149 research outputs found

    Gehalte an Makro- und Mikroelementen sowie Zuckern in Möhren aus der biologisch-dynamischen und konventionellen landwirtschaftlichen Praxis

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    Mit dem Ziel, die Marktsituation für den Konsumenten hinsichtlich der Produktqualität zu beschreiben, wurden Proben von Speisemöhren des Anbaujahres 1996 aus der biologisch-dynamischen (n=57) und konventionellen (n=18) Praxis gesammelt. Ermittelt wurden unter Anderem: - Makroelemente: P, K, Na, Cl, Mg, S - Mikroelemente: Fe, B, Zn, Mn, Cu, Pb - Zucker: D-Glu, D-Fru, Sa

    Tumour necrosis factor induces increased production of extracellular amyloid-β- and α-synuclein-containing aggregates by human Alzheimer's disease neurons

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    In addition to increased aberrant protein aggregation, inflammation has been proposed as a key element in the pathogenesis and progression of Alzheimer’s disease. How inflammation interacts with other disease pathways and how protein aggregation increases during disease are not clear. We used single-molecule imaging approaches and membrane permeabilization assays to determine the effect of chronic exposure to tumour necrosis factor, a master proinflammatory cytokine, on protein aggregation in human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neurons harbouring monogenic Alzheimer’s disease mutations. We report that exposure of Alzheimer’s disease neurons, but not control neurons, to tumour necrosis factor induces substantial production of extracellular protein aggregates. Aggregates from Alzheimer’s disease neurons are composed of amyloid-β and α-synuclein and induce significant permeabilization of lipid membranes in an assay of pathogenicity. These findings provide support for a causal relationship between two crucial processes in Alzheimer’s disease pathogenesis and suggest that targeting inflammation, particularly tumour necrosis factor, may have beneficial downstream effects on ameliorating aberrant protein aggregation and accumulation

    MiR-200c Regulates Noxa Expression and Sensitivity to Proteasomal Inhibitors

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    The pro-apoptotic p53 target Noxa is a BH3-only protein that antagonizes the function of selected anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family members. While much is known regarding the transcriptional regulation of Noxa, its posttranscriptional regulation remains relatively unstudied. In this study, we therefore investigated whether Noxa is regulated by microRNAs. Using a screen combining luciferase reporters, bioinformatic target prediction analysis and microRNA expression profiling, we identified miR-200c as a negative regulator of Noxa expression. MiR-200c was shown to repress basal expression of Noxa, as well as Noxa expression induced by various stimuli, including proteasomal inhibition. Luciferase reporter experiments furthermore defined one miR-200c target site in the Noxa 3′UTR that is essential for this direct regulation. In spite of the miR-200c:Noxa interaction, miR-200c overexpression led to increased sensitivity to the clinically used proteasomal inhibitor bortezomib in several cell lines. This apparently contradictory finding was reconciled by the fact that in cells devoid of Noxa expression, miR-200c overexpression had an even more pronounced positive effect on apoptosis induced by proteasomal inhibition. Together, our data define miR-200c as a potentiator of bortezomib-induced cell death. At the same time, we show that miR-200c is a novel negative regulator of the pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 family member Noxa

    Nature and consequences of interactions between Salmonella enterica serovar Dublin and host cells in cattle

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    International audienceAbstractSalmonella enterica is a veterinary and zoonotic pathogen of global importance. While murine and cell-based models of infection have provided considerable knowledge about the molecular basis of virulence of Salmonella, relatively little is known about salmonellosis in naturally-affected large animal hosts such as cattle, which are a reservoir of human salmonellosis. As in humans, Salmonella causes bovine disease ranging from self-limiting enteritis to systemic typhoid-like disease and exerts significant economic and welfare costs. Understanding the nature and consequences of Salmonella interactions with bovine cells will inform the design of effective vaccines and interventions to control animal and zoonotic infections. In calves challenged orally with S. Dublin expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) we observed that the bacteria were predominantly extracellular in the distal ileal mucosa and within gut-associated lymph nodes 48 h post-infection. Intracellular bacteria, identified by flow cytometry using the GFP signal, were predominantly within MHCII+ macrophage-like cells. In contrast to observations from murine models, these S. Dublin-infected cells had elevated levels of MHCII and CD40 compared to both uninfected cells from the same tissue and cells from the cognate tissue of uninfected animals. Moreover, no gross changes of the architecture of infected lymph nodes were observed as was described previously in a mouse model. In order to further investigate Salmonella-macrophage interactions, net replication of S. enterica serovars that differ in virulence in cattle was measured in bovine blood-derived macrophages by enumeration of gentamicin-protected bacteria and fluorescence dilution, but did not correlate with host-specificity

    The nuclear receptor LXR modulates interleukin-18 levels through multiple mechanisms

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    IL-18 is a member of the IL-1 family involved in innate immunity and inflammation. Deregulated levels of IL-18 are involved in the pathogenesis of multiple disorders including inflammatory and metabolic diseases, yet relatively little is known regarding its regulation. Liver X receptors or LXRs are key modulators of macrophage cholesterol homeostasis and immune responses. Here we show that LXR ligands negatively regulate LPS-induced mRNA and protein expression of IL-18 in bone marrow-derived macrophages. Consistent with this being an LXR-mediated process, inhibition is abolished in the presence of a specific LXR antagonist and in LXR-deficient macrophages. Additionally, IL-18 processing of its precursor inactive form to its bioactive state is inhibited by LXR through negative regulation of both pro-caspase 1 expression and activation. Finally, LXR ligands further modulate IL-18 levels by inducing the expression of IL-18BP, a potent endogenous inhibitor of IL-18. This regulation occurs via the transcription factor IRF8, thus identifying IL-18BP as a novel LXR and IRF8 target gene. In conclusion, LXR activation inhibits IL-18 production through regulation of its transcription and maturation into an active pro-inflammatory cytokine. This novel regulation of IL-18 by LXR could be applied to modulate the severity of IL-18 driven metabolic and inflammatory disorders

    Tumor surveillance by circulating microRNAs: a hypothesis

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    A growing body of experimental evidence supports the diagnostic relevance of circulating microRNAs in various diseases including cancer. The biological relevance of circulating microRNAs is, however, largely unknown, particularly in healthy individuals. Here, we propose a hypothesis based on the relative abundance of microRNAs with predominant tumor suppressor activity in the blood of healthy individuals. According to our hypothesis, certain sets of circulating microRNAs might function as a tumor surveillance mechanism exerting continuous inhibition on tumor formation. The microRNA-mediated tumor surveillance might complement cancer immune surveillance

    Differentially expressed microRNAs in experimental cerebral malaria and their involvement in endocytosis, adherens junctions, FoxO and TGF-β signalling pathways

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    Cerebral malaria (CM) is the most severe manifestation of infection with Plasmodium, however its pathogenesis is still not completely understood. microRNA (miRNA) have been an area of focus in infectious disease research, due to their ability to affect normal biological processes, and have been shown to play roles in various viral, bacterial and parasitic infections, including malaria. The expression of miRNA was studied following infection of CBA mice with either Plasmodium berghei ANKA (causing CM), or Plasmodium yoelii (causing severe but non-cerebral malaria (NCM)). Using microarray analysis, miRNA expression was compared in the brains of non-infected (NI), NCM and CM mice. Six miRNA were significantly dysregulated between NCM and CM mice, and four of these, miR-19a-3p, miR-19b-3p, miR-142-3p and miR-223-3p, were further validated by qPCR assays. These miRNA are significantly involved in several pathways relevant to CM, including the TGF-β and endocytosis pathways. Dysregulation of these miRNA during CM specifically compared with NCM suggests that these miRNA, through their regulation of downstream targets, may be vitally involved in the neurological syndrome. Our data implies that, at least in the mouse model, miRNA may play a regulatory role in CM pathogenesis.This work was funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council (#1099920 for GEG). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.S

    Aspectos microscópicos da interação feijoeiro-Colletotrichum lindemuthianum mediados pelo silício

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    A antracnose, causada pelo fungo Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, é uma das doenças mais destrutivas que afetam a cultura do feijoeiro. Com o objetivo de encontrar alternativas para o controle dessa doença, o presente trabalho investigou, em nível microscópico, o efeito do silício (Si) na resistência do feijoeiro à infecção por C. lindemuthianum. Plantas de feijoeiro (cv. Pérola) foram cultivadas em solução nutritiva contendo 0 (-Si) ou 2 mM (+Si) de Si e inoculadas no estádio de crescimento V4 com uma suspensão de conídios de C. lindemuthianum. A severidade da antracnose decresceu cerca de 52% nas folhas das plantas supridas com Si (4,4%) em relação às folhas das plantas não supridas (8,5%). Observações de folhas de feijoeiro das plantas não supridas com Si no microscópio eletrônico de varredura revelaram alterações morfológicas nas nervuras em contraste com as folhas de plantas supridas com Si. Utilizando-se a microanálise de raios-X, verificou-se maior concentração dos minerais enxofre, potássio e Si nas folhas das plantas supridas com Si. Em conclusão, o suprimento de Si em plantas de feijoeiro foi importante para reduzir os sintomas da antracnose
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