnas Health Center in District of Lahat, amounting to 80 people. The sample in this study is the entire population numbering 80 people. Primary data colletion is done by using the tools of angket, while secondary data obtained through the relevant documents. Result : The possible risk factors for the occurrence of anemia is a pregnant women age > 35 years, low education, work, level of risk parity (≥ 4 times), the distance risk pregnancies (< 2 years), age III trimester of pregnancy, family income < UMP and never consume Fe tablets. All of these factors associated with lack of nutritional knowledge. Conclusion : Lack of nutritional knowledge are intimately associated with the incidence of anemia. This research suggested the need to do intensive counseling to pregnant women and health workers are expected to be able to provide information about nutrition in pregnant women

    Penyelenggaraan Pelayanan Administrasi Terpadu Kecamatan (Paten) Di Kabupaten Temanggung

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    Public service is one way to achieve general welfare. The implementation of public services effectively and efficiently is something that is expected by the public. Because today is the quality of public services in Indonesia is still far from good. In order to create a public service that is effective and efficient, the government made the Integrated Administrative Service District (PATEN).The aim of the study is to examine how the implementation of the Integrated Administrative Service District (PATEN) in Temanggung Regency, and identify factors inhibiting the implementation and to know the efforts that have been made by the government to improve the quality of the PATEN. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method. Triangulation of data or sources technique is used in this study to obtain a data validity. Data collected by field research and interviews with relevant parties. This research was carried out at Temanggung Regency.Results of this study describe the implementation of the Integrated Administrative Service District (PATEN) which can be seen from the substantive requirements, administrative and technical, the type of services provided and the flow of services, financing, human resources, as well as the completeness of infrastructure and facilities. In its implementation found that inhibiting factors internal and external factors. In addition, it was found that several attempts have been made to improve the quality of the PATEN. Recommendations are given, the expected the implementation of the Integrated Administrative Service District (PATEN) in Temanggung Regency work effectively and efficiently

    Growth and Production of Brachiaria brizantha cv. MG5 in Three Difference Regrowth Phase Treated by Gamma Radiation Dose

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    This study was aimed to determine the effect of dose of gamma radiation of seeds on plant growth and plant production of Brachiaria brizantha cv. MG5 during 3 different growth phases. The variables measured were plant growth parameters (height and length of plant, number of leaves and tillers) and production (dry matter and organic matter productions). Data were analyzed in a 5 x 3 factorial design. The first factor was dose of gamma radiation consisted of 5 levels i.e., 0, 100, 200, 300, and 400 Gy. The second factor was regrowth phase consisted of 3 levels i.e., growth phase 1, growth phase 2, and growth phase 3. The difference between means was analyzed using Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The results showed that dose of gamma radiation influenced the plant growth and production (P<0.05) on different growth phases. The dose of 100 Gy gamma radiation showed the highest height and length, as well as dry matter and organic matter productions. The dose of 200 Gy gamma radiation showed the highest number of leaves and tillers. During regrowth phase 2, the grasses showed the highest of height, number of leaves and tillers, and organic matter production, while during regrowth phase 3, the grasses showed the highest length (P<0.05). There was an interaction between the dose of gamma radiation of seeds and regrowth phases on the growth and production  of B. brizantha cv. MG5 (P<0.05). The dose of 100 Gy radiation of seeds and regrowth phase 2 gave the best interaction.  In conclusion, the dose of 100 Gy radiation of seeds gave the best growth and production of B. brizantha cv. MG5 during regrowth phase 2

    Interfacial reaction analysis of Sn-Ag-Cu solder reinforced with 0.01wt% CNTs with isothermal aging

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    This study focused on the formation and growth of intermetallic compound (IMC) layer at the interfaces of pad finishes. The thickness of IMC layer, wetting angle, and defects such as floating IMC and voids formation after as reflow and isothermal aging were discussed. In this study, SAC237 (Sn: 99 wt.%, Ag: 0.3 wt.%, Cu: 0.7wt.%) reinforced with 0.01 wt.% of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs) were soldered on Electroless Nickel Immersion Gold (ENIG) and Immersion Tin (ImSn) pad finishes. Isothermal aging at 150°C for 400h, 800h, and 1200h were conducted after as reflow process. The IMC layer were analysed using optical microscope with image analyzer. The results shows the thickness of IMC layer for both ENIG and ImSn increased as the isothermal aging period increases. The increament was found from 1.49 μm to 1.73 μm for ENIG and 2.51 μm to 5.49 μm for ImSn. Floating IMC and voids formation were also observed on both pad finishes. Wetting angle for ENIG and ImSn varied from 16.21° to 36.85° and 24.27° to 34.41° respectively

    Analyses for various doping structures of SOI-based optical phasemodulator using free carrier dispersion effectB

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    tThis paper highlights the study on various structure of silicon-on-insulator (SOI) optical phase modula-tors based on free carrier dispersion effect. The proposed modulators employ the forward biased P-I-Ndiode structure integrated in the waveguide and will be working at 1.55 m optical telecommunicationswavelength. Three kinds of structure are compared systematically where the p+ and n+ doping positionsare varied. The modeling and characterization of the SOI phase modulators was carried out by 3D numer-ical simulation package. Our results show that the position of doping regions have a great influences tothe device performance. It was discovered that the best structure in this work demonstrated modulationefficiency of 0.015 V cm with a length of 155 m

    Microstructural and shear strength properties of RHA-reinforced Sn–0.7Cu composite solder joints on bare Cu and ENIAg surface finish

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    In this study, the joint effect of rice husk ash (RHA) reinforcement as an alternative silica source and electroless nickel immersion silver (ENIAg) surface finish on the intermetallic compound (IMC) formation and shear strength of the Sn– 0.7Cu solder system was investigated. A series of plain and composite lead-free solder systems (Sn–0.7Cu−xRHA; x = 0, 0.01, 0.05 and 0.1 wt%) was successfully developed and subjected to reflow soldering on bare Cu and ENIAg surface finish. After conducting a comprehensive microstructural study using the scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy techniques, the Cu6Sn5 and Cu3Sn intermetallic compound (IMC) phases were observed at the interface of the Sn–0.7Cu−xRHA/Cu composite solder joints. On the other hand, the (Cu,Ni)6Sn5 and Ni3Sn4 IMC phases dominated the interface of the Sn–0.7Cu−xRHA/ENIAg counterparts. Given the promising potential of the ENIAg surface finish, the Sn–0.7Cu−xRHA/ENIAg exhibited IMC thickness values within a range of 3.81–4.74 μm as compared to the 6.13–9.3 μm range exhibited by the Sn–0.7Cu−xRHA/Cu counterpart. More so, the ENIAg surface finish was effective in improving the shear strength of the plain solder joint, with the Sn–0.7Cu/ENIAg exhibiting 13.44 MPa relative to the 11.5 MPa exhibited by the Sn–0.7Cu/Cu counterpart. Overall, the strengthening effect of the RHA reinforcement was well marked in the Sn–0.7Cu−xRHA/Cu composite solder joints with the composite having 0.1 wt% RHA exhibiting the highest shear strength (14.6 MPa) across the board

    Signal change in BA17, 18 and 19: A comparative study of normal, glaucoma suspects and POAGpatients

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    Magnetic resonance signal change is expected to be different between normal, glaucoma suspect (GS) and Primary Open Angle Glaucoma (POAG) subjects. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) technique was employed to investigate the differences. This multiple subject studies were carried out to characterize the percentage of signal change (PSC) in Brodmann Area (BA) 17, 18 and 19 of the visual cortex. The block designed fMRI was implemented. The subjects were requested to focus on the black and white checkerboard stimulus of the visual world (A, B and CD), visual field (EF) and visual area (G). The data were analysed using Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM8) via Matlab platform. results showed that GS subjects have the highest PSC, followed by normal and POAG subjects. However, no significant difference was observed in PSC between BA17, 18 and 19 for normal, GS and POAG groups with p = 0.0869, p = 0.0688 and p = 0.2690, respectively. In conclusion, none of the BA can be suggested to be the most dominant area in responding to the visual stimuli used in this study

    Design and characterization of multiple coupled microring based wavelegnth demultiplexer in silicon-on-insulator (SOI)

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    We report in this paper, an optimized design and characterization of SOI based single mode, four channels wavelength demultiplexer using microrings. The usage of siliconon- insulator (SOI) allows a wide free spectral range (FSR) for the device that is crucial in developing ultra-compact integrations of planar lightwave circuits (PLCs). The characterizations are done using Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) mode simulations from RSOFT. Serially cascaded microring arrays up to the third order are presented to study the design trade-off among the FSR, Q-factor and optical losses of the laterally coupled wavelength demultiplexer. The demultiplexer is expected to be working at C-band region of Wavelength Division Multilplexing (WDM) for a wavelength around 1550 nm. Our proposed demultiplexer has low insertion loss (< 0.5 dB) and a crosstalk around 12 ∼ 19 dB

    A review on anticipatory grief and lessons learnt from the history of Abu Bakr r.a.

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    Grief is defined as ‘the internal experience of a person to the loss of something loved and valued’. It is a normal and expected reaction to loss. While anticipatory grief is defined as ‘an emotional response that is experienced before a true loss’, a concept focusing on that a person might experience grief when the loss of a close loved one was anticipated, but had not yet occurred. The history of Abu Bakr r.a. was reviewed especially from the period of a few months before and recently after the death of the prophet s.a.w. It was noted that he appeared strong while others were down grieving upon the news of the prophet s.a.w.’s death. It was also noted that Abu Bakr r.a. has been grieving when he anticipated that the prophet was going to die. Literatures on anticipatory grief were reviewed. Evidence are conflicting on the role of anticipatory grief. Factors that lead to these differences will be reviewed. The protective factors in Abu Bakr r.a. that helped maintain his composure after the death of prophet Muhammad s.a.w. and later led him to be pledged as the first caliph of the Muslim nation will be discussed