28 research outputs found

    Active learning in engineering education: a (re)introduction

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    The informal network ‘Active Learning in Engineering Education’ (ALE) has been promoting Active Learning since 2001. ALE creates opportunity for practitioners and researchers of engineering education to collaboratively learn how to foster learning of engineering students. The activities in ALE are centred on the vision that learners construct their knowledge based on meaningful activities and knowledge. In 2014, the steering committee of the ALE network reinforced the need to discuss the meaning of Active Learning and that was the base for this proposal for a special issue. More than 40 submissions were reviewed by the European Journal of Engineering Education community and this theme issue ended up with eight contributions, which are different both in their research and Active Learning approaches. These different Active Learning approaches are aligned with the different approaches that can be increasingly found in indexed journals.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Introduction: building the history of language learning and teaching (HoLLT)

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    The papers presented in this issue are the result of a workshop held at the University of Nottingham in December 2012 as part of an Arts and Humanities Research Council research network Towards a History of Modern Foreign Language Teaching and Learning (2012–14) intended to stimulate historical research into language teaching and learning. This, the first workshop in the programme, focused on exchanging information on the history of language learning and teaching (HoLLT) across the different language traditions, for it had become clear to us that scholars working within their own language disciplines were often relatively unaware of work outside these. We hope that this special issue — with overview articles on the history of English, French, German, and Spanish as second/foreign languages — will help overcome that lack of awareness and facilitate further research collaboration. Charting the history of language teaching and learning will, in turn, make us all better informed in facing challenges and changes to policy and practice now and in the future. It is instructive in the current climate, for example, to realize that grave doubts were held about whether second foreign languages could survive alongside French in British schools in the early twentieth century (McLelland, forthcoming), or to look back at earlier attempts to establish foreign languages in primary schools (Bayley, 1989; Burstall et al., 1974; Hoy, 1977). As we write, language learning in England is undergoing yet more radical change. Language teaching for all children from the age of seven is being made compulsory in primary schools from 2014, while at Key Stage 3 (up to age 16), where a foreign language has not been compulsory since 2002, the most recent programme of study for England has virtually abandoned the recent focus on intercultural competence and now requires learners to ‘read great literature in the original language’,1 a radical change in emphasis compared to the previous half-century, which seems to reflect a very different view of what language learning is for. We seem to be little closer in 2014 than we were at the dawn of the twentieth century to answering with any certainty the questions that lie at the very foundations of language teaching: who should learn a foreign language, why learners learn, what they need to learn, and what we want to teach them — answers that we need before we can consider how we want to teach. The research programme begun under our research network is intended to help us to take ‘the long view’ on such questions

    Genome-Wide Association Study and Functional Characterization Identifies Candidate Genes for Insulin-Stimulated Glucose Uptake

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    Distinct tissue-specific mechanisms mediate insulin action in fasting and postprandial states. Previous genetic studies have largely focused on insulin resistance in the fasting state, where hepatic insulin action dominates. Here we studied genetic variants influencing insulin levels measured 2 h after a glucose challenge in \u3e55,000 participants from three ancestry groups. We identified ten new loci (P \u3c 5 × 10-8) not previously associated with postchallenge insulin resistance, eight of which were shown to share their genetic architecture with type 2 diabetes in colocalization analyses. We investigated candidate genes at a subset of associated loci in cultured cells and identified nine candidate genes newly implicated in the expression or trafficking of GLUT4, the key glucose transporter in postprandial glucose uptake in muscle and fat. By focusing on postprandial insulin resistance, we highlighted the mechanisms of action at type 2 diabetes loci that are not adequately captured by studies of fasting glycemic traits

    The Impact of Driving Spectacle Lenses on Visual Acuity and Contrast Sensitivity

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    Maģistra darbs ir uzrakstīts angļu valodā uz 37 lapaspusēm. Tas satur 27 attēlus, 1 tabulaa, 2 pielikumu un 43 atsauces uz literatūras avotiem. Darba mērķis ir izvērtēt autovadītājiem paredzēto lēcu ietekmi uz redzes kvalitāti. Mērījumi tika veikti četros apgaismojuma apstākļos bez lēcas, ar autovadītājiem paredzēto lēcu un lēcu ar pretatspīdumu klājumu. Tika veikta aptauja par žilbšanas biežumu autovadītājiem un viņu informētību par autovadītājiem paredzētajām lēcām. Rezultāti parādīja, ka apgaismojuma apstākļi būtiski ietekmēja kontrastjutību. Lēcu veids neietekmēja redzes asumu un kontrastjutību.This thesis is a 37-page document written in English that includes 27 figures, 1 table, 2 appendixes and 43 references. Its objective was to examine the impact of driver lenses on vision quality. Measurements were conducted in four lighting conditions: with no lens in front of the eye, with driving lenses, and with lenses that had an antireflective layer. A questionnaire was used to analyze the subjective feeling of glare disturbance while driving and the participants knowledge of driver lenses. The study found that the light conditions had a significant impact on the contrast sensitivity, but the lenses did not affect the visual acuity or contrast sensitivity. Additionally, glare was found to be most disturbing at night, and most participants were unfamiliar with driver lenses

    Usage of Remote Visual Acuity Testing

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    Bakalaura darbs ir uzrakstīts angļu valodā uz 25 lapaspusēm. Tas satur 19 attēlus, 1 tabulu un 34 atsauces uz literatūras avotiem. Attālinātās pārbaudes rīkiem šodien nav nekādu vadlīniju vai regulējumu. Tāpēc ir nepieciešams nepārtraukti novērtēt šos rīkus. Šī pētījuma mērķis bija novērtēt redzes asuma skrīninga rīku pielietošanu attālināti. Pētījumā piedalījās 45 dalībnieki (vidējais vecums 31±5,3 gadi). Izmantojot FrACT10, redzes asums tika mērīts un analizēts divos dažādos attālinātās pārbaudes apstākļos: (1) ar optometrista palīdzību, (2) ar instrukcijas palīdzību. Rezultāti parādīja būtisku vidējā redzes asuma atšķirību starp abām grupām (p < 0,05). Tika veikta arī kvalitatīva aptauja, kas parādīja, ka dalībnieki, kuri izmantoja lietošanas instrukciju, neievēroja vadlīnijas un uzskatīja, ka process bija sarežģīts.Bachelor thesis is written in English on 25 pages. It contains 19 figures, 1 table and 34 resources. Remote screening tools today does not have any guidelines or regulations. Therefore, it`s a constant need for evaluation of these tests. The aim in this study was to evaluate the use of remote visual acuity screening tools remotely. The study involved 45 participants (mean age 31±5.3). Using FrACT10 the visual acuity was measured and analyzed under two different remote conditions (1) by the assistance of the optometrist (2) by the assistance of an instruction manual. The results showed a significant difference in mean visual acuity between both groups (p<0.05). A qualitative questioner was furthered studied and showed that participants using the instruction manual did not follow the guidelines and they found the process complicated

    Usage of Remote Visual Acuity Testing

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    Bakalaura darbs ir uzrakstīts angļu valodā uz 25 lapaspusēm. Tas satur 19 attēlus, 1 tabulu un 34 atsauces uz literatūras avotiem. Attālinātās pārbaudes rīkiem šodien nav nekādu vadlīniju vai regulējumu. Tāpēc ir nepieciešams nepārtraukti novērtēt šos rīkus. Šī pētījuma mērķis bija novērtēt redzes asuma skrīninga rīku pielietošanu attālināti. Pētījumā piedalījās 45 dalībnieki (vidējais vecums 31±5,3 gadi). Izmantojot FrACT10, redzes asums tika mērīts un analizēts divos dažādos attālinātās pārbaudes apstākļos: (1) ar optometrista palīdzību, (2) ar instrukcijas palīdzību. Rezultāti parādīja būtisku vidējā redzes asuma atšķirību starp abām grupām (p < 0,05). Tika veikta arī kvalitatīva aptauja, kas parādīja, ka dalībnieki, kuri izmantoja lietošanas instrukciju, neievēroja vadlīnijas un uzskatīja, ka process bija sarežģīts.Bachelor thesis is written in English on 25 pages. It contains 19 figures, 1 table and 34 resources. Remote screening tools today does not have any guidelines or regulations. Therefore, it`s a constant need for evaluation of these tests. The aim in this study was to evaluate the use of remote visual acuity screening tools remotely. The study involved 45 participants (mean age 31±5.3). Using FrACT10 the visual acuity was measured and analyzed under two different remote conditions (1) by the assistance of the optometrist (2) by the assistance of an instruction manual. The results showed a significant difference in mean visual acuity between both groups (p<0.05). A qualitative questioner was furthered studied and showed that participants using the instruction manual did not follow the guidelines and they found the process complicated

    Nurse anesthetist students' experiences of peer learning in clinical education : A qualitative study

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    BackgroundAs part of an interprofessional operating team, nurse anesthetists need to be skilled in collaboration, problem solving, attentiveness, independent decision-making and knowledge of anesthesiology nursing. Factors that are vital for nurse anesthetist students' future profession. The educational model peer learning, characterized by collaboration and learning through social interaction between individuals, may support nurse anesthetist students' development in such skills.AimThe aim of the study was to explore nurse anesthetist students' perceptions of their experiences of peer learning as an educational model during their clinical education in a Swedish context.MethodsThe approach was a qualitative descriptive design. Seven nurse anesthetist students from four different universities were interviewed individually using a semi-structured interview guide. The data were analyzed with content analysis.ResultsThree generic categories revealed a description of the phenomenon: Increased independence, Holistic view and Expansive learning process. A main category brought together the content of the generic categories and shows the overall finding of the study: Peer learning promotes nurse anesthetist students' personal and professional development.ConclusionPeer learning as an educational model during nurse anesthetist students' clinical education might facilitate preparation for their coming profession

    Vasomotor symptoms decrease in women with breast cancer randomized to treatment with applied relaxation or electro-acupuncture: a preliminary study

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    Objective: To evaluate the effect of applied  relaxation and electro-acupuncture on vasomotor symptoms in women treated for breast cancer. Methods: Thirty-eight postmenopausal women with  breast cancer and vasomotor symptoms were randomized to treatment with electro-acupuncture (n = 19) or applied relaxation (n = 19) during 12 weeks. The number of hot flushes was registered daily in a logbook before and during treatment and after 3 and 6 months of follow-up. Results: Thirty-one women completed 12 weeks of treatment and 6  months of follow-up. After 12 weeks of applied relaxation, the number of flushes/24 h had decreased from 9.2 (95% confidence interval (CI) 6.6-11.9) at baseline to 4.5 (95% CI 3.2-5.8) and to 3.9 (95% CI 1.8-6.0) at 6 months follow-up (n = 14). The flushes/24 h were reduced from 8.4 (95% CI 6.6-10.2) to 4.1 (95% CI 3.0-5.2) after 12 weeks of treatment with electro-acupuncture and to 3.5 (95% CI 1.7-5.3) after 6 months follow-up (n = 17). In both groups, the mean Kupperman Index score was significantly reduced after treatment and remained unchanged 6 months after end of treatment. Conclusion: We suggest that applied relaxation and  electro-acupuncture should be further evaluated as possible treatments for vasomotor symptoms in postmenopausal women with breast cancer.Original publication: E. Nedstrand, K. Wijma, Y. Wyon, M. Hammar, Vasomotor symptoms decrease in women with breast cancer randomized to treatment with applied relaxation or electro-acupuncture: a preliminary study, 2005, Climacteric, (8), 3, 243-250. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13697130500118050. Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, an informa busines

    The prevalence of primary ovarian insufficiency in Sweden; a national register study

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    BackgroundThe current estimates of the prevalence of primary ovarian insufficiency (POI) are very variable, but are in most studies believed to be around 1%. It is also very likely tat the prevalence of POI differs between countries and over time. We therefore aimed to assess the prevalence of primary ovarian insufficiency in Sweden.MethodsAll 1,036,918 women born between 1973 and 1993 in Sweden were included. The prevalence of POI was based on data from the Swedish Patient Register through the diagnosis code or through the Prescribed Drug Register. The number of women below 40years of age diagnosed with the ICD-10 diagnoses E28.3 or E89.4, and women who had been dispensed drugs for treatment of climacteric symptoms were included.ResultsOut of the 1,036,918 women, 19,253 (1.9%) had POI. The prevalence of spontaneous POI was 1.7% and the prevalence of iatrogenic POI was 0.2%. Most women (98.8%) with POI were identified from the Prescribed Drug Register; only 4.1% were found in the Patient Register, whereas 2.9% were identified in both registers.ConclusionsThe total prevalence of POI was 1.9%, 95% CI: 1.7-2.1, indicating a higher prevalence than often previously reported.Funding Agencies|Research Council in the southeast of Sweden; FORSS</p