145 research outputs found

    Customers’ perception and experience in purchasing local fresh fruits from retail shops in Alor Gajah, Melaka / Syed Muhamad Anasrullah Said Hamzah

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    Limitations in setting up favorable retail market formats in terms of storage, presentation, arrangement of structure and the specified quality of the product is the main concern for retailers today (Tsiros & Heilman, 2005). Objectives of this study are to explore the key determinants of consumers choosing the favorable retail formats and to anticipate the trend of purchasing local fresh fruits. The method used for this study are by using primary data collected from survey using structured questionnaire and observation. Spearman correlation and descriptive statistics which are frequencies and cross tabulation are used for the first objective. Exploratory factor analysis and descriptive statistics which are frequencies and cross tabulation are used for the second objective. The result of factor analysis on factors that affect buyer choices when choosing local fruit sales store suggest that the buyer at this area have higher level of comfort and convenience in influencing the buyer choices when choosing local fruit sales store. Based on cross tabulation for close retail store and frequency visited for pineapple, it can be concluded that most frequent respondents making pineapple purchase at the closest retail store which is fruits stall in once a month. Based on cross tabulation for preferred retail store and gender for pineapple, it can be concluded that the most frequent respondents making pineapple purchase at the most preferred retail store which is fruits stall who are female. This study provides information to wholesaler, retailer and related government agency such as Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority (FAMA) to improve trend of purchasing local fresh fruits in the population of Alor Gajah, Melaka. Furthermore, it is to inform wholesaler, retailer and related government agency to emphasize the most key determinants of consumers choosing the favorable retail formats in Alor Gajah, Melaka

    Hadis Berkaitan Khutbah Jumaat dan Keberkesanannya dalam Metodologi Dakwah [Hadith Related To Friday Sermon And Its Effectiveness In Dakwah Communication]

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    Khutbah Jumaat ialah ucapan berbentuk syarahan yang disampaikan oleh seorang khatib pada hari Jumaat. Khutbah juga merupakan salah satu medium dakwah secara lisan yang menjadi saluran untuk menyampaikan maklumat dan pengetahuan kepada umat Islam. Walau bagaimanapun, mutu khutbah pada masa kini masih dipengaruhi oleh jangka masa dan keadaan semasa yang mana dibimbangi tidak memberi kesan positif kepada pendengar. Sebagai contoh, wujud segelintir ahli jemaah yang tidak mengambil perhatian dan manfaat serta kebaikan daripada pelaksanaan solat Jumaat iaitu mendengar khutbah. Justeru itu, kajian ini dijalankan bagi mencapai dua objektif utama: Untuk menjelaskan keberkesanan khutbah Jumaat sebagai salah satu metodologi dakwah; dan untuk menghuraikan hadis Nabawi yang membincangkan tentang kewajipan mendengar khutbah dan mengerjakan solat Jumaat. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif, kajian ini dapat memberi kesedaran kepada masyarakat Islam tentang kepentingan mendengar khutbah Jumaat serta perkara-perkara yang tidak digalakkan semasa khatib sedang berkhutbah. Hal ini kerana, khutbah mengandungi pelbagai pesanan dan intipati yang bermanfaat bagi pendengar untuk memantapkan akidah di samping untuk terus menguatkan kepercayaan kepada Allah SWT. Ia juga menjadi benteng penguat kepada iman umat Islam dan merupakan salah satu wasilah yang berkesan dalam konteks dakwah. Friday sermon is a speech in the form of a lecture delivered by a preacher on Friday. It is also one of the forms of oral preaching, which is a channel to convey information and knowledge to Muslims. However, the quality of sermons nowadays is still influenced by the timeframe and the current situation, which is feared to have a negative effect on the listeners. For example, there are a few members of the congregation who do not pay attention to the benefits and virtues of performing the Friday prayer, which is listening to the sermon. Therefore, this study was conducted to achieve two main objectives: (1) to explain the effectiveness of the Friday sermon as one of the da'wah methodologies; and (2) to explain the Prophet's hadith, which discusses the obligation to listen to the sermon and perform the Friday prayer. By using a qualitative method, this study can give awareness to the Muslim community about the importance of listening to the Friday sermon as well as things that are not encouraged while the preacher is preaching. This is because the sermon contains various messages and essences that are beneficial for the listeners to strengthen their beliefs, in addition to continuing to strengthen their faith in Allah SWT. It is also a fortress that reinforces the faith of Muslims and is one of the most effective wasilahs in the context of da'wah


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    The purpose of suspension system in automobile is to improve the ride comfort and road handling. In this research the ride and handling performance of a specific automobile with passive suspension system is compared to a proposed optimal control method active suspension system designed for that automobile. The controller will improve the ride quality and handling performance within a given suspension stroke limitation. The problems of passive control are excessive vertical wheel travel, non-optimum altitude of tire relative to road, also the force distribution of the suspension, resulting poor handling, body roll or body pitch when braking or accelerating and ride discomfort. This problem will be overcome by using active control suspension which the method chosen is optimal controller. The performance of this controller is determined by performing computer simulations using the MATLAB and SIMULINK. The results show that the active suspension system has reduced the peak overshoot of sprung mass displacement, sprung mass acceleration, suspension travel and tire deflection compared to passive suspension system

    Metacognitive skills of Malaysian students in non-routine mathematical problem solving

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    Metacognitive skills play an important role in solving mathematical problems.However, there is a lack of empirical studies on the role of metacognitive skills in solving mathematical problems, particularly non-routine ones. Therefore, this study was undertaken to identify students' metacognitive skills and the impact of such skills on non-routine mathematical problem solving. By using a quantitative method, a total of 304 students in Johor Bahru district were involved in the study.A Self-Monitoring Questionnaire (SMQ) and a mathematical test were used in data collection.Data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, the Mann-Whitney U test, and the Kruskal-Wallis H test.Results showed that the level of the students' performance in solving non-routine mathematical problems was very low. There was also a significant difference in the metacognitive skills among students with different performance levels in solving non-routine mathematical problems, and we concluded that these metacognitive skills should be emphasised in this process

    Source of information on sexual and reproductive health among secondary schools’ girls in the Klang Valley.

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    Adolescents are known to obtain information regarding sexual and reproductive health from a variety of sources and not just during formal lessons in schools. This cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out to determine the source of information on sexual and reproductive health among Form four secondary schools girls in the Klang Valley as well as parents’ relationship profile. A total of 520 secondary school girls were recruited for the study. In this study, the source of information on puberty and sexual topics were categorized as follows: first level of importance – mothers, second level of importance – siblings, third level of importance – fathers, fourth level of importance – friends, fifth level of importance – teachers and sixth level of importance – books/internet. A majority of respondents agreed that their mothers were the first level of importance they sought for information on puberty (74.8%) and sexual topics (53.8%). Thirty nine point three percent (39.3%) of respondents reported it was very easy to have a dialogue with their mothers while only 10.0% of the respondents said it was very easy to have a dialogue with their fathers. While this was the case, only 6.3% of the respondents reported discussing sex-related matter with their mothers

    Modus Operandi Extraction in Police Report

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    Background: This paper analyzes the modus operandi extraction in Malay language using information retrieval technique. The similarity of modus operandi will be measured according to the cosine of the angle between query and document vectors. Our research focuses on phrase identification to find out the rules of forming modus operandi from free-text of police reports. Modus operandi is the most important aspect in a police investigation. The valuable data that relevant to the user's information needed in free-text report is a challenge and difficult to be detected or tracked by the police. It would be better if modus operandi from text reports such as location of crime and crime behavior could be identified automatically. This paper also shows that modus operandi extraction can improve the performance of similarity measurement using precision, recall and F-measures. It evaluates the accuracy of modus operandi extraction on each report from ten different police reports. The best F-measure is 0.960 with recall and precision at 1.0 and 0.933 respectively for retrieval performance of modus operandi extraction


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    Tujuan penulisan skripsi ini adalah untuk menganalisis maqasid al-syariah Imam al-Syatibi terhadap Fatwa MUI No 14 Tahun 2020. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penulisan skripsi ini merupakan kaedah kualitatif. Dokumentasi adalah instrumen pengumpulan data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini. Metode kajian pustaka telah digunakan dalam penulisan skripsi ini agar penulis dapat membahas serta menganalisis kajian ini secara detail dan terperinci. Penulis telah meneliti al-Muwafaqat karya Imam al-Syatibi serta berbagai buku, jurnal ilmiah dan referensi lain untuk menganalisis maqasid al-syariah Imam al-Syatibi terhadap Fatwa MUI No 14 Tahun. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dijalankan, peneliti mendapati bahwa konsep maqasid al-syariah yang dibawakan Imam al-Syatibi sangat sesuai dengan Fatwa MUI No 14 Tahun 2020 yaitu maslahah dharuriyyah, maslahah hajiyyah, maslahah tahsiniyyah. Aspek menjaga agama dan jiwa yang merupakan maslahah dharuriyyah seperti yang dirincikan oleh Imam al-Syatibi dapat dilihat pada Fatwa MUI Nomor No 14 Tahun 2020 yaitu memastikan umat Islam di Indonesia menjalankan aktivitas ibadah sesuai dengan protokol kesehatan agar bahaya COVID-19 dapat dijauhkan. Selain itu, fatwa ini juga memenuhi maslahah hajiyyah seperti memastikan masyarakat tetap memiliki akses kepada barang keperluan supaya kesulitan hidup tidak dialami. Di samping itu, maslahah tahsiniyyah juga dapat dilihat pada fatwa ini yaitu anjuran mendekatkan diri pada Allah Subhānahu wa ta`āla sebagai usaha mendapatkan perlindungan Allah Subhānahu wa ta`āla daripada COVID-19

    Distinguish sea turtle and fish using sound technique in designing acoustic deterrent device

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    Acoustic is a common method for underwater object classification and to observe fish schools or other marine animals in their environment, but it was never applied on sea turtle. Knowledge about turtle detection using sound is very limited and there are no target strength (TS) recorded before. In this study, an echo voltage reference methodincorporating standard target was used to measure ex situ target strength of two Green Turtle (Chelonian mydas) and three species of fish (Indian scad, Indian Mackerel and Bigeyescad). The echo signal of animals has been observed from echosounder output and every envelope of the echo was digitized at a sampling rate 1MHz using high speed analog to digital converter (USB 1208HS). The finding shows a significant difference between fish and turtles aged 18 years old. The result also demonstrates that TS increase as age of turtle increase. This result is considered important in designing an acoustic deterrent device. The result reveals that size, surface, and animal body part influence in determining target strength value