10 research outputs found


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    This paper presents a comparative analysis of three digital forensics toolkit for data recovery scenario that has been deleted. Toolkit used is Puran File Recovery, Glary Undelete and Recuva Data Recovery. Their ability to restore deleted data has been tested and analyzed in a USB flash drive. The results of the comparison show that this third toolkit can work well in terms of finding the data that has been deleted or in recovering the deleted data


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    ABSTRAKSukuk Ritel Negara adalah Surat berharga Syariah yang diterbitkan dan penjualannya diatur oleh Negara, yaitu Departemen Keuangan (depkeu). Dimana pemerintah akan memilih agen penjual dan konsultasi hukum sukuk ritel. Agen penjual haruslah wajib memiliki komitmen terhadap pemerintah dalam pengembangan pasar sukuk dan berpengalaman dalam menjual produk keuangan syariah. Penerbitan instrumen ini diibaratkan sebuah “simbiosis mutualis” antara Pemerintah dan Masyarakat, dimana keduanya sama-sama memperoleh keuntungan. Pemerintah selaku penerbit memperoleh keuntungan berupa  penggunaan dana dari masyarakat, sedangkan masyarakat memperoleh keuntungan dari investasi yang dilakukan. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi bagi pemerintah dan Bank untuk dapat melakukan promosi secara maksimal untuk penerbitan sukuk berikutnya. Data yang digunakan adalah data dari kemenkeu melalui website www.djppr.kemenkeu.go.id. Data tersebut adalah data penjualan sukuk dengan seri 001 – 007 yang dikelompokkan dalam beberapa kategori yakni geografis, profesi dan kategori umur. Algoritma yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Jaringan Saraf Tiruan dengan metode Backpropogation. Variabel masukan (input) yang digunakan adalah PNS (X1), Pegawai Swasta (X2), IRT (X3), Wiraswasta (X4), TNI/Polri (X5) dan Lainnya (X6) dengan model arsitektur pelatihan dan pengujian sebanyak 4 arsitektur yakni 6-2-1, 6-5-1, 6-2-5-1 dan 6-5-2-1. Keluaran (output) yang dihasilkan adalah pola terbaik dari arsitektur JST. Model arsitektur terbaik adalah 6-5-2-1 dengan epoch 37535, MSE 0,0009997295 dan tingkat akurasi 100%. Dari model ini akan dilakukan analisis sensivitas untuk melihat variabel yang memiliki performa terbaik dan diperoleh variabel Pegawai Swasta (X2) dengan skor 0,3268. Sehingga didapat hasil prediksi investor terbanyak pada pembelian sukuk untuk seri 008 berikutnya berdasarkan kategori profesi adalah Pegawai Swasta. Kata Kunci: Sukuk, JST, Backpropogation, Analisis Sensivitas dan Prediks

    Pengaruh Latihan Sirkuit (Circuit Training) Terhadap Daya Tahan Pada Pemain Bulutangkis Club Pb. Bintang Putra Kota Pekanbaru

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    The problem in this research is “the influence of training circuit (circuit training) against resistance from the club badminton player PB. Son Star City Pekanbaru?”, so that athletes can perform future and play much better and especially after a certain increase exercise endurance athletes of the previous game to compensate the opponent and maximum future. Forms of this study were (Experiment), with a population of badminton players club PB. Son Star City Pekanbaru. The data in this study is the entire population of 6 people. The tools in this study is the Bleep Test, which is designed to measure the durability. Thereafter, the data are processed statistical normality test using the test at a significant level 0,05α lilifors. The hypothesis is the influence of circuit training (circuit training) opposed. On the basis of the t-test analysis produces Tcount of 6.15 and 2,015 Ttab, Tcount>Ttab means. On the basis of the analysis of statistical data, there are an average of 32.57 Pree-test and the post-test average of 38.9, the data were normally distributed. There is effect of exercise Circuit (Circuit Training) Durability against at Badminton Players Club PB. Son Star City Pekanbaru


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    Tujuan pelaksanaan tugas akhir ini adalahuntuk mencari Standar Deviasi dan Standar Error dari empat manometer uji dengan data yang diperoleh dari perhitungan secara teori. Data yang diperoleh berdasarkan uji dari variabel beban dari 1 kg, 2 kg, 3 kg, 4 kg, 5 kg, 6 kg, 7 kg, 8 kg, 9 kg, dan 10 kg. Data yang dihasilkan secara teori berdasarkan rumus tekanan yang berlaku, yaitu P=F/A. Hasil dari perhitungan Standar Deviasi yang terjadi pada ke empat manometer menunjukan bahwa manometer uji masih memiliki deviasi atau penyimpangan yang masih besar, sedangkan untuk perhitungan Standar Error menunjukan bahwa manometer uji masih memiliki kesalahan yang besar di beberapa variabel beban. Kata kunci : Standar Deviasi, Standar Error, Manometer. The aim of this thesis is to find Standard Deviation and Standard Error of the four test manometer with data obtained from the calculation theories have. Data obtained from the test based on the variable load of 1 kg, 2 kg, 3 kg, 4 kg, 5 kg, 6 kg, 7 kg, 8 kg, 9 kg, and 10 kg. Data generated by the theoretical formula that applies pressure, is P = F / A. Standard Deviation results of calculations that occur in the fourth test manometer manometer shows that still have deviations are still large, while the Standard Error calculations show that the manometer test still has a great wrong in some variable load. Keywords: Standard Deviation, Standard Error, manometer

    A Hybrid Cryptosystem Using Vigenère Cipher and Rabin-p Algorithm in Securing BMP Files

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    Vigenère cipher is a classical cryptography algorithm and similar to other classical algorithms, it produces smaller but less secure ciphertexts than a public key cryptography algorithm. Meanwhile, Rabin-p is a public key cryptography algorithm with a stronger encryption than Vigenère cipher. Nevertheless, as a public key algorithm, Rabin-p is inefficient to encrypt vast amounts of messages such as BMP image files, since the size of the cipherimages will increase manyfold and this would lead to a problem in storing and sending the cipherimages. To overcome these problems, in this study, we combined the Vigenère cipher and the Rabin-p algorithm in a hybrid cryptosystem scheme. In the experiment, the Vigenère cipher was used to encrypt the BMP files and the Rabin-p algorithm was used to encrypt the Vigenère keys. The result showed that the size of the cipherimages did not increase and the decryption procedure could recover the original BMP files while maintaining their integrity

    An improved algorithm for channel allocation on direct sequence spread spectrum

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    Graph coloring is an assignment a color to each vertex, which each vertex that adjacent is given a different color. Graph coloring is a useful algorithm for channel allocation on Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS).Through this algorithm,each access point (AP) that adjacent gives different channels based on colors available.Welsh Powell algorithm and Degree of saturation (Dsatur) are the popular algorithms being used for channel allocation in this domain. Welsh Powell algorithm is an algorithm that tries to solve the graph coloring problem.Dsatur algorithm is an algorithm coloring sorted by building sequence of vertices dynamically.However,these algorithms have its weaknesses in terms of the minimum number of channel required.In this study,channel allocation called Vertex Merge Algorithm (VMA) is proposed with aim to minimize number of required channels.It is based on the logical structure of vertex in order to a coloring the graph.Each vertex on the graph arranged based on decreasing number of degree.The vertex in the first place on the set gives a color,and then this vertex is merged with non-adjacent vertex.This process is repeatedly until all vertices colored.The assignment provides a minimum number of channels required.A series of an experiment was carried out by using one computer.Vertex Merge Algorithm (VMA) simulation is developed under Linux platform.It was carried out in Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) programming integrated with GNU Image Manupulation Program (GIMP) for open and edit image.The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm work successfully in channel allocation on DSSS with the minimum of channels required.The average percentage reduction in the number of required channels among the VMA, Dsatur algorithm and Welsh Powell algorithm in the simple graph is equivalent to 0.0%. Meanwhile between the VMA and Dsatur algorithm in the complex graph is equivalent to 18.1%.However,VMA and Welsh Powell algorithm is not compared in the complex graph since its drawback in terms of not fulfill the graph coloring concept.This is because there are two adjacent vertices have the same color.Overall, even there is no reduction for number of required channel among VMA,Dsatur algorithm and Welsh Powell algorithm in the simple graph,but the outstanding significant contribution of VMA since it has reduction in the complex graph

    Spread Spectrum Process Using Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) and Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS)

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    This paper presents spread spectrum process using Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) and Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS). DSSS is type spread spectrum the most widely known and most widely used. Mean while, in FHSS the data is modulated directly onto a single carrier frequency, but that carrier frequency hops across a number of channels within the RF band using a pseudo-random hopping pattern. We compare between DSSS and FHSS in terms of channel, narrowband interference, main parameters, co-location, security and cost. DSSS performance better in terms of cost and this system is recognized most easily implementation, while FHSS superior in narrowband interference, co-location channel and security

    An Improved of Channel Allocation for WLAN Using Vertex Merge Algorithm

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    Graph colouring is a useful algorithm for channel allocation on wireless local area network (WLAN). Through this algorithm, each access point (AP) that adjacent will be given different channels based on colours available. Degree of saturation (Dsatur) is the popular algorithms being used for channel allocation in this domain. However, this algorithm has its weaknesses in terms of minimum number of channel required. In this study, channel allocation called Vertex Merge Algorithm (VMA) is proposed by considering only channel allocation on WLAN. It is based on logical structure of vertex/access point in order to a colouring the graph. Each vertex on the graph will be arranged based on decreasing number of degree. The vertex in the first place on the set will be given a colour, and then these vertices are merged with not adjacent vertex. This process will be continued to repeat until all vertices are given colour. The assignment provides a minimum number of channels required. A series of experiment was carried out by using one computer. Vertex Merge Algorithm (VMA) simulation is developed under Linux platform. It was carried out in PHP programming integrated with GIMP for open and edit image. The experimental results showed that the proposed algorithm work successfully in channel allocation on wireless local area network (WLAN) when no failures occurred

    Learning management system through assignment box alert

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    Learning Management System (LMS) is software that has been developed for the administration, documentation, tracking, and reporting the educational resources. Assignment Box Alert (ABA) is a type of LMS which has been developed to manage the student in assignment submission. Before the development of ABA, the submission assignments from the students to lecturer have been done manually either through the hardcopy by printing material or softcopy by using the compact disc. The manual system consumes lot of time, besides quite easily being damaged or misplace. In this project, the development of ABA using the Remote Method Invocation has able to manage the assignment submission efficient and effectively. This is due the transferred file by student can be view more systematically by the lecturer, while at the same time the notification from the system remind the student to upload assignment on time