27 research outputs found

    Safe limits of selenomethionine and selenite supplementation to plant-based Atlantic salmon feeds

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    The use of plant-based feeds warrants the supplementation with selenium (Se) to cover the requirement for Atlantic salmon. Depending on its chemical form, Se is a trace element with a narrow range between requirement and toxicity for most vertebrates. Information on safe upper limit for Atlantic salmon feed supplementation is lacking. Atlantic salmon (147 g) were fed a low natural background organic Se diet (0.45 mg Se kg−1, wet weight (ww)) fortified with 5 graded levels of inorganic sodium selenite (0.45, 5.4, 11.0, 29.4, or 60.0 mg kg−1 ww) or organic selenomethionine (SeMet) (0.45, 6.2, 16.2, 21, or 39 mg kg−1 ww), in triplicate for 3 months. Excess Se supplementation was assessed by targeted biomarkers of Se toxicity pathways (e.g. markers of oxidative stress and lipid metabolism), as well as general adverse effect parameters (plasma biochemistry, hematology, liver histopathology, and growth). Safe limits were set by model-fitting the effect data in a dose-response (lower bound) bench mark dose (BMDL) evaluation. Fish fed the two highest selenite levels showed mortality while fish fed SeMet had no mortality. Fish fed 5.4–11 mg selenite kg−1 feed showed significantly (ANOVA, Tukey's t-test,

    Oksidativt stress, vårdropp i pigmentering og produksjonslidelser hos laks

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    I lakseoppdrett opplever man noen ganger en reduksjon i pigmentering av fileten i forbindelse med økt vekst i vårsesongen når temperatur og daglengde øker. I EU-prosjektet ARRAINA fant vi økt oksidativ status i fisk samplet i juni, bl.a. med redusert innhold av vitamin C i hel fisk, sammenlignet med fisk i ferskvann. Hypotesen i dette prosjektet er at økt vekst i sjø om våren er forbundet med oksidativt stress og at dette fører til nedbrytning av astaxanthin og gir den såkalte vårdroppen i pigmentering. Dette er vist tidligere med bruk av et fôr som inneholdt mye marine ingredienser, men vi ønsker å bekrefte disse resultatene under fôr- og fôringsbetingelser som er relevante for dagens oppdrett. Hvis fisken har økt oksidativt stress om våren, kan dette også føre til utvikling av katarakt og pigmentflekker i muskel. Disse hypotesene ble delvis bekreftet av resultatene i dette studiet.publishedVersio

    Expression profile of human Fc receptors in mucosal tissue: implications for antibody-dependent cellular effector functions targeting HIV-1 transmission

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    The majority of new Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-1 infections are acquired via sexual transmission at mucosal surfaces. Partial efficacy (31.2%) of the Thai RV144 HIV-1 vaccine trial has been correlated with Antibody-dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity (ADCC) mediated by non-neutralizing antibodies targeting the V1V2 region of the HIV-1 envelope. This has led to speculation that ADCC and other antibody-dependent cellular effector functions might provide an important defense against mucosal acquisition of HIV-1 infection. However, the ability of antibody-dependent cellular effector mechanisms to impact on early mucosal transmission events will depend on a variety of parameters including effector cell type, frequency, the class of Fc-Receptor (FcR) expressed, the number of FcR per cell and the glycoslyation pattern of the induced antibodies. In this study, we characterize and compare the frequency and phenotype of IgG (CD16 [FcγRIII], CD32 [FcγRII] and CD64 [FcγRI]) and IgA (CD89 [FcαR]) receptor expression on effector cells within male and female genital mucosal tissue, colorectal tissue and red blood cell-lysed whole blood. The frequency of FcR expression on CD14+ monocytic cells, myeloid dendritic cells and natural killer cells were similar across the three mucosal tissue compartments, but significantly lower when compared to the FcR expression profile of effector cells isolated from whole blood, with many cells negative for all FcRs. Of the three tissues tested, penile tissue had the highest percentage of FcR positive effector cells. Immunofluorescent staining was used to determine the location of CD14+, CD11c+ and CD56+ cells within the three mucosal tissues. We show that the majority of effector cells across the different mucosal locations reside within the subepithelial lamina propria. The potential implication of the observed FcR expression patterns on the effectiveness of FcR-dependent cellular effector functions to impact on the initial events in mucosal transmission and dissemination warrants further mechanistic studies

    Using the State Plan Index to Evaluate the Quality of State Plans to Prevent Obesity and Other Chronic Diseases

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    Introduction Implicit in public health planning models is the assumption that good public health plans lead to good programs, and good programs lead to desired health outcomes. Despite considerable resources that are devoted to developing plans, public health agencies and organizations have lacked a tool for evaluating the finished product of their planning efforts — the written plan itself — as an important indicator of progress. To address the need for an instrument to assess the quality of state plans designed to prevent and control chronic diseases, we created and tested the State Plan Index and used it to evaluate the quality of nine state plans aimed at preventing and reducing obesity. Methods The State Plan Index was developed under the auspices of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in collaboration with public health experts in federal, state, and academic settings. The State Plan Index included 55 items related to plan quality arranged into nine components. Each item was rated on a Likert scale from 0 to 5, with 5 being the highest rating. Each plan also received a separate overall plan quality score using the same scale. Each state plan was evaluated by four or five raters using the State Plan Index. For each plan, the 55 items were averaged to calculate an item average score, and a subscore was calculated for each State Plan Index component. Finally, five states also self-rated their own plans (self score). Results The mean item average score for all plans was 2.4 out of 5.0. The range of item average scores was 1.0 to 3.0. The component of the State Plan Index with the highest mean component score (3.3) was Presentation of Epidemiologic Data on Disease Burden. The components with the lowest component scores were Resources for Plan Implementation (0.7); Integration of Obesity Efforts with Other Chronic Disease Efforts (1.7); and Program Evaluation (2.0). Plan quality was rated higher when based on the single overall plan quality score assigned by raters. In addition, self scores were consistently and substantially higher than rater-assigned scores. Conclusion Evaluation of plans early in the life of programs can be used to strengthen existing programs and to guide programs newly engaged in chronic disease prevention planning. The CDC has used the State Plan Index evaluation results to guide technical assistance, plan training sessions, and enhance communication with state staff about plan content, quality, and public health approach. Some state program directors self-evaluated their obesity draft plan and used the evaluation results to strengthen their planning process and to guide plan revisions. Other states have adapted the State Plan Index as a framework for new planning efforts to prevent obesity as well as other chronic diseases

    Oksidativt stress, vårdropp i pigmentering og produksjonslidelser hos laks

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    I lakseoppdrett opplever man noen ganger en reduksjon i pigmentering av fileten i forbindelse med økt vekst i vårsesongen når temperatur og daglengde øker. I EU-prosjektet ARRAINA fant vi økt oksidativ status i fisk samplet i juni, bl.a. med redusert innhold av vitamin C i hel fisk, sammenlignet med fisk i ferskvann. Hypotesen i dette prosjektet er at økt vekst i sjø om våren er forbundet med oksidativt stress og at dette fører til nedbrytning av astaxanthin og gir den såkalte vårdroppen i pigmentering. Dette er vist tidligere med bruk av et fôr som inneholdt mye marine ingredienser, men vi ønsker å bekrefte disse resultatene under fôr- og fôringsbetingelser som er relevante for dagens oppdrett. Hvis fisken har økt oksidativt stress om våren, kan dette også føre til utvikling av katarakt og pigmentflekker i muskel. Disse hypotesene ble delvis bekreftet av resultatene i dette studiet

    Cold storage effects on flesh quality of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss

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    The intention of this experiment was to assess the effects of different sources of dietary lipid on the fatty acid composition of the fillet and liver and the flesh quality traits of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) after a 70-day feeding period. Four iso-nitrogenous (approx. 51% crude protein) and iso-lipidic (approx. 14% crude lipid) experimental diets were formulated. The control diet contained only fish oil (FO) as the primary lipid source. In the other three dietary treatments, fish oil was replaced by 100% (LO30/SO35/SFO35) and 70% (FO30/LO35/SO35 or FO30/SO35/SFO35) sesame oil (SO), linseed oil (LO), or sunflower oil (SFO). Triplicate groups of 40 rainbow trout (similar to 46 g) held under similar culture conditions were hand-fed daily to apparent satiation for 70 days. At the end of the feeding trials, no difference in growth performance among experimental groups was noted (P > 0.05). There were some differences in the proximate composition of fish fillets (P < 0.05): the eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) levels were highest in fish fed the control diet (P < 0.05); and EPA and DHA levels in fish fed the FO30/LO35/SO35 diet were closest to the control diet (P < 0.05). In contrast, fish fed the diet containing 100% plant oils (LO30/SO35/SFO35) had the highest level of total n-6 fatty acids in the fillet and liver. In a 12-day refrigerated storage at 1 degrees C the thiobarbituric acid (TBA), trimethylamin nitrogen (TMA-N) and pH values gradually increased in all dietary groups (P < 0.05). The chemical indicators of spoilage, TBA, TMA-N, and pH values were within the limit of acceptability for human consumption