40 research outputs found

    Implementation of Technical-Vocational Education and Training at German-Malaysian Institute, Malaysia

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    Technical Education and Vocational Training (TEVT) system has an important role in providing high skilled labour to fulfil the needs of industry. However, most of the existing graduates of TEVT system have not yet attained the standard of job quality desired by the industry. In fact, the industry is less satisfied with the achievement of TEVT graduates, both in the technical and personal perspectives. Therefore an in-depth research of TEVT system is necessary to identify effective TEVT system that can successfully equip students with the technical skills and able to fulfil the current work demands and professional expectations. The main objective of this research was to study the implementation of TEVT system in the German-Malaysian Institute (GMI) which has been successful in preparing graduates for middle level job tasks. In addition, the study also seeked to analyse the organizational system, teaching and learning strategy employed, the curriculum, industrial involvement, and students’ employability skills of the institute. The study utilized qualitative method to gain information pertaining to the implementation of the TEVT system in the GMI. To obtain a clearer picture of students’ employability skills, quantitative method was employed. Therefore, the researcher used the mixed-method research design in the conduct of the study. The organization of TEVT system of the GMI which is in the form of a company with limited guarantee is a joint venture project between the Governments of Malaysia and Germany. The GMI as a centre for advanced technology, and technical-vocational teacher education, provides consultancy and technical services to local industry. In fact, the GMI is an integrated TEVT system with strength in the technical field, education and training, and industrial relation. The study has found six approaches and strategies of teaching and learning used in the GMI. These were adjustments of dynamic curriculum, broad-based learning, hands-on training approach, student-centred learning, project-based learning, and control in-plant training program. Most of the strategies practiced were inclined towards the inclusion of the Theory of Constructivism. The study also discovered three dominant factors that encouraged students’ enthusiasm and spirits to learn. The factors were availability of learning facilities, instructors’ competence and experiences, and learning management. Students’ employability skills were also measured. It was found that the mean score for overall employability skills was slightly high. Whereas, the mean score for personal quality was the highest among all the aspects of the employability skill’s variable. In conclusion, the organizational system employed, teaching and learning strategies, and the three dominant input factors (availability of learning facilities, instructors’ competence and experiences, and learning management) had important influence in the implementation of an effective TEVT system. The above components also provided valuable contribution in providing technical and employability skills in the preparation of students for working life. The researcher conceptualized the findings of the study into a model of technical education and vocational training system for the German-Malaysian Institute


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    Advances in information technology make information systems / information technology have an important role for the running of an organization today causing changes in the role of the role of efficiency and effectiveness to a strategic role. Information system is an important tool to achieve organizational goals effectively. Each organization must identify information needs systematically and carry out an analysis of the mission and functions performed, who performs them, the data and supporting information needed to perform the various functions and processes needed to structure the information most usefully. With Information Systems Planning and Information Technology (IS/IT) it is hoped that it can be a guide in developing IS/IT in the future to achieve business goal

    Assessing Employability Skills of Technical-Vocational Students in Malaysia

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    Technical-Vocational Education and Training (TVE) system plays important role in providing highly skilled workforce to fulfill the needs of industries. An empirical research of TVE system is necessary to identify effective TVE system to successfully equip students with technical skills that would enable them to fulfill the current work demands and professional expectations. The objective of this paper is to present the findings of TVE system implementation in one of the technical training institution in Malaysia. Research sample has been selected using a simple random method from the third year students. A total of 162 students participated in this research. The result shows that mean score for overall employability skills was quite high. Two aspects of the employability skills, namely, thinking skills and resource management competence and system & technology competence were slightly lower than the mean score. Respondents have slightly higher than the mean scores on basic informational competence interpersonal competence. The mean score of personal quality is the highest among all the aspects of variables of employability skills

    Productive teacher job satisfaction: Disentangling organizational climate, facility management, and organizational citizenship behavior

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    Productive teachers are teachers who teach vocational subjects. A productive teacher has complex characteristics and professional requirements so that job satisfaction must be considered. The research objective was to analyze the direct effect of organizational climate, management of facilities and infrastructure, organizational citizenship behavior on the job satisfaction of productive teachers. The research employed a quantitative approach with a survey method. The research sample was conducted at 46 private vocational high schools with a total of 270 productive teachers in East Jakarta, Indonesia. Data was analyze using path analysis. The results showed that there is no direct influence of organizational climate on job satisfaction of productive teachers; there is no direct effect of facility and infrastructure management on job satisfaction of productive teachers; there is a direct influence of organizational citizenship behavior on job satisfaction of productive teachers

    Analisis Implementasi Kebijakan Pendidikan: Peran Komite Sekolah pada Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis implementasi kebijakan pendidikan dan menelaah peran, fungsi, dan tugas komite sekolah terhadap komponen input, proses, dan output pada SMK di Jakarta. Metode yang digunakan adalah survei dengan populasi SMK di Jakarta dan sampel diambil secara purposive stratified. Pengumpulan data dilakukan lewat studi dokumen dan wawancara. Analisis data dilakukan secara dekriptif dan statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan peran komite sekolah masih cukup tinggi, kecuali peran pengawasan (controlling) dan mediasi antara sekolah dengan dunia kerja dan industri (mediating) yang relatif rendah. Padahal, peran mediating justru sangat dibutuhkan oleh SMK sebagai institusi pendidikan yang memiliki karakteristik khusus, yakni menyiapkan peserta didik terjun ke lapangan kerja.Untuk itu, perlu dilakukan upaya mendorong agar komite sekolah SMK memiliki kapasitas untuk menjadi mediator yang baik antara sekolah dengan dunia kerja dan industri agar SMK dapat menyiapkan lulusan yang berkualitas sesuai dengan tuntutan lapangan kerja yang senantiasa berubah dinamis

    SEforRA: A Bibliometrics-ready Academic Digital Library Search Engine Alternative

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    Naturally, not all researchers can develop their own software to search for academic publications from digital libraries. Nevertheless, at several stages of their research, they will need to search digital libraries for relevant scientific publications and bibliometric information. There are typically two approaches used by researchers to search for scientific publications: (i) using Google Scholar search, or (ii) using publication metadata available from several sources, such as CrossRef and publishers. However, in developing countries like Indonesia, neither option provided users with complete information, since (i) Google Scholar does not provide bibliometric details, and (ii) complete bibliometric information from other sources is often not available due to incomplete data (e.g., CrossRef) or the necessity to pay a subscription fee (e.g., Springer and Elsevier). The development of Search Engine for Research Articles (SEforRA) is a solution to this issue which provides researchers with bibliometricready publication metadata. SEforRA extracts and processes data from CrossRef, publishers, and other sources to provide an integrated platform for researchers to search and retrieve publication metadata, which is ready to use further in their research. Keywords: search engine for research articles, academic search engines, text data mining, bibliometric

    Pengembangan Sistem Informasi BKK Berbasis Web Untuk Lulusan di SMK Perguruan Cikini Jakarta

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    Urgensi pengembangan website BKK yang di uji di SMK  Perguruan Cikini Jakarta ini sangatlah penting. Dalam era digital ini, website yang efektif dan responsif merupakan sarana yang sangat diperlukan untuk menyediakan informasi yang akurat, terkini, dan mudah diakses. Dengan memiliki website yang berkualitas, BKK SMK Perguruan Cikini Jakarta dapat memberikan layanan yang lebih baik kepada alumni dan membantu mereka dalam mempersiapkan diri untuk memasuki dunia kerja. Selain itu, dengan fitur-fitur yang inovatif, website ini dapat menjadi pusat informasi yang berguna bagi alumni dalam mengikuti perkembangan tren dan peluang karir di masa depan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu scrum dengan tahapan product backlog, sprint planning, sprint backlog, daily scrum, increment, sprint review dan sprint retrospective. Hasil yang didapat dari penelitian ini berupa sistem informasi berbasis web untuk BKK SMK Perguruan Cikini dengan fitur login alumni, perusahaan dan dunia industri yang didukung dengan berbagai elemen penunjang kemampuan alumni untuk mempersiapkan diri dalam dunia industri

    Doctoral Dissertation Research Trend: A Comparative Study of Postgraduate Programs in Education Universities

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the research trends in the doctoral dissertation program over the past three years (2016 - 2018). A qualitative approach with content analysis methods was conducted at 4 universities, selected from 12 universities of the Teacher Education and Training Institute, namely Univeristas Pendidikan Indonesia, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Universitas Negeri Surabaya and Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Sample in this study were study program at Educational Management, Language Education, Sports Education, Basic Education, and Education Research and Evaluation. A total of 327 dissertation were analyzed, consisted 36 dissertations from UPI, 32 dissertations from UNY, 35 dissertations from UNESA, and 224 dissertations from UNJ. The parameters used to analyze the study was focus on research issues and themes, theories used, research methods, data collection techniques, sampling techniques and data analysis techniques, novelty, citations and reading sources. The results showed in the last 3 years, UNJ produced higher numbers of dissertation compared to others university. While others, less than 40 dissertations were selected. Education research trends in each study program are very diverse, ranging from issues and research themes, research methods used to data analysis. Majority of the research methods used were descriptive qualitative, quantitative and R&D, data collection using questionnaires, observations, interviews, and documents, while data analysis uses more descriptive analysis. Keywords: Content analysis, Educational research, Dissertation research trend

    Integrasi AI dalam collaborative learning untuk meningkatkan efektivitas pembelajaran

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    Pembelajaran kolaboratif (collaborative learning) sangat dibutuhkan dalam proses pembelajaran untuk memacu motivasi belajar peserta didik. Collaborative learning merupakan model pembelajaran yang mengutamakan kerja sama dan interaksi antarpeserta didik. Selain itu, menumbuhkan keterampilan berpikir kritis saat peserta didik mengeksplorasi pengetahuan dan menemukan solusi suatu masalah dalam kelompok belajar. Pada penerapan collaborative learning sering menemui beberapa kendala yakni kesulitan pengelompokkan peserta didik yang memiliki kebutuhan belajar berbeda-beda. Pendidik masih kesulitan dalam memberikan tugas sesuai kemampuan dengan mempertimbangkan gaya belajar dan minat peserta didik.Kecerdasan buatan (AI) merupakan salah satu alternatif yang memiliki potensi mengatasi kesulitan pendidik untuk mempersonalisasi pembelajaran. Pada penelitian ini akan menemukan paparan pemanfaatan AI bagi pendidik agar lebih mudah membuat program pembelajaran dan peta kompetensi peserta didik. Hal ini akan membantu pendidik menyusun materi pembelajaran yang lebih menarik dan interaktif sesuai kebutuan peserta didik. Pada penelitian literatur review ini akan menunjukkan bahwa Integrasi AI dalam Collaborative learning sangat efektif untuk meningkatkan motivasi peserta didik dalam memahami materi yang dipelajari