1,932 research outputs found

    Fluoride Release from Two High-Viscosity Glass Ionomers after Exposure to Fluoride Slurry and Varnish

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    The effect of brushing with different fluoride slurries on the fluoride release (FR) of different high-viscosity glass ionomer cements (GICs) was investigated. Fifty-eight discs were fabricated from two high-viscosity GICs (GC Fuji IX (F9) and 3M ESPE Ketac-fil (KF)). Five specimens from each brand were used to measure Vickers microhardness and the remaining were randomly assigned to one of four groups (n = 6) based on two-factor combinations: (1) fluoride concentration in the abrasive slurry (275 or 1250 ppm fluoride as NaF) and (2) immersion in a 22,500 ppm fluoride-containing solution. Specimens were brushed for a total of 20,000 strokes over 4 days with daily FR measurement. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance and Bonferroni tests (α = 0.05). Baseline FR and microhardness values were different between the two tested material brands. Exposure to a 22,500 ppm solution was associated with higher FR but not the exposure to 1250 ppm slurries. Brushing and immersion of glass ionomer cements in a 22,500 ppm F solution led to higher FR that was more sustained for KF. Type of the glass ionomer, progressive brushing, and fluoride varnish affected FR but not the fluoride content in the abrasive slurry

    Aplikasi Echosounder Hi-target HD 370 Untuk Pemeruman Di Perairan Dangkal (Studi Kasus : Perairan Semarang)

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    Wilayah pantai di kepulauan Indonesia memiliki potensi pembangunan yang sangat bagus. Kawasan laut memiliki dimensi pengembangan yang lebih luas dari daratan karena mempunyai keragaman potensi alam yang dapat dikelola. Kawasan pantai adalah wilayah yang paling berpotensi untuk dikembangkan, sedangkan wilayah tersebut memiliki kedalaman yang dangkal.Untuk perencanaan pembangunan di wilayah perairan, maka dibutuhkan survei hidrografi. Salah satu alat yang digunakan untuk survei hidrografi adalah echosounder. Echosounder menggunakan prinsip akustik untuk merekam kedalaman dasar laut. Terdapat dua tipe echosounder, yaitu Echosounder Multi Beam dan Echosounder Single Beam. Echosounder Hi-Target HD 370 merupakan jenis Single Beam.Berdasarkan pengolahan data hasil, Echosounder Hi-Target HD 370 memiliki akurasi kedalaman yang teliti sesuai dengan Standar Nasional Indonesia. Semakin rapat titik-titik pemeruman, maka akurasi data semakin teliti.Kata Kunci : Kawasan Pantai, Echosounder, Standar Nasional Indonesi

    Slab Waveguide Sensor with Left-handed Material Core Layer for Detection an Adlayer Thickness and Index

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    A four-layer slab waveguide structure with a lossy left-handed material (LHM) core layer is investigated as a surface sensor for detection any change in an adlayer thickness and refractive index. The sensitivities of the effective refractive index to any change in the refractive index/thickness of the adlayer are derived and studied with the parameters of the LHM. It is found that a slight change in the real parts of the permittivity and permeability of the LHM can significantly improve the sensitivity of the proposed sensor

    Smart wearable stress monitoring device for autistic children

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    Vital sign monitoring is the process of recording human physiological signals in order to determine the mental stress level. High stress levels can prove tobe dangerous especially for certain individuals such as autistic children who are not able to express mounting levels of stress before it leads to a full anxiety attack. This paper presents the prototype design of a real-time embedded device that accurately measures heart rate and galvanic skin response (GSR) in a non-invasive and non-intrusive way which is then used by the intelligent decision making module that uses fuzzy logic to determine the stress level of the user. Such a device could be used with autistic children in order to give early warning of an impending anxiety attack and help adults to prevent it from happening. The prototype was designed using Arduino mega platform and tested with 35 clinical patients in three experimental settings targeted to induce low stress, medium stress and high stress response. Initial results have shown that the device is capable of detecting and displaying the various stress levels efficiently

    Dispersion properties of slab waveguides with double negative material guiding layer and nonlinear substrate

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    The dispersion properties of transverse electric nonlinear waves in a three-layer slab waveguide which consists of a double negative material (DNM) guiding layer sandwiched between an intensity-dependent refractive index substrate and semi-infinite linear dielectric cover are investigated. The dispersion properties for self-focusing and self-defocusing substrate nonlinearity are presented. The effects of the negative parameters of the DNM on the dispersion characteristics are investigated

    Pengaruh Lingkungan USAha, Profitabilitas, Penegakan Hukum, Dan Sanksi Terhadap Ketidakpatuhan Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi Di Kpp Pratama Dumai

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    This study aimed to examine the effect of business environment, profitability, law enforcement, and punishment on individual taxpayer non compliance at the KPP Pratama Dumai. This study used purposive sampling method. The sample in this study is the individual taxpayer. Only 100 of 110 quetioner that had been distributed are back to be processed. The statistical method used to test the hypothesis of the research is multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS 20.0. The results showed that (1)business environment that has not impact on a individual tax payer noncompliance (2) profitability that has a impact on a individual tax payer noncompliance(3) law enforcement that has not impact on a individual tax payer noncompliance(4) punishment that has a impact on a individual tax payer noncompliance. The determination of coefficient (Adj-R2) in this meant that 42,2 %. And then 57,8% has impact by other variables

    Dispersion properties of anisotropic-metamaterial slab waveguide structure

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    The dispersion properties of guided waves in an anisotropic film sandwiched between a left-handedmaterial (LHM) and a dielectric are investigated in this work. Detailed mathematical derivationof the dispersion relation is presented. Both the anisotropic guiding layer and the LHM are assumedto be dispersive. Many interesting features have been found. The dispersion properties exhibita slight dependence on the parameters of the anisotropic guiding layer whereas they showa significant change with any perturbation in some of the LHM layer parameters, especially forω>5.2GHz.The dispersion properties of guided waves in an anisotropic film sandwiched between a left-handedmaterial (LHM) and a dielectric are investigated in this work. Detailed mathematical derivationof the dispersion relation is presented. Both the anisotropic guiding layer and the LHM are assumedto be dispersive. Many interesting features have been found. The dispersion properties exhibita slight dependence on the parameters of the anisotropic guiding layer whereas they showa significant change with any perturbation in some of the LHM layer parameters, especially forω>5.2GHz

    Penurunan Kadar Cod, Bod, Dan Tss Pada Limbah Cair Industri MSG (Monosodium Glutamat) Dengan Biofilter Anaerob Media Bio-ball

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    Monosodium Glutamat (MSG) adalah limbah dengan kandungan bahan organik yang tinggi. Salah satu pengolahan untuk limbah dengan kandungan bahan organik yang tinggi adalah pengolahan secara anaerobik. Biofilter anaerob adalah proses fementasi menggunakan mikroorganisme dengan sistem pertumbuhan melekat, degradasi bahan-bahan organik oleh mikroorganisme terjadi pada media lekat. Reaktor anaerob memiliki volume efektif 37,5 liter. Limbah MSG masuk ke dalam reaktor dengan sistem aliran ke atas. Limbah tersebut dipompakan dari bagian bawah reaktor, mengalir melalui media bioball, dan terjadi kontak dengan mikroorganisme pada media. Proses degradasi bahan organik terjadi selama terjadi kontak dengan biofilm yang terdapat pada media. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efisiensi penyisihan kadar COD, BOD, dan TSS dengan biofilter anaaerob. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya penurunan kadar COD, BOD dan TSS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dengan waktu tinggal hidraulik 14,42 hari dapat menurunkan konsentrasi COD, BOD, dan TSS dengan efisiensi penurunan konsentrasi COD 20,67% - 30,88% ; BOD 7,70 % - 45,71 %, dan TSS 12,32 % - 62,82%

    Parallel electromagnetic modelling for the nonlinear electrotechnic systems

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    AbstractWe present a parallel implementation for the nonlinear electromagnetic modelling using PVM environment. Theoretical study shows that the computation can be highly parallelizable but the communication can be a handicap if we do not overlap communication with computation especially when the machine communication parameters values are very high