2,706 research outputs found

    Konsekuensi Penetapan Awal Kehidupan Manusia terhadap Penerapan Ketentuan Hukum Pidana

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    Determination of early human life in the womb of a woman is an urgent as it relates to criminal action (Jarimah) one does. The Indonesian Criminal Code {Their Code) does not discuss when a fetus in the womb of a woman staring to be called as a living man. The issues of when the spirit breathed by God to the human being and human esxistance by the natural processes (medical) are two concepts faced by the Islamic scholars to establish a foothold of the early human life. The Islamic scholars agreed that if the soul has been breathed against aborting fetuses is unlawful and the subject must pay "kaffarat". While the fetus is not yet breathed the spirit, there is a different of opinion; some consider "makruh" and some allow it

    Principal Leadership Behavior Impact on The Character Education

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    The principal as the leader directly is a real example in the work activities in the school environment. This study aims to look at the principal's leadership behavior, the relationship between the principal's leadership behaviors towards strengthening the character education of vocational students. This research uses a quantitative approach, using a cross-sectional survey method. The results of this study are based on the results of data processing obtained that five school principals have good leadership behavior with a percentage of 55.56%, and four school principals have reasonably good behavior with a percentage of 44.44%. Partial test results obtained there is a relationship between the principal's leadership behavior towards strengthening the character education of vocational students on the east coast of Aceh, principal's leadership behavior 58.8% to the student's character education. Based on the results of data processing, it is obtained that from 9 vocational high schools in the eastern part of Aceh that were studied, 5 schools (55.56%) principals had good leadership behaviors, and 4 schools (44.44 %) the principal has a fairly good leadership behavior. From the partial test results obtained that there is a relationship between the principal's leadership behaviors towards the education of the character strengthening of vocational students on the coast of East Aceh


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    The manufacture of Virgin Coconut Oil and LPPM and PM are in line with Law Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education Article 45, which emphasizes that research and community service in higher education is directed at developing science and technology, as well as improving people's welfare and national competitiveness. With the VCO making program, LPPM and PM aim to avoid and fill in activities in an effort to isolate themselves, the only thing is to socialize and teach the people of Gampong Matang Neuheun, Nurussalam District, East Aceh Regency in the framework of making virgin coconut oil (VCO) as an alternative activity , so that people are not lonely and bored and traveling, and indirectly can prevent the spread of Covid-19. The service method, namely; a normative approach, empirical and using primary and secondary data, and processed descriptively qualitatively. As for the manufacturing steps; preparation of practicum tools, preparation of raw materials / old heads, splitting coconut, grating coconut, squeezing coconut into coconut milk, filtering coconut milk, depositing coconut milk in gallons of RO, , storing coconut milk in bottles / jars for 12 hours until it becomes VCO with levels 100% pure. the benefits of VCO, for health and beauty and to cure various diseases; stinging and moist as immunity naturally. The point is that in 2021, all PKM Teams will be more active and creative in the field of research and service as well as being participatory with village residents and in line with the mission of the Tridarma of Higher Education.Pembuatan Virgin Coconut Oil dan LPPM dan PM, memang sejalan dengan  Undang-undang Nomor 12 Tahun 2012 tentang Pendidikan Tinggi Pasal 45 yaitu menegaskan bahwa penelitian dan pengabdian di perguruan tinggi diarahkan untuk mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, serta meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat dan daya saing bangsa. Dengan program pembuatan VCO, LPPM dan PM tujuannya untuk menghindari dan mengisi kegiatan dalam usaha mengisolasi diri satu-satunya adalah mensosialisasi dan mengajarkan kepada masyarakat Gampong Matang Neuheun, Kecamatan Nurussalam, Kabupaten Aceh Timur dalam rangka pembuat minyak kelapa murni (VCO) sebagai suatu kegiatan  alternatif, supaya masyarakat menjadi tidak sepi dan bosan serta berpergian, dan secara tidak langsung dapat mencegah penyebaran Covid-19 tersebut. Metode pengabdiannya yaitu; pendekatan normatif, empiris dan menggunakan data-data primer dan skunder, serta diolah secara deskriptif kualitatif. Adapun langkah pembuatannya; persiapan alat praktikum, persiapan bahan baku/kepala tua, pembelahan kelapa, pemarutan kelapa, pemerasan kelapa menjadi santan, penyaringan santan, pengendapan santan dalam galon RO, pengadukan satan dengan mixer, penyimpanan santan dalam botol/toples selama 12 jam sampai menjadi VCO dengan kadar murni 100%. manfaat VCO, untuk kesehatan dan kecantikan dan obat penyembuhan berbagai penyakit; perih dan lembab sebagai kekebalan tubuh secara alami. Saranya pada 2021, semua Tim PKM lebih giat dan kreatif dibidang penelitian dan pengabdian serta partisipatif dengan warga gampong dan sejalan dengan misi Tridarma Perguruan Tinggi


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    This study aims to find out how the influence of each of the motivational variables, teaching and learning facilities, and discipline on the performance of teachers in SMA N 1 Julok, East Aceh Regency. This research uses quantitative methods using statistical data analysis. Data collection techniques in this study used a questionnaireaire. The results showed: (1) Because tcount (X1) = 4.648 while ttable = 1.684 then tcount> ttable, the hypothesis was accepted and the Sign value was 0,000 <0.05 and a regression equation model Y = 11.388 + 0.594 X1 + 0.128 was obtained. So, there is a significant influence between motivation on teacher performance in Julok State 1 High School, East Aceh Regency. (2). Because the value of tcount (X2) = 0.250 while ttable = 1.684 then tcount <ttable, the hypothesis is accepted and the Sign value is 0.804> 0.05 and a regression equation model Y = 11.338 + 0.032X2 + 0.127 is obtained. Therefore, there is no significant influence between the teaching and learning process facilities on the performance of teachers in the State High School 1 Julok, East Aceh Regency. (3). Because the value of tcount (X3) = 0.417 while ttable = 1.684 then tcount <ttable, the hypothesis is accepted and the Sign value is 0.679> 0.05 and a regression equation model Y = 11.388 + 0.64X3 + 0.154 is obtained. Thus, there is no significant influence between discipline on the performance of teachers in the State High School 1 Julok, East Aceh Regency. (4). Because the value of Fthitung = 19.530 while Ftable = 2.84 then Fcount> Ftable, the hypothesis is accepted and the value of Sig. 0,000 <0.05 and the regression equation model Y = 11.389 + 0.594 X1 + 0.032 X2 + 0.064 X3 + 4.496 is obtained. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is a significant influence between motivation, teaching and learning process facilities, and discipline on teacher performance in the Julok State High School 1 East Aceh Regency. Keywords: Motivation, Teaching and Learning Process Facilities, Discipline, Teacher Work, SMAN 1 Julok, East Aceh Regency


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    Logam berat adalah logam yang mempunyai berat jenis lebih tinggi dari 5 atau 6 gr/cm3. Pada umumnya, logam berat dalam kadar yang rendah sudah bersifat racun. Logam berat yang sering mencemari habitat diantaranya adalah Hg, Cr, Cd, As, Cu, Ni , Zn dan Pb (Nugroho, 2001). Menurut Suhendrayatna (2008), logam kadmium (Cd) merupakan logam yang lebih mudah diakumulasi oleh tanaman dibandingkan dengan ion logam berat lainnya. Unsur Cd memiliki sifat kimia yang hampir sama dengan Zn, yaitu dinyatakan dalam keadaan oksidasi 2+ di alam dan mudah dalam penyerapan oleh tanaman dan tanah. Namun Cd lebih bersifat racun sehingga dapat mengganggu aktivitas enzim. Pengendalian pencemaran logam berat dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai cara, diantaranya menggunakan tanaman air Azolla sebagai bioakumulator. Azolla berasosiasi dengan ganggang hijau-biru Anabaena azollae yang hidup di dalam rongga daunnya dan dapat memfiksasi nitrogen langsung dari udara. Keberadaan logam berat di dalam tanah pada konsentrasi tertentu diduga dapat menurunkan mikrosimbion Anabaena azollae yang pada akhirnya akan mempengaruhi tingkat fiksasi nitrogen sehingga mempengaruhi pertumbuhan Azolla dan fungsi Azolla sebagai bioakumulator pada kondisi lahan tercemar logam berat Cd. Azolla dapat tumbuh baik pada hampir semua jenis tanah dengan sifat fisika dan kimia yang bervariasi seperti tanah Entisol dan Vertisol (Suyana, dkk., 1998; Setiaji, 1998). Tinggi genangan air diketahui berpengaruh terhadap ketahanan Azolla pada cekaman lingkungan. Namun belum diketahui pengaruh tinggi genangan air terhadap mikrosimbion 1 Anabaena azollae di tanah Vertisol. Demikian juga pengaruh interaksi antara tinggi genangan air dan konsentrasi logam berat Cd terhadap mikrosimbion Anabaena azollae


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    Bireuen kota Juang  memiliki peran besar selama pertempuran Medan Area tahun 1947 dalam mempertahankan kemerdekaan Indonesia. Peran Bireuen pada masa revolusi kemerdekaan tidak hanya sebatas wilayah Aceh saj a tapi juga berpengaruh hingga nasional, antara lain, yaitu: (a) Bireuen sebagai markas besar Devisi X Komandemen Sumatera, Langkat dan Tanah Karo (b) Setelah prolamasikan kemerdekaan Indonesia langkah selanjutnya yaitu pelucutan senjata Jepang dengan cara perundingan dan perebutan (c) Bireuen sebagai sumber persenjataan (d) Bireuen sebagai studio penyiaran Radio Rimba Raya milik Devisi X Sumatera (e) Bireuen sebagai basis militer dalam menggempur tentara Belanda di Medan Area. Pasukan perang, alat perang, kendaraan perang serta rapat kemiliteran pun diadakan di Bireuen. Kelompok masyarakat seperti Ulama, Saudagar, orang Tionghoa dan rakyat biasa yang saling bahu membahu dalam menyalurkan bantuan menuju Medan Area.Juang city Bireuen had a big role during the Medan Area battle in 1947 in defending Indonesia's independence. The role of Bireuen during the independence revolution was not only limited to the Aceh region but also influenced the national level, among others, namely: (a) Bireuen as the headquarters of Division X of the Sumatra, Langkat and Tanah Karo Commandments (b) After the proclamation of Indonesian independence the next step was disarmament. Japanese weapons by way of negotiations and seizures (c) Bireuen as a source of weapons (d) Bireuen as the radio broadcasting studio of Radio Rimba Raya belonging to Division X Sumatra (e) Bireuen as a military base in attacking the Dutch army in the Medan Area. War troops, war equipment, war vehicles and military meetings were held in Bireuen. Community groups such as Ulama, Merchants, Chinese and ordinary people who work hand in hand in distributing aid to the Medan Area. Bireuen kota Juang  memiliki peran besar selama pertempuran Medan Area tahun 1947 dalam mempertahankan kemerdekaan Indonesia. Peran Bireuen pada masa revolusi kemerdekaan tidak hanya sebatas wilayah Aceh saj a tapi juga berpengaruh hingga nasional, antara lain, yaitu: (a) Bireuen sebagai markas besar Devisi X Komandemen Sumatera, Langkat dan Tanah Karo (b) Setelah prolamasikan kemerdekaan Indonesia langkah selanjutnya yaitu pelucutan senjata Jepang dengan cara perundingan dan perebutan (c) Bireuen sebagai sumber persenjataan (d) Bireuen sebagai studio penyiaran Radio Rimba Raya milik Devisi X Sumatera (e) Bireuen sebagai basis militer dalam menggempur tentara Belanda di Medan Area. Pasukan perang, alat perang, kendaraan perang serta rapat kemiliteran pun diadakan di Bireuen. Kelompok masyarakat seperti Ulama, Saudagar, orang Tionghoa dan rakyat biasa yang saling bahu membahu dalam menyalurkan bantuan menuju Medan Area

    Implementation of Independent Learning in Junior High Schools

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    The purpose of this research is to find out the application of the independent learning curriculum in junior high schools, which explains the implementation of the independent learning curriculum in education units. This research using a qualitative research approach. The location of the research that the researcher will do is at SMP IT Fitrah Insani Garut. The instruments used in this study were interview guides, observation guidelines, and documentation studies. The results of this research reveal that SMP IT Fitrah Insani Garut has implemented independent learning through intra-curricular activities, projects to strengthen the profile of Pancasila students, and extracurriculars. At the planning stage all school stakeholders initiated by the Deputy Head of Curriculum Field compiled the things needed in learning, starting from learning tools, media and teacher readiness in carrying out learning for one academic year which will take place with the concept of the Independent Curriculum, At the implementation stage, implementing the curriculum This independence also has an impact felt by students, educators, and also other education personnel. In conclusion, SMP IT Fitrah Insani has prepared Merdeka Learning well and well planne

    Curriculum Management: Optimizing the Education System for the Future

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    The purpose of writing this article is to comprehensively examine curriculum management using literature study methods, it is hoped that the results of this paper will dig deeply to develop scientific insights in order to achieve educational goals, especially success in the teaching and learning process as planned. The focus on writing this article includes the meaning of curriculum management, the scope of curriculum management, the function of curriculum management and the principles of curriculum management and its development. Curriculum management is the process of planning, organizing, controlling, and evaluating all curriculum components. Curriculum management is a system designed to organize and control all curriculum components, including objectives, content, teaching methods, and assessment. Helping to prepare quality school management, especially with regard to curriculum management that will be implemented at the education unit level in schools, whether it is carried out by teachers, school committees, principals, and parties related to developing curriculum at the education unit level


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    Program Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini merupakan kegiatan melatih masyarakat membuat produk Bandeng Presto “Julok“ yang sehat, higienis serta layak dijual sebagai produk olahan ikan. Kontribusi mendasar yang diperoleh dengan adanya pelatihan ini adalah ikan bandeng akan mempunyai masa simpan yang lebih panjang dalam bentuk bandeng presto, menampung kelebihan produksi ikan dengan mengolahnya menjadi produk yang tahan lama, memberikan nilai tambah pada harga jual ikan, serta menyediakan sumber pendapatan yang berkelanjutan pada masyarakat. Mitra sasaran program adalah ibu-ibu rumah tangga yang tergabung dalam kelompok PKK. Berdasarkan penelusuran awal ibu-ibu tersebut belum mempunyai pengetahuan dan ketrampilan membuat produk olahan bandeng presto. Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan meliputi sosialisasi dan dilanjutkan dengan praktek pembuatan produk bandeng presto. Luaran program PKM ini adalah Publikasi Ilmiah pada Jurnal Pengabdian IPB “Agrokreatif”, Publikasi pada media massa cetak “SERAMBI” dan Produk “Bandeng Presto Julok”

    Implementation of Problem Solving Method To Improve Student's Critical Thinking In Islamic Religious Education Learning

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    In the learning process students often ask about how something works or why certain things happen as they do or even tend to have good problem solving skills. They are people who carefully analyze individual or group problems. Children's ability to solve problems (Problem Solving) can improve cognitive abilities both in thinking and creativity. problem solving to be able to improve students' cognitive abilities or critical thinking skills of students at Surya Kencana Bhakti Middle School. This study uses a type of qualitative research. Qualitative research is a type of research that produces findings that cannot be achieved by using statistical procedures or by other means of quantification. The importance of critical thinking and problem solving in PAI learning is so that students can stimulate, analyze, and synthesize exactly where the problem is, on their own initiative. In PAI students are required to have the ability to see causation or relationships from various information obtained so that they can find the key to solving problems
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