154 research outputs found

    Socioeconomic Status, Academic Success, and Relationship with Parent/Guardian: Contributions to Marijuana Use in Teens

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    As illicit drug use has steadily increased over the last decade, marijuana use has become much more prevalent among a variety of age groups. According to the 2014 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 8.6 million adolescents and young adults (age 12-25) use marijuana. This is significant as prior studies have found that marijuana use has damaging effects on the brain, especially teens whose brains are still developing. In order to gain a better understanding as to why individuals engage in marijuana use and how it may act as a coping mechanism, this study looks at how sources of strain (socioeconomic status, academic success, and relationship with parent/guardian) affect individuals (age 16-20) chances of using marijuana. This study uses logistic regression as the method for analyzing data from the National Longitudinal Study of Youth-1997 and draws from Robert Agnew’s general strain theory. The study finds that greater academic success predicts a decrease in marijuana use, a better relationship with a parent/guardian predicts a decrease in marijuana use, and males are much more likely (37-59%) to use marijuana than females. Although socioeconomic status was significant in predicting marijuana use, the coefficient is so small in magnitude that it is not clear if SES matters. This study gives us a better understanding of the impact of strain caused by academic success, and how teens use marijuana as a coping mechanism to strain. Future research should be done to further explore the impact that strain has on teen lives and how marijuana acts as a coping mechanism. In addition, research on the impacts of other sources of strain can further our understanding of why teenagers engage in drug use

    Territorial Behavior in Belted Kingfishers, Ceryle alcyon, During Fall Migration

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    The Belted Kingfisher (Ceryle alcyon) exhibits territorial behavior during breeding and on the wintering grounds. However, behavior during migration is poorly documented. Here, I report on kingfishers exhibiting territorial behavior during fall migration along the shoreline of northern Lake Huron, Michigan


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    Salah satu contoh bencana yang sering terjadi di Indonesia khususnya di kota-kota besar di Indonesia adalah kebakaran permukiman padat penduduk. Tidak terkecuali di DKI Jakarta sebagai ibukota negara Indonesia, kota yang tumbuh di pusat pemerintahan ini tiap tahunnya bertambah jumlah penduduk dan pendatangnya secara signifikan. Salah satu langkah awal untuk mengatasi permasalahan kebakaran di permukiman padat dengan menyiapkan kesiapan warga dalam mengantisipasi sebelum terjadinya kebakaran secara mitigasi non struktural sebagai sarana pencegahan dan penanggulangan kebakaran di permukiman padat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui dan menganalisis kesiapan mitigasi non struktural warga terhadap pencegahan dan penanggulangan kebakaran kawasan permukiman padat penduduk di Kelurahan Kayu Putih, Kecamatan Pulogadung, Kotamadya Jakarta Timur. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif pendekatannya kualitatif. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling. Penelitian ini mengambil informan utama sebanyak delapan orang dan informan triangulasi empat orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukan pengetahuan dan sikap warga mengenai pencegahan dan penanggulangan kebakaran dipermukiman padat penduduk semua informan mengetahuinya dengan baik, kondisi lingkungan di RW 16 Kelurahan Kayu Putih termasuk permukiman padat penduduk dan kumuh sehingga tergolong rawan terhadap potensi bahaya kebakaran, Pelaksanaan sosialisasi SKKL baru sebatas himbauan, diklat Balakar sudah pernah ada namun tidak ada pengulangan materi, Anggaran dana untuk pencegahan dan penanggulangan kebakaran di permukiman penduduk sangat diperlukan namun belum dapat dirasakan warga dan saat ini lebih baik dialokasikan untuk pengadaan alat alat pemadam kebakaran, Mengenai peran serta Balakar perannya masih belum terlihat nyata, Semua informan utama pernah mengingatkan untuk tidak melakukan hal-hal yang dapat menyebabkan kebakaran pada keluarganya, dan belum ada bentuk pengawasan secara langsung dari RT/RW/Kelurahan mengenai kebakaran. Faktor – faktor yang mendukung kesiapan mitigasi non struktural warga terhadap pencegahan dan penanggulangan kebakaran kawasan permukiman padat penduduk di Kelurahan Kayu Putih masih perlu di evaluasi agar kejadian kebakaran dipermukiman padat penduduk dapat dihindari. Kata Kunci: bencana, mitigasi non struktural, warga, permukiman padat, kebakara


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    Lampu Light Emitting Diode (LED) sudah banyak diterapkan pada Penerangan Jalan Umum (PJU) di setiap negara, tetapi tidak sedikit ada yang masih menggunakan lampu konvensional seperti High Pressure Sodium (HPS) dan Metal Halide (MH). Paper ini memaparkan hasil evaluasi efisiensi dan kinerja fotometrik dari lampu penerangan jalan. Tingkat iluminasi dan rasio kemerataan akan dihitung untuk membuat perbandingan kuantitatif antara lampu LED dengan lampu lampu konvensional sesuai dengan Standar Nasional Indonesia. Studi dilakukan pada tiga ruas jalan yang berbeda di kota Bandung dengan spesifikasi lampu yang berbedabeda yaitu lampu LED, HPS, dan MH. Kondisi pada lapangan akan disimulasikan menggunakan perangkat lunak DIALux Evo 8.1. Hasil dari paper ini adalah didapatkan bahwa jenis lampu LED adalah lampu yang paling efektif dan efisien dibandingkan dengan lampu konvensional. Penelitian ini akan bermanfaat bagi Dinas Pekerjaan Umum untuk membuat keputusan pemilihan lampu teknologi baru untuk penerangan jalan, pemilihan jenis lampu harus mempertimbangkan aspek kebutuhan dan kualitas cahaya. Light Emitting Diode (LED) lamps have been widely applied to street lighting in every country, but not a few still using conventional lamps like High Pressure Sodium (HPS) and Metal Halide (MH). This research presents the results of evaluating efficiency and photometric performance from street lighting lamps. The level of illumination and uniformity ratio will be calculated to make a quantitative comparison between LED lights and conventional lamps according to Indonesian National Standards. Research carried out on three different Street Lightings in Bandung with three different lights spesification. Conditions in the field will be simulated using DIALux software. the results of this research are obtained that LED lamp is the most effective and efficient type of lamps compared with conventional lamps. This Research will be useful for the Public Works Agency in making decision on the selection of the new lamps technology for street lighting, determining the type of lamp should depends on needs and light quality

    Mini-Review Mengenai Pemanfaatan Material Berbasis Polimer Koordinasi Berpori untuk Penyimpanan Hidrogen

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    This review aims to summarize the various types of Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) and their utilization for hydrogen storage. MOFs have high surface area, flexibility, good stability and tunability, various active sites, and abundant raw materials. These characteristics make MOFs worthy of being considered as a new material in hydrogen storage applications. The potential for using MOFs is very broad because its properties can be determined from the choice of metal and linker. Hydrogen gas storage commonly requires high pressure tanks whereas in liquid form, it requires cryogenic temperatures due to its very low boiling point, the challenge is to synthesize MOF with high hydrogen adsorption capacity under mild conditions. Moreover, it is crucial to learn about the relationship among the pore volume and surface area of MOFs, physisorption of hydrogen, and adsorption condition

    Kebijakan Perencanaan Pembangunan: Sebuah Kajian Pustaka Terstruktur (Systematic Literatur Review)

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    Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk melihat sebuah proses kebijakan dalam perencanaan pembangunan di terapkan. Didasari oleh sebuah kebijakan pemerintah yang memiliki peran penting dalam sebuah pemberian kebijakan dalam rangkaian konsep dan asas yang menjadi pedoman dan dasar rencana dalam pelaksanaan suatu pekerjaan. Kebijakan dipahami sebagai arah atau pola kegiatan dan bukan sekedar suatu keputusan untuk melakukan perencanaan pembangunan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode literatur dengan menggunakan pendekatan studi literatur dengan mengkaji dari beberapa artikel jurnal internasional yang diakses dari Scopus, dengan kata lain penelitian ini menggunakan bahan-bahan pustaka tanpa melakukan riset lapang. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa keberlangsungan dari sebuah pembangunan tentu didasari oleh sebuah kebijakan dan perencanaan. Dimana kedua aspek tersebut harus dirumuskan secara terstruktur dan sesuai dengan tujuan. Kebijakan perencanaan pembangunan tentu memerlukan sebuah proses yang harus didasri dari kebutuhan suatu daerah atau negara. Kebijakan perencanaan tersebut perlu dilakukan dengan melihat beberapa aspek penting seperti penggunaan lahan, urbanisasi, dukungan negara dan masyarakat, zona pembangunan, mitigasi perubahan iklim dan kerjasama. Tentu dalam hal ini kebijakan regulasi perlu dilakukan melalui berbagai pendekatan yang logis. Dalam proses tersebut pemerintah perlu melibatkan stakeholder dan masyarakat dengan mengkaji apa saja hal yang dibutuhkan dalam proses perencanaan pembangunan sehingga melahirkan kebijakan atau regulasi yang baik dan saling menguntungkan. Temuan menunjukkan pentingnya kerjasama dan partisipasi luas dari berbagai pemangku kepentingan, pengelolaan budaya yang baik. Keterbatasan tulisan ini adalah kurangnya data yang dikaji secara nasional dikarenakan tulisan ini dikaji dari artikel yang berbasis internasional, namun disis lain tulisan ini dapat dikatakan sesuai dengan dasar dari kebijakan perencanaan pembangunan. Dengan begitu, karya tulis berikutnya perlu dilakukan dengan membandingkan terhadap penerapan kebijakan perencanaan pembangunan yang lebih terkonsep


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    Desire of Muslims to replace the present standard of time, namely Greenwich Mean Time, to Mecca Mean Time is the manifestation of a new spirit in the Islamic world in particular. Mecca Mean Time makes al-Abraj tower (Mecca Royal Clock) the zero degree point or standard for the commencement of global time. The goal of this study is to find out what are the challenges that occur when Mecca Mean Time is used as a reference for global time. This research is a sort of qualitative research involving library research studies by describing descriptively. After the data is obtained, the author will categorize, analyze and present it in the form of a brief and systematic document. In this study, it was revealed that there was a debate of variations in views amongst different specialists when MMT was utilized as a reference for global time. Bambang Eko Budhiyono is striving very hard to achieve MMT as a world time reference on the basis of interpretation of the Qur'an verse 1 al-Hujurat. Meanwhile, Thomas Djamaluddin has a different perspective since physically and geographically there are no qualities that assist it to make it a time reference or as a main meridian (Prime Meridian) except religious spirit

    Analisis Kesiapan Mitigasi Non Struktural Warga terhadap Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan Kebakaran Kawasan Permukiman Padat Penduduk (Studi Kasus di Rw 16 Kelurahan Kayu Putih, Kecamatan Pulogadung, Kotamadya Jakarta Timur)

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    One of the examples of disasters that frequently occurred in Indonesia, especially in the big cities in Indonesia are fires densely populated settlements. No exception in Jakarta as the capital city of Indonesia, a city growing in the center of this government annually increasing number of residents and the migrant significantly. One of the initial steps to address the fire problem in congested with preparing the readiness of citizens to anticipate before the occurrence of non-structural mitigation of fires as a means of fire prevention and control in congested. The purpose of this study was to know and analyze the non-structural mitigation readiness of citizens to fire prevention and control densely populated residential areas in the village of Kayu Putih, District Pulogadung, East Jakarta. This research uses descriptive qualitative approach. The samples in this study using purposive sampling. This study takes the key informants as many as eight people and informants triangulation four people. The results showed the knowledge and attitudes of citizens regarding fire prevention and suppression densely populated settlements of all informants know it very well, the environmental conditions in RW 16 Kayu Putih Village including densely populated settlements and slums so relatively vulnerable to a potential fire hazard, Dissemination SKKL new limited appeal, training Balakar've never been there but there is no repetition of material, the Budget funds for fire prevention and suppression in the settlements is indispensable but can not be felt by residents and is now better allocated for the procurement of fire extinguishers, Regarding the role of the Balakar his role is still evident , All the key informants had warned not to do things that can cause a fire in the family, and there is no form of direct supervision of RT / RW / village on fire. Factors - factors that support non-structural mitigation readiness of citizens to fire prevention and control densel


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    Desire of Muslims to replace the present standard of time, namely Greenwich Mean Time, to Mecca Mean Time is the manifestation of a new spirit in the Islamic world in particular. Mecca Mean Time makes al-Abraj tower (Mecca Royal Clock) the zero degree point or standard for the commencement of global time. The goal of this study is to find out what are the challenges that occur when Mecca Mean Time is used as a reference for global time. This research is a sort of qualitative research involving library research studies by describing descriptively. After the data is obtained, the author will categorize, analyze and present it in the form of a brief and systematic document. In this study, it was revealed that there was a debate of variations in views amongst different specialists when MMT was utilized as a reference for global time. Bambang Eko Budhiyono is striving very hard to achieve MMT as a world time reference on the basis of interpretation of the Qur'an verse 1 al-Hujurat. Meanwhile, Thomas Djamaluddin has a different perspective since physically and geographically there are no qualities that assist it to make it a time reference or as a main meridian (Prime Meridian) except religious spirit
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