6 research outputs found

    Tratamento cirúrgico funcional da dor

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    Many functional neurocirurgical procedures are useful in patients with muscleskeletal pains. The surgical descompression of roots or nerve trunks are indicated in cases of stenosis of the pathways of these structures due to inflammatory, degenerative or oncologic lesions fractures or bone deformities or oncologic lesions. Sympatectomies are not very effective in cases of tipe II complex regional pain syndromes; facet rhyzotomies are efficient in cases of cervicalgia, dorsalgia and lombalgia due to myofascial pain syndromes, thermal disc nucleolysis are efficient in cases of lombalgia due to discal pains; DREZ is usefful in the treatment of neuropathic pain and spasticity; esencephalotomies, thalamotomies and psychosurgeries are efficient in difficult cases. Endocrinological ablative procedures including hypophisectomies are efficient in cases of bone pains resulting from secondaries of prostate, breast and endometrium. Except for post-laminectomy or neuropatic pain, the stimulation of the central nervous stystem is not appropriate for the treatment of muscleskeletal pain. The infusion of morphine is a very effective method for the treatment of the majority of muscle skeletal conditions.Vários são os procedimentos cirúrgicos funcionais destinados ao tratamento da dor resultante de afecções músculoesqueléticas. A descompressão de estruturas nervosas tronculares ou radiculares angustiadas em decorrência de afecções inflamatórias, degenerativas, oncológicas, deformidades ósseas ou fraturas do aparelho locomotor pode proporcionar alívio de dores neuropáticas. Os procedimentos neurocirúrgicos funcionais ablativos são indicados em casos de dor por nocicepção, cuja indicação é restrita a doentes que apresentem perspectivas de sobrevida prolongada. A simpatectomia é pouco eficaz em casos de síndrome complexa de dor regional do tipo II; as neurotomias dos ramos recorrentes posteriores das raízes espinais são úteis no tratamento da cervicalgia, dorsalgia elombalgia de natureza miofascial; a lesão do trato de Lissauer é indicada em casos de dor neruropática e de espasticidade; a mesencefalotomia, as talamotomias e a psicocirurgia são indicadas em casos rebeldes aos tratamentos convencionais. As cordotomias, as rizotomias e as mielopatias não são indicadas em doentes com dor músculo-esquelética. Os procedimentos endocrinológicos incluindo a hipofisectomia são úteis no tratamento da dor decorrente de metástases ósseas especialmente do carcinoma de mama, próstata ou endométrio. A estimulação elétrica do sistema nervoso central geralmente não proporciona alívio nos doentes que apresentam dormúsculo-esquelética, exceto, em casos de síndrome pós-laminectomia. A infusão de fármacos analgésicos no compartimento espinal ou no compartimento ventricular é eficaz no tratamento da maioria dos casos

    Effects of Hemizygia welwitschii leaf extract fractions on postharvest infestation of maize by Sitophilus zeamais Motsculsky (Coleoptera: Curculionidae): Presentation

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    As part of on-going efforts to use eco-friendly alternatives to chemical pesticides, leaf powder of Hemizygia welwitschii was sequentially extracted in hexane, acetone and methanol. Bioassays were carried out to establish the most active fraction(s) against Sitophilus zeamais in maize. Maize grains (50 g) were treated with concentrations within the range 2, 4, 6, and 10 g/kg of extract and Azadirachta indica seed oil (positive control) in the laboratory. The total number of progeny emerging from grains infested separately with S. zeamais eggs, larvae and pupae were recorded. Adult mortality counts were carried out 1, 3, 7 and 14 d post-exposure. Acetone extract was more toxic to the eggs, larvae and pupae than the other extracts, inhibiting progeny production by 90.90%, 88.10% and 100%, respectively, at the concentration 10 g/kg. For the same concentration, A. indica seed oil reduced progeny production by 100% for eggs, 96.08% for larvae and 70.93% for pupae. Hexane extract was more potent to the adult weevil than the other extracts, recording 100% mortality for the concentration 10 g/kg within 14 d. LC50 values were 0.78 (Hexane), 5.52 (acetone) and 1.69 g/kg (methanol). Extracts of H. welwitschii leaves had sufficient efficacy to be a component of storage pest management package for S. zeamais.As part of on-going efforts to use eco-friendly alternatives to chemical pesticides, leaf powder of Hemizygia welwitschii was sequentially extracted in hexane, acetone and methanol. Bioassays were carried out to establish the most active fraction(s) against Sitophilus zeamais in maize. Maize grains (50 g) were treated with concentrations within the range 2, 4, 6, and 10 g/kg of extract and Azadirachta indica seed oil (positive control) in the laboratory. The total number of progeny emerging from grains infested separately with S. zeamais eggs, larvae and pupae were recorded. Adult mortality counts were carried out 1, 3, 7 and 14 d post-exposure. Acetone extract was more toxic to the eggs, larvae and pupae than the other extracts, inhibiting progeny production by 90.90%, 88.10% and 100%, respectively, at the concentration 10 g/kg. For the same concentration, A. indica seed oil reduced progeny production by 100% for eggs, 96.08% for larvae and 70.93% for pupae. Hexane extract was more potent to the adult weevil than the other extracts, recording 100% mortality for the concentration 10 g/kg within 14 d. LC50 values were 0.78 (Hexane), 5.52 (acetone) and 1.69 g/kg (methanol). Extracts of H. welwitschii leaves had sufficient efficacy to be a component of storage pest management package for S. zeamais

    Dor músculo-esquelética do segmento cefálico

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    Temporomandibular dysfunctions are one of the most commom cause of the craniofacial pains. The complexity of the sensory innervation and the relevace of the mastigatory apparatus in the dayly activities of the human being justify the high frequence of functional and or anatomical abnormalities of the mastigatory apparatus as cause of craniofacial pains. The data collected from history and the clinical examination are more important tham and the complementary exams for the diagnosis. Treatment is based in the elimination of the causal factors and in the prescription analgesic symptomatic agents of physical and psychosocial rehabilitative procedures.As disfunções têmporo-mandibulares, são uma das mais importantes razões músculo-esquelética de dor crânio-facial.Devido à complexidade do aparelho mastigatório, à rica inervação das estruturas que o compõem e à sua marcante participação na vida de relação dos indivíduos, anormalidades funcionais ou estruturais que o acometem podem primária ou secundariamente acarretar dor, freqüentemente, incapacitante. O histórico detalhado, os dados de semiologia clínica são mais importantes que os exames complementares para o diagnóstico. O tratamento das afecções músculo-esqueléticas dolorosas fundamenta-se na remoçãodos fatores causais, no controle sintomático da dor e nos procedimentos de reabilitação física e mental. Quando adequadamente aplicados, tais intervenções resultam em melhora da maioria dos doentes

    Dor torácica

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    Many diseases may cause chest pain including the visceral, muscleskeletal and neuropatic conditions. Visceral diseases are important causes of acute chest pain but neurophatic and muscleskeletal abnormalities are common causes of chronicchest pain. This means that the investigation of chest pain patients should also involve the exam of the neurologic and muscleskeletal systems. The treatment of muscleskeletal pains is based in the prescription analgesic, drugs, physical medicine and psychoterapy. Anaesthetic blocks and neurosurgical interventions seldom are necessary for control of thoracic pains.Várias são as causas de dor torácica. Dentre elas destacam-se as visceropatias, as neuropatias e as músculo-esqueléticas. Apesar de muito freqüentemente visceropatias serem as razões da dor torácica aguda ou aguda intermitente, as afecções músculoesqueléticas e neuropáticas parecem também representar contigente significativo das razões de dor torácica. Portanto, além da investigação destinada à identificação de anormalidades viscerais, a avaliação das condições músculo-esqueléticas e neurológicas é necessária, especialmente em casos de dor torácica crônica. As intervenções terapêuticas destinadas ao tratamento da dor músculoesquelética incluem medicamentos analgésicos e adjuvantes, procedimentos de medicina física e de psicoterapia. Intervenções neuroanestésicas e neurocirúrgicas são raramente necessárias para o controle da dor torácica

    Molecular basis of skeletal muscle plasticity-from gene to form and function

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