163 research outputs found

    Peran Modal Psikologis dan Organizational Virtuousness terhadap Work Engagement Karyawan Generasi Milenial

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    Work engagement is one of job performance predictor, but millennial is known to have lower work engagement than older generation. Psychological capital and organizational virtuousness are some important factor to increase work engagement. The aim of this study was to determine psychological capital and organizational virtuousness as work engagement predictor. This research used quantitative approach. Questionnaires used to collect data about psychological capital, organizational virtuousness, and work engagement. Analyzed by multiple linier regression with 212 millennial worker who born between 1980 until 2000 as participant. The result of hypothesis test showed in the value of F=124,809 (p<0,05), the hypothesis was accepted which explained that psychological capital and organizational virtuousness have a role as predictor of work engagement of millennial generation worker with contribution as much as 54,4%. These result provide support about improvement of work engagement through organizational virtuousness and psychological capital by optimizing leader role to giving coaching to the worker. Keyword: millennial, psychological capital, virtuousness, work engagemen


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    This study examines whether there are differences in the tendency of gadget addiction in terms of gender in elementary school students. The research subjects were 60 elementary school students grade 4,5 and 6 who were selected using purposive sampling. . The data analysis technique used is independent sample t-test. Statistical analysis result with independent samples t-test showed that there was significant difference in the tendency of gadget addiction in terms of the sex of male and female students (t = 3,229, p = 0.002, p <0.05). This shows that the research hypothesis is accepted which means that there are differences in the tendency of gadget addiction in terms of gender. Men have an average tendency of gadget addiction tendencies that is higher at 51.53 compared to female students at 47.62

    Use of autologous adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells for creation of laryngeal cartilage

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    OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ASCs) are an exciting potential cell source for tissue engineering because cells can be derived from the simple excision of autologous fat. This study introduces a novel approach for tissue-engineering cartilage from ASCs and a customized collagen oligomer solution, and demonstrates that the resultant cartilage can be used for laryngeal cartilage reconstruction in an animal model. STUDY DESIGN: Basic science experimental design. METHODS: ASCs were isolated from F344 rats, seeded in a customized collagen matrix, and cultured in chondrogenic differentiation medium for 1, 2, and 4 weeks until demonstrating cartilage-like characteristics in vitro. Large laryngeal cartilage defects were created in the F344 rat model, with the engineered cartilage used to replace the cartilage defects, and the rats followed for 1 to 3 months. Staining examined cellular morphology and cartilage-specific features. RESULTS: In vitro histological staining revealed rounded chondrocyte-appearing cells evenly residing throughout the customized collagen scaffold, with positive staining for cartilage-specific markers. The cartilage was used to successfully repair large cartilaginous defects in the rat model, with excellent functional results. CONCLUSIONS: This study is the first study to demonstrate, in an animal model, that ASCs cultured in a unique form of collagen oligomer can create functional cartilage-like grafts that can be successfully used for partial laryngeal cartilage replacement

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Pengenal Karakter Brille Dengan Metode Local Binary Pattern

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    Braille adalah media yang digunakan tunanetra untuk kebutuhan media baca tulis. Pola karakter untuk merepresentasikan huruf, angka dan tanda baca lainnya dilambangkan dengan pola titik-titik yang tersusun pada 6 titik posisi untuk setiap karakter yang dinamakan karakter braille. Pada tugas akhir ini dirancang sistem yang dapat mengenali dan menerjemahkan susunan karakter braille pada media kertas dengan metode local binary pattern, metode yang digunakan akan diujikan untuk mengetahui seberapa sesuai metode tersebut untuk digunakan pada pengenalan karakter braille. Sistem yang dirancang terdiri dari dua bagian yaitu sistem perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak. Hasil yang didapat melalui metode local binary pattern kemudian akan dibandingkan dengan metode lain (evaluasi piksel terprediksi) untuk membandingkan performa setiap metode. Pada sistem perangkat keras digunakan raspberry pi 3 model B, sedangkan pada sistem perangkat lunak digunakan library opencv yang memiliki fungsi-fungsi pengolahan data citra digital. Hasil dari tugas akhir ini menunjukkan bahwa dengan menggunakan metode LBP untuk mendapatkan hasil yang baik maka dibutuhkan entri data learning yang cukup banyak dan berefek pada tempo kalkulasi yang dibutuhkan menjadi lebih lama, sedangkan hasil dari metode yang tidak menyertakan LBP dan data learning menunjukkan hasil yang lebih baik dan tempo kalkulasi yang lebih cepat. Dengan metode LBP 3 data learning didapatkan persentase pengenalan karakter benar sebesar 79,855 %, dengan metode LBP 6 data learning 82,294 %, sedangkan dengan metode lain sebesar 94,399 %. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa performa metode lain yang digunakan sebagai pembanding relatif lebih baik dibanding metode LBP. ========================================================================================= Braille is media used by the blind in order to read and write. Characters which are used are different to the common media that is used by normal people, the way it represents a character such as letters, numbers and punctuations is through some bulges occupying on six possible positions, it is called braille character. In this final project a system has been designed and built to has ability to recognizes and translates braille character on a paper-printed media into an ASCII code using local binary pattern method, the method will be tested and compared by another mehod (predicted pixel evaluation) to figures out how convenient the method is to recognizes the character. The system includes two part of subsytems, the firts one is hardware system. It is built to captures some images of the paper-printed media and the second one is software system or the codes, it is coded to processes the images datas, recognizes characters in it and translates them into ASCII codes. After the result has been gotten, it will be compared with another method to see both performaces. The hardware system is equipped with mini computer raspberry pi 3 model B, while the software system uses openCV computer vision library which contains many functions that perform digital image data processing. The result of this final project shows that by using LBP method to get good result, it needs a lot of learning data entries and effects to calculation time needed to be longer, whereas the result from the other method shows better result and faster in calculation time. The quantitative result of right recognition obtained from LBP method with 3 datas learning is 79,855 %, LBP with 6 datas learning is 82,294 %, and another method is 94,399 %. This shows that the another method has better performance than LBP itself

    Plano Safra 2021/2022 e seus desafios.

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    O desenvolvimento da agropecuária brasileira é caracterizado por um processo de acentuada transformação e de fortalecimento de seu sistema produtivo, ao amparo da expansão de sua fronteira agrícola e da revolução tecnológica que o País realizou nesse setor. Graças aos avanços em pesquisa, liderados pela Embrapa, o Brasil tornou-se referência em agricultura tropical e, ao amparo do crescimento da produtividade e da competitividade agropecuária, tornou-se, também, potência agrícola mundial, situando-se entre os principais produtores e exportadores agropecuários

    Normal mandibular morphology of inbred mouse strains

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)Even though the molecular events and pathways that underlie craniofacial development and morphogenesis are not fully understood, it is accepted that their orchestration is influenced by the interaction of genetic and environmental factors. Inbred mouse strains represent genetically homogenous groups of individuals. It is established that mice in one strain often differ quite remarkably from mice in other inbred strains. Those phenotypic differences make mice exceptional tools for the dissection of genetic factors that influence normal and abnormal craniofacial morphogenesis. While numerous investigations have focused on abnormal morphogenesis, a comprehensive study of normal craniometric morphology across multiple inbred strains of mice has not been previously performed. The Mouse Phenome Project, an international collaboration of investigators, was formed to systematically phenotype a collection of normal inbred mouse strains. The objectives of our studies were to determine and measure differences in quantitative mandibular traits/variables within and between different inbred mouse strains, and to assess sexual di1norphism through bilateral measuren1ents of the hemimandibles. These studies were a component of the Mouse Phenome Project to collect normal craniometric data from 12 genetically heterogeneous inbred strains utilizing digital images from equal numbers of female and male mice at 7 to 8 weeks of age. Our central hypothesis was that morphometric analysis of mandibular structures from genetically disparate inbred mouse strains would reveal quantifiable differences. The null hypothesis of no difference among the strains for 1nandibular measurements was rejected. Overall, CAST/Ei and MOLF/Ei were consistently small in size measured by body weight with small skeletal structures. There was no strong pattern of body weight and site of skeletal size in the mid and heavy weighted strains. Evidence of sexual dimorphism was supported. Overall, it appears males and females that have the least significance between them are in the DBA/2J strain, followed by A/J. The strain with the most significant difference between males and females is in the C3H/HeJ strain

    AD/HD i et mestringsperspektiv : "hvilke faktorer bidrar til positiv mestring og livsdyktighet for de som får diagnnosen AD/HD"

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    Formålet med denne oppgaven har vært, med grunnlag i teori og empiri, å se på forholdet mellom de belastningene det er å leve med AD/ HD og beskyttelsesfaktorer, altså hva som har ført til mestring for et utvalg personer med diagnosen. Min intensjon har vært at vi, ved å sette fokus på erfaringer fra AD/ HD diagnostiserte som framstår som mestrende, kan lære litt mer om hvilke tiltak som beskytter mot eller modifiserer i forhold til hvilke belastninger. Gjennom økt kunnskap på dette området er håpet at vi kan jobbe forebyggende og støttende framover for barn og unge med diagnosen. Teoretisk bakgrunn og metode: For å kunne gi en tilstrekkelig innføring i AD/HD til denne oppgaven, har jeg valgt å gjøre det i et eget kapittel der jeg benyttet Barkley(1998) som en sentral teoretiker når det gjelder AD/HD spesielt, og Gerber (2001) når det gjelder mestring for voksne. For å få en bredere teoretisk forståelse og innsikt i forskning rundt mestring, har jeg valgt å gjøre dette også i et eget kapittel der jeg har tatt utgangspunkt i Sommerschilds modell om mestringens vilkår (Sommerschild, 2003). Sommerschild er opptatt av konsekvensen av samspill mellom faktorer innenfor tilknytning og kompetanse, og hva som kan føre til mestring i dette samspillet. Her drøftes forskjellige forhold opp mot teoretikere som bla. Fonagy (1994), Harter (1989) og Nygård (1993). Analysedelen av oppgaven er basert på en kvalitativ undersøkelse av seks personer som varierer i alder og kjønn, men med det til felles at de har fått diagnosen AD/ HD. De har fullført/har deler av, eller holder på med høyere utdanning, og/eller de har lykkes og ser ut til å mestre de krav som møter dem i hverdagen. Til innsamling av data valgte jeg å benytte meg av et halvstrukturert livsverden intervju, da jeg mener intervjuet er særlig egnet til å gi informasjon om personers opplevelser, synspunkter og selvforståelse. I metodekapittelet har jeg tatt for meg noen metodiske forhold som jeg mener er relevante iforhold til den undersøkelsen jeg har gjort. Målet har vært å gi forskningsprosessen en teoretisk forankring, men også å innvie leseren i selve forskningsprosessen på en slik måte at undersøkelsens troverdighet, bekreftbarhet og overførbarhet også kan vurderes av leseren selv. Undersøkelsens resultater: De resultatene jeg kom fram til er at informantene som har deltatt i denne undersøkelsen uttykker en tiltro til egne evner. De har vist en innsikt i egen problematikk som har kommet til syne gjennom tilpasning til, og bevisst valg av utdanning og yrke. De har også gjort en målrettet innsats for å nå sine utdannings og yrkesmål. De har funnet fram til strategier som forenkler arbeidshverdagen, og de har hentet seg avlastning og støtte både fra det formelle og uformelle nettverket de omgir seg med. I disse funnene oppfatter jeg det å ha tiltro til egne evner som en nøkkelkomponent i forhold til mestring, ved at det utgjør det jeg oppfatter som noe av drivkraften bak den enkeltesinnsats. Et annet forhold som jeg fant er at flere av informantene har funnet en ressurs i sin egen diagnose. Denne ressursen kobler de opp til den indre driven eller energien som de opplever å ha, og når denne energien har blitt styrt i en retning som har ført til mestring, ser det også ut til at den har virket som en ventil der den enkelte kunne ta ut energi på en positiv måte

    Cartilage Engineering: Optimization of Media for Chondrogenic Differentiation In Vitro

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    Lower back pain from intervertebral disc injury affects around 84% of the population at some point in their life, which at its worst may cause total immobilization. This pain can only be temporarily relieved by spinal fusion or intervertebral disc replacement; however, both of these cause loss of natural motion in patients by removing damaged fibrocartilage discs. While these techniques help mitigate pain briefly, no permanent solution exists currently to both relieve pain and preserve natural motion. My work may be a solution by eventually providing patient-specific implants that resemble native tissue in the regeneration process that could be absorbed and remodeled by the body. The purpose of this study is to use tunable type I oligomeric collagen matrices for culturing of patient-derived stem cells to optimize chondrogenic media. Human adipose stem cells (hASCs) were passaged and used in conjunction with oligomer collagen, which was polymerized as cell/oligomer mixtures and plastically compressed to a density of 24.5mg/mL, with 4.5x105 cells per sample. These cell-matrix constructs were cultured with different media and supplements (namely TGF-β (3) and L-ascorbic-acid-2-phosphate) for 1 week. Safranin-o staining was used to detect sulfated glycosaminoglycans, a direct measure of chondrogenesis. Preliminary results show that supplemented DMEM media has the most chondrogenic potential, but further study is required. These results will be used to further improve the process of chondrogenesis in vitro in order to develop fibrocartilage constructs for use in vivo, eventually allowing for implantable constructs that both preserve natural disc height and relieve pain more permanently

    Stem cell-derived tissue-engineered constructs for hemilaryngeal reconstruction

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    OBJECTIVES: As an initial step toward our goal of developing a completely tissue-engineered larynx, the aim of this study was to describe and compare three strategies of creating tissue-engineered muscle-polymer constructs for hemilaryngeal reconstruction. METHODS: Cartilage-mimicking polymer was developed from electrospun poly(D,L-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone) (PCL). Primary muscle progenitor cell cultures were derived from syngeneic F344 rat skeletal muscle biopsies. Twenty F344 rats underwent resection of the outer hemilaryngeal cartilage with the underlying laryngeal adductor muscle. The defects were repaired with muscle stem cell-derived muscle-PCL constructs (5 animals), myotube-derived muscle-PCL constructs (5 animals), motor end plate-expressing muscle-PCL constructs (5 animals), or PCL alone (controls; 5 animals). The outcome measures at 1 month included animal survival, muscle thickness, and innervation status as determined by electromyography and immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: All of the animals survived the 1-month implant period and had appropriate weight gain. The group that received motor end plate-expressing muscle-PCL constructs demonstrated the greatest muscle thickness and the strongest innervation, according to electromyographic activity and the percentage of motor end plates that had nerve contact. CONCLUSIONS: Although all of the tissue-engineered constructs provided effective reconstruction, those that expressed motor end plates before implantation yielded muscle that was more strongly innervated and viable. This finding suggests that this novel approach may be useful in the development of a tissue-engineered laryngeal replacement

    Airway dimensions and pathologies of trumpet players vs. non-trumpet players.

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    Objective: The objective of this retrospective, 3-dimensional cone beam computed tomography study was to determine if there is a significant difference between the most constricted area of the airway, the prevertebral soft tissue thickness and airway dimensions (length and volume) of the nasal cavity, nasopharynx, oropharynx, and maxillary sinuses of university trumpet players versus non-trumpet playing controls. The second objective was to determine significant differences in the prevalence of airway pathologies between university trumpet players and controls. Method: Following IRB approval and consent and reliability studies, measurements of airway parameters and pathology were compared between 66 Caucasian trumpeters and 22 ethnicmatched controls. An analysis of covariance, with age and sex included as covariates, was used to compare the airway measures. Since there was a significant difference in gender and age, comparisons between groups for the presence of any airway pathologies was made using logistic regression including age and sex as covariates. A 5% significance level was used for all comparisons. Result: The trumpet players had significantly smaller nasal cavity volume (18028 + 595 mm3 vs. 25266 + 1116 mm3; p<0.0001) and significantly greater soft tissue thickness at CV2ia (3.29 + 0.10 mm vs 2.70 + 0.10 mm; p=0.03) and CV3sa (4.55 + 0.13 mm vs 3.74 + 0.14 mm; p=0.005) than the controls. No other airway measure demonstrated a significant difference between the two groups. Trumpeters had significantly (p=0.002) more airway pathology (n=33; 50%) than the controls (n=4; 18%). Antral pseudocysts or polyps composed 52% of trumpeter pathologies as compared with 0% controls. Conclusion: The only significant differences in airway dimensions between trumpet players and controls were decreased nasal cavity volume and some areas of prevertebral soft tissue thickness. Trumpeters were almost three times as likely to exhibit airway pathology when compared with controls. Funding: IUPUI Signature Center Initiative – 3D Imaging of the Craniofacial Complex Center and the Joseph and Aida Jarabak Endowed Professorship