91 research outputs found

    Firm productivity, wages, and agglomeration externalities

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    This paper investigates the existence of local externalities in manufacturing. In contrast to many other studies that focus on aggregate employment growth, we examine the effect of externalities occur through both productivity and wage effects, returns to specialisation are strong and large in magnitude. In accordance with the views of Marshall, Arrow and Romer, the net effect of competition have higher revenues and pay lower wages. Competition tends to lower wages, however, probably because of thick labor market externalities. We also find some limited evidence in favour of the diversity argument put forth by Jacobs.

    Panorama de OGM’S na cadeia de suprimentos de farinhas e preparados a base de trigo

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    Current debates on the inclusion of GMOs in food products, as well as their risks and benefits with regard to food, remain inconclusive. It is noticed that society in general has insufficient information on the subject and the companies that are involved do not realize an efficient exposure to the subject. In Brazil there are few public or private laboratories working in order order to detect and quantify GMO residues in food. It is essential that the information on this type of product, increasingly consumed as food, are clear and well understood by all actors in the chain of supplies related to this agri-food innovation, as their risks and benefits, and the release marketing and labeling. Thus, the study aimed to identify the degree of knowledge and the impact of the inclusion of GMOs innovation in supply chain meal and prepared wheat based. As a tool for data collection was used research method used was survey by direct application of semi-structured questionnaires administered to producers in the region of Campos Gerais, mills and wheat flour industries and consumers. Moreover, it was mapped laboratories and technologies for the diagnosis of GMOs in food. From the day of research, we have as a result, that compared to international studies the level of knowledge regarding the integration of this technology in food products, their risks and benefits and especially their labeling are still low because often the labels of food products generate doubts, disbelief and dissatisfaction with information as well as the dissatisfaction of information on the effects of using this biotechnology for human health and the environment. Brazil has few GMO control laboratories in food, noting the growing use of the PCR technique for the detection and quantification of GMOs. However, the standardization of methods of this analysis is still early. In this regard the inclusion of products obtain GMOs in their composition in the market, requires effort and greater involvement by actors in the supply chain, as the development of this technology imposes standards such as traceability and certification, which directly affect the process production and should be available as clearly and objectively to consumers.CAPESOs debates atuais sobre a inserção dos OGM’s nos produtos alimentícios, bem como seus riscos e benefícios no que diz respeito a alimentos, continuam inconclusos. Percebe-se que a sociedade em geral tem informação insuficiente a respeito do assunto e as empresas que estão envolvidas não realizam uma exposição eficiente a respeito do assunto. No Brasil, existem poucos laboratórios públicos ou privados que trabalham com a finalidade objetivo de detectar e quantificar os resíduos OGM’s em alimentos. Torna-se fundamental que as informações sobre esse tipo de produto, cada vez mais consumido em forma de alimento, estejam claras e bem entendidas por todos os atores da cadeia de suprimentos relacionadas com essa inovação agroalimentar, como seus riscos e benefícios, a liberação e comercialização e rotulagem. Assim, o estudo teve por objetivo identificar o grau de conhecimento e os impactos da inserção da inovação OGM’s na cadeia de suprimentos de farinhas e preparados a base de trigo. Como instrumento para a obtenção dos dados utilizou-se método de pesquisa empregado foi o survey por meio da aplicação direta de questionários semiestruturados, aplicados com produtores da região dos Campos Gerais, moinhos e indústrias de farinhas de trigo e consumidores. Ademais, mapeou-se os laboratórios e tecnologias para o diagnóstico de OGM’s em alimentos. A partir da realização da pesquisa, tem-se como resultado, que comparando com estudos internacionais o grau de conhecimento referente à inserção dessa tecnologia nos produtos alimentícios, seus riscos e benefícios e principalmente sua rotulagem ainda são baixos, pois frequentemente os rótulos dos produtos alimentícios geram dúvidas, descrédito e insatisfação em relação às informações, bem como a insatisfação da informação quanto aos efeitos do uso dessa biotecnologia para a saúde humana e do meio ambiente. O Brasil apresenta poucos laboratórios de controle de OGM’s em alimentos, observando uma crescente utilização da técnica de PCR para a detecção e quantificação de OGM’s. Contudo, a padronização dos métodos dessa análise ainda está no início. Neste sentido a inserção de produtos que obtenham OGM’s em sua composição no mercado, requer esforço e maior envolvimento entre os atores da cadeia de suprimentos, a medida que o desenvolvimento desse tecnologia impõe padrões como rastreabilidade e certificação , que afetam diretamente o processo produção e devem estar disponíveis da forma mais clara e objetiva para os consumidores

    Learning to Export: evidence from Moroccan manufacturing.

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    This paper tests two alternative models of learning to export: productivity learning, whereby firms learn to reduce production costs, and market learning, whereby firms learn to design products that appeal to foreign consumers. Using panel and cross-section data on Moroccan manufacturers, we uncover evidence of market learning but little evidence of productivity learning. These findings are consistent with the concentration of Moroccan manufacturing exports in consumer items, i.e.the garment, textile, and leather sectors. It is the young firms that export. Most do so immediately after creation. We also find that, among exporters, new products are exported very rapidly after production has begun. The share of exported output nevertheless increases for 2-3 years after a new ptroduct is introduced. Old forms are unlikely to switch to exports, even in response to changes in macro incentives. We find a positive relationship between exports and productivity and conclude tha it is the result of self-selection: it is the more productive firms that move into exports. Policy implications are discussed.

    Learning to export: evidence from Moroccan manufacturing.

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    This paper test two alternative models of learning to export; productivity learning, whereby firms learn to reduce production costs, and market learning, whereby firms learn to design products that appeal to foreign consumers. Using panel and cross-section data on Moroccan manufacturers, we uncover evidence of market learning but little evidence of productivity learning. These findings are consistent with the concentration of Moroccan manufacturing exports in consumer items, i.e. the garment, textile, and leather sectors. It is the young firms that export. Most do so immediately after creation. We also find that, among exporters, new products are exported very rapidly after production has begun. The share of exported output nevertheless increases 2-3 years after a new product is introduced. Old firms are unlikely to switch to exports, even in response to changes in macro incentives. We find a positive relationship between exports and productivity and conclude that it is the result of self-selection: it is the more productive firms that move into exports. Policy implications are discussed.

    Learning to Export: Evidence from Moroccan Manufacturing

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    This paper tests two alternative models of learning to export: producitivity learning, whereby firms learn to reduce production costs, and market learning, whereby firms learn to design products that appeal to foreign consumers. Using panel and cross-reaction data on Moroccan manufacturers, we uncover evidence of market learning but little evidence of productivity learning. These findings are consistent with the concentration of Moroccan manufacturing exports in consumer items, i.e. the garment, textile, and leather sectors. It is the young firms that export. Most do so immediately after creation. We also find that, among exporters, new products are exported very rapidly after production has begun. The share of exported output nevertheless increases for 2-3 years after a new product is introduced. Old firms are unlikely to switch to exports, even in response to changes in macro incentives. We find a positive relationship between exports and productivity and conclude that it is the result of self-selection: it is the more productive firms that move into exports. Policy implications are discussed.

    Torsion chronique d’une rate baladeuse chez un adolescent: à propos d’un cas

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    La rate baladeuse ou errante est une anomalie rare, qui est le plus souvent décrite chez l'enfant. Ses complications parmi lesquelles figure la torsion de son pédicule sont fréquentes et peuvent engager le pronostic vital du patient. Nous rapportons un cas de torsion chronique du pédicule d'une rate baladeuse chez un patient de 17 ans, au long passé de douleurs épigastriques. Le tableau clinique était marqué par une masse épigastrique spontanément douloureuse, évoluant depuis 48 heures. L'échographie abdominale objectivait une rate ectopique hétérogène, hypertrophiée, en position épigastrique et un hématome sous capsulaire. Au doppler, on notait une torsion du pédicule splénique à deux tours de spires et un petit flux sur l'artère splénique. La tomodensitométrie abdominale avec injection de produit de contraste montrait un défaut de rehaussement parenchymateux d'une grosse rate ectopique épigastrique et un hématome sous capsulaire. Le diagnostic de torsion chronique du pédicule d'une rate baladeuse, compliquée de nécrose et d'hématome sous capsulaire était retenu. Il a été réalisé une splénectomie. Les suites opératoires étaient simples. Nous discutons l'apport de l'échographie et de la TDM dans le diagnostic de la torsion chronique du pédicule d'une rate baladeuse.Pan African Medical Journal 2016; 24

    Community groups or mobile phone messaging to prevent and control type 2 diabetes and intermediate hyperglycaemia in Bangladesh (DMagic) : a cluster-randomised controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: Strategies are needed to prevent and control type 2 diabetes and intermediate hyperglycaemia, which together affect roughly a third of adults in Bangladesh. We aimed to assess the effects of mHealth and community mobilisation on the prevalence of intermediate hyperglycaemia and diabetes among the general adult population in rural Bangladesh, and to assess the effect of these interventions on the incidence of type 2 diabetes among people with intermediate hyperglycaemia within the study population. METHODS: DMagic was a three-arm, cluster-randomised trial of participatory community mobilisation, mHealth mobile phone messaging, and usual care (control) in 96 villages (population roughly 125 000) in Bangladesh. Community mobilisation involved 18 monthly group meetings, led by lay facilitators, applying a participatory learning and action (PLA) cycle focused on diabetes prevention and control. mHealth involved twice-weekly voice messages over 14 months promoting behaviour change to reduce diabetes risk. The primary outcomes were the combined prevalence of type 2 diabetes and intermediate hyperglycaemia in the overall population at the end of the intervention implementation period, and 2-year cumulative incidence of type 2 diabetes in a cohort with intermediate hyperglycaemia at baseline. Primary outcomes were assessed through fasting blood glucose concentrations and 2-h oral glucose tolerance tests among a cross-section of adults aged 30 years and older and a cohort of individuals identified with intermediate hyperglycaemia. Prevalence findings are based on a cross-sectional survey at the end of the study; incidence findings are based on 2-year follow-up survey of a cohort of individuals identified with intermediate hyperglycaemia through a cross-sectional survey at baseline. We also assessed the cost-effectiveness of the interventions. This trial is registered with the ISRCTN registry, number ISRCTN41083256, and is completed. FINDINGS: The study took place between June 27, 2015, and June 28, 2018, with the PLA intervention running in 32 villages from June, 2016, to December, 2017, and the mHealth intervention running in 32 villages from Oct 21, 2016, to Dec 24, 2017. End-of study prevalence was assessed in 11 454 individuals and incidence in 2100 individuals. There was a large reduction in the combined prevalence of type 2 diabetes and intermediate hyperglycaemia in the PLA group compared with the control group at the end of the study (adjusted [for stratification, clustering, and wealth] odds ratio [aOR] 0·36 [0·27-0·48]), with an absolute reduction of 20·7% (95% CI 14·6-26·7). Among 2470 adults with intermediate hyperglycaemia at baseline, 2100 (85%) were followed-up at 2 years. The 2-year cumulative incidence of diabetes in this cohort was significantly lower in the PLA group compared with control (aOR 0·39, 0·24-0·65), representing an absolute incidence reduction of 8·7% (3·5-14·0). There was no evidence of effect of mHealth on combined prevalence of intermediate hyperglycaemia and diabetes (aOR 0·93, 0·74-1·16) or the incidence of diabetes (1·02, 0·73-1·43). The incremental cost-effectiveness ratios for PLA were INT316percaseofintermediatehyperglycaemiaortype2diabetespreventedand316 per case of intermediate hyperglycaemia or type 2 diabetes prevented and 6518 per case of type 2 diabetes prevented among individuals with intermediate hyperglycaemia. INTERPRETATION: Our data provide strong evidence to support the use of community mobilisation based on PLA to prevent type 2 diabetes in this rural Bangladeshi population. Despite raising knowledge and awareness of diabetes, the mHealth intervention did not change disease outcomes in our population. Replication studies in other populations should be a priority. FUNDING: UK Medical Research Council

    The effect of community groups and mobile phone messages on the prevention and control of diabetes in rural Bangladesh : study protocol for a three-arm cluster randomised controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: Increasing rates of type 2 diabetes mellitus place a substantial burden on health care services, communities, families and individuals living with the disease or at risk of developing it. Estimates of the combined prevalence of intermediate hyperglycaemia and diabetes in Bangladesh vary, and can be as high as 30% of the adult population. Despite such high prevalence, awareness and control of diabetes and its risk factors are limited. Prevention and control of diabetes and its complications demand increased awareness and action of individuals and communities, with positive influences on behaviours and lifestyle choices. In this study, we will test the effect of two different interventions on diabetes occurrence and its risk factors in rural Bangladesh. METHODS/DESIGN: A three-arm cluster randomised controlled trial of mobile health (mHealth) and participatory community group interventions will be conducted in four rural upazillas in Faridpur District, Bangladesh. Ninety-six clusters (villages) will be randomised to receive either the mHealth intervention or the participatory community group intervention, or be assigned to the control arm. In the mHealth arm, enrolled individuals will receive twice-weekly voice messages sent to their mobile phone about prevention and control of diabetes. In the participatory community group arm, facilitators will initiate a series of monthly group meetings for men and women, progressing through a Participatory Learning and Action cycle whereby group members and communities identify, prioritise and tackle problems associated with diabetes and the risk of developing diabetes. Both interventions will run for 18 months. The primary outcomes of the combined prevalence of intermediate hyperglycaemia and diabetes and the cumulative 2-year incidence of diabetes among individuals identified as having intermediate hyperglycaemia at baseline will be evaluated through baseline and endline sample surveys of permanent residents aged 30 years or older in each of the study clusters. Data on blood glucose level, blood pressure, body mass index and hip-to-waist ratio will be gathered through physical measurements by trained fieldworkers. Demographic and socioeconomic data, as well as data on knowledge of diabetes, chronic disease risk factor prevalence and quality of life, will be gathered through interviews with sampled respondents. DISCUSSION: This study will increase our understanding of diabetes and other non-communicable disease burdens and risk factors in rural Bangladesh. By documenting and evaluating the delivery, impact and cost-effectiveness of participatory community groups and mobile phone voice messaging, study findings will provide evidence on how population-level strategies of community mobilisation and mHealth can be implemented to prevent and control noncommunicable diseases and risk factors in this population. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ISRCTN41083256 . Registered on 30 Mar 2016 (Retrospectively Registered). TRIAL ACRONYM: D-Magic: Diabetes Mellitus - Action through Groups or mobile Information for better Control