130 research outputs found

    Validation of ACG Case-mix for equitable resource allocation in Swedish primary health care

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Adequate resource allocation is an important factor to ensure equity in health care. Previous reimbursement models have been based on age, gender and socioeconomic factors. An explanatory model based on individual need of primary health care (PHC) has not yet been used in Sweden to allocate resources. The aim of this study was to examine to what extent the ACG case-mix system could explain concurrent costs in Swedish PHC.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Diagnoses were obtained from electronic PHC records of inhabitants in Blekinge County (approx. 150,000) listed with public PHC (approx. 120,000) for three consecutive years, 2004-2006. The inhabitants were then classified into six different resource utilization bands (RUB) using the ACG case-mix system. The mean costs for primary health care were calculated for each RUB and year. Using linear regression models and log-cost as dependent variable the adjusted R<sup>2 </sup>was calculated in the unadjusted model (gender) and in consecutive models where age, listing with specific PHC and RUB were added. In an additional model the ACG groups were added.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Gender, age and listing with specific PHC explained 14.48-14.88% of the variance in individual costs for PHC. By also adding information on level of co-morbidity, as measured by the ACG case-mix system, to specific PHC the adjusted R<sup>2 </sup>increased to 60.89-63.41%.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The ACG case-mix system explains patient costs in primary care to a high degree. Age and gender are important explanatory factors, but most of the variance in concurrent patient costs was explained by the ACG case-mix system.</p

    Chloramphenicol Selection of IS10 Transposition in the cat Promoter Region of Widely Used Cloning Vectors

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    The widely used pSU8 family of cloning vectors is based on a p15A replicon and a chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (cat) gene conferring chloramphenicol resistance. We frequently observed an increase in the size of plasmids derived from these vectors. Analysis of the bigger molecular species shows that they have an IS10 copy inserted at a specific site between the promoter and the cat open reading frame. Promoter activity from both ends of IS10 has been reported, suggesting that the insertion events could lead to higher CAT production. Insertions were observed in certain constructions containing inserts that could lead to plasmid instability. To test the possibility that IS10 insertions were selected as a response to chloramphenicol selection, we have grown these constructs in the presence of different amounts of antibiotic and we observed that insertions arise promptly under higher chloramphenicol selective pressure. IS10 is present in many E. coli laboratory strains, so the possibility of insertion in constructions involving cat-containing vectors should be taken into account. Using lower chloramphenicol concentrations could solve this problem

    Validating the Johns Hopkins ACG Case-Mix System of the elderly in Swedish primary health care

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    BACKGROUND: Individualbased measures for comorbidity are of increasing importance for planning and funding health care services. No measurement for individualbased healthcare costs exist in Sweden. The aim of this study was to validate the Johns Hopkins ACG Case-Mix System's predictive value of polypharmacy (regular use of 4 or more prescription medicines) used as a proxy for health care costs in an elderly population and to study if the prediction could be improved by adding variables from a population based study i.e. level of education, functional status indicators and health perception. METHODS: The Johns Hopkins ACG Case-Mix System was applied to primary health care diagnoses of 1402 participants (60–96 years) in a cross-sectional community based study in Karlskrona, Sweden (the Swedish National study on Ageing and Care) during a period of two years before they took part in the study. The predictive value of the Johns Hopkins ACG Case-Mix System was modeled against the regular use of 4 or more prescription medicines, also using age, sex, level of education, instrumental activity of daily living- and measures of health perception as covariates. RESULTS: In an exploratory biplot analysis the Johns Hopkins ACG Case-Mix System, was shown to explain a large part of the variance for regular use of 4 or more prescription medicines. The sensitivity of the prediction was 31.9%, whereas the specificity was 88.5%, when the Johns Hopkins ACG Case-Mix System was adjusted for age. By adding covariates to the model the sensitivity was increased to 46.3%, with a specificity of 90.1%. This increased the number of correctly classified by 5.6% and the area under the curve by 11.1%. CONCLUSION: The Johns Hopkins ACG Case-Mix System is an important factor in measuring comorbidity, however it does not reflect an individual's capability to function despite a disease burden, which has importance for prediction of comorbidity. In this study we have shown that information on such factors, which can be obtained from short questionnaires increases the probability to correctly predict an individual's use of resources, such as medications

    Risk-based prioritization of pharmaceuticals in the natural environment in Iraq

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    Numerous studies have demonstrated the occurrence of pharmaceuticals in the natural environment, raising concerns about their impact on non-target organisms or human health. One region where little is known about the exposure and effects of pharmaceuticals in the environment is Iraq. Due to the high number of pharmaceuticals used by the public health sector in Iraq (hospitals and care centres) and distributed over the counter, there is a need for a systematic approach for identifying substances that should be monitored in the environment in Iraq and assessed in terms of environmental risk. In this study, a risk-based prioritization approach was applied to 99 of the most dispensed pharmaceuticals in three Iraqi cities, Baghdad, Mosul and Basrah. Initially, information on the amounts of pharmaceuticals used in Iraq was obtained. The top used medicines were found to be paracetamol, amoxicillin and metformin with total annual consumption exceeding 1000 tonnes per year. Predicted environmental concentrations (PECs) and predicted no-effect concentrations (PNECs), derived from ecotoxicological end-points and effects related to the therapeutic mode of action, were then used to rank the pharmaceuticals in terms of risks to different environmental compartments. Active pharmaceutical ingredients used as antibiotics, antidepressants and analgesics were identified as the highest priority in surface water, sediment and the terrestrial environment. Antibiotics were also prioritized according to their susceptibility to kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria or to accelerate the evolution and dissemination of antibiotic-resistant genes in water. Future work will focus on understanding the occurrence, fate and effects of some of highly prioritized substances in the environment

    Intraspecific Variation of the Aquatic Fungus Articulospora tetracladia: An Ubiquitous Perspective

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    The worldwide-distributed aquatic fungus Articulospora tetracladia Ingold is a dominant sporulating species in streams of the Northwest Iberian Peninsula. To elucidate the genetic diversity of A. tetracladia, we analyzed isolates collected from various types of plant litter or foam in streams from North and Central Portugal and North Spain, between 2000 and 2010. Genetic diversity of these fungal populations was assessed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) fingerprints and by using ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 barcodes. Moreover, ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 barcodes of A. tetracladia reported in other parts of the world (Central Europe, United Kingdom, Canada, Japan and Malaysia) were retrieved from the National Center for Biotechnology (NCBI) and the National Institute of Technology and Evaluation Biological Resource Center (NBRC) to probe into genetic diversity of A. tetracladia. PCR-DGGE of ITS2 region of 50 Iberian fungal isolates distinguished eight operational taxonomic units (OTUs), which were similar to those obtained from neighboring trees based on ITS2 gene sequences. On the other hand, ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 barcodes of 68 fungal isolates yielded nine OTUs, but five fungal isolates were not assigned to any of these OTUs. Molecular diversity was highest for OTU-8, which included only European isolates. Two haplotypes were observed within OTU-8 and OTU-9, while only one haplotype was found within each of the remaining OTUs. Malaysia did not share haplotypes with other countries. Overall results indicate that, apart from the Malaysian genotypes, A. tetracladia genotypes were geographically widespread irrespective of sampling time, sites or substrates. Furthermore, PCR-DGGE appeared to be a rapid tool for assessing intraspecific diversity of aquatic hyphomycetes

    The search for the ideal biocatalyst

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    While the use of enzymes as biocatalysts to assist in the industrial manufacture of fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals has enormous potential, application is frequently limited by evolution-led catalyst traits. The advent of designer biocatalysts, produced by informed selection and mutation through recombinant DNA technology, enables production of process-compatible enzymes. However, to fully realize the potential of designer enzymes in industrial applications, it will be necessary to tailor catalyst properties so that they are optimal not only for a given reaction but also in the context of the industrial process in which the enzyme is applied

    Copy number alterations and allelic ratio in relation to recurrence of rectal cancer

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    BACKGROUND: In rectal cancer, total mesorectal excision surgery combined with preoperative (chemo)radiotherapy reduces local recurrence rates but does not improve overall patient survival, a result that may be due to the harmful side effects and/or co-morbidity of preoperative treatment. New biomarkers are needed to facilitate identification of rectal cancer patients at high risk for local recurrent disease. This would allow for preoperative (chemo)radiotherapy to be restricted to high-risk patients, thereby reducing overtreatment and allowing personalized treatment protocols. We analyzed genome-wide DNA copy number (CN) and allelic alterations in 112 tumors from preoperatively untreated rectal cancer patients. Sixty-six patients with local and/or distant recurrent disease were compared to matched controls without recurrence. Results were validated in a second cohort of tumors from 95 matched rectal cancer patients. Additionally, we performed a meta-analysis that included 42 studies reporting on CN alterations in colorectal cancer and compared results to our own data. RESULTS: The genomic profiles in our study were comparable to other rectal cancer studies. Results of the meta-analysis supported the hypothesis that colon cancer and rectal cancer may be distinct disease entities. In our discovery patient study cohort, allelic retention of chromosome 7 was significantly associated with local recurrent disease. Data from the validation cohort were supportive, albeit not statistically significant, of this finding. CONCLUSIONS: We showed that retention of heterozygosity on chromosome 7 may be associated with local recurrence in rectal cancer. Further research is warranted to elucidate the mechanisms and effect of retention of chromosome 7 on the development of local recurrent disease in rectal cancer. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1550-0) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Evolutionary history of Serpulaceae (Basidiomycota): molecular phylogeny, historical biogeography and evidence for a single transition of nutritional mode

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The fungal genus <it>Serpula </it>(Serpulaceae, Boletales) comprises several saprotrophic (brown rot) taxa, including the aggressive house-infecting dry rot fungus <it>Serpula lacrymans</it>. Recent phylogenetic analyses have indicated that the ectomycorrhiza forming genera <it>Austropaxillus </it>and <it>Gymnopaxillus </it>cluster within <it>Serpula</it>. In this study we use DNA sequence data to investigate phylogenetic relationships, historical biogeography of, and nutritional mode transitions in Serpulaceae.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our results corroborate that the two ectomycorrhiza-forming genera, <it>Austropaxillus </it>and <it>Gymnopaxillus</it>, form a monophyletic group nested within the saprotrophic genus <it>Serpula</it>, and that the <it>Serpula </it>species <it>S. lacrymans </it>and <it>S. himantioides </it>constitute the sister group to the <it>Austropaxillus</it>-<it>Gymnopaxillus </it>clade. We found that both vicariance (Beringian) and long distance dispersal events are needed to explain the phylogeny and current distributions of taxa within Serpulaceae. Our results also show that the transition from brown rot to mycorrhiza has happened only once in a monophyletic Serpulaceae, probably between 50 and 22 million years before present.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study supports the growing understanding that the same geographical barriers that limit plant- and animal dispersal also limit the spread of fungi, as a combination of vicariance and long distance dispersal events are needed to explain the present patterns of distribution in Serpulaceae. Our results verify the transition from brown rot to ECM within Serpulaceae between 50 and 22 MyBP.</p