94 research outputs found


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    UMI HANI : Dalam pendidikan terdapat kegiatan di luar pembelajaran yakni kegiatan ekstrakulikuler yang salah satunya adalah pecinta alam yang dibimbing oleh seorang Pembina. Pembina memberikan materi kealaman dan bimbingan untuk menjaga lingkungan hidup dengan baik kepada peserta didiknya. Namun demikian masih terdapat beberapa peserta didik yang kurang memperdulikan keadaan lingkungan sekitar mereka. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh data tentang pengaruh pembinaan ekstrakulikuler pecinta alam terhadap kepedulian lingkungan hidup di SMA Negeri 4 Kota Cirebon. Penelitian ini bertitik tolak pada alur pemikiran peneliti yang menyatakan bahwa pembinaan ekstrakulikuler pecinta alam yang di dalamnya terdapat materi yang diberikan kepada anggota dapat meningkatkan kepedulian lingkungan hidup di SMA Negeri 4 Kota Cirebon. Penelitian dalam skripsi ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif karena data-data yang diperoleh berupa data-data numerik dan pengolahan datanya dengan menggunakan statistik. Penulis menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu Observasi, Wawancara, angket dan Dokumentasi. Dan menggunakan 32 responden untuk subyek penelitian. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah jawaban angket mengenai respon anggota SMANEPA terhadap pembinaan ekstrakulikuler pecinta alam pada item positif dan negatif adalah 80,95% dikatakan baik. Sedangkan jawaban angket mengenai respon anggota SMANEPA terhadap kepedulian lingkungan hidup pada item positif dan negatif adalah 76,7% dikatakan baik. hasil perhitungan Koefisien Korelasi Product Moment diketahui bahwa korelasi antara variabel X terhadap variabel Y adalah sebesar 0,638, dengan taraf signifikansi α = 0,05 diperoleh (Sig. 2-tailed) sebesar 0,000. Karena nilai Sig 0,000 ≤ 0,05 berarti korelasi antara kedua item tersebut bersifat signifikan dengan taraf korelasi 0,60 – 0,799 atau pada rentang korelasi kuat. Dapat artikan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara pembinaan ekstrakulikuler pecinta alam dengan kepedulian lingkungan hidup yang berkategori hubungan kuat. Hasil dari perhitungan uji hipotesis regresi diketahui bahwa sig. 0,000 < 0,05 maka Ha diterima dan Ho ditolak, jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengaruh koefisien regresi dan signifikansi regresinya signifikan. Kata kunci : Pengaruh, pembinaan ekstrakulikuler, kepedulian lingkungan hidu


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    Previewing and Predicting are strategies can be used before and during reading atext. A quick preview of the key elements of a text can help to predict what it mightbe about. This will help to prepare the information as reading. This paper aims togive insight on students‘ reading technique in previewing and predicting in thesecond semester of English Department. Grellet (1996) defines that previewing isa very quick reading technique to find out some information about a text. Thistechnique involves using the title of a text, the table of contents, the index, the appendix, the preface of the author of publisher, headings or subtitles of chapters and paragraphs, information on the back cover, and acknowledgement. Moreover, Duffy (2009:103) explains that students must look for clues to the topic, think about what they already know about the topic, and predict what they think will happen on the basis of their prior knowledge. The study was conducted in the second semester in order to see how the students did reading assignment using previewing and predicting technique.Keywords: previewing, predicting, reading strategies, students‘ reading assignment


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    This is a research and analysis project on studying the 3D Crane System. The 3D Crane System is widely used for industrial purposes to move cargo, goods and supplies. But one of the problems is when the payload/pendulum is swinging too oscillatory. Thus, it could give the impact on the safety of personnel who controlling the crane and public servant around the crane area. The goals of this project are to analyse and study the dynamic behavior of 3D Crane System and to design and test a control strategy to improve the performance of the crane system. Through this project, the performance of the crane system is measured in terms of stability of the crane especially on the pendulum oscillation and accuracy of the crane movement to the desired position. In this project, only one control strategy had been designed, which is tuning the PID controller parameters. Thus, tuning the PID parameters expected to reduce the oscillatory of the payload and improving the performance of the crane system. Some tuning methods analysis had been used in order to obtain the tuning parameters of PID controller which are Ziegler Nichols Method and Ciancone Correlations Tuning Method. To obtain the PID tuning parameters, many experiments had been done by varying the gain to obtain the best response (constant amplitude). From the response, using the tuning method, the tuning parameters for PID controller is obtained. All the tuning parameters for each axis obtained were set into respective PID controller and combined it into 3 axis controller. The final response shows the response from actual cart position from 3 axis and response of angle payload in x and y axis. Conclude that, the objective of this project is met where the performance of the response of cart position and angle of payload is better compare before undergoing the tuning PID controller. The scopes of this project include literature review on 3D crane system and Matlab simulation by varying PID tuning parameters. The purpose of this simulation is to see the response curve based on tuning parameters obtained and compare with the response curve before the PID is tuned. Therefore, the performance of the crane system can be observed either better or not


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    The history of Indonesian independence cannot be separated from the role of society in gaining independence from colonialists. The Indonesian independence that was achieved was full of twists and turns. After independence was achieved and proclaimed on August 17, 1945, Indonesia was not fully independent because in the early days of Dutch independence returned to Indonesia to occupy Indonesia again. The arrival of the Dutch was opposed by the Indonesian people who had ingrained them in their minds that they were already independent and no longer had to be under the shadow of the Dutch. Finally, conflicts with the Netherlands erupted in several areas. The conflict was an effort to defend Indonesia's independence. One of the conflicts that occurred was in the Probolinggo area. In this conflict the role of youth in defending independence was very important. Youth in Probolinggo moved guerrillaly to fight against the Dutch. The famous figure behind the peoples guerrilla movement against the Dutch in Probolinggo namely is Dr. Moehammad Saleh, he is a doctor and part of the organization founded by Soetomo, namely Boedi Oetomo. Probolinggo guerrillas jointly resisted Dutch military aggression with thw help of important figures in it.Sejarah kemerdekaan Indonesia tidak terlepas dari peranan masyarakat untuk meraih kemerdekaan daripenjajah. Kemerdekaan Indonesia yang diraih penuh dengan lika-liku dan pengorbanan. Setelah kemerdekaan dapat diraih dan dikumandangkan pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1945, Indonesia belum sepenuhnya benar-benar merdeka karena pada masa awal kemerdekaan Belanda kembali ke Indonesia untuk menduduki Indonesia lagi. Kedatangan Belanda ini ditentang oleh masyarakat Indonesia yang sudah tertanam dibenak mereka bahwa, mereka sudah merdeka dan tidak lagi harus dibawah bayang-bayang Belanda. Akhirnya di beberapa daerah meletus konflik dengan Belanda. Konflik tersebut sebagai upaya mempertahankan kemerdekaan Indonesia. Salah satu konflik yang terjadi yaitu di daerah Probolinggo. Dalam konflik tersebut peranan dari rakyat untuk mempertahankan kemerdekaan sangat penting. Rakyat di Probolinggo bergerak secara gerilya untuk melawan Belanda. Tokoh yang terkenal dibalik pergerakan rakyat secara bergerilya melawan agresi militer Belanda di Probolinggo yaitu Dr. Moehammad Saleh, dia adalah seorang dokter sekaligus tergabung dalam organisasi yang didirikan oleh Soetomo yaitu Boedi Oetomo. Para gerilyawan Probolinggo secara bersama melawan agresi militer Belanda dengan bantuan tokoh-tokoh penting didalamnya.

    Online-Based Healthcare Program for the Elderly: A Pilot Program

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    During the pandemic, health programs for the elderly in the community have been limited to prevent the transmission of COVID-19. However, health services still need to be provided for the elderly to maintain their health. This paper aimed to explain the health problems of the elderly and the participation of elders, the family, and community health workers in the revitalization of strategies for integrated health service activities for the elderly during the pandemic. The Community as Partner model was used in this study. A one-group pre-test/post-test pilot study was conducted. The activities included health assessments via telemedicine (video call), drive-through services for vital signs assessment and simple lab checks, home visits, and education via WhatsApp as needed. We also provided training to community health workers and nursing students. The pilot project ran from June 2020 to May 2021 with 184 community-dwelling elderly in Central Java. The evaluation included participant questionnaires and measurements before and after the program. Change in outcomes was assessed using Wilcoxon signed-rank tests. The study found health problems of the elderly included depression, hypertension, and joint stiffness. 100 elderly people participated in the online exercise activities accompanied by their families and felt a decrease in complaints of joint stiffness, and 84 others participated in health education and exercise activities in open areas, adhering to strict health protocols. Most of the participants said they were satisfied with the activities. The online health education and exercise activities were successfully adapted to be effective interventions. Keywords: elderly, empowerment, health service


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    This research is motivated by the existence of the Al-Hidayah taklim assembly in the midst of the Ciawi Hamlet community, which does not make the phenomenon of backbiting in society recede. Most of the people who do backbiting are housewives as well as members of the Al-Hidayah taklim assembly itself. This study was conducted to determine the extent to which housewives understand about backbiting, the role of the Al-Hidayah taklim assembly and the supporting and inhibiting factors of the Al-Hidayah taklim assembly in increasing the understanding of the dangers of backbiting for housewives in Astana Hamlet. This research method uses a qualitative type. The data collection techniques include interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that the understanding of housewives in terms of understanding backbiting has increased, but has not been maximized. This is indicated by the presence of the majority of housewives who have not been able to apply the understanding of the dangers of backbiting obtained in everyday life. As for the role of the Al-Hidayah taklim assembly in increasing understanding of the dangers of backbiting, this has been maximally pursued. The supporting factor for the Al-Hidayah taklim assembly in increasing the understanding of the dangers of backbiting for housewives is the knowledge of backbiting itself. While the personal self of each congregation is a supporting factor as well as an obstacle for the Al-Hidayah taklim assembly in increasing the understanding of the dangers of backbiting for housewivesPenelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keberadaan majelis taklim Al-Hidayah di tengah-tengah masyarakat Desa Astana tidak menjadikan fenomena ghibah di masyarakat surut begitu saja. Kebanyakan dari masyarakat yang melakukan ghibah merupakan ibu-ibu rumah tangga sekaligus jamaah majelis taklim Al-Hidayah itu sendiri. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pemahaman ibu-ibu rumah tangga mengenai perilaku ghibah, peran majelis taklim Al-Hidayah serta faktor pendukung dan penghambat majelis taklim Al-Hidayah dalam meningkatkan pemahaman bahaya ghibah bagi ibu rumah tangga di Desa Astana. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan jenis kualitatif. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data di antaranya wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data serta penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman ibu-ibu rumah tangga secara pemahaman tentang ghibah sudah meningkat, akan tetapi belum maksimal. Hal tersebut ditandai dengan masih adanya sebagian besar ibu-ibu rumah tangga yang belum mampu menerapkan pemahaman bahaya ghibah yang diperoleh dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Adapun mengenai peran majelis taklim Al-Hidayah dalam meningkatkan pemahaman bahaya ghibah, hal tersebut sudah diupayakan secara maksimal. Adapun faktor pendukung majelis taklim Al-Hidayah dalam meningkatkan pemahaman bahaya ghibah bagi ibu rumah tangga adalah ilmu tentang ghibah itu sendiri. Sedangkan diri pribadi masing-masing jamaah menjadi faktor pendukung sekaligus penghambat majelis taklim Al-Hidayah dalam meningkatkan pemahaman bahaya ghibah bagi ibu rumah tangg

    Training in Writing Scientific Works and Popular Science Books for Teachers at SMKN 34, Central Jakarta

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    Some vocational teachers still need help writing scientific papers and publications or writing textbooks and general books, which can be used as one of the requirements for promotion or position. This writing training aims to share knowledge with teachers at SMKN 34 Jakarta about techniques for writing scientific papers, textbooks, and general books, as well as the systematics of writing and how to publish scientific papers. The method is through the sharing method by giving lectures to the participants, discussions, presentations, and questions and answers. Outside of the training session, writing assistance is also given to several teachers who are ready with their articles so they can publish a work or publish it in journal form. The result of this training is that the participants are very enthusiastic about participating in the training. It can be seen from the attendance of participants as much as 100% from the opening to the final session. After the training, the participants can understand how to write and publish scientific articles in accredited national journals. Participants also understand how to make a reference book or general book so that national publishers can publish it. This training was supposed to be successful because their understanding of the world of writing increased, the participant's response to this activity was very positive, and several teachers had prepared articles from previous research to be published in one of the accredited national journals
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